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  • This is pretty much France's answer to Project Power, and like that movie this one as well was just okay. I didn't care about any of the characters, the story was predictable, and the score was incredibly bland & uninspired. It does have pretty good performances, some cool fights, decent visuals and cinematography, and above average directing.

    Better go in with low expectations and you might not mind it for what it is.
  • neil-47614 July 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    In a world where superheroes exist, detective Moreau is teamed with new partner Schaltzmann on a case which they think is about someone who has the ability to project fire. They don't know that there is a new drug lending powers widely.

    This French film is a decent police procedural set in a superhero world, with some personal subplot elements added in. The writing, acting and special effects are all very good.

    The title, however (which is the same in French) is awful, giving an entirely inaccurate impression that this is light, frothy, and tongue-in-cheek. It's not - it is serious, and played straight.
  • Not awesome, but entertaining film about an alternative Paris where there are many (generally not so powerful) superheroes. Drug dealers are selling a new addictive made with... superhero blood! It makes users emulate the very same superpower for some time. Then, superheroes are being hunted. A policeman who loves candies, seems unruly and has a fruendship with a few former superheroes is the one who is designated to deal with crimes involving superheoes. A new partner will work with him, a policewoman, and their relationship did not start well. The rest of the story is well done, although predictable. Details are being added and they make sense. Pack Royal is a nice superhero team, and so is the relationship Moreau has with its members. I did not like the main villain, although his background story is interesting enough. Worth watching. I will deffinitely watch the sequel if Netflix makes it.
  • American superhero movies are all about cgi and saving the world. I had enough of that!

    This movie stayed small, human. They are not superheroes, they are humans with powers, they have feeling, faults, everyday problems and that's why I like it.
  • 18Buddha10 July 2021
    Though it was reminding me Project Power film from 2020 but this version wasnt that bad. It was enjoyable as i do enjoy superhero type movies.

    Many people now n days may rate a movie based on the plot or idea has been done and give them low scores But me i feel why do we have to rate a film based on how it compares to another one?

    We should be rating movies based on the movie itself and how well it is. I seen someone give a 1/10 because it was similiar to project power lol and the guy seemed confused saying its the same movie but different title lmao.

    Goes to show some people just didnt watch the whole movie before rating low scores 😂

    Its time people quit with the "Oh its been done already" or "nothing fresh in plotline" and just sit back, watch the movie and then rate it afterwards based on how well they did on their own Not comparing to other similar films.
  • I sat down to watch the 2020 French movie "Comment je suis devenu super-héros" (aka "How I Became a Superhero") here in 2021. I hadn't heard about the movie prior to stumbling upon it. And seeing it being an action comedy then I was interested in watching it.

    And I managed to endure a bit more than one hour of what director Douglas Attal delivered here with this movie. Then I was just good and ready to quit on the movie, because the storyline was very slow paced, and the character gallery was about as interesting as watching the wind moving the clouds around.

    Whatever writers Cédric Anger and Douglas Attal were trying to accomplish here with the script and storyline for "How I Became a Superhero", then it just simply fell short of providing me with much of any entertainment or enjoyment. The movie was just too uneventful and mundane for me.

    The character gallery in the movie were bland. So horribly, horribly bland. I am sure that the actors and actresses in the movie were putting on good performances, but the characters and material they had to work with from the script was just rubbish.

    Visually then "How I Became a Superhero" was actually quite good. And I am sure that if you are a fan of the superhero genre, then there are things to be enjoyed here. But since I am not overly keen on the superhero genre really, this movie was just a swing and a miss for me.

    My rating of the 2020 movie "How I Became a Superhero" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
  • The story starts out slow but soons grabs your attention and interest. I watched the English dub and it's decent in the least. A good mix of action, suspense and novelty in the superhero world.

    While this cannot be compared to DC/ Marcel movies at all, it's an entertaining one and deserves your time. Recommended watch !
  • "Meet your new partner" says the police chief. Oh look, it's the person you've just had a run in with in the first 5 minutes of the film. Oh come on. We've seen that one a hundred times already. So it didn't start well. Great idea and unusual plot but just didn't do it for me. Powers weren't up to much. In fact, I think that was it. The powers were really unimpressive. The only saving grace for me was Monte Carlo. Likeable character with the best powers. I suppose it's worth a watch if there's nothing else on. Think "The Boys" but about 20% as good.
  • I was kind of surprised at how much I liked this movie. It's a nice take on the Superhero genre. The acting is good, as is the CGI. There's a little humor mixed in with the action. The only fault I have with the film is the way the music and dialog are mixed. In my opinion, the music is unnecessary loud even when there is no need for it. This is a fun movie.
  • lorenzo-1657630 August 2021
    Typically french. Mediocre actors, mediocre special effects, the plot is ok. Good Sunday afternoon movie. The most dramatic scenes will make you laugh ( they are soooo bad).
  • This was a great film! I watched the English dubbed version so maybe it made a difference vs those who watched with subtitles. Expectations could be another factor which has resulted, thus far, in what I think is a low rating (5.8, 23dec2021).

