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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Crystal Hoyle and Buck Winters are seen riding in their convertible that has been 'adorned' with the "newlyweds" signs all over. When they arrive at a roadside diner, they do not have any intention of eating there. They have come to rob the place. In the process, they kill about three persons that just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

    This couple continue to work their way into Los Angeles wrecking havoc wherever they decide to strike. It appears Crystal has an agenda in mind, and Buck is just going for the ride. The FBI and agent Ian Edgerton are drawn into the trail of the couple. With the help from Charlie Eppes, the federals recognize the pattern the duo is following. The younger Eppes has figured a trajectory that will help the agents get to the two criminals.

    "Spree" is the first installment on a two part episode. Directed by John Behring, and written by Ken Sanzel, both members of the production company of "Numb3rs". The result is a fast moving show that has a little bit for everyone. The regulars do their usual excellent acting. Guest star Kim Dickens has several good moments as Crystal, the woman that shows no redeeming qualities and is hell bent in getting rid of whoever gets in front of her.
  • This is the first half of an episode starting off Season 3. It is about spree killers, a teacher and her student who are on one of those crazy rampages where lives don't matter. We are cloudy about her motivation which will probably be explained in Part 2. This is another case of slipshod methods by the FBI that makes for good TV but slips out of reality.
  • wkozak22117 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This episode IMO was odd. Larry constantly eating white. Him selling his house and basically mooching off of friends crashing everywhere. Meagan finds ii attractive. Odd.... Then Colby talking about the war again. I thought Ian was a sniper? Would a sniper track wanted suspects? Then Charlie argues with his dad about moving out, repairs. Also, if Meagan is a black belt in Krav Marga why didn't he disable the teacher in the parking lot while her hands were full? The pin was in the grenade.
  • sandcrab2777 June 2019
    One of the premises used to find the suspect's daughter was searching for social security numbers issued by hospitals .... hospitals don't ever issue ssns , they are issued by the social security administration when requested by application and issued according to the state the applicant lives in, not where you were born