• Absolute amazing - I was at church with Leroy Logan yesterday, the person on whom Red, White, and Blue is based. Seeing John Boyega playing this amazing man was incredible, especially when hearing what it was like from a first person perspective. John Boyega portrayed him incredibly, and it was so important to hear how much this role had had an effect on him as a young black British man.

    As someone who is just about gen-Z, I know that I have prejudices toward the police due to their racist history, but to see this man join the police force in an extremely racist time in its history, and seeing what effects he had, especially on the metropolitan police, made me realise that there have always been people fighting from the inside.

    Such an inspiration person, with such a powerful ministry. I'm so glad that I got to watch this acted out.

    It's not without its faults, but I know that Leroy's time in the police service wasn't without its faults. This is such important British history to learn.