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  • Without trying to offend anybody I have to agree with another reviewer in that an explanation for the bad reception of this film among the non-Spanish speakers reviewers was exactly that: Spanish is not their first language and this is sometimes, as another reviewer has pointed out, a difficult film to understand if you are not a native speaker. A full understanding of the dialogue would help to clarify some of the bizarre scenes in the film. It might not be the best script written by Rafael Azcona, without any doubt one of the best scriptwriters in the history of Spanish cinema, but at times it is hilarious. A better grasp of Spanish history and culture would also come quite handy. So what else can you say about Penelope Cruz in the scene where she dances and sings for Goebbels?. As one her shoe is missing, she unintentionally imitates Goebbles, as she approaches him in a frontal shot, who is lame.

    Jokes on the Spanish fascist are more than just clichés. For example the cuckold Spanish ambassador played by Juan Luis Galiardo and his nymphomaniac wife, played by Maria Barranco. And the wisecracking remark made by the pro-fascist Spanish troupe leading man, Jorge Sanz, wooded by his German counterpart "Yo doy todo por mi patria menos mi culo", he would give anything for his country except his ass. They are both an amusing pisstaking on fascist patriotic macho culture. This subject of patriotism being a hot issue right now in Spain where the right-wing government of Aznar is endorsing the notion of "Patriotismo Constitucional" or Constitutional Patriotism developed by the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas. Unashamedly, the film upholds the necessity to produce espanoladas. As the film director Blas Fontiveros, played by Antonio Resines, remarks that the life of a Spanish hero has more relevance to Spanish audiences, as they feel more identified, than for example Al Capone's. 5 Spanish (espanoladas) films were, in fact, made in Nazi Germany. Two starred by Imperio Argentina and another 2 by Estrellita Castro both stars of the "cine folclorico espanol".

    As already remarked by some reviewers the film copies scenes from other films, the most obvious being its final sequence, which is a rip off of the end of Casablanca, but to suggest that it is a carbon copy of such and such a film is pure overstatement and a rather facile critique of the film. Yet its politics are not at all convincing, not to say rather naïve. The introduction of the Russian Jewish character signals the fall of the film into sentimental humanism and vacuous romantic trifle from where the film does not recover. Nevertheless La Nina de tus Ojos has its charms too and I found it extremely funny. The cast is excellent (Penelope Cruz playing an andalusian, a role she had already done in Almodovar's "Todo Sobre mi Madre" as a prostitute). Resines and Sanz are a surprise as well as Santiago Segura. But special mention deserves Miroslav Táborský, playing Vaclav the interpreter. Subtle looks at Macarena tell of his unrequited love for her. His increasing fascination with Macarena moves him away from his non-interventionist stand to resignedly accept his fate by the end of the film, along with Fontiveros who is Macarena's lover, at the hands of the Nazi. Yet this is never overdone as the change of views underwent by the other characters towards the Nazi regime, in particular the case of Julian Torralba. This little subplot of the film is quite moving rather sentimental and its quiet essence contrast sharply with the bombardment of dialogue coming from the rest of the cast.
  • This is an enjoyable and light comedy set during the Spanish Civil War and Nazi Germany . A very pleasant comedy plenty of humor , emotion , sensitive scenes and mayhem . A company of Spanish movie makers leaves Franco's Spain and moves to Hitler's Germany to make a film in co-production . During the Spanish Civil War , the troupe goes from Spain for a joint production with Nazi UFA led by Goebbles and including a filmmaker who bears remarkable resemblance to Fritz Lang . Besides the problems of any movie set , add to the tensions : a drama about Jews ; as Nazis use Jewish and Gypsy prisoners (Karel Dobry) as extras to give an Andalucian look , the director (Antonio Resines) is sleeping with his main actress named Macarena Granada (Penelope Cruz) with no intention of leaving his spouse , and Macarena cooperates with this Nazi objective in hopes of freeing her daddy from one of Franco's prison . Soon some problems start to arise when Goebbels (Johannes Silberscheneider) himself plies her with favors, the filmmaker and the rest of the crew (Jorge Sanz , Neus Asensi , Rosa Maria Sarda , Loles Leon, Santiago Segura , Jesus Bonilla) encourage her to sleep with him for the good of the filming .

