User Reviews (164)

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  • One of the coolest and most intense sci-fi movies I've ever seen. True, the body count is high, but it's kind of tongue-in-cheek if you actually pay attention to the movie. After watching it a number of times, I discovered that there appears to be a visual body count tally included on the screen. Five kills in the first killing scene - camera shows it took place on fifth street. There's an elevator scene in which the floor selected indicates the latest current count. Some are pretty subtle, you have to notice the time on the clock or maybe a hospital room number or something like that, but look for a number to appear after each killing or series of killings, and you'll find it. There are quite a few correlating numbers that are just too obvious and too frequent to be coincidental. Check it out.
  • This movie is extremely well-made for what it is. Fascinating, thought-provoking, it surprised the Hell out of me when I first saw it. This could have been a "gimmick" sci-fi movie, but it's handled deftly by the director, who I had never heard of, and by MacLachlan, who gives a terrific, sensitive, multi-layered performance.

    For that matter, most of characters have real dimension to them. This movie transcends a rather bland, run-of-the-mill science fiction story with the chemistry between its characters and the snappy pacing. I like the way the themes of identity and compassion are actually explored instead of just exploited.
  • What is "the Hidden"? Exactly what the name implies. It's like searching for a diamond in a pile of coal. There are a lot of stupid, inane sci-fi action pics out there with some boring spin on the alien possession story, but this movie has something that those lack. Compelling characters. What, you say? A character study in sci-fi? Well, yes and no. It is as far away from a after-school TV drama, but the characters do have depth and they aren't cookie board cut-outs. Kyle MacLachlan, before his dark days of "showgirls", and Michael Nouri(Flashdance) star in this buddy-cop film, on the track of a killing-spree that seems to change with different humans. This film is a taught, well acted story. Sometimes creepy, sometimes genuinely funny. The score, although definitively 80s, complements the film with subtle overtones that enhance the viewing experience. A very good film that has a fair amount of blood and gore, but does not revolve around those genre staples. Overall, it's a safe bet for a good time. Watch it with someone you love.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    'The Hidden' is one of those movies you might easily pass by on first glance, assuming it's just your standard 1980s b-grade trash. The thing is it's FANTASTIC 1980s b-grade trash! This is one of the most entertaining sci fi thrillers you'll ever see, and lovers of cinematic violence will be thrilled by its body count, which is one of the highest you'll see outside a Hong Kong action movie. Michael Nouri ('Flashdance'... yeah, I know) is a cop tailing an average guy who has seemingly snapped and turned into a homicidal maniac. He is teamed with a kooky FBI agent ('Blue Velvet's Kyle MacLachlan) who knows a lot more than he lets on. Very quickly Kyle goes all 'Starman' on us, and Nouri soon realizes that he's actually on the trail of an extraterrestrial psycho who is taking over people's bodies so he can go on a rampage of murder, car theft, fatty foods and heavy metal music! So okay, this isn't the most cerebral movie in the world but I defy anybody not to have a ball watching it! The supporting cast includes Claudia Christian ('Babylon 5') as a foxy looking stripper, Clu Gulager ('The Killers') as Nouri's superior, and even a blink and you'll miss it cameo from future tough guy legend Danny Trejo ('From Dusk Til Dawn',etc.) as a convict. 'The Hidden' is a non-stop action ride, and the cheesiest 1980s fun this side of 'Maniac Cop'. Highly recommended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Hidden is a movie that should embarrass a lot of people. Everyone who's ever made some stupid, crappy, sci-fi action flick filled with lame characters, lifeless dialog and a plot that would insult the intelligence of a labradoodle should watch this film and be ashamed.

    Tom Beck (Michael Nouri) is a Los Angeles detective confronted with an unusual crime spree. A seemingly law abiding citizen has committed a rash of robberies and murders. After one final bank robbery and a high speed chase, Beck and the other cops blast the suspect with shotguns and blow up his car. But as he lies dying in the hospital, the suspect just sits up as though nothing is wrong. He goes over to the man in the next bed, props open his mouth, and a disgusting black creature crawls out of the suspect and into the other man. The suspect collapses dead and the other man sits up and despite serious illness, walks out of the hospital and starts his own crime spree. Beck teams up with an oddly serene FBI agent named Lloyd Gallagher (Kyle MacLachlan) and discovers that the murdering criminal he's chasing is an alien that possesses other creatures to take whatever he wants and kill anyone who gets in his way.

