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  • Comedian Leigh Francis satirises celebrities and celebrity culture. The show is hosted by Avid Merrion, a celebrity stalker. There's also Michael Jackson, Craig David, The Osbournes, Mel B, Britney Spears, Posh and Becks, to name bit a few, plus a host of temporary, generic celebrities and hangers-on.

    A series that pokes fun at celebrities and does so in absurdist fashion. Absurd in that the personalities and mannerisms (and often even appearances!) of the celebs aren't necessarily based on their actual traits. Michael Jackson is a foul-mouthed jive-talking alpha type who does Jackass-type stunts, Craig David walks around with a bird of prey on his arm and has a strong Yorkshire accent, Britney Spears is lager-drinking slag who also has a strong Northern accent, Ozzy Osbourne has incredibly long arms (and is unintelligible - some traits are true-to-life).

    This all makes for some hilarious moments without actually having a go at the stars themselves, as the traits they're imbued with are so ridiculous it would be stupid to think that's actually meant to be them.

    Holding this all together is Avid Merrion, essentially the host of the show. His antics show up the insanity of fandom and the lengths some people go to.

    It is a bit hit and miss though. You do need to know some of the minor celebrities in order to figure out the gag and some are so local and temporary that unless you're an avid watcher of British TV in the early-2000s you won't get who they are or what is being parodied. This isn't always a problem: the vacuousness and genericness of celebrities is highlighted: it doesn't matter what they do as they're pretty much like the next one.

    The show also ran out of steam after two seasons. Season 3 felt formulaic and flat: all the best gags had been used and Francis was now just retreading the same old stuff.

    Season ratings: S1&2 8/10, S3 6/10.
  • Bo Selecta is a Channel 4 comedy classic that has never ceased to make me laugh. It's great fun for fans of absurdist comedy, if you like stuff such as Reeves and Mortimer then I'd imagine you'll like this too. Much of the humour is derived from the deliberately absurd and over-the-top impressions of celebs, though some are spot on like the impressions of Ant and Dec. Leigh Francis did a brilliant job here and he can be proud after all these years. Series 3 is still very funny but a bit weaker than the other two as the format change meant the guests were in on the joke. In the first two Avid Merrion meets real celebrities who believe he is a real stalker, the part where he interviews Meatloaf is hilarious! Well worth a watch even all these years later.
  • Bo Selecta is a very unique show for better or worse, and it has obtained a cult following over the years. I find it very hit and miss overall. It's not deemed to be politically correct today, but I don't think that Leigh Francis ever set out to intend anyone intentionally.

    The most consistently funny character in the show is Craiiiiiiig David, whose appearances are almost always funny. I can't help but observe that the first series is by far the strongest and I rate that one highly, but the others, Season 3 in particular which has a slight format change are a noticeable step down in quality leading to my just above average overall rating of the show. The show isn't for everyone, being filled with very abstract toilet humour throughout. It was never going to have a timeless quality to it and if you weren't around at the time then I would imagine you will have trouble understanding what is being lampooned as the show relies off of parodying pop culture of the time so often.

    Definitely the highlight of Leigh Francis's career.