    This is an Award Winning picture by Fernando Trueba , the director of ¨Belle Epoque¨ . Comedy with historical background and movie troupe way-of-life elements ; adding culture and politics , including enjoyable performances and adequate set design . ¨La Niña De Tus Ojos¨ results to be other of the innumerable stories to deal with deeds regarding Spanish Civil War , but including jealousies , antics and sexual escapades , being set in Nazi Deutschland , too . A familiar theme about the global horrors of a fratricide war , impossible to forget to our cinema . Based on true events during the filming of Carmen (1938) and Nights in Andalucia (1938), both starring Imperio Argentina . An agreeable story plenty of amusing moments , moving feelings and fun finale . It is a light , wistful comedy , easy to watch , and easier to love . It is as beautifully filmed as it is written and acted . This is one of those rare gems that does not stray from its purpose - to be a celebration of love and romance - and comic tale of a company who suffers several dangers and funny situations in another country during a hectic time , including the sad ¨Kristallnachat¨, (1938), being splendidly recreated . This is an tragicomedy that blends tragic elements , humor and irony . A serious/ironic film about xenophobia , racism and Jews brutal persecution . Director Fernando Trueba , also writes the interesting script along with prestigious screenwriter Rafael Azcona , Luis Garcia Berlanga's usual and David Trueba , Fernando's brother . Filmed in his usual formal and luxurious style , without leaving a trace the joyful themes , in terms of fun and narrative excitement . Unforgettable Penelope Cruz who though plays a Folkloric player , Imperio Argentina lookalike , she parades sexily at her best and more relaxed and enticing than ever . The hit of the show is undoubtedly for the fetching Penelope who gives one of the best screen acting . Very good secondary cast formed by Spanish familiar faces such as Rosa Maria Sarda , Neus Asensi , Santiago Segura , Jesus Bonilla , Maria Barranco , Juan Luis Galiardo as the Ambassador and many others . Evocative and jolly musical score by Antoine Duhamel , including various Folkloric songs marvelously sung by Penelope Cruz . In addition , a spotless pictorial cinematography by Javier Aguirresarobe and a willingness , almost perfect of the elements of each shot , every sequence , every space ; being filmed in Prague , Czech Republic . Aguirresarobe subsequently would make a prestigious career in Hollywood such as ¨Fright night , ¨The twilight saga: eclipse¨, ¨The road¨ , ¨The others¨ and many others . The picture is entertaining and well worth your time . The film is light and never somber, no small accomplishment from Fernando Trueba and his team.

    This simple, delightful motion picture was well directed by Fernando Trueba . His first success was Ópera Prima (1980) following the style of the "Madrid comedy". He had major success with Sé Infiel y No mires Quién (1985) also known as : Be Wanton and Tread No Shame , starting a longer collaboration with the producer Andrés Vicente Gómez . He went on directing numerous successes such as Coarse salt , Too Much , Milagro de Candeal , Year of Enlightment , The Girl of Your Dreams , Calle 54 , Embrujo De Shanghai , Chico and Rita and recently : The Artist and the Model . Trueba was President of the Spanish Academy of Motion Picture Arts and he received the 1994 Oscar for Best Foreign Film to Belle Epoque (1992) .
  • Penelope Cruz is so good in this movie she carries it; you really want to see what happens next. She has some great musical numbers and some excellent dramatic scenes. I also found the set design and scenery superior, as well as just the visuals who contrast the small, swarthy Spaniards against the Aryan ideal. The DVD I rented had two versions, in Castillian Spanish and Mexican Spanish, with English sub-titles, which was interesting when the characters spoke in German, as that was not translated unless a translator actually did it in the film. Actually there was even a little Russian. The supporting cast gets a little slapstick at times, but I found the film well worth it as a Cruz vehicle--she is quite a beautiful actress. 8/10.
  • With a wonderful cast, including the divine Penélope Cruz, this movie is the best Spanish movie of 1998. As a humorous approach to Spanish actors working in Hitler´s Germany, it provides the spectator with large quantities of laughs, as well as with very touching scenes.
  • A rather unusual Spanish film, to say the least: an Andalucían theatre group go to Nazi Germany to make a film and get swallowed up in all the nasty things going on there, which in itself is rather cute, given all the nasty things that had been going on back in Spain.