    This is a very good piece of entertainment. Most of the 1980s power rock music in it hasn't aged well but other than that, there's very little wrong and a lot right with it.

    To begin with, it's a genuinely clever idea. "Alien who comes to Earth to make trouble" is an old standby, but explaining why he's here and what he does by casting him as a simple criminal motivated by base desires is really clever. It grounds the sci-fi aspects of the story in something real and also elevates the "cop vs. crook" action story elements and takes them in a new direction.

    The writing lives up to the potential of that concept. It creates a lean, fast moving story and logically moves from point to point with an absolute minimum of exposition. Too many movies are filled with characters telling you what's going on in the story. Like all really good films, The Hidden shows you what's going on. You can see what the characters are like by how the behave, not what they say. And it doesn't explicitly explain everything that happens in the story. It gives you just enough information and allows the audience to figure stuff out for themselves. The writing also gives the characters enough to do besides serving the plot to flesh them out as real people, without being obvious about it.

    The acting in The Hidden is also quite noteworthy. Michael Nouri plays the heroic cop to a tee without lapsing into self-aware parody or trying to make the guy smarter or tougher than a real cop would be. The audience also knows a lot more about what's going on than Tom Beck does and Nouri handles that challenge perfectly. It's awful easy for a character to come off as stupid when the story allows the audience to be a step or two ahead of him, but Nouri keeps you engaged with Beck and concerned about him even though you know things he hasn't figured out. The Hidden also features one of the great performances of Kyle MacLachlan's career. I'm not sure anyone's ever played alien impersonating a human quite this well, behaving just differently enough to be noticeable but still letting relatable and understandable emotions come through. William Boyett also deserves praise as he spends the most time on screen portraying the evil alien in a human body. Again, he manages to be just enough off from a normal person to be noticeable without being over the top. He's also charged with telling us things about the alien through his actions instead of words and he pulls it off.

    Another noteworthy part of The Hidden is its level of restraint. Yes, there are bloody shootings, explosions, strippers with shotguns, hideously burned corpses and disgusting alien slugs but this isn't a movie that's trying to shock you. It's not about going over the top or assaulting you with craziness and disturbing imagery. It has a certain subtlety to it, which is not something you often find in sci-fi action flicks. Though, the fact it's probably the only R rated movie in history to have a scene in a strip club where the stripper never takes off her shirt is taking that whole subtlety thing too far.

    The Hidden proves that a film about an alien slug who loves fast cars, loud music and goes on a killing spree in Los Angeles can be just as smart and as good as any other movie. It doesn't use the fact that it's science-fiction as an excuse to suck.
  • utgard141 December 2014
    Sci-fi buddy cop film about a parasitic alien that hops from one body to another while on a deadly crime spree through Los Angeles. Tough detective Michael Nouri teams up with mysterious FBI agent Kyle MacLachlan to track it down. Buddy cop movies were all the rage in the '80s and we still get them today, recycling one tired cliché after another. This is one of the better movies of this type due to its sci-fi twist and the good performances of Nouri & MacLachlan, who work well together. Also appreciated is sexy Claudia Christian as a stripper. Some very cool effects for the alien. It's a good piece of entertainment with a little bit of depth. Quite an interesting ending, too. Worst part? The soundtrack is made up of crappy generic metal music.
  • This is a sci-fi flick that borrows its thesis from Hal Clement's NEEDLE; an alien criminal is running around the Earth, symbiotically living in humans, and it is up to an alien cop, played by Kyle McLaughlin to stop him, with the aid of a human detective. Lots of good camerawork, a decent script and performances add up to a good movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wrote the following three paragraphs and then scanned some of the reviews....only to find everyone else saying pretty much the same thing as I had written, namely that this movie is a hidden gem and enormously entertaining. Well, add my name to the list of admirers.

    Here's a low-grade sci-fi/crime story that is amazingly entertaining. It's a fast- paced account of normal people taking turns being inhabited by an alien being and suddenly turning into out-of-control killing machines. It guess it kind of sounds dumb, but seeing it is better than describing it. The characters in here are wild.

    Kyle MacLachlan plays his normal mid-80s strange character, a la Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, etc. Here, he is the FBI agent....or is he?

