• Warning: Spoilers
    Jake Atherton (Ryan Kwanten) served in Mosul with Colonel Mason (Dolph Lundgren). After they save each other's life, the film jumps to five years later with Jake working for his Uncle Earl (Mickey Rourke) at a body shop in Riverside, California. A group of gangbangers lead by Robert LaSardo try to shake them down to no avail. Jake's wife and son are killed and Jake goes vigilante "Death Wish" on the gang and goes to prison. While in prison he gets a bag over his head and is recruited by a group of government assassins called Section 8 but without the guys from "Basic." Yes, it would have been better with Samuel L. Jackson. He does a couple of jobs for them but hesitated on his last kill so Section 8 now wans to eliminate him calling in the big guy (Scott Adkins) to do the job.

    The movie goes one way and then another trying to hit every cliche. The acting looked bad because the script was bad.

    Guide: F-word. Brief sex. Uncredited stripper nudity.