User Reviews (20)

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  • kynoceph11 January 2002
    Most Nostradamus movies have him as an older man, a gloomy sort constantly predicting doom. This movie doesn't. Tcheky Karyo plays a very involved, interesting, and engaging version of Michel de Nostredame. I particularly liked the "vision" sequences, where he suddenly is dropped into the future to observe. I thought the part of the movie where he is confronted by the Inquisition was effective as well. The movie is flawed; it moves slowly, and finicky history buffs will find a few bumps. But overall this features a fine performance by Tcheky Karyo, beautiful photography and sets, and (I have to say) a sex scene with Julia Ormond that manages to be really hot and very tasteful at the same time. Summing up, "Nostradamus" has some strong performances, and a good (if slow) story. It kept my interest all the way through. I'm looking forward to getting it on DVD.
  • This movie is okay. The actors all do a fine job and the plot is well made. One of the bad things with this movie is that one only gets to see the foretelling Nostradamus made about the 20th century, and almost nothing else. I think the best part is when they have mixed the foretellings with his present doings. It is sad to see that this movie has been rated so low by the imdb-users.
  • A dramatic retelling of the life of Michel de Nostredame, from his early work as a plague doctor to his time at the court of Catherine de Medici, after he became famed for his prophetic almanacs. Stars Rutger Hauer and Julia Ormond.
  • I must say I enjoyed this film, but I agree with the other comments that it was horribly disjointed. It was absolutely gorgeous to look at (I would rate it up there with Elizabeth or Rozencranz & Guildenstern are Dead in that respect), but it is pretty hard to follow. Having read a short bio on Nostradamus recently, it seems that they got their facts right (there was some speculation, but isn't there always in such films?), but it seems rushed, like the director is trying to fit too much into the time alloted. Overall an enjoyable picture.
  • "Nostradamus" is a par period biopic which tells an embellished version of the life of a man whose memory has been cloaked in myth and mystery. The film suggests the plague-fighting 16th century French physician Nostradamus "shroomed out" in the interest of science, had halucinations/visions, and wrote them down thereby creating his now famous cryptic literary works the misinterpretations of which are popularly regarded as prognostications. The truth is, the man was not, as history goes, all that interesting, so most of the film is composed of scenes of little dramatic significance. Nonetheless, "Nostradamus" is a worthy effort which may be of interest to those with an interest in the man's life.
  • Michel de Nostredame, generally known as Nostradamus, was a sixteenth-century French physician, but is better known today as a reputed prophet and seer. His fame rests on a series of gnomic quatrains which, it has been claimed, contain predictions of future world events, including wars, political changes and natural disasters. The problem is that his quatrains are written in a language so obscure that they can be interpreted to mean virtually anything. Those who seek to interpret them generally do so with the benefit of hindsight, seeking to prove that Nostradamus predicted World War II, the atomic bomb, 9/11 or whatever; those seeking to use his works to foretell events which have not yet happened tend to come badly unstuck. Even when a particular quatrain can be "proven" to have predicted a particular event, this is normally done with the help of some creative rewriting or creative mistranslating of his words. (Anyone with any knowledge of the French of the period can find some spectacular examples of this on the internet, particularly those interpretations which try to prove that by "Hister"- a Classical name for the River Danube- Nostradamus meant "Hitler").

    The obscurity of Nostradamus' prophecies was quite deliberate; had he clearly and unambiguously foretold specific events which then failed to occur, his reputation as a seer would have been destroyed for ever. The film, however, would have us believe that he deliberately obscured his meaning in order to ward off the attentions of the Church, although in the sixteenth century attempts to foretell the future were not forbidden and, indeed, astrology was regarded as an intellectually respectable, and theologically permissible, science.

    As might be clear from my opening paragraph, I personally do not believe that Nostradamus possessed a supernatural power to foretell the future. (Indeed, I do not believe that any human being possesses or has possessed such a power). In the original French, his verses have a certain surrealist inventiveness, but I have never seen any reason to attribute any other significance to them. This film, however, is quite openly made on the assumption that its hero did indeed possess prophetic gifts; I was left with the definite feeling that Roger Christian was asking me to accept that Nostradamus really was a man tormented by horrifying visions of the future and whose prophecies were intended as warnings to mankind of the fate that awaited them.

