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  • This James bond game is pretty good because: The missions are pretty fun to play they can be hard sometimes that makes them fun to play they have lots of action most of the time the weapons you use are pretty good to use. The driving levels are pretty fun to do they are hard but fun. The voice over actors are pretty good but it would have been better if pierce brosnan was in it but who cares it is still fun to play. The way James bond looks in this game looks pretty good you can see pierce brosnan in him and same with the rest of the characters in the game. The graphics in this James bond game are OK.

    Overall score ******* out of **********
  • I got this game as, being a big fan of James Bond, plus having a PlayStation, I couldn't miss out it, or so I thought. After the sheer brilliance of Goldeneye, I, like most people expected a great deal from this game, but was extremely disappointed that I had wasted my well earned thirty five quid on a game, that despite having one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard on a game, plus cool movie sequences, is just too average to be up there with the likes of Goldeneye, which is still a great game today. It's by no means an awful game, but it's also hardly very good either. Worth a couple of night's rental (in which you could probably complete the game anyway!) but no more. Roll on "The World Is Not Enough".
  • Okay, this game seems to have both good and bad personalities at the same time. When I first picked up this game, I was already hooked into beating the first mission...but, like every good game, you have to find flaws some time. Upon doing the ski missions, the AI is very annoying; for instance, you're on the first mission ski event. You're headed straight for a jump hill. Everything looks clear, but all of a sudden, an enemy soldier "appears" right next to you and slows you down, ruining your jump. Sometimes, you're accelerating at high speed, but then a soldier flies in out of nowhere and constantly whacks you with his ski pole. In some cases, the enemy could be under alert, and suddenly runs to a wall corner and continues to jog into it without even caring that you're shooting at him. And the cheat codes...this game is so glitchy that the codes just make it worse. If you're ever playing this game, be careful with using them.

    One good aspect of this game is the music. I fight bosses numerous times just to listen to the 007 rock music playing in the background. But don't get me wrong, the game IS okay sometimes. But I'll admit, I'll give this game a 5.5/10.
  • not as superb as the last film Goldeneye but this will still have you clinging to the edge of your seat. With a complicated story line some places in this film may seem confusing. Some excellent action and brilliant dialouge. Maybe this is not up with the best bond films but fans of this Genre will make this a must see.
  • Tomorrow Never Dies is a good example that a name does not necessarally make it a good product, without a good developer. What happened here? This game will make you wonder if this is even the same Tomorrow Never Dies title you saw in the movies. What happened to the story and the reality of the missions? Why is Bond being attacked at a party he was invited to? Why is Paris escaping with you at the hotel? Why is Q giving you your BMW during a mission? But it's not just the strange twists in the story that makes this game not as fun as the legend, Goldeneye. It's just not...Bond. All the missions are assault-like, and almost no stealth. If you want a game close to this game, get Syphon Filter. Tomorrow Never Dies is worth a rental. It's short, and fun in it's own way. It's just too bad that it could have been much better.
  • tomorrow never dies is most likely the most unfairly critisised game on playstation. i just rented it, and i think even people who dont like 007 would like this game if they gave it a chance. i gave this game a 10 out of 10. most other people would give a 6 or 7.
  • The James Bond film "Goldeneye" was better than "Tomorrow Never Dies" so I guess it makes sense that the game is too. This game does not resemble the highly successful game for the Nintendo 64 in the least. Which makes no sense, why would you do something so different for the next game? I guess it is a bit like the second Zelda game, the programmers did not want to appear lazy and thought that by adding an on screen James Bond the game would have more of a feel for the movie perhaps? I do not know, I am only taking a stab in the dark. The game play here is one where you see the game from behind Bond, he is fully visible. It is also an annoying game that just is not all that much fun. I will be the first to say I thought Goldeneye was overrated a bit, but I still enjoyed it, this one has a couple of fun levels, but to often it is an irritating mess. Why have Bond on the screen if all he is going to do is battle continuously, as both this game and the previous game ignore the fact Bond is more than just a super killer. Though I believe it is ignored more here than there. Sure you can ski and drive, but it really is just a short game where the combat kind of sucks. They always make being stealthy so hard and you end up in an all out shoot out for your life!
  • "Tomorrow Never Dies" did very well in the charts, despite of the fact that the game really wasn`t worth buying, and a major disappointment for us who wanted a James Bond-game for the playstation like the fabulous "Goldeneye"(9/10) for Nintendo 64. "Tomorrow Never Dies" has nice presentation, with great clips from the movie(unlike "Goldeneye"), and it is well-produced. The game could`ve been so good, but the graphics and gameplay are not any good compared to recent playstation-titles like "Metal Gear Solid" and "Syphon Filter".

    Let`s hope that the game based on "The World Is Not Enough" will be better. "Tomorrow Never Dies" is a missed opportunity. 4/10
  • I thought this was brosnan's best bond. even though the bad guy is weak like drax in moonraker was, but besides that the most fun i had since connery's bonds and a big part of that was do to the casting of michelle yeoh who brought something that we have not quite seen as far as bond girls go. instead of bad bond girls who can fight she was good bond girl who can. i just thought she was so fun to watch you really can't take your eyes off her. and i thought that brosnan as bond in this film was the best since connery. the standard that bond should be.unlike die another day brosnan's worst bond film, as they try to get halle berry to do the same as michelle yeoh and she look so out of place i thought it was a joke. If you are a fan of brosnan as bond or michelle yeoh see it or buy it.