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  • After a few so so episodes, How I Met Your Mother returns to form thanks to one man. Step forward Neil Patrick Harris.

    Plot In A Paragraph: Robin invites everybody to an awards show and Ted is worried about bringing a date or not. Barney offers to hook him up with a prostitute when Robin brings a real date. Ted is horrified Robin's date is her sleazy colleague Sandy Rivers whom Ted and Marshall constantly make jokes about when watching him on TV.

    Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Alyson Hannigan and Cobie Smulders all offer solid support but it's Neil Patrick Harris who really knocks it out of the park in this episode. He has been the shows saviour at times. Whenever their is a great episode, it features Neil Patrick Harris's Barney Stinson heavily.

    The guy who plays Sandy Rivers, is Alexis Denisof and he is Alyson Hannigan's real-life husband.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode is pretty amusing. I am not so much into how mad Robin is at Ted because she sure is exaggerating, he didn't do anything to her. If anyone should be mad it is Victoria. Hope this will be over soon as it gets annoying.

    Barney fooling Ted that his paralegal date is a hooker was pretty funny. Although I had kind of a bad taste how disrespectfully they talked about her because of that. The only thing that matters is a personality. A sex worker is not necessarily having STDs especially not one that gets $500 a night. And they deserve to have a life as well, many do it for short time to pay for their education.

    Still a pretty funny episode that made me laugh a lot.
  • Barrow her lipstick:) It is such a nice episode. It is full of jealousy and misunderstanding. Mary is hot. Ted is stupid. Robin is confused. Lily is sleppless. Marshall is legal:) Barney is always the same full of surprises.
  • bevo-1367814 June 2020
    I like the bit where they put all that stuff in sandys hair
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sl-t shaming with a laugh track behind it does not good comedy make.