    The mixture of drama with a quizzical farcical touch of Spanish black humour thrown in does not quite work with me, I'm afraid. Fernando Trueba, as ever, has done his job well. The scene-setting is truly exceptional; the dialogues at times are really good but at others tend to jar on the ear making me wonder if this is the same Rafael Azcona (Logroño, 1926) as in other far better scripts; and hearing Penélope Cruz with an Andalucían accent is definitely something not to be missed at any price…….!! Oh, she's from Madrid, by the way, and that city has its own dialect. I've never had much sympathy for Antonio Resines, despite having to acknowledge that in this film he is pretty good and I should say the same of Loles León who I have seen a few times in very trivial TV paraphernalia. Rosa María Sardá is of course splendid, her live-theatre upbringing lending a good hand to the occasion.

    So the ingredients are more or less right, but the whole just does not convince me; perhaps the story-line, perhaps the rather strange sense of humour in bizarre situations...

    Well, never mind: Penelope Cruz is `La Niña de Mis Ojos' (The Girl of My Eyes) whenever and wherever she pops up, which, thank goodness, is nice and frequent.

    The Spanish spoken is rather difficult and so is for people at an advanced level; otherwise the film should be seen dubbed or with subtitles.
  • OK, I've never been a great fan of Penelope Cruz, but I was going to take my Spanish exams two weeks before I watched this film and I thought it would be good practice. I was pleasantly surprised! The movie takes place in 1938 and shows the story of a Spanish film crew, one that is funded by Franco, which is invited by Goebels to Germany to make a Spanish and a German version of the film "La Nina De Tus Ojos" (freely translated into something like "The Girl Of Your Dreams"). And when they arrive at the studios of UFA, the mayhem begins! First of all, I would like to note that this is a great production. It's obvious that plenty of money were thrown into it, a thing that is obvious in some scenes. There are some scenes that are very funny and some characters in general make you laugh from the moment they appear on screen. Personally I will never forget that dog in the beginning! You will know when you'll see it.

    Trueba's directing is very good. Although I had heard his name before, I hadn't had the chance to watch some other movie of his before this one. I will try to in the future. He managed to keep the whole thing running, never making the viewer get bored at a single moment. And well, at those moments when the plot had started getting a bit slow, he threw in Penelope Cruz's breasts! What I didn't like was the political statements this movie tried to make. They seemed completely out of place and most of them were childish. First of all, all those arguments about the Jews that Cruz's character made hardly had anything to do with what was going on at the moment and they seemed as if they were forced. In fact, I can't understand why the Jewish character was there. He is the only one among the gypsies that were brought to the studio, or at least they don't show us any more. But the Germans didn't place Jews and gypsies in the same concentration camps! Anyway... Some times it just felt as if the producers hoped that they could sell this film to Hollywood (I hope you understand the connection). And of course the way they portrayed Goebels was way too cartoonish. Of course I know this is a comedy and Goebels had indeed some very ridiculous things going on about him and, yes, he did sleep with many actresses but well, they show him way too silly most of the times...

