
  • There's a lot to like about this series unfortunately not much has to do with the series itself. It's a very interesting story. It's a crazy story. But this series is just kinda... weird... First Renee Z does a good job capturing her likeness which is pretty shocking but she did. However RZ has a very distinct voice that really doesn't work at all. Pam Hupp sounds like baritone 30 year smoking lady at the DMV. So it does pull you from the moment. She was okish in the role but this is one of those scenarios I can't help but wonder if they casted too high for that role. RZ can't be the best fit. There has to better fits to try to capture an ugly middle aged mean scowled woman than RZ. The strangest thing is without a doubt Keith Morrison though. He narrates the story at unnecessary time which I assume is suppose to be reminiscent of Dateline but instead feels like Christmas movie. It's just bizarre and would work better without this constant fourth wall stuff. A traditional drama I was genuinely looking forward to so this was disappointing. The only other odd thing was that this woman was indisputably evil, so why play it for laughs? She killed 3 people. I mean there's dark humor and then just tasteless humor. These laughs they were going for kinda flopped. The series is really worth watching but the show has some massive weirdness that is pretty distracting.