    On the first viewing I found Michael Nouri's role as too abrasive, taking away from some of the fun of viewing this, but, in future viewings he was more tolerable. What also helps this film is a little bit of humor thrown in here and there. It will probably wind up as a cult classic.
  • Reasonable idea a la Terminator/ The Body Snatchers. Spoiled by it being squarely aimed at 80's American teenagers who have a penchant for pop Rock. Fast cars, girls in short skirts, guns, guns, lots of guns and massive snare heavy Rock tracks. Whoever created the sets obviously liked the colour Green.. Almost every interior in this film is green. There was so much green that it made me wonder if they intended to change the backgrounds at a later date and ran out of budget. Acting is pretty good considering the script is not good. Car chases are the best bits, I suppose not bad really so I give it 6/10 as a way to pass some time and relive my days of head banging with a mullet hairdo and tight jeans.
  • This movie is best seen without knowing much about the plot. It starts off as standard action movie where you follow a policeman who is investigating some strange event of a seemingly normal person kind of going crazy and suddenly committing thefts, violence, escaping the police. As the story develops, the story turns in unexpected but very fascinating directions.

    The pace is kept high, never does ones attention wander. The acting is good and the story comes over as very real. I won't reveal too much here of what happens later as there are many elements of surprise which adds to the whole experience.

    This is one of the movies that I have enjoyed watching several times. My vote is a 9.
  • Not sure this is really a horror flick, more a "tweener". But in essence the basic plot is slightly skewed toward horror rather than sci-fi.

    Speaking of plot, the opening scene is a violent bank robbery, followed by a high speed car chase that even includes the "car running through the pane of glass held by two guys", and a shootout which ends with the action movie staple, the car that explodes when shot (even though the cops were seemingly aiming at the perp). Despite the cliché it actually isn't a bad scene.

    We are then introduced to the lawman Tom Beck who says that the bad guy went on a two week crime spree and is apparently about to die from the wounds from both gunshots and the explosion. He is then introduced to Lloyd Gallagher, an FBI man played by Kyle McLachlan who nonetheless "needs" to meet the criminal straight away.

    As you probably haven't heard about the film I'll try to minimise the description, but it is obvious early on that the criminal is being "hosted" by an alien being, who is able to transfer from one human to the next, as long as the new body is basically dead (not a positive sign if his host body is desperate to move!) Actually the coolest part of the film is the transfer process, though it is not pretty.

    The host seems to be the ultimate consumer, while he is in possession of the body he lives by the mantra "drive it like you stole it", he eats what he wants, steals what he needs and for most of the flick conveniently carries his own dodgy 80′s soundtrack with him, the only recognisable song being from Aussie outfit Hunters and Collectors.

    Even though after about 30 minutes you have a fair handle on how this will end this Alien/Terminator rip-off adds enough to entertain, with a fair bit of action peppered with a little sci-fi and a teaspoon of horror.

    Equally entertaining is the "pick that 80′s bit part guy", I saw actors from King Pin, Red Heat and The Last Boy Scout and I'm sure there are many others.

    Final Rating – 7 / 10. Not a bad 80′s B movie. You could do worse.

    If you liked this (or even if you didn't) try
  • The Hidden is an unknown gem of a movie. That it's sci-fi probably kept its popularity down, but it's one of the best sci-fi films ever.

    Michael Nouri proves once again that he deserves every leading man role he gets, and the ever quirky Kyle MacLachlan is at the top of his weird form.

    Highly recommended for an evening of unexpected fun.
  • Yes, it is. This may be called a B-movie (which it may be, but only because of quite cheap effects), but it surely is better than some first grade movies. What you get with this movie is a solid sci-fi/mystery/suspense/action movie with enough "body count" for those who care about it. What you also get is solid acting, a cop buddy story which is not too much stereotypically, a "strange" but likable MacLachlan character and for those who grow up in the 80ties, a déjà vu not only with MacLachlan, but also with Nouri and Claudia Christian, which most will best know from B5.

    The best thing about this movie in my view is the fact, that the real story, the reason for the chase and especially the true face of MacLachlan's character are revealed very subtle, just so much that you notice that there could be something weird but not so much that it becomes too obvious. It's not a blatant uncovering of the real, underlying motives, which gives a touch of mystery in all the action, too.