    Now I normally leave my scepticism about the supernatural at the cinema door; I have never, for example, allowed the fact that I do not believe in witchcraft to prevent me from enjoying the Harry Potter films. Suspension of disbelief, however, is something I find easier to accomplish in the context of a wholly fictional story than in the context of a biography of a real individual. Neither J K Rowling nor the makers of the "Potter" films are, after all, asking me to accept that witchcraft has any existence outside the realm of fiction, but when a film-maker asks me to give credence to the writings of a sixteenth-century charlatan I find it difficult to take his film seriously.

    "Nostradamus" has other weaknesses, quite apart from its flawed central premise. Unlike many period dramas, this one is not particularly visually attractive, with dull, muddy colours. The action is slow-moving and at times difficult to follow. I understand that Tchéky Karyo is a well-known and respected actor in France, indeed the winner of a Cesar Award, so I presume that he can act in his own language far better than he can in English. (I have never seen any of his French-language movies apart from "Le Retour de Martin Guerre", in which he only had a small part). In the leading role here he is absolutely horrible, dull and wooden without any convincing attempt to convey emotions. Some of the supporting cast are better, including Julia Ormond as Nostradamus' wife, although I was left with the feeling that F. Murray Abraham had come down a long way since "Amadeus" and Rutger Hauer equally far since "Blade Runner". This was the first of Roger Christian's films I have seen, and I cannot say that it has inspired me with any great desire to explore his work further. 4/10
  • A good looking, well acted (the leading players are excellent)but dull and VERY disjointed biopic of the famous prophet that seems of though it was cut down from something much longer. Karyo is a good casting in the title role but he struggles in a fairly flat role. Director Christian, (who was art director for Ridley Scott's Alien), gives the film a handsome old world look but he just ambles through the script that rambles on and on and tells us nothing that we did not know about the future and nothing even about the Nostrodamus himself. The performances and occasional moments of interest keep one's eyes half open, but this is missed opportunity on such an interesting subject matter.
  • I am frankly stunned by the generally positive responses to this dreadful film. 'Star' of the production, Tchéky Karyo does not even seem to be able to act in the conventional sense. He is completely expressionless throughout the film, and portrays Nostradamus as a rather dislikeable, arrogant person who seems to inexplicably attract the ladies at will. Why anyone would deign to talk to him, let alone screw him is a genuine mystery. At one point, Nostradamus is in a carriage, having visions of WWII, shouting 'Stop Stop!' over and over. I wonder if the real Nostradamus could indeed see the future, and if so, could have foreseen this horrible film and been suitably upset by it. Perhaps he was really shouting at the director and writer in this scene. There are some very clumsy moments, such as when our visionary shows a pal a symbol that has been perhaps tormenting him - difficult to tell with Karyo's complete lack of facial expression - which is of course a swastika. Cue ominous music etc.

    Each scene is also longer than it really needs to be, with lots of silence and blank expressions supposedly conveying - well, what exactly? The film has the feel and style of a made for TV movie, just made longer with these pregnant pauses. In fact, I think the film is so bad that any change made to it at all could only improve it.

    If I could take anything away from this film, it's that Nostradamus could not see the future at all, and was perhaps interested only in promoting himself at any price. A shoddy and pointless affair that in some ways trivialises Nazi atrocities by not even addressing them.
  • Dejael24 September 2003
    NOSTRADAMUS, aka: Michel de Notre Dame (1503-1566) is an enigmatic, elusive character in history books and dusty old biographies. What this excellent biopic does is make him a real flesh-and-blood person with passions, desires, fears and dreams, and the extremely talented European actor Tcheky Karyo (The CORE, 2002) carries the film admirably from start to finish. He makes Nostradamus a living, breathing human being, a Christian Jew who is seeking to understand his place in the Universe and is an open-minded seeker of truth and a true scientist and physician, a dedicated man of science who invented the first chewable Vitamin C tablet made with rose hips as an effective cure for the Black Plague in its early stages. Of course there was no cure once the plague had spread in the body, so it must have been especially a cruel twist of fate for Michel when his dear first wife Marie and their two children died of the plague and he could not even save them! The casting, acting, production, story and script, and lush cinematography at fascinating locations (filmed in Romania and Europe in 1993) are all first-rate. All aspects of this production are extremely well-handled. Especially good are flawless performances by Julia Ormond, Assumpta Serna, Amanda Plummer, Rutger Hauer, Anthony Higgins, and F. Murray Abraham as the remarkable Dr. Julius Caesar Scalinger (1484-1558), a wealthy friend of both Nostradamus and Dr. Rabelais of Paris, the most noted physician of his day in Europe. The visual effects are a bit shaky here and there, but in all everything works well to a satisfying look into the life of one of the greatest mystery men of the early Renaissance. His prophecies are fascinating and penetrating, as a latter-day prophet. One thing I would love to know is where that beautiful mansion of Dr. Scalinger is, and more about it. If it was built during the life of Nostradamus, it certainly was one of the most modern structures in the world, in its day! An interesting site, with its ornate topiary garden.

