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  • Enzo Barboni (AKA E.B.Clucher) Comedy about the confusion of two gents & the mob. Bud Spencer who usually paires up with Terence Hill in this sort of thing is paired up with Giuliano Gemma, who did a really great job. A fun movie with some really funny parts. If you are a usual Hill/Spencer fan, give this a shot. Giuliano Gemma might suprise you a bit, although I am a huge Terence Hill fan, I thought Gemma did very well. The humor is classic & maybe a bit uneasy (The bomber baby poop scene was a bit much) if you watch it while eating. Some great familiar faces from other Hill/Spencer films are in this. Including the late great Steffen Zacharias, who played Johnathan in They Call Me Trinity, as well as a ton of other roles. Great soundtrack in the tradition of Oliver Onions. If you can find a copy it is worth a watch.
  • Enzo Barboni, who had previously done Lo chiamavano Trinità and...continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill stray's from the Western genre with this film and attempts a Mob-comedy with this film. Now I've only seen the dubbed German version of this film, but I must say it works pretty well. In the beginning I wasn't too sure though, as the beginning was quite stupid (the ninja-stuff). But the film grew better as it went on and once it had gained some momentum, it was able to keep it until the ending, despite the fact that the fighting scenes were not too original and had been already seen in a similar way in films like Più forte, ragazzi! And the Trinity/Bambino films. Having said that, I'd like to conclude with saying that although this film is neither as great as the previosly mentioned Western-comedies with Terence Hill and Bud Spencer nor as good as Più forte, ragazzi! or Lo chiamavano Bulldozer, it still is pretty enjoyable and it sure as hell beats E poi lo chiamarono il magnifico which Barboni made in 1972 with Terence Hill.

    7 out of 10
  • This is essentially a Trinity-style comedy, except that this time Giuliano Gemma is paired with Bud Spencer and the place is the Italian gangland, not the Western. Our heroes are trying to become good gangsters, but they just cannot be as ruthless as the job requires. The move to gangland territory works extremely well, especially as some of the Trinity-style humour appears much more natural here, closer to home, in the setting it originated from. Gemma is also a more than adequate substitute for Terence Hill.

    Don't miss the martial arts sequence!
  • Amusement , fun , and entertainment with two hoodlums , really two nice guys , who help unfortunates and helpless during depression and crack 29s . Entertaining and funny Italian film with the bouncing Spencer or Carlo Perdesoli and Giuliano Gemma as botcher gangsters who this time travel to roaring 20s . A corpulent wrestler named Sonny (Bud Spencer) and a hustler named Charlie (Giuliano Gemma) are mistaken for nasty murderous by an important local gangster (Robert Middleton), whose nickname is "Angelo". With the help of many funny coincidences they play along with Angelo "working" for him, but when they receive the order to recollect taxes of protection for the band at Little Italy in New York City . Meanwhile the duo befriends and helps components of a very indigent family , just to survive. When they are unmasked the problems emerge and the events get worse . Fun comedy set on New York , it's a vehicle for Bud Spencer , Gemma enthusiasts , dealing with mobsters , robbing , reckonings , fight between bands : Angelo versus Colosimo gang , and our starring facing off risks, dangers and several adventures.