    So, "The Hidden" gets seven out of ten from me; this makes it clearly above average in a ten star rating where you have to give one star so that 5 and 6 are the average (little below/little above). I would give eight stars if the ending (the kill of the bas add) wouldn't be a little weak and the effects would be better. But seven is okay and everybody with an inclination for such type of movies can easily watch this movie, he/she won't regret it.
  • * and 1/2 stars out of ****

    The Hidden is many things, but it can never be mistaken for a good film. For a thriller, there's not much in the tension factor, almost no suspense, and you have to wait for an hour to get a decent shootout. This is the sort of low-budget sci-fi disaster that makes you wonder how this was even released in theaters in the first place. The Hidden reeks of straight-to-video quality, and it's not even trashy enough to be entertaining on an it's-so-bad-it's-good level.

    Crimes begin to occur all around the city of Los Angeles. Well-respected citizens are robbing banks, stealing ferraris, and killing innocent civilians mercilessly. After the death of one such man after a foiled robbery, Detective Tom Beck (Michael Nouri) believes they have their killer. But FBI agent Lloyd Gallagher (Kyle Machlachlan) knows better. These citizens aren't really killers. It's caused by an intergalactic space slug that likes heavy metal music and cars (no kidding). The ensuing showdown is rather slimy.

    For the first hour, there's very little to penetrate through the dull pace. The murder investigations are simply routine, and a lot of the dialogue is excruciatingly lame. For this first hour, the only action scene is a car chase in the beginning, which is probably the best thing the film has to offer.

    The second half is more riveting, but it's surprising to see how many bad choices director Jack Sholder makes. First, by making Gallagher an alien, it disappoints because it would have been interesting if the FBI did know of the existence of extraterrestrials. Another mistake is simply not explaining anything. There's no discussion on what the alien is made of, or how old it is, or how it got to Earth. Anybody looking for intelligent material should skip this and just watch another episode of The X-Files.

    Granted, this isn't meant to be thought-provoking cinema but it could have been far better. There are three shootouts in the film, but each is just too short to be satisfying and there's not enough excitement to fill in for the sluggish scenes.

    The acting isn't much better than anything else. Credit, however, should go to Kyle Machlachlan for trying hard, and he does come off better than everybody else. Michael Nouri is boring as the standard issue cop. My goodness, this must be one of the least interesting cops I've ever seen portrayed on film.

    Though acting and a lot of little elements (including a terrible musical score) are substantial flaws, most of the fault should lie squarely on the shoulders of, well, Jack Sholder and writer Jim Kouf. Sholder's direction is uninspired and routine, and Kouf's script cares more for incoherence than anything else. This is a partnership that is best forgotten.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sholder's allegorical B-movie offers unblinking aliens, loud rock music, car chases, and the presence of Kyle MacLachlan together with a quiet, emotional core. It's the sort of film that gives low budget science fiction a good name, one that effortlessly combines a sharp view of society together with the brisk pace of 'The Terminator' (1984)

    At one level, 'The Hidden' is a film about acquisition, by implication digging at the American Dream. The aliens acquire human bodies, much as humans might go shopping, casually discarding one form for another when it is worn out or no longer wanted. The possessed Jonathan P. Miller sees a ghetto blaster on display, takes it after clubbing the salesman to death. A little later on, after viewing the Ferrari just sold to a arms and antique dealer, he states glibly 'I want that car'. Its new owner has just mused 'Do I trade in my Mercedes or just hang on to it?' (his white suit ironically anticipating imminent mortality.) Later, in his final incarnation as Senator Holt,like a child who has made its mind up, the alien can announce just as decidedly and without any sense of irony 'I want to be President'. Power in American politics can be 'bought' just as easily as a cassette player, its accession just an impulsive decision by the strong. Apart from the scheming necessary to exchange bodies, what is most disturbing about this invasion is its relative guilelessness, how the alien 'Sees something. He takes it.' Other SF films might offer up a plan to be defeated; 'The Hidden' replaces galactic conquest with ghastly cupidity.

    Kyle MacLachlan makes an excellent Lloyd Gallagher, a weird 'FBI' presence instantly suggesting that of Agent Dale Cooper, whom he was to play 3 years later. MacLachlan had previously only appeared in two other Lynch productions : 'Dune' (1984) and, more notably, 'Blue Velvet' (1986). Sholder was quick to take advantage of MacLachlan's quirkiness and androgynous appearance, ideal for a part in which ambivalence and social disorientation are essential. There's a faint echo too of 'The Man Who Fell to Earth' (1976) in this character separated from his loved ones, a lonely survivor on Earth.