    The music score by Barrington Pheloung is captivating and should be available on CD. This film deserves a wide-screen DVD release! Classic epic drama, although episodic, with true European realism in its depiction of vignettes from Michel's love life, showing us the world as it really was in the plague-ridden Roman Catholic-dominated 16th Century Europe. Highly recommended, worth several viewings to take all of it in.
  • Although sometimes tragic, this tale made me want to learn more about Nostradamus and his writings. I would recommend this movie to anyone with an interest in divination, the psychic and the future of mankind.
  • This is a real great movie about the Life of Nostradamus,if true or not, well that`s another question,but here you have some real great actors in very good roles first of all T.Karyo as Nosdradamus,he played the way as somebody who`ve lived all those things.In another role you have Rutger Hauer one of the best and underestimated actors in the Whole world in my opinion(have a look at Hitcher,Blade Runner,Soldier of Orange),he stars as the mystik monk only appears a few minutes but impresses a lot more.The Cast was filled up with F. Murray Abraham,A. Plummer and a lot more ofgreat actors,this all was mixed with some very good special effects(Nostradamus Visions)and good screenplay,wonderfull combine to an excellent picture by R.Christian(who also worked on Star Wars).A clear 10 out of 10 for me.
  • I only saw this film a few days ago and was struck by the beauty of the film as a whole. I found it neither boring, nor disjointed. Instead I was amazed at the man's life, the portrayal of the religious fear and bigotry of the time, and the terror of the plague. While I assume much of it can be put down to artistic licence, I come away from the film understanding more about the man, especially the fact that he wasn't some grizzled old madman.

    I loved it, only finding Rutger Hauer's section somewhat unnecessary and peripheral, and his vision of the distant future too stylised. I would like to have known more about the rest of his life after the death of the King though...
  • There is a mystical, magical and alluring feeling to this movie.. much like the feelings that surround Nostradamus himself... Good movie and great performance from Tcheky Karyo as lead character and all characters.. especially Amanda Plummer as The Queen of France !!!
  • I personally thought that this movie was one of the better period pieces that are around. I felt that the actor playing Nostradamus did a wonderful job trying to portray a very illusive figure in our history books. Not many people (including historians) agree on what Nostradamus' personality type exactly was, so for this actor to portray anything at all is somewhat impressive to me... But, I do have to admit that the artistic attempts near the end (especially the vision of the future at the very last scene) were a bit much. I think that although it was important to get the point across that he was a visionary... that it should have been done throughout the piece... not just at two points throughout the whole film (during the carriage ride and at the end)... But, hat's off for trying!

    One thing that I'm extremely interested in knowing is if his first wife (played by Julia Ormond) was really arrested by the Inquisition for having some Arabian Mysticism book... and if so... what was the title of the book!? I kept re-winding to get the name, but could not understand what she was saying! I keep trying to find any hint of this story online, but unfortunately have no luck... if anyone knows what book she supposedly had in the movie (or in real life), PLEASE e-mail me... I'm EXTREMELY interested in finding out about it!

    C-ya, Stephen
  • This is the "real" Nostradamus film based on facts on his life and his adventures with the inquisition and the court, from his childhood unto his final understanding with Queen Catherine de'Medici. It is not strictly realistic though, and there is much experimental speculation in his visions and so called prophecies, which the film takes seriously while no one ever has understood them, and the speculations about them always have been running wild. The best character of the film is F. Murray Abraham as his tutor Scalinger, who knows something about the seriousness of real sacred books and secret knowledge, and his scenes are the best in the film. The weirdness of the inquisition is much exaggerated and dramatised, making them all appear as one-sidedly evil, while all the ladies are played well enough although their sexual frustrations are somewhat unnecessarily exaggerated. Comparing this film, shot in Romania (the Nosferatu country) with the other Nostradamus film of 2000 shot entirely in Winnipeg, the later one is actually better, although all science fiction. It is better scripted, it is ingenious and more dramatic, and although all out of this world there is no mumbo-jumbo in it, while here the inquisition scenes and monks appear rather preposterously exaggerated. It is interesting as an illustration of Nostradamus' life, consisting mainly of conjecture, but it is far from a good or great film.
  • Tcheky Karyo, most familiar to American audiences as Bob, the enigmatic secret agent by way of Pygmalion in Luc Besson's NIKITA, has his first English-language lead role as the 16th-century physician and prophet Michel de Nostradame, who predicted various events occurring hundreds of years into the future.