    Sympathetic Giuliano Gemma as an ice-cream vendor turned dreamer gangster , he plays like Terence Hill . Gemma in his beginning worked as stunt-man , practiced many sports in his life, boxing, gymnastics, such as is well proved at the movie . Then the director, Duccio Tessari, gave him the first role as protagonist in the film " The Titani" and the first spaghetti western films where he often worked under the name of Montgomery Wood , playing Western as ¨A pistol for Ringo¨, ¨The return of Ringo¨ and others as ¨Adios Gringo¨, ¨Arizona Colt¨, ¨The price of power¨ , ¨Day of anger¨ and later ¨California¨. However, his first big opportunity came with the important Italian director, Luchino Visconti in ¨El Gatopardo¨ this was followed by important roles in "Angelica" , ¨Tenebre¨ , ¨Young Lions¨ and ¨The master touch¨. Then he played his most significant roles in ¨Il Deserto Dei Tartari¨ and ¨Il Prefetto Di Ferro¨ . This is an enjoyable entertaining juvenile for Bud Spencer buffs , as he's delightful . It packs action, fist-play , slapdash, humor with tongue-and-cheek and is quite amusing . This entertaining , engaging movie is crammed of fist-fights, punches , kicks, slapstick , overwhelming stunt-work and lots of humor . Bud Spencer is top-notch as one army man taking on a group of bandits and as always he makes his own stunts with comic touches , as usual . This release has some cool and several hilarious moments , though the Terence Hill-Bud Spencer duo films are much better . The film isn't always good , sometimes is fresh and diverting and on a couple of memorable occasions ,it's frankly delicious. The movie displays innumerable laughters , jokes and slapstick . The picture is well co-starred by Bud Spencer . Bud , the popular Latin movie actor who starred in innumerable spaghetti Westerns and action-packed potboilers during the 1960s and '70s, was born Carlo Pedersoli (1929) in Naples. He was the first Italian to swim the 100 meter freestyle and competed as a swimmer at the Olympic games . He appeared as a member of the Praetorian Guard in his first movie, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's epic "Quo Vadis" in 1951. He changed his screen name to "Bud Spencer" in 1967, as a homage to Spencer Tracy and to the American beer Budweiser. Spencer achieved his greatest hit in spaghetti Westerns lensed for a global audience. Teaming up with fellow Italian Terence Hill, the two made such international successes as I Quattro dell'Ave Maria (1968) and "They Call Me Trinity" , and ¨Trinity is still my name¨ . Their dual outings made both stars famous, particularly in Europe. In all, Spencer made 18 movies with Hill . Later on , he became a jet airplane and helicopter pilot after appearing in ¨Crazy plane¨ (1972) and owned an air transport company, Mistral Air, which he founded in 1984. However, he terminated his business interest in Mistral and entered the children's clothing industry. After 1983, Spencer's movie career slowed down, though he did have a big success in the early 1990s with the TV action-drama "Extralarge". A man of many talents, Bud wrote texts and plots for some of his films . He also has registered several royalties.

    Being a co-production Italian-Spanish appears ordinary support cast seen in several Peplum and Western as Victor Israel ,unforgettable as informer , Jorge Rigaud as senator, Steffen Zacharias , Fortunato Arena ,George Wang and Riccardo Pizzuti . The picture packs commercial musical score by the usuals Guido and Maurizio De Angelis , including catching songs fitting perfectly in the mood of the movie . Passable cinematography by Francisco Marin , though is necessary a perfect remastering , being shot in Balcazar studios , Barcelona , De Paolis Rome and New York . The motion picture is regularly directed by Enzo Barboni or E. B. Clucher. He was a noted cameramen including classic Spaghetti Western(Djiango,Goobye Texas,Hellbenders), but with the hit of ¨Trinity is my name¨ left it and turned to film-making, and directed the following ¨Trinity is still my name¨ and the third outing ¨Trinity and Bambino, the legend lives on¨, plus others Hill and Spencer vehicles. The story is middling written by by Tulio Demichelli and Juan Fortini , following the Hill-Spencer ordinary trademarks , if you love the Spencer's other movies, go for it, and if you've never seen one this is an acceptable start ; but only for Bud fans . This is an average entertaining juvenile that will appeal to Italian comedy buffs .
  • Really funny italian comedy with Spencer-Gemma instead a missing Hill, even so Gemma didn't disappoint as Hill's replacement, these two guy are fabulous as newcomers to Mob in Chicago, they tried to be bad, but somehow they driven by good heart and end up help whose they get the money, in the best scenes where the boss faces the Judiah a sort a informer who asking to receive your 30 dollars not in bill but in coins!!! Amuzing parody, worth every cents spent in this DVD!!


    First watch: 2017 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7
  • I liked the start of the movie but I did find most part of the middle not funny and not really going anywhere. This movie should in my opinion had been an hour shorter or had some better content in the middle.

    All involved did a fine enough job just far too long spent in the middle without being funny or moving the story anywhere. Had it at least been cut to 90 minutes that may also have made the remaining movie better paced. for 3 hours there are far too few fights in this movie.

