• I don't remember if I watched this movie when I was young. I probably did as I used to watch every horror movie that was available. Probably thought it was okay at that time, but that was in the seventies when we hadn't that much to choose from, when the special effects looked fake but we were used to it. But I watched it now, in 2022, and to be honest it isn't good. It's more laughable than anything else. The acting looks like acting, which in my opinion is never good, that's the irony of acting. If it looks like acting, if it doesn't feel natural, you're just not that good of an actor. Nobody stood out in this movie, some were okay but nothing incredible. The story could be okay if it was shot now, but it isn't. Maybe I should rate the movie thinking about the seventies but I can't. You have to remain honest, and almost any other horror movie made now, even the mediocre ones, just look better. So yes maybe in 1970 this was success, but we're in 2022 and so it's a failure for now. Still good enough to laugh about it though, and that's exactly what I did during the entire movie.