    Series 1: 7.5/10 Series 2: 6/10 Series 3: 5/10.
  • Is there any sense in asking why Michael Jackson has been reincarnated as a profane version of his eighties self or why Southampton-born Craig David has a Yorkshire accent or why Michael Douglas sounds like Woody Allen? Is there any point even in pondering why the Transylvanian born Avid sounds Portugese? Of course not, the point of Bo' Selecta is not accurate impressions but of twisting celebrities into grotesques of themselves. That said some of the voices are brilliant, especially Kelly Osbournes oscillating mid-Atlantic accent. Fun also is Avid's obsession with the D-list micro-celebrities that clutter the small screen (the Big Brother contestant being the most perfect example). If there is something wrong with this series is that it's a bit reliant on the scatological content to pad out moment's of surreal genius. Michael Jackson sky-diving dressed as Peter Pan while Martin Bashir ran about on the ground fretting about feeding his baby was a particular highlight.
  • jboothmillard20 April 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of my favourite anti-impression comedy programmes. Written by and starring BAFTA and British Comedy Award nominated Leigh Francis as Avid Merrion and many famous masked faces. This is basically a gross impression programme with only a glint of realness to the people. As himself, Avid is a celebrity stalker who keeps Craig Phillips (from Big Brother 1) and his dead mother in his cupboards and always jumps to the opportunity to "meet" a celebrity. He also plays Craig David, The Bear, Mel B, Michael Jackson, Davina McCall, The Osbournes, Sir Elton John, Jonathan Ross (or "Woss"), Vernon Kay, Marilyn Manson, Will Young, Gareth Gates, Jordan or Jodie Marsh's tit, Harry Hill, Kat Slater and many more hilarious and gross celebrities. Guests have included: John Fashanu, EastEnders' Perry Fenwick, Jordan (Katie Price), Rod Stewart, Rachel Stevens, Kerry Katona (McFadden), the real Jonathan Ross, Drew Barrymore, Edith Bowman, Cameron Diaz, Beyoncé Knowles, Lucy Liu, the real Craig David, Neil Fox, the real Vernon Kay, Meat Loaf, the real Davina McCall, Dermot O'Leary, Emma Bunton, Kirsty Gallacher, Patsy Kensit, Peter Andre, Bob Mortimer, Melanie Brown (Mel B), Jamie Oliver, the real Osbournes (Ozzy, Jack, Kelly and Sharon) Mike Read, June Sarpong, Sean Pertwee, Jimmy Carr, Corrie's Samia Ghadie and Suranne Jones, Abi Titmuss, Jodie Marsh, Neil Ruddock and many, many more. It is sometimes disgusting, but still a hilarious entertainment sketch show. It was nominated the BAFTA for Comedy Programme or Series Award, and it was nominated the British Comedy Award for Best TV Comedy. Many spin-offs and special have followed, including Ho Ho Ho Selecta! which was number 87 on The 100 Greatest Christmas Moments. Craig David on Tour was number 32 and Michael Jackson's Crib number 19 on The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches, the programme was number 11 on The 100 Greatest Funny Moments, it has been on all 100 Greatest TV Treats programmes so far, and Avid Merrion was number 27 on The World's Greatest Comedy Characters. Outstanding!
  • Lee Francis is the loudest crudest most unfunny piece ever to darken our TV sets. The fact he seems to be on every single night makes me want to take my own life or better still his. I'm from Leeds too and the fact he exaggerates his accent is unbearable. I love dirty jokes and humour but he does not do it skilfully, it just comes out as crassness. sorry to mass of idiots that adore him.
  • Coralknight3 December 2019
    For Americans, think of Bo' Selecta as a white version of the Wayans Brothers. There's very little in the way of intelligent humor, but a lot of racist jokes and shock-value. As insanely liberal and PC British society has become, for some strange reason they love their racist jokes and comedians (maybe it's the last bastion of racist expression available to them?), and Bo' Selecta epitomizes this. One particularly cloying member of this ensembles does a very BAD Michael Jackson impression in hideous black-face (oh, but don't worry, there are many other characters done in black-face as well). They purposely added a laugh-track so you know it's OK to laugh along with the poor-quality racist jokes (if you can even call them that...just not funny).
  • This series is not for the faint hearted. And nor is it for those with a "refined" comedic palate. In short, it's definitely not for everyone.

    But, for me, it is the funniest show on television. I simply adore the Michael Jackson caricature. To portray him as a foul-mouthed, jive-talkin' brother with his spangly glove, sweatband and Thriller outfit is nothing short of genius. Creator/actor Leigh Francis has MJ followed around by 'Martay' Bashir, is distinctly careless with the baby Blanket and puts a surreal twist on the obsessions of the real-life Wacko (i.e., the fantastic Petay Pan parachute jump). Like Ali G, MJ has quickly gone down in modern comedy folklore.

    Craig David, another highlight, has bladder problems, carries around his peregrin falcon Kes and hails from Leeds. David Blaine is sex obsessed and uses his street magic only to fondle the ladies. Mel B (Jim Bowen in a wig) is fabulous, Britney Spears is a drunk and Christina Aguilera a Scouse whore. And all of these celebrities, and many more besides, are wearing ridiculous masks and oversized NHS specs. Totally bizarre yet, when on top form, utterly brilliant.

    Having said that, the show is far from perfect. It can get repetitive (especially the now-tiresome Bear), can resort to the overly crude and there are some characters such as Marilyn Manson and Jonathan Ross ("wibble"???) who don't deserve the time of day. Even the host Avid fails to raise a smile on many occasions.

    But it is highly quotable (although not always a good thing when a cult show goes mainstream), consistently funny and like nothing you've seen before, or will probably see again.

  • studioAT10 June 2020
    This is un PC and potentially offensive comedy that has no place in 2020.

