• Well, I have to say that I wasn't really harboring much of any expectations to this 2015 movie "The Martial Arts Kid", as I happened to stumble upon it here in 2023. In fact, I had never actually heard about the movie prior to getting the chance to watch it. And with it being a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to watch it.

    I have to be honest that I was figuring "The Martial Arts Kid" to be a knock-off of the 1984 movie "Karate Kid". And it definitely is in the same league as "Karate Kid" no doubt about it, and yeah it is heavily influenced by it, I would say. And there was even a nice nod towards the 'wax on, wax off' sequence in "Karate Kid" as well, which brought me to laughing.

    The storyline in "The Martial Arts Kid", as written by writers Michael Baumgarten and Adam W. Marsh, is pretty straight forward, which makes for an easy viewing experience. This wasn't exactly rocket science, nor was I expecting it to be. The storyline is straight forward, but rather similar to the 1984 movie "Karate Kid".

    The acting performances in the movie were for the majority adequate. There were some rather toe-curling performances throughout the course of the movie. But I will say that most of the cast did perform well enough. The movie has Don Wilson and Cynthia Rothrock on the cast list, so there is something for us that grew up watching martial arts movies in the 1980s and 1990s.

    With "The Martial Arts Kid" being a martial arts movie, of course you will have lots of martial arts fight scenes, duh. And most of these scenes and sequences were actually nicely performed and looked good on the screen. But then there was that cringeworthy fight scene between the two dojos. Ugh, that was just painful to watch.

    All in all, then director Michael Baumgarten delivered a watchable enough movie, though it is lacking in originality. If you enjoy martial arts movies, especially those from the 1980s and 1990s, then give "The Martial Arts Kid" a chance.

    My rating of "The Martial Arts Kid" lands on a five out of ten stars.