• I'll See You In My Dreams (1951). : Brief Review -

    I knew a lyricist could write classic songs, but I never knew that his life story could write a classic movie. The legendary Michael Curtiz had such an underrated classic biopic in his glorious filmography, and nobody told me. Why? IMDb users need to grow up, maybe. 6.8/10 with hardly 1.5k votes doesn't do justice to this moving tale of a lyricist. Gus Kahn was maybe an ugly-looking man (as shown in the film), but he wrote the most beautiful love songs in the history of Hollywood and Broadway. And what an inspiring life he lived! The film follows Gus' life story from the moment he meets Grace, his future wife and partner, teacher, and counsellor for a lifetime. What's there that's not in the film? From sweet romance to a good marriage, drama, comedy, music, tragedy, decline, comeback, and words. What words, though! More than anything else, I am gonna remember those dialogues. They had to be good because the film was based on the life of a man who wrote lovely words. "I don't go begging for favours," says Gus in his lowest phase. I don't know how to take it, but that's my definition of a real man. "Is it okay for a girl of my age to cry?" asks Grace when she wants to cry out loud in front of seniors. So many beautiful dialogues, and then that emotional speech at the end. "I wrote thousands of love songs that say I love you. But I never said it to my girl". "A lot of young men today don't know how to say I love you. So you say it for them, in 32 bars". Gosh, I was literally weeping. Gus Kahn, you great, and Grace Kahn, you beauty! Even I wondered how an ugly man and a beautiful woman could love each other so much, and there was my answer in the last scene when Gus says, "But I didn't know how this face could say to that face that he loves you". Danny Thomas is an absolute wonder, and Doris Day has given fan material to all her admirers. The Great Curtiz knocks a classic out of the box again, but sadly, this one's highly underrated.

    RATING - 8/10*

    By - #samthebestest.