
  • Unlike Jackson's LOTR, this story is not linear. There promises to be a lot of things going on.

    Realizing that I watched Episode One three times, and yes, I noticed something more each viewing.

    I'm now in the 36th minute of Episode Two, on my first.

    What I'm pointing out, and what I fully expected, is a lot of information, and a lot to absorb.

    I have found a series of essays, on different subjects for the Rings of Power. These gave me much insight of the show.

    For example, just from the First episode I rushed to think the the Stranger in the flame was Gandalf, arriving. Wrong.

    I do believe for those who will dedicate the time (such as those who are willing to watch the Twelve hours of the Trilogy) there will be much reward.

    Though, I'm having a difficult time accepting Elves with short hair.