• I was excited to see the continued resurgence of Nick Cage on the big screen. But don't be fooled. Everything about The Retirement Plan reeks of streaming movie inferiority. I was barely engaged. I cared little about the story or the characters, even during the climax.

    It feels like they had an idea for a movie and an outline of the story. Then they filled in the rest with the most basic writing imaginable. I'm not sure if the writer's strike affected this movie or if it's just bad writing. But it's like they get the bare minimum from each scene.

    The dialogue is bad. There are multiple times where a character is just describing what happened even though we just saw it happen. The action scenes aren't good enough to add any value to the movie. And they keep introducing major characters more than halfway through the movie.

    Cage is a beast and I hope he gets roles in more actual theatrical movies rather than streaming movies that are pushed into theaters. (1 viewing, opening Friday 9/15/2023)