    It will be consigned to history as a piece very much of its time.
  • I always hate that 2000s British sitcom so much. It's so vulgar, annoying, stupid and unfunny. It's also awful! It has a bunch of foul-mouthed idiots especially Avid and Bear themselves. It has too many profanities. It's probably one of the worst British television programmes of all time.

    Speaking of masks, they look creepy and hideous to look at.

    In the 2000s, my mum and my sister used to watch it but now they don't watch it anymore and they just disliked it.

    Thankfully this rubbish isn't on telly anymore and it has been cancelled for good. I'm sure it will never be on telly.

    I will never watch it again.

    I'm afraid I'll just have to forget about it and move on.
  • It wasn't until last Summer that I found out BO SELECTA actually existed . I was completely unaware of the first series and only saw the second one which caused me to split my sides

    BO SELECTA isn't a show that can be described as original , it's like ALI G meets SPITTING IMAGE while overdosing on LSD and Spanish fly . Avid Merrion ( Leigh Francis ) is a " stalker " who pursues unsuspecting celebs most of whom are young blond and female . It might not be sophisticated but it is very funny to see the girls from Liberty X telling Avid to " F*** off " . There's also surreal sketches with Francis done up like Mel B , David Beckham and best of all Michael Jackson who isn't the strange creature who lives at Neverland ranch but is a funky homeboy - Rick James meets Samuel L Jackson . It's difficult to describe how funny it appears on screen . I could describe the time Michael went to New York with Blanket Baby - " I call that motherf***er Blanket Baby because I put a blanket over the motherf***er's face . That's right HEE HEE " - and asked if anyone saw a " Lionay " - " Where the motherf***in' lionay at ? You seen the lionay bro ? " , but I'd be unable to do it justice . I'll just say watch it and weep with laughter

    Unfortunately Francis has become a victim of his own success and series three reflects this . The format has been changed to a talk show akin to THE MUPPET SHOW where guests like Sean Pertwee , Abi Titmuss , Johnathan Ross etc are in on the joke and most of the series fails because of this . Series two worked so well because guests thought they either talking to a genuine weirdo or they were appearing on a children's show with a puppet bear. Anyone remember Jennifer Ellison's face when the bear's " tail " popped out ?

    There are still some good points to the third series like having Michael Jackson appearing in the comedy series PORRIDGE with Ronny Barker " Ronny just said remember the time on Going Live when Five Star were on ? That little motherf***er phoned up at said ' I wanna know why Five Star are so f***in' s**t ? ' That's right "

    Mel B might think she's still got it , but I'm unsure if Leigh Francis has
  • STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

    Avid Merrion,a jarring,creepy individual who makes it seem like Transylvania should be proud to boast The Cheeky Girls amongst it's national heritage,is the man behind the growingly popular and therefore,as ever in this day and age or so it would seem,unbelievably crap Bo' Selecta!,a crass,vulgar and ultimately rather pathetic no laughs fest,with crass costume designs and inaccurate,unfaithful parodies of certain celebrity figures.Take Merrion's take on Michael Jackson,for instance.He sends him up in the costume he wore in his Beat It video,as though the last 20 years have never happened or something.No Martin Bashir related jokes here,that's for sure.And yeah right,he's some gentle,publicity shy figure who goes strutting around with a foul mouth,calling everyone it would seem a motherf****r,and being generally strangely more deprived of intelligence than he is in real life.This is also a one joke that gets weared thin very quickly,and seems to get overused due to a lack of,it would seem,imagination on the writer's parts.

    And then there's the Craig David parody.I mean,come on.You only need to see him in an interview to see how humble and,especially for someone of his age,well spoken the guy is.Why,then,is he lampooned as some kind of common northerner who's into bird fancying?

    It's a bit of a shame because had the personalities been a bit better researched,this might have rised slightly above the ranks of dire.Take Alistair McGowan's Big Impression,for instance.That worked,and was funny,because it perfectly parodied the celebrity figures it was taking the mick out of,and did,in fact,do it to a tee.

    As it is,it's just a non event,rarely,if ever,funny,with tired,frequently recycled gags,produced by a man with an off putting fascination with a fickle,superficial culture of celebrity and just goes to show the depths certain Channel 4 programming will plummet to.*
  • Bo Selecta is brilliant. If davideo even watched this show he would know that in the 2nd series the michael jackson character carries around blanket and is always followed by Martin Bashir. Secondly the fact that the characters based on famous people don't actually sound like them makes Bo selecta even more fresh and funny. (Check out Britney, David Beckham and the hilarious Mel B). It is true i do find it hard some times to watch Avid Merrion's transilvanian stalker but he is still very funny.