    Another reviewer noted that it was very similar to Powers (2015) (6.7 rating) but done much better. Having seen that series, this was exactly what I was thinking as I viewed it. I agree - it was done much better.

    In a world where a percentage of the population has long had some form of superpowers, the novelty has worn off. So the film doesn't try and wow the viewer with super-powered beings. It creates this world and draws the viewer into it - no novelty, no pizazz... just everyday life with a story line built around a drug that enhances non-powered individuals.

    The result is a story that's lower key and can be compared to films like Code 8 (2019) and Project Power (2020). Like 'Code 8', superpowers are common place. Like 'Project Power', enhanced human abilities are achieved through an external source.

    As much as I enjoyed the TV series and the two films linked here, I thought this film was the best of this particular set.

    Would love to see this evolve into a franchise series with the same cast. Everyone was excellent in their roles: very real-world portrayals, humane, complex and engaging.
  • If you remember the short lived TV Show Powers, you will find many similarities with this film. The same disillusioned cop working in a world that routinely manifests superheroes, a villain that attempts to extract superpowers from these people and use them himself and some children in danger so the stakes are raised. And that show was based on the comics written by Bendis in 2000 and this film is based on the book written by Gérald Bronner in 2007. And, as another user here was remembering, the really bad Project Power film also had a similar plot. So, nothing new, really.

    Yet, for a French superhero film, it was pretty good. Nothing to tell your friends about, but empathetic characters and a decent story and special effects. Where it failed catastrophically, I believe, is in the relationship between the two cops. They had zero chemistry and the female character, which should have represented the point of view of the audience, was almost completely useless in terms of both capabilities and importance to the story. A decent effort, though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In Project Power use capsule to Get Power and in this Movie Use Stick To get Power. This Movie Not Satisfied me Weak Story line, Weak Action , Weak CGI vfx etc.....

    Don't waste your time Go and Watch Project Power ( batter than this )
  • I would not be surprised ... though I also don't expect anything comparable to the MCU ... or the Conjuring-verse for that matter. MCU being closer spiritually speaking of course.

    I don't know if there are comics for this or if this is an original overall. Whatever the case, the premise or the overall story is sort of known, not just to comic book fans. Overall nicely done even when much is quite predictable, it does have its charme for sure.
  • I think it was a good take on superheroes. Go in with an open mind and no presumptions about what is going to happen or how it's supposed to be. I thought it was easy to follow and the story made sense and kept me entertained enough. Someone said they thought the dialogue wasn't the best but I didn't find that to be the case. No worse than any marvel-superhero-type movie I've ever seen at least! Worth a watch!
  • MovieIQTest9 July 2021
    If you want to become a French styled superhero or super cop, you must live a sloppy life with a cat that share your breakfast in the same bowl, then you must keep chewing candies to get energy, your eyes are like two deadbeat fish eyes, a bit sleepy or suffer from insomnia. For the last 10 years as a detective, you didn't show any potential to further your career, only lived like a spiritless zombie in Hotel De Police. How come you were not fired?

    This French made super hero wannabee movie is nothing but a joke. If you have the time to waste, just try to waste it elsewhere, don't spend your time to upload a 10/10 fake review to fool me.
  • Movi3DO12 July 2021
    A new French superhero movie on Netflix. While superheroes have assimilated into Parisian society, a new drug gives super powers to mere mortals.

    This movie tried to be a crime thriller and a some kind of a superhero origin story. While they did a decent job with the former, they failed with the latter.

    Our main character was a detective who had to work with new detective, and they had to work on the main case. The clues connected together nicely, and while the case was predictable in the end, I was still interested in the journey.

    The universe of this movie wasn't anything new. Many people had different quirks while others did not possess any. This movie didn't add anything special while showing a few amount of quirks that were cliche.

    Most of the characters were boring and not special. The villain was not at all menacing and had little backstory that make him interesting. The main character, despite having a traumatic past that was actually decent, still wasn't special enough to make the movie stand out.

    The crime thriller seemed to dominate the story. This became detrimental because the superhero aspect felt like a side arc, which was what the movie was supposed to focus on.

    Overall, a mediocre movie that didn't live up to its title. 5/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie kinda reminds me of 'Project Power'. Both the movies have the same technique of obtaining powers (breaking a tube and inhaling the substance).

    Anyways back to 'How i became a superhero'. As the title of the movie suggests, it's about a policeman who lives in a world where powers exist, and he himself is one of the very few who has such powers. However, he chooses not to use them due to a tragic accident (but he does, in the end).

