User Reviews (4)

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  • Even though I've seen this episode a million times, it was today (March 21, 2017) when I watched this episode on disc three of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air season 2 DVD, that it really hit me that the Carlton Dance was introduced to the world back in 1991.

    And Carlton did the dance out of nowhere. Ashley was dancing and then the camera panned to Carlton doing his famous dance by himself and then he moved the dance to near the front door of the Banks' rented cabin.

    It was that scene and then season three where Carlton's character really started to get popular.

    For an actor that is as talented as Alfonso Ribeiro is, it's kind of messed up that most people remember him because of the Carlton Dance. Because at the end of the day, Alfonso Ribeiro can act his butt off!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For Christmas the whole family goes to a ski cabin and they get robbed.

    A sweet Christmas episode that brings laughter and true spirit of Christmas.

    It has funny moments, I especially love Carlton in this episode. Him telling Will he loves him and then sing so that Will strangles him saying that he loves him was a great scene. And the special thing was of course the amazing dance Carlton did that we all love that much.

    Will's mom was also fun in her very positive way which is very unusual and surprised everyone in the family.

    It also gives a Christmas spirit since they all give each other not gifts but love in this family. Besides Geoffrey who made us laugh since he is British and not so much into the mushy stuff.
  • This "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" episode from season 2 episode 13 called "Christmas Show" is one that has always stood out in memory from my first viewing of it in 1991 on "NBC" till now and every year during the holiday season when I view it. The episode is funny with laughs and it has drama and unease yet in the end is sentimental with family love and togetherness. The Banks family decide to leave California for a holiday Christmas getaway at a family cabin in Utah. And once together some of the adult gang decide to hit the snow for some skiing, however Will, Carlton, Hilary, and Ashley stay back only a knock on the door from a stranger and having a kind heart backfires! Now it's like old silent night don't talk as Will, Carlton, Ashley, and Hilary are tied up and they have their mouths taped with duct tape! Hated to see Ashley and Hilary become damsels in distress! Plus the banks family has their Christmas stolen by a Grinch! Overall okay episode of awareness proving never to trust strangers, yet it proves a true meaning of Christmas that love and family is more important than gifts.
  • Whoever rated this episode less than a 10/10 never saw it. This is my favorite Christmas themed episode out of any 90s sitcom I've ever watched. Every other line was comedic gold and it had a dash of heart and mushy stuff as it should for this type of themed episode as well. I just finished it watching it as I do every year this time of year and I actually came on here to see who the writer was for this particular episode because I'd probably enjoy their other works too. This is a must see every holiday season. Oh, someone already mentioned this but incase you missed it, this episode contains the introduction of the Carlton dance too! Classic.