• Honestly I really didn't like the first season or two, but hung in there and the show grew on me. Seasons 5 and 6 are much better... and then the downhill rollercoaster ride.

    Season 10, sucks. Season 9 was meh.

    Really, the show should have ended at Adams graduation or, when he created the video to replace the messed up football video. That was a crowning achievement of his schooling; and would have been a good ending.

    At this point, just kill it. It's done. You know it is done when they stopped putting the video clips at the end. This was a clear indication that they ran out of source material and were just making things up; and it is not working. Getting rid of the Dad was stupid (even in reality it seemed that way) and really just plunges the show into obscurity.

    If it had ended earlier; my rating would have been higher, but I have to cover the entire show, not just what I enjoyed.