    The title of 'The Hidden' refers most obviously to the invader lurking within humans, only emerging to swop bodies. But there's something else, equally hard to see, and only gradually expressed: the emotional link which binds kind and kin. The recognition of these ties is one of the film's most rewarding aspects. Beck's home and family life are both a new, and a familiar, experience to Gallagher. His question 'Your little girl. She is very special to you?' is both naïve and affirmative, a means to assign the value of such relationships in a way initially quite lost on Beck. 'Gallagher's melancholia predominates during his visit to the Detective's home (despite the humorous nature of his indigestion). His sense of loss, which overshadows so much of his mood is only finally resolved in the last scene, as 'Beck' is welcomed back to life by his daughter.

    Men, a woman, even a dog, are all possessed by the alien before it ends up as the Senator. Both the bespectacled de Vries ('that Jack - kinda quiet. What'd he do? Rob a bank?') and the sedentary Miller are ostensible squares, mild-mannered citizens whose ensuing transgressions are completely out of character. Even the police Lieutenant, one of the alien's last victims, apparently lives alone with his dog. Their violent actions are faintly ludicrous, even to the point of raising nervous laughter. When Miller smashes the radio playing 'I believe in sunshine', after glaring at it with alien incredulity for a long moments, it invariably raises a chuckle in the audience, as does his belching in the diner. Far more of a frisson is created by the take-over of the stripper. Her already aggressive on-stage sexuality, and existing control over the patrons has been supplemented by something far more dangerous. To a (largely male?) audience, this is female empowerment brought home with a vengeance, her cool return of the gaze unnerving.

    Sholder's uneven career contains at least one other good film. 12:01 (1993) is an effective and amusing variation on the 'Groundhog Day' theme co-starring Martin Landau. Others are best passed over in silence. It may well be that and 'The Hidden' will remain his best work, as they still play well and remains fresh on repeated viewings. A sequel to the present film followed, by a different director, but it was not in the same league.
  • A cheesy science fiction/horror movie that has it all! Lots of kills, hot women, and a rather good body stealing plot which is a rarity for me to like as I usually do not care for the body invasion type movies. This one though does everything right considering it must have had a rather low budget and what not. A cop and an agent with a mystery team up to track down a killer alien that loves to swap out bodies and take new ones for a spin by killing and breaking the law. This alien brings the pain and after being shot repeatedly or when the body it is currently using gets to damaged it simply switches out to another host so it can continue the mayhem. The cops try to track it down, but it always finds a way out of trouble. The movie runs at a good pace and is rather exciting to watch, the budget shows at times as this film looks like it was made by one of those movie companies that does not exist anymore, still it has way more than enough to keep one entertained. You will recognize a couple of the stars as the lead guy was in a few movies in his day, the other movie role I know him from is "Dune". With this movie though you will get your share of shooting and stuff and it is well worth a look see, unlike the sequel which in fact should remain hidden for no one to chance upon again.
  • Once again, a movie that's best seen knowing nothing about it - it can fool you and bring in the unexpected. However, I'll talk about the unexpected, so stop soon if interested. If you're looking for a very potent, action-full 80's blockbuster with a healthy pacing and decent amount of humor, this one should contend for the chance.

    "The Hidden" is the best fusion of an action horror movie with a buddy cop movie I've ever seen. Containing awesome, cgi-less and great stunt work full action set pieces frequently, plus a top-tier all-out-80's cast, "The Hidden" brings a lot of fun in its highly reasonable runtime of 97 minutes. The twist is, the evil force at hand is a slimy, disgusting alien possessing humans and doing whatever it wants. And this side of the story gels with the much lighter, hearty notes of a buddy cop flick formula, very well. One shooutout after another brings on a rather conventional sci-fi ending, but nonetheless, this is a very fun piece for genre fans, and not only horror - the lovers of "Terminator" and such might get a nice kick out of this, too. "The Hidden" is rather predictable for the most time, but it still surprises with its spirit, and the pile of various elements used, there's action, plenty of science fiction, gore, laughs, quirks, elaborate car chases, and loud bullet ballets. Quite the practical movie.