    Filmed in Romania, the film is a grim, grubby depiction of the renaissance era, but seldom reaches any moments of true insight into Nostradamus' life. Instead of taking a scholarly approach required of the subject, and concentrating on the man's vision, director Roger Christian (whose claim to fame is being the art director on Ridley ScottÕs ALIEN and directing the pretty much forgetable horror flick THE SENDER) panders to the lowest common denominator by focusing on his love life, and his run-ins with pugnacious Inquisitors.

    When he is shown having his prophetic visions, most of the sequences are stilted and hokey. Only one prediction sequence has any power, the vision of the Black Rain, filmed in Copsa Mica, which the National Geographic Society once branded as the most polluted city in Europe.

    Academy Award Winner F. Murray Abraham (AMADEUS), called in to save the acting day, does serviceable work as Scalinger, Nostradamus' sometime mentor, and Rutger Hauer is weird and funny as the Mystic Monk. Do I hear laughs? His turn is actually quite enjoyable, with his candle-lit hat and his demolition of the loathsome flagellates.

    Karyo consorts with a bevy of bold European actresses, including Julia Ormond, Maia Morgenstern (THE OAK), and Assumpta Serna (MATADOR, THE FENCING MASTER.) He makes a noble effort with his calm, cultivated, at times endearing performance but he can't carry the whole film.

    The movie eventually dissipates in the scarcity of its low budget, borrowing footage (ironically enough) from ALIENS for its final sequence which depicts space travel.
  • Every time you say fairies do not exist, a fairy dies. The Department of Justice knows that children who have been very badly abused become cynical. They mistrust other people, especially authority figures. They loose faith in God and in themselves. After having experienced miracles, your outlook on life changes. It happened to me. Before I had experienced the miracle, I would not have bothered to spend my time studying the lives of other people who claim to have experienced miracles. I did not believe, so I did not take action.

    It was well worth my time to watch this film. It was a beautifully crafted film. The actors all did a very good job. The costumes were gorgeous. The Castles and houses were magnificent. It was a pleasant film to watch. The secrets revealed throughout the film kept me hooked. The secrets made me interested in doing further research.

    I realize it would be easy to jump to the conclusion that Nostradamus was a liar and a cheat. Humans are fairly predictable. Anyone might predict some future events and end up correct at least part of the time. We have prediction mathematics that do exactly that. However, one can not argue with the facts. Why did Noatrdamus survive the plague? How did he know to stop the bloodletting? Why did his treatments for the plague work where others failed? By what miracle did his wife die, but he remained alive? How did he survive the poisoning? By what miracle did the Queen believe Nostradamus, but the King did not? With a plague raging across Europe, why did she not contract it from contact with Nostradamus? He must have carried the germs. He treated plague victims all the time. Why did King Henry die, but The Queen did not? By what miracle did Nostradamus escape being burnt at the stake, but Sophie was killed? The authorities were looking for him the entire film.

    For the feminists that watch this film, we have lots of material to critique and talk about. How devastating for Nostradamus' wife, to feel so left out of the boys club. How intelligent she was to know that the men were keeping secrets from her. How devastating that she died right after gaining access to the wisdom they withheld, and before she could use it. She had such a good inquisitive mind. Why are men so intimidated by smart women? We want to help.
  • I watched this movie in 1998 and would like to know whether this movie told exactly about his life. Although i never read the prophecy of Nostradamus but i am amazed that he can know that there will be three world war. The fact is there were two already and the third one, we still can't judge it by ourselves. What i have to say is an excellent movie with huge casts and it has been narrated carefully by the writer and producer. Why not a remake? Will that be better?
  • jimg-94 November 2002
    First of all this Tcahcky Tabacky or whatever his name is is one of the worst actors ever. He couldn't emote is way out of a wet paper bag. The casting is ludicrous. Rutger Hauer and F Murray Abraham in the same movie? PUHLEASE! And Amanda Plummer as the Queen of England? It is to LAFF! Also laughable are the soft-porn scenes that seem to pop up every time the story starts to drag. Although the women are (kinda) beautiful , and we get to see lots of T & A, the sight of Nastydumass' naked butt is shown once too often. And he's SO somber when he gets busy,, he must be having visions of his future veneral diseases. Don't waste the $1 it will cost you to rent this one.