    But if you set aside the moments where the story tries to make itself look really serious, this is a good and very enjoyable film. In fact, sometimes you will be surprised by the skill Trueba shows here. Spanish cinema has been giving us many gems in the last few years and I hope it will continue this way!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Two years ago, the European Union was voting on its Constitution. While in Madrid, I asked a friend why Europe had finally decided to unify when Hitler wanted the very same thing and failed. He said, "You can't force people, but you can pretend to give them a choice and they will go with the flow." That is what "The Girl of My Dreams" is about. Made in 1998, joining the soon-to-be-formed EU was topical. Is this movie a warning by contrasting present with past? Was Spain once again going with the flow? Although the flow in 1940 Spain was Franco or death and unlike the fall of Nazism, Franco's regime lasted 40 years. What most people don't realize about Franco's Spain is how in-bed the dictator was with the Nazis, despite his neutrality. Over 10,000 Spaniards were sent to Nazi concentration camps. Survivors and their families are now attempting to repatriate, hoping to receive social security. And now, we learn from this movie that Spanish cinema became a small part of the Nazi propaganda machine. What other movie has given us this Spanish perspective? A troupe of Spanish actors head to Germany in a co-production effort, which has failure written all over it. The set and extras are sub-par until Goebbels gets involved and falls for Macarena (Penelope Cruz). Although Goebbels was a mastermind, a monster and a womanizer, I can believe he would fall for such a beautiful woman. He too was human.

    The naive troupe soon learns first hand the horrors of Nazism. Spain is known for its gypsies and its persecutions of its natives and the gypsies and Jews are the extras in the movie. The comparison is not lost on Macarena. Her sympathy for Václav Passer, the Russian Jew, is a parallel of her father's plight. How could she not empathize? How could they not save each other? Any other ending would be tragic.

    Maybe Francoism isn't so bad after all, they think. All of them desperately want to go home. Throughout the troupe acts like Spaniards. To the untrained eye, the viewer may think they are being trite or ridiculous, acting out a farce. I disagree. These are Spaniards being Spanish in a German world. There is a crucial scene where the troupe sits around a table and swears allegiance to Franco, but in name only. Their body language says otherwise, which you'll miss if you're reading subtitles.

    The subtitles don't do justice to the dialogue or the actors. The ensemble cast is a who's who of Spanish cinema. And Penelope is affecting an Andalucian accent that is a joy to listen to. This is a very funny film with dark overtones, much like "Life is Beautiful," although not so tragic and yet the comedy works. Also, there are nods to great films and period pieces. Don't be fooled, dear reader, in thinking Spanish cinema is so trite as to try and rip off "Casablanca." (How could anyone think that? It's called a "nod".) Not to mention, how else do you escape Goebbels? The only way to watch this film, if you are not fluent in Spanish, is to watch it twice, once for the dialogue, once for the acting. Penelope has powerful scenes where her body language and tone should not be eclipsed by understanding her words. Goebbels doesn't speak Spanish but understands perfectly, which shows what a monster he is. Don't let his limp fool you.

    Give the movie a chance, and if you are disappointed, it's not the movie's fault. You missed something crucial and historic. Go back and watch it again.
  • =G=3 July 2004
    "The Girl of Your Dreams" is a dramady which manages neither comedy nor drama and falls on its face with a nonstory screenplay which is little more than a whole lot of bantering and busy work. Telling of a Spanish film company which goes to Berlin during the Nazification of Germany (circa 1938) where the star, Macarena (Cruz), becomes the unwilling object of affection of Nazi propagandist and womanizer Joseph Goebbels, this flick is flat and seemingly devoid of purpose. Although the film has a lot to offer from a solid cast and good production value, its story is devoid of all that stuff we go to movies to see. Requiring two hours of subtitle reading, "The Girl of Your Dreams" is one very well made dud which is almost certain to leave you cold. (C+)
  • I have just got this film on DVD I saw it a couple of years ago during a Penelope Cruz season in Manchester, I enjoyed it then & I enjoyed it just as much now.

    As a non-Spanish speaker I still got the comic elements & the historical references to a point & now I have it on DVD I can go back & check any bits I have missed.

    I just like the characters in this film, the fish out of water element of the Spanish in Nazi Germany is very funny the off the cuff one liners are priceless.

    Cruz & Resinas may be the focus of the film & they are lead the way but everyone gets a moment to shine in this film, segura is my favourite he always steals some or all the limelight in any film he appears.