    The seemingly equally inspired and uninspired "The Hidden" is truly an amusing concoction of genres, and holds high entertainment value even 34 years later. Have to remind myself to see more of Kyle MacLachlan too. 7/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This starts out with a bang, literally, and doesn't let up for the entire film. The picture zips along, whether with speedy car chases or interesting suspense, keeping the audience on their toes. We can credit director Sholder for keeping things exciting but I also suspect this was one those scripts that wasn't tampered with much (which is as it should be for most scripts, but isn't in Hollywood). For sheer level of entertainment as a sci-fi thriller, this approaches Terminator (84) - the one to beat. Some of the premise is similar, featuring an unstoppable menace. You're always guaranteed an adrenaline rush with scenes of cops firing their weapons repeatedly at someone who just won't fall down; they may slow him or it down, perhaps stagger it, but in the end they need something more than just bullets.

    This pic represents a fortunate confluence of personnel and events. The two lead actors, MacLachlin & Nouri, had just reached their respective peaks in their careers and both were at the top of their game (both careers went into downswing afterward but it can't be blamed on this film). In fact, I'd venture that this film contains both their best roles. Nouri is the strong-willed earth-man cop and MacLachlan takes full advantage of his unusual persona to play an alien visitor (sort of like Jeff Bridges in "Starman"/1984, but Bridges had to try harder). The supporting cast are all great too, with many having to play two versions of themselves. Who can forget Christian as an exotic dancer suddenly gone gun-crazy? There's a lot of inherent humor in such scenes. The best and most memorable must be the one with Boyett acquiring a Ferrari in his own alien style. Just unforgettable.

    Unfortunately, there was a forgettable and quite awful sequel several years later. But this remains one of the most unique, vivid alien visitor/invader films of the eighties and nineties.
  • paulclaassen28 January 2021
    Wow, I was pleasantly surprised by 'The Hidden'. This is a gem of an 80s horror movie.

    The opening high speed chase already reeled me in, but there were plenty more impressive scenes to follow. We've seen this sort of thing before, but unlike most other films of this genre, 'The Hidden' remains reserved and makes its premise feel original. Despite being fantastical, the film has a sense of realism to it.

    'The Hidden' features excellent performances by Kyle MacLachlan and Michael Nouri, and is also a fine example of family values. It is an interesting story with a good script. The action sequences are also very good. There's also a constant sense of mystery. I really can't fault this film in any way. It also has a satisfying, beautiful ending. I absolutely loved it. 'The Hidden' truly is a classic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A series of bizarre, unusual crimes are committed by seemingly ordinary citizens of Los Angeles. L. A. Police Detective (Micheal Nouri) is totally baffled by these strange crimes. When a mysterious FBI Agent (Kyle MacLachlan) is helping the police detective with these inexplicable robberies and murders but not telling the detective that it is a demonic extraterrestrial creature is invading the bodies of everyday citizens and transforming them into inhuman killers.

    Directed by Jack Sholder (A Nightmare on Elm Street 2:Freddy's Revenge, Wishmaster 2:Evil Never Dies, Alone in the Dark) made a entertaining, wildly violent, kinetic, sci-fi action/thriller that is even touching with a sense a humor. This independent film has high production values and it was made with a budget of under $5 million. This was a Small Hit for then independent studio:New Line Cinema. MacLachlan and Nouri are good in the film.

    DVD has an fine anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer (Also in Pan & Scan) with an digitally remastered-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound (Also in the original mono Sound). DVD has an running commentary track by the director and fan/friend of the filmmaker:Tim Hunter (River's Edge). DVD also has unused footage, never seen before special effects production footage with narration from the director and the original theatrical trailer. The film has become a Cult Classic and it is also one of the most underrated films of the 1980's. This film is a fast, violent, edge of your seat thrill ride. Written by Bob Hunt (Hunt-who is actually screenwriter:Jim Kouf). Kouf is best known for his screenplay of "The Stakeout Films" and the little seen "Gang Related". Terrific music score by Micheal Convertino. (**** ½/*****).
  • There was a time and a place when it seemed there was an endless pile of these sorts of films at your video store. Never knowing if you'd get a gem or a dud was part of the fun. This one is mostly a gem. Fun, campy, a little gross. An alien parasite begins to inhabit humans, taking them over, and going on violent crime sprees. Persues by the hapless local police, and a mysterious FBI agent; will they be able to stop the alien invasion? If you can get past the absurdity of it all, this is a deeply fun picture, perfect for 1am viewing. Not too scary, tongue firmly in cheek. It has a the -hip, and still cool post-rock soundtrack and some actors chewing piles and piles of scenery. Good fun, just don't think too hard. Recommended for cult and 80s film fans.
  • I am NOT a major fan of action films, so the fact that I liked "The Hidden" is unusual. The movie is jam-packed full of explosions, gun fire, deaths and mayhem. But it also works as an inventive sci-fi that pretty much went under the radar back in 1987 when it debuted.