    So Schamone Mother F***er
  • Avid merrion is the creation of Leigh Francis, a gifted comedian. Avid first appeared in adverts for Big Brother last year, and built up a cult following soon after. Bo' Selecta! is Avid's first show, and it's crude, juvenile and cheap, yet very very funny. The best bits of the show are with Avid Merrion and his celebrity stalking activities; British R'n'B sensation Craig David, who is now from Leeds, is incontinent and has kestrel called Kes; his Michael Jackson, which is nothing like the real Jacko - he is hyperactive, ladens every sentence with profanity ect. And last but not least: Bedtime with the Bear. This is Francis dressed as a little bear, children's TV-style, yet with a distinctly adult twist! First time I saw his "tail" I had the giggles for the next couple of days. It's not all perfect though - The Week in Bits by Jordan's/Jodie Marsh's T*ts, Ricky Jervais, Mel B and Marilyn Manson are pretty darn unfunny most of the time.. Either way, I like it at the moment, but as I'm only 18 I'm still in it's target audience. Give it a few years and we'll see...
  • only read this if u are 18+

    this is on of the funniest programmes i have see for a while. i remember leigh francis in his early days with some short comedy on the paramount channel he was good then.

    His Michael Jackson character is most amusing. for example there was a short sketch of him picking up his fictional MTV award from Ms Spears

    Michael: I'd like to thank god, my parent, lenny henry (aoooorah), mr t (i ain't getting on no plane i'aint getting on no plane i pity the fool), all the cast of different strokes even the white guy, dr trueman from eastenders even his no good brother. one love peace out.

    also craig david decribing where his got his bird kes from.

    Craig David: He's a peraguin falcon, I brought him of a man from huddersfield with a dog with one leg

    it is a very funny tv programme
  • Bo Selecta is notable for a number of reasons. It doesn't conform to standard 'set-up, punchline' routines. It's the raw, random nonsense most young men have in their heads. It's the basic things you laugh at when drunk or with a group of mates. 99% of it revolves around sex. Most of the sketches seem to be thought up on set just before they are filmed, although repeating cathphrases is also a large part of the show. There is atleast one laugh-out-loud scene per episode, but too much of it is so, so basic - a man in a rubber mask shouting obscenities - that it wears out it's welcome fast. Worth seeing atleast once just to wonder how such a weak premise has become so popular (in the UK).
  • I beg to differ with a lot of people's opinion on how the 3rd series went down hill. I thought it was hilarious and Leigh Francis is still as much a comical genius as ever. The outrageous comedy is just unbeatable. The 3rd series could not be the same as the first 2 because by the time the 3rd series was in planning, Leigh Francis (along with his character of Avid Merrion) had become too famous to pull pranks on celebrities and it would have been plain unrealistic. The new format takes some adjusting but the way the new fame has been handled i think is very nicely done. You can tell that these actors go to work every day and have lots of fun, and i think this rubs off on the audience and we see how much fun they have. This program is perfect for easy watching and especially if you simply want to smile. Keep it up Leigh.
  • Now in it's 2nd series,Bo Selecta gets funnier every week.Celebrity stalker Avid Merrion fantasizes about meeting various celebrities,despite restraining orders.Bear up a tree interviews minor celebrities each week,getting them to read him a bedtime story which always ends up with some smutty scenario.

    The highlight for me is the rubber masked take offs of various celebrities,none of whom sound like the actual person,but in some instances do actually look like them.Personal favourites of mine are Michael Jackson(New York is a ceetay!Thats right!),Scary Spice(Ow Doo) and Lorraine Kelly(Can ye see mah growler?).

    Not for the easily offended.If you like "Alistair McGowan",then this is not for you,however fans of Graham Norton will like this. Leigh Francis has been compared to Reeves and Mortimer for this surreal comedy,but in my opinion this is far funnier,and the product of a very clever(if somewhat warped)mind! 5 stars out of 5 *****
  • Well it's hard not to admire this show in some way - any show with Craig David having a p*** with his nan is admirable. To criticise the show for the impressions not being very good is missing the point of course (although Mel B is strangely familiar). But mainly there's as much effort put into this show as I give when I'm writing reviews and you know stuff and crap and... that dog has a puffy tail! So the sketches are repetitive, not all of them are funny the first time anyway and potential catchphrases are desperately shouted all over the shop until you know some cock will be repeating them at work on monday. Watch it when you're really drunk and you'll probably p*** yourself laughing right enough so yeah...