    I would heartily recommend this film it may not be up to Belle Epoque but its not far behind.
  • Fernando Trueba should concentrate in Latin jazz, rather than subject us to sit through films like this one that should have been titled "To be or not to be in Casablanca". If you would like to punish your worst enemy, tie him up to a chair and make him sit through this film, as well as "El Embrujo de Shanghai", in a screening room without toilet. That would be my idea of Sino-Teutonic punishment with Iberian overtones.

    This film offers nothing in the way of originality. It relies in the kind of language that Spanish films are full of when the director or writer doesn't have anything interesting to say.

    Let's pray Mr. Trueba will come to New York again to do "Calle 53" and save us from epics such as this one.
  • Fernando Trueba's film The Girl of Your Dreams appears on the surface to be like any other war film... a group of people are studied amongst the carnage and eventually come to learn of the true horror of the holocaust and grow in their personal lives as a result. While this is an admirable pretense, the tacky jokes and schmaltzy shout outs to films like Casablanca work against Trueba. Another shortcoming of the film is the portrayal of Goebbels; while it plays on the historical fact that he was a womanizer, he is shown to be a dithering Neanderthal, while in reality, he was a terrifying and calculating genius. Had Trueba shown Goebbels obsession with Macarena as a manifestation of this madman's carnal desires, the themes of the film may have been the better for it.

    Cruz is fabulous (much more so than in any other English speaking film she's been in) and offers an enticing performance in an otherwise overcooked and ill-humoured extravaganza.
  • Loved this movie absolutely, especially the self deprecating humor of the Spanish cast members of the movie within the movie, and the symbolic overtones.

    My main question is: who sang the song for Penelope Cruz in the tavern scene? Herself? If not, who is the singer?

    Also, in the US DVD release, there seems to be a lot of cuts, some of which is shown in the special features chapter. But this does not detract from the beauty of the movie. The cast is of course, truly full of very high stature actors. I was thrilled to find Hanna Schygulla, one of the moist most talented actresses especially in the movies of Fassbinder.
  • udippel6 October 2023
    Waste of everything, including viewers' time.

    Great actors, great scenery, nice gags, nice citations. And in the end of the day, nothing. Emptiness. Starting with some good jokes, making fun of the nazis, borrowing from Lubitsch and Wilder, everything into a huge mixer, full speed. What we are presented with is the result, this seemingly unplanned and un-directed cutting of everything into a film.

    Where is the overarching idea? What holds this film together? Just (good!) piece after (good) piece. Chronologically everything is in order. Though film-wise it isn't. A few moments of comedy, followed by some moments of drama, love story, and ensuing some mockery on nazis. Rinse and repeat.

    No line in this film, except of picking anything from right and left that one comes across to be dragged into the story.

    Enjoy watching Penelope Cruz, Hanna Schygulla, and others. But don't expect to see a film with a consistent theme.
  • Reviewing the comments, you can spot a trend: people from Spanish speaking countries like the movie while the rest, don't. The reason is that its not possible to translate the movie without loosing a lot in the process: the dialogues and expressions are what really makes the film funny. Personally, I think the movie is fantastic.
  • It all begins wonderfully, in this new Fernando Trueba´s movie.

    It seems to be original and funny, a nice critic to Hitler and his nazi followers, with many good acting, and of course, a fine direction. But I expected a little bit more... At the end, all I remember was: ¨my God, Penélope Cruz, the pregnant nun who appears in ´Todo Sobre Mi Madre´, de Pedro Almodóvar, is so beautiful!¨ With her big and lovely eyes, she is ¨la niña de tus ojos¨
  • great movie, great acting, costume design, art direction, screen play... everything is awesome in this film. One of Frenando Trueba's masterpieces, just watch it. One of the best Spanish films.

    Penelope Cruz is just outstanding as macarena!

    the most expensive Spanish production until Alatriste was made! It should have gone to the Oscars for best foreign film, and not "the Grandfather" from Garci.

    10 out of 10, without any doubt.

    (sorry for my bad English)

    Bye! and watch the film! :P
  • It's not clear when you look at the cover but it's a drama – comedy that takes places in Germany just before the World War Two. As the Reich had ties with Franco's Spain, the story is about a movie co-production which happens in Berlin, so at the heart of evil.