    So my recommendation is to find another Bud Spencer comedy instead of this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli" or "Auch die Engel essen Bohnen" or "Der Dicke in Amerika" or "Even Angels Eat Beans" is a co-production between Italy, France and Spain from 1973, so this movie is also getting closer to its 50th anniversary now. I listed many titles because they were kinda interesting. This film won Spencer another Golden Screen here in Germany, so no surprise there are several German titles even. One of them is the same like the Italian and English title, but the other focuses on Spencer in particular who is of course the main attraction here. It is one of the man's longer versions as the original film runs for almost two hours and the Blu-ray version even crosses the 120-minute mark. The director is Enzo Barboni, who has worked with Bud Spencer on many occasions as the man in charge behind the camera. Often Terence Hill was also part of these projects, but not this time here. They got somebody else for that part. I will get to him soon. As for Barboni, he was credited as a cinematographer many more times than as a director, but because of Buddy's presence the films he directed will probably be remembered for much longer. I hope so at least. It would be nice if coming generations could also see the fun in these films, so they don't fall into oblivion. This one here is unfortunately not the best example I must say. I struggled with it quite a bit and it may in fact be the weakest from many Spencer films I have seen recently. He is not too blame though. He is alright most of the time. One thing that surprises me a bit here is that this film is set in America, but the USA are not one of the production countries. And I cannot really see any French and Spanish influences here. But I guess it is telling enough and really makes clear that Spencer was a way bigger star in Europe than in America where he was basically unknown. But this is not from his later projects, so maybe the fact that this is set in America shows us that they were still trying to turn him into a star in America as well. the attempt did not turn out successful, but it's alright. Their loss. I will always love Buddy (Pedersoli) and I am grateful for all the films he left us. Means something I am doing a rewview marathon on him right now and I have really seen many of his films during the last weeks and months even. And more will come for the rest of January at least. But back to this one here now: There is even a sequel by the way, which got made one year later, but this one did not feature Spencer. Gemma returned though and the picked another European actor with a similar physical shape like Spencer to play the man's part. Does not really make Gemma more likable for me. If he could be more unlikable even. Not sure. I really found him annoying and he is maybe the biggest reason why I give this film only 2 out of 5. Man I could not stant watching him and the longer the film went, the more he was basically in every single scene next to Spencer. So yeah, I wish this would simply have been with Spencer as the only lead or maybe Hill, but certainly not with Gemma. I know he is pretty famous in Italy, even today, but this does not change a thing for me and from what I have seen here, I have zero interest to see more films with him anytime soon. I cannot say a lot more about the cast honestly, simply because I don't know the actors, even if many of them were pretty prolific. One I definitely want to mention though is Riccardo Pizzuti. He is still alive today and getting closer to 90 and it would be amazing if he ready my words here because I have only praise for him. He is always easy to identify and I am always glad to see him as he has been in many other Spencer movies. Definitely a very welcome addition, also with all the different clothes he wears in these films. Hope he lives for a few more years. Thanks Riccardo. Of course, I thank Spencer too, but with him I do it always and Pizzuti also deserves the mention and I wish he could have played Gemma's character here maybe, although I know he is always one of the bad guys and also always gets beaten up by Buddy.