    The movie isn't boring, but there's more talking and less action, which is understandable, because not every superhero movie has to be compared to Marvel. It was good in its own way, but it could've been better if we could see more cooler scenes related to the main character's power, along with some other powers apart from Telekinesis, Flames, Electric beams, Future visions, and Teleportation. Oh, the visual effects are really good, so that kinda counters the points above, and also because I'm a sucker for such things.

    Not sure about how you feel, but i think it deserves a 6 or 7.

    P. S: Watch the movie in the original language.
  • poinla3710 July 2021
    Still a fail for the French film industry (don't get me wrong, I'm French...).

    Watching a French superhero movie is like watching an american anime.

    Netflix is obviously producing all kind of c...p from all around the world.

    There's nothing much going and everything seem cheap.

    If you want to watch French superheroes, I recommend Hero corp. It's a French comedy series with superheroes. That's as cheap as this movie, but at least they're completely comfortable with that and it's really funny.
  • Leave it to the French to make a quirky, witty Superhero movie with an original twist.

    What makes this French movie stand out are it's nice acting performances with REAL characters, who have REAL human fears and desires. It's therefore easy to sympathize with these characters, something I have often troubles with when watching american superhero movies.

    Everything in this movie is "served up" with a dressing of tongue in cheek jokes in a surprisingly original story, with great dialogues.

    The story: a lazy and burned out middle aged French detective has got to defeat vicious Superheroes, who are attacking innocent folks in his town. While he is busy doing that he discovers he has superpowers himself as well. What luck! Will he defeat the superhero villains? Duh.

    Recommended for those who have become tired watching those boring American superhero movies. This movie has got a nice alternate spin on this worn out superhero genre. It has got some lovely budding romance as well.
  • It was so slow and boring. The acting was terrible too.
  • And it's a bonus that my French continues to improve as I am entertained by more and more interesting French movies. Interesting characters and plot line, I enjoyed following different story lines and solid production values. Let's hope we see a lot more of these "real" characters that seem more down to earth in a strange but familiar Parisian world.
  • I had high hopes for this movie despite the very goofy opening soundtrack. We are introduced to a cop who has some type of agreement with superheros although that's not really explained til later but he Is paired with a female partner much to his chargrin. Together they are on the case to figure out who is using powers to kill and start fires which leads them to a bigger issue than they previously thought. The Movie was pretty predictable and lacked depth. I rolled my eyes several times and got the feeling this was intended for teenagers due to the weak dialogue, "humor" and script. I was never impressed or even cared when some action did take place and was quite happy when the movie ended.
  • It's an underwhelming film about superpowers and its effects when exploited, which starts out pretty cool but becomes very dull halfway through with no real sense of conflict or urgency. The protagonists pretty much chill around without them know the impending conflict or threat, or the lives at stake due to the antagonist. They keep investigating stuff, which is pretty much dull and lacks any sense of tension or grounded-ness. The characters come and go, especially the drug users, acting like fillers for the next scene. The takedown of the school kid lighting up his school is pretty nonsensical, as he surrenders without hesitation or putting up any fight for our heroes. If he doesn't even want to kill people, then what's he trying to do? Threatening the bullies? No answer is given at all. He disappears completely the next scene onwards.

    Our protagonist, Gabriel Moreau is a blank-slate of a character without much depth to keep me invested in his character. His backstory has a 'trauma' which, throughout the sequence, made me yawn. The villain has an interesting backstory, but his current motivations made no sense. He seeks justice or something by extracting superhero serum? Nonsense. The superserum source girl, Lily, is a disposable character with no deserving emotional investment other than that she's a teenager. Other supporting characters add no real weight to the narrative and theme, and just exist to be plot vehicles.

    One that that really stood out for me is the relationship between the two investigating partners. First, it develops as a careless association, turning into an interesting friendship, only to be ruined by a climax kiss scene that left me really frustrated. I thought he'd give her a hug or something, but no, they literally go at it. And it left me very angry. Because the movie hinted it to go in a sweet partner-in-crime sorta thing, but made it a romance thing.

    Comparisons to Project Power, I think this is an inferior piece, even though this is based off of an original novel far back when PP was conceived. Overall, it's mostly a one-time watch, which you can forget it the moment you turn it off.
  • While DC and Marvel are proficient in making any superhero movie, they are all quite alike in everything. Birds of a feather flock together! I want something that stands out from the crowd, something that still lingers after a while. Something "superHUMAN" rather than superhero!! So now here is one. Bet'cha Euphoria fans would appreciate it in all aspects. Do NOT anticipate any adrenaline-pumping pace and surreal CG and gun Fx. It's not made-in-USA. But in return u'll be served with a medium roasted Latte.

    I m not familiar with the actors and actresses in the movie. Without any special expectation and, granted, I've enjoyed an entertaining French super-human action crime movie.
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