• It is the fourth episode that has the Doctor probing more about the Yeti and just who might be controlling them.

    The Doctor and Jamie find a Yeti guarding the TARDIS but it looks inactive.

    The Doctor easily takes out its control sphere. Jamie recognised the sphere as the Doctor reckons that the spheres return to their own Yetis.

    Victoria and Thonmi are imprisoned and Victoria tells him about the Doctor. That he can travel in time. Thonmi tells her that Padmasambhava has found a way of transcending from body and time. This might explain how he can communicate with the Great Intelligence.

    Khrisong's loyalty to Padmasambhava is shaky, maybe Khrisong is suspicious about something.

    It does look like a feature with the Troughton stories that it takes a while for them to going. It is only now the Doctor gets to the kernel of the story. This has the animation to enhance it. I do wonder if the lost live action episode would had been as effective.