    The film has an incredibly simple plot...when the film begins, a maniac is running amok in LA...killing and stealing as if there's no tomorrow. Soon, however, you realize this killer is NOT a typical killer...he's practically indestructible. And, when he's about to die, a disgusting alien pops out of his mouth and inhabits the next person...and begins the murder spree all over again!! However, an oddball who claims to be an FBI agent (Kyle McLaughlen) arrives to assist the lead detective on the case (Michael Nouri) and they are the Earth's best bet to stop this menace.

    Despite relying heavily on action and wholesale slaughter, the film is intelligently written and original. It's also an interesting time capsule of the late all its awfulness and excess. Well worth your time.
  • Attractive Science Fiction/action/thriller movie dealing with a cop : Michael Nouri and a FBI agent : Kyle McLachlan join forces and undertake a race against time after learning people suddenly become violent killers. It killed 37 people, robbed 6 banks, 2 liquor stores, a record shop and stole 2 Ferraris. And it just took over a Police Station. Now the fun starts... A New Breed of Criminal... It's only human on the outside...

    This is an amusing and entertaining Sci-Fi movie in B-style, considered to be an enjoyable classic of the Eighties. This "The Hidden" packs noisy action, thrills, chills, pursuits with car crashes, crossfire, acceptable special effects with no computer generator and lots of blood and gore . Interesting and surprising script by Jim Kouf, filled with twists and turns. Duo starring, Kyle McLachlan and Michael Nouri are pretty well . Here stands out Kyle Maclachlan giving a fine acting as the sober, enigmatic and suspicious FBI agent who relentlessly chases the deadly enemies. Along with a large plethora of familiar faces providing brief but agreeable interpretations as Claudia Christian, Ed O'Ross, Chris Mulkey, Clu Guleger, Clarence Felder, Richard Brooks and Lyn Shaye, nowadays regular in Terror movies.

    It displays a nail-biting and punching musical score, though composed by means of synthesizer, by Michael Convertino. As well as atmospheric cinematography by Jacques Haitkin. The picture produced by Robert Shaye in medium budget was well directed by Jack Sholder at his best. Jack is a good professional, a craftsman generally directing B movies as Cinema as TV and with penchant for Terror and fantasy movies. As Jack has made the following ones : Beeper, Arachnid , Witchmaster 2, A nightmare on Elm Street 2 : Freddy's vengeance, The Omen TV, Generation X, Crypt tales, Renegades, Alone in the Dark, among others. Rating 6. 5/10 . Decent action thriller with Sci-fi and fantastic elements. 6
  • This movie was so dull and predictable. The Lloyd Gallagher character had the stiffest role I've ever seen in a movie in ages. He's right up there with the actor who plays Donald Ressler in The Blacklist or Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds. Both of which Can't act their way out of wet paper bags hobos urinated in.

    The soundtrack is dull and forgetful and I love music from that era All nobody bands and so forth. You get nobodies rocking out their punk and rock soundtracks and then there's quiet scenes and this weird ambient music that doesn't seem fitting.

    The only thing really saving this from a 1 star is that opening scene and the second person who steals the Ferrari. I love how they use the little trunk in the car dealerships office. Aside from that I think I'll remember Danny Trejo in his 5 seconds maximum he's in or the shootout on the rooftop with a woman more than anything. The build up to the ending was kind of uninspired but the last scene was pretty cool. You can tell most of the budget went to special effects.

    There needed to be so much more thought to put into this before I'd try and sell my script to Hollywood if I wrote this dumpster fire. This is about as bad as MOST Netflix Originals. Would I watch this again? Never.
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