• This movie met everyone one of my expectations. It was funny but light hearted. Bert is an expert at pulling you in and rooting for an underdog telling a story that connects you to his family while being funny. Bert expands upon his most famous story and it was really fun to be a fly on the wall as he stretched the imagination of an iconic story and added a different perspective and also added a new storyline of him being brought back to Russia. I was entertained the whole time. I laughed the whole time and that is all I wanted. I personally did not think it was cheesy and a ton of it is based off the real story and almost brings it more to life and adds a further dimension of making the story more of a folk tail than it already is. I felt the move was review way to hard by the critics because Bert stays 100 percent true to himself and delivered a Bert classic. Screw the harsh critics this was a heck of a time. Thanks Bert.