    At first, I wasn't convinced because I don't really like movies about movies. But, here, the fact that the crew arrives in Nazi Germany colors everything: At the beginning, the differences are funny but the more they stay, the more they discover that the place is just like hell. They face an unchecked power so it's hard to cope with its degenerate whims: anti-Semitism, sexual harassment…

    I found the movie bright as the crew is split to answer: some care about what happens, other prefer to focus on their art and avoid politics. But finally, closing eyes is a bad choice because fighting an abusive power (as building one) is only the sum of individual choices. So as soon as you have got an opportunity, you have to react because as one said, after they have taken all your neighbors, nobody is left to help you when they come to take you!

    Here, this dramatic conclusion is well directed as what happens to Penélope slowly affect all the crew and beyond: Slowly but surely, the tension rises and becomes almost suffocating. But, all along, the crew still find the courage to find funny lines as to take a breath.

    Maybe the only regret is that's it's a fiction and not based on true facts but at least, it gives a good lesson of how to behave in bad times and just for that, it's worth the praise.

    With this movie, i end my collection of Penélope's DVD. I just thank her for all the good moments she brought me: she is a talented actress, an honest woman and as she is faithful to her roots, she really made me like Spanish culture and just that, is an astounding feat! Hasta la vista, Baby !
  • One may wonder if "La niña de tus ojos" really deserves all the nominations and awards it got. It is not "Belle époque" and there are some obvious clichés but it's still a very enjoyable film. The colours are vibrant and the black humour is piquant though not everyone (especially the English-speaking audience, and Asian audiences not exposed to this sort of humour) may appreciate it. Of course, the fabulous Penelope Cruz will make one overlook whatever faults there are in the film. As usual, she's brilliant. The interplay of dialogue in Spanish, German and Russian is hilarious. Liked it very much.
  • The cast is excellent and the movie is quite funny and moving. Not to mention based on historical facts. (Spanish actors doing movies at the UFA studios in the thirties). The setting, the costumes and photo -brilliant. However there's one big draw back: The plot goes "Thummpph!" after an hour and suddenly becomes a French farse (people banging doors, hiding in closets and becoming hysterical) and it all falls apart. It does pick up at the end though. It's not the greatest film ever made but it's watchable. And Penelope Cruz...what can I say? She's fabulous.
  • Fernando Trueba, the man who brought us the Oscar-winning Belle Epoque, does NOT deliver the goods in his latest film, the Girl of Your Dreams.

    This movie, a carbon copy of so many others, tells the story of a group of actors/dancers from Spain, who come to Occupied Germany in the late 30's to make a 'propaganda' film. (Of course, what else was Germany putting out back then?)

    Naturally, you can predict the rest of this story. The group is ignorant to the Nazi atrocities, and as they slowly discover what's happening, they cannot help but be affected by it. Yes, it's the same old story, told so many times before, and in much better films.

    The story is sometimes comical, or at least it attempts to be. There is a series of cliche events that are simply not funny. A homosexual actor makes advances at Spain's leading man. The Nazi's are gun-toting buffoons (a la Hogan's Hero's). And the women are bitchy to the point of being just plain silly.

    There is little redeeming about this film. I did like the set design for some of the scenes. The colors were great. But this stuff has all been done before. Scenes are literally stolen from other 'great' films. You will see Casablanca and To Be or Not to Be in several scenes.

    Penelope Cruz offered the most energy in this picture. It is her character that first comes to terms with what is going on around her. The problem is, the character is not smart enough for me believe it. Sorry Fernando ... but The Girl of Your Dreams is a forgettable nightmare.
  • The photography was decent and some footage meant to seem from decades earlier did seem that way. For the rest, I suggest covering your eyes to protect yourself from the onslaught of cinematic cliches and scenes that uncomfortably resemble many that have been seen before. The movie deals with a joint Spanish and German movie effort in the late 1930's or so, with the supposedly original idea of filming each sequence of the movie twice, once in each language. In the process, the film makers (in and out of the trite movie within a movie concept) handily clock in on endless stereotypes and stale dialogue.