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  • timotheus_9021 May 2006
    She is disappointed that he doesn't ask her to stay. Chul Jon places the ring on the musical doll's finger. He sees it turning and sighs that he has to wait again. Woo Jin sees Mi Jin on a television programme and rushes to see her at the orphanage. She is shocked that she only remembers events that happen to her before 6 years old - the age her mother abandons her. Mi Jin wonders why she is upset upon seeing you Zhen's photograph. Shan Mei lies to her that Yin Mei is her best friend. She knows that she only remembers happy events and is glad that she is prettier and happier than before. She gives her the necklace back.Mi Jin wants to walk home from the traffic light and She think he is unprepared for this. She has no courage to say goodbye at her doorstep and promises to be mature when she is in London. She doesn't wish him to look at her back again. Chul Jon comes out from his car and decides to do something that he should do. He proposes to her and puts the ring on her finger. She cries as she doesn't wish him to wait for her anymore. Both share an intimate kiss on the street.

    Mi Jin wants to walk home from the traffic light and She think he is unprepared for this. She has no courage to say goodbye at her doorstep and promises to be mature when she is in London. She doesn't wish him to look at her back again. Chul Jon comes out from his car and decides to do something that he should do. He proposes to her and puts the ring on her finger. She cries as she doesn't wish him to wait for her anymore. Both share an intimate kiss on the street.
  • I have Dish network, which has no Korean programming, so I love what is offering online.

    Frankly, I just love the fact that I can watch a Korean soap opera since I'm weary of all the current stuff showing on TV.

    The melodrama is laid on a bit thick. A sob story by the evil girl always soothes the well-meaning, but naive guy. Lovers never clear the area of potential eavesdroppers before they spill their beans about how they feel about each other, and 100% of the time, their deepest secrets are overheard by their archenemies. Evil people shift their eyes left to right and vice versa when they hug to display that they're being deceptive. Good people always express genuine feelings while evil people always pretend.

    All I know is that the evil girl in the story is sufficiently convincing as somebody who is thoroughly evil that I will probably never trust anything she does, even in real life. The good girl, however, is very cute, and maybe for that reason alone keeps me interested in this show.

    Don't get me wrong, though. It's fun watching. I get to see Asian male actors play something other than the typical silly and funny martial artists, the serious and evil martial artists, or the magical martial artists who jump from tree to tree and can fly at will.
  • It is a nice romantic story that combines comedy as well, the characters are very well performed Young-mi's character is so well performed that there are moments in which you really hate that girl even when she's not real. The plot is full of different situations sorrounding the two main characters (Sun-mi and Young-mi) but the actions are not exagerate they are believable. I strongly recommend it in order to learn more about Korean culture and costumes.
  • Park_Min4 February 2024
    It didn't take more than half an episode to set your expectations for what about to come. The set up was very poorly done, it was extremely detached from reality and the characters molded themselves around that for the remainder of the drama which became seriously problematic later on and an impossible hurdle to overcome. The characters kept displaying bizarre behaviors at every corner that it made it difficult to connect with the narrative. They should've embraced the cliches and amplified them instead of tiptoeing around them awkwardly. The characters couldn't hold a single decent and coherent conversation or a piece of dialogue, it's just bad writing and an insult to the viewers! Yun Hyong Chul character felt extremely robotic and lacked real emotions beyond setting sadly while drinking & smoking. The drama treated him like a clown anyway. The pacing was dreadful as well, these 20 episodes felt much longer than a regular 20 episodes drama. Chae Rim did a lot of melos in the 2000s but I think this drama turned out to be the worst one of them.
  • 'All about Eve' is a story about two girls,as friends and rivals ,in their school days,and later as tv news reporters. The two Eve,as both also host a show called "Eve's morning" are characterized with some degree of stereotypes; namely, one is evil, the other good. The story certainly is not as sophisticated as the Bette Davis's classic 'all about Eve'. Moreover, it is on the brink of becoming childish were it not for the character of Hyung-chul(played by Jang dong-gun) and some supporting characters. Hyung-chul is the young boss of the tv station where the two Eve work, a prince type character,predicably becomes the goal of the evil Eve,also predicably will love the good Eve. Jang dong-gun's acting makes Hyung-chul not just exquisite but also human,giving the character a bit of reality than just a fantasy prince. The nice supporting casts also help make the tv station environment believable and interesting. This tv series has become a sensation in many Asian countries due to the fantasy-type love story and characters. I however believe it would not have achieved this success without Jang dong-gun playing Hyung-chul.
  • When i found this TV-Serie, i knew that i found Asian gold. I have never watched a Korean TV-Serie. It is great. It got my attention and the final is unexpected. It´s true this is one of the most successful Korean TV-series and Jang Dong-Kun is a handsome man.

    It´s never boring and this could be real life. A woman who always wants to be number one without taking care who she hurts.
  • vsjodecy3 February 2006
    it was portraying a real life drama where i believe is happening in our everyday life..

    it's a romance story, but with a little bit of jealousy that'll make u squirm at the sight of the manipulating girl who wants it all for herself..

    it's funny sometimes and sometimes can be a bit annoying..not because of the story but maybe that's what the producer wants the audience to feel in the first place..well, it's a job well done and i recommend this for anyone who wants a taste of Asian drama..

    Jang Dong Gun succeeded in portraying a man with 2 personality. one with the aura of a serious executive who happen to be his girlfriend's boss and the other one as a jobless guy who is his girlfriend's, don't be confused here because his girlfriend doesn't know that the man wooing her is really the friend whose shoulder always the one she cries on..

    the story gets better with every episodes and the hatred for the other manipulating girl just gets deeper and you'll start wondering why had she been so cruel...

    it's a thumbs up for this drama..personally i give it 8/10..
  • Warning: Spoilers
    All About Eve was one of the BEST Korean TV series ever! Here in the Philipines,it was one of the top TV series! I loved the chemistry and most of all the acting! I'm SO in loved with So-Yeon Kim! She looks like Yum Jeong-A who was also in the movie "A Tale of Two Sisters". I think the top Korean TV series here was "Full House" I think because it was FUNNY yet TOUCHING! I think Young Mi-Huh was very ambitious woman, a woman who will not stop until he gets what she wants! But I think at the end Ihope she will be a good woman. Here in the Philippines it will be end next week. But I hope they featured it again. I REALLY REALLY loved that Korean TV series.
  • This drama is 20 episodes. The series no. 1-10 make me bored, because it's about the story how's the problems began. No. 11-20 was absolutely amazing, the story is about Jang Dong Gun and Chae Rim, how she's find out that he was the chairman of MBC, she's starting to realized that she's in loved with him, when all the problems was getting cleared and solved.

    The story is really good and worth to be watched. Not forget, all the actors was playing good, especially Jang Dong Gun, he's really likes a prince charming (I want to become his princess). The soundtracks(ending and opening)are also good.

    Usually, South Korean drama ended with sad ending (he/she is dead) or the main character still love her/his ex-lover, but this drama really refreshing all of that and even though the ending is too simple, she's together with the right man for her.
