• Warning: Spoilers
    Crossing the Line is watchable, but all so bloody stupid.

    Danny defends one of the pub locals, but then knowing it was a setup still takes the money to take a fight. His wife leaves with the kids and immediately hooks up with the old flame, somehow this is okay. Despite his family gone and no reason to do it, he trains and fights the guy to the death. Danny won't finish him, despite the guy coming back at him time and again, a guy that wouldn't hesitate to kill him. After winning the fight and getting paid, he steals all of the gangster's money, but stops to give some of it to the guy he fought, that would've killed him given the chance, who's apparently the brother of the guy he was originally defending in the pub. Danny returns home, after walking to find a cab after being abandoned by Frankie, like they wouldn't already be there waiting for him. His wife's back home, after spending this time with her wealthy parents and ex-flame, not feeling guilty about it and tells him she will not leave her home, the same home she was ready to leave to prevent being in this position in the first place, before anything had happened. Danny gives the money back to the gangster, who will do whatever he wants to him by easily threatening his family or one of the locals again like how it all began, the end. Not to mention, he forgives Frankie who tried to kill his dog and abandoned him... The dog also poorly mistreated by Danny, running non-stop on a lead on hard surface, never able to stop. It's too stupid, with poor dialogue, perks included.