    Okay, now a few words on the specific story and characters here. First of all, let me say that I found it interesting that Buddy played a wrestler this time, so basically a guy who is a bit of a professional fighter because honestly with all the men he has beaten up in all these movies, this profession is really the perfect fit for his character. However, he quickly ends up in another profession and this is just his background as we find out at the start and also at the end we see how he wants to return to this profession. Makes total sense. The other guy in here is an ice cream vendor, but he is not really interested in returning to that profession. I am of course talking about Gemma's character here. Pretty ridiculous he even got first crediit here on imdb, but then again Hill also always does and this may at least partially explain it. But even better and more humble by Bud if he does not care about being first. Which he totally should be. He should be first I mean, not that he should care. One other fun scene here that comes to my mind is really the one when we see the two protagonists during this concert, mostly because they (almost) end up fighting because Spencer's character is annoyed by the noise, but when Gemma's character kicks him between the legs and Spencer does not react one but, it is pretty funny because also Gemma's character clearly hurt his leg or goot there. Spencer's character is really a man of steel. Forget Superman. Still, it feels a bit weird to see him dressed the way we see him on the film's poster here on imdb. It also does not really feel representative of him in the movie. Keep an eye out. He is a fighter, not a nobleman. But the above is also pretty much the only kinda positive thing (or things) I can say about this film here. I thought that not only Gemma's character was really obnoxious because he did not have 1% of Hill's charm, but also the movie had way too many characters and it just got too much. I mean you don't have to fill two hours by all means. Just keep it 15-20 minutes shorter and turn it into a more essential watch. That would have been my suggestion because the way it turned out became really forgettable at times. And all over the place. Also sometimes iit barely felt like a Spencer film anymore. Just take the big scene for Gemma towards the end when he keeps firing at all these Mafia fellas or whatever they were. Honestly, by the, I had already stopped caring. But this scene was so not Spencer. Kinda fitting that he reacted the way he reacted. It almost felt to me as if he was baffled what scenes like this are doing in one of his films. Did not belong there with all the shooting and it does not really matter if it was real bullets or blanks. As for the story, it also could not win me over. All the Mafia references felt half-baked and the idea of the two working for the bad guys initially before no longer wanting to do evil deeds did not keep me interested. I still was a bit surprised about the derogatory manner in which they are talking to the ones they are supposed to harass. The way they acted there, it did not really feel as if they had doubts about their job. So yeah, I don't think there is really a lot more I have to say about this film. Seeing Spencer with his mask in the ring sure felt unusual. Maybe I am also a bit biased with Gemma because physically he reminded me of two fairly untalented German actors. I hope he is better in other films. That is really it now. One of my least favorite Spencer films, maybe even my number one on the bottom scale, and I have almost no interested to watch this film anytime soon again. Maybe never even. The bank robbery scene, the lineup scene, the casino scene - it all felt so mediocre and uninspired. Pity. Not even Spencer my hero could save this movie. Watch something else instead. Maybe a Scorsese film if you are in the mood for a better Mafia movie about organized crime.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you grew up in Germany during the 70s and 80s, there was no way around Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. Whole scenes were "re-enacted" in the schoolyards (needless to say, often with painful results), most kids knew the one-liners by heart and most people were a bit vary about a Bud Spencer / Terence Hill comedy without Terence Hill. However, director Clucher being a master of his trade – always over the top yet never crossing the line from physical slapstick into cheap gags or infantile grimacing, that ailed many of contemporary Italian comedies – managed win the hearts of his fans over, even though Hill is nowhere in sight.

    Stepping away from the Western setting of former films and transferring the story to an Al Capone-time Chicago, Bud plays an out of his luck wrestler, who gets on the wrong side with the mafia after having refused to have a fight rigged. He teams up with the fast-talking crook with a golden heart Giuliano Gemma. Both being out of work and on an empty stomach, the unlikely duo hires themselves out as muscle for the local Mafiosi, the ever-smiling Don Angelo (legend has it, he was once shot in the knee and wears an perpetual grin ever since). Their job is to shake down the Italian-immigrant tenants on Angelos territory, a place of squalor where most people consider suicide a happy alternative and where the only thing there is to feed the babies are apricot seeds (which can hence be recycled). It goes without saying that, despite trying to act the tough guys, neither Bud nor Giuliano have it in them to rob from those who have nothing and rather opt to deliver food and medicine to the needy. Unwilling to return to their boss empty handed, they decide to rob the rival Mafiosi from across the street, thus unwittingly starting a turf war.

    Like said, there's everything you would expect from a Bud Spencer / Terence Hill comedy (except Hill of course): Fast talking gags and one-liners en masse, fight-scenes that seem to come straight out of a Asterix-comic and of course – at the end of the day – no participants in the movie were hurt or killed during the making. Spencer is his usual Bud-Spencer-persona; rough on the outside, soft like overcooked spaghetti on the inside and Gemma doesn't commit the cardinal sin of trying to imitate Hill (too much). Rather, he relies on his own natural charm, playing a looser that essentially prevails through his charm and big mouth. Almost sad that Spencer and Gemma never again paired up after this movie (and that many of Spencers future sidekicks would be nothing short of obnoxious).

    Sad also that Spencers career, like Hills, would a few years ahead take a rather steep decline downhill, but this kind of comedy was rather repetitive and did come with an expiration-date (something Spencer didn't seem to have understood). It's probably a case of nostalgia, mixed with a hint of "you had to have been there to understand", but "Even Angels Eat Beans" remains one of the best Spencer-solo-effort, deserving within this range a 8/10.