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  • There's a slow start. Then there is a bad start. A really bad start. I hate the failed-he's-going-to-propose especially when the guy isn't just lame, but cliche lame. (He doesn't even realize they broke up.) I think it was supposed to be funny. I'd just prefer they left that whole exchange out.

    The movie also starts with a whole need-a-column-by-Christmas premise. The unsigned letter/love-letter angle isn't new either, although it is a little less trampled as a premise. Combined with search-for-secret-admirer and it's a little more common, but still not obscenely overused.

    There's a lot more lame and way too many more cliches and a lot of the acting isn't great in a lot of cases. Oddly, there's some funny dialogue in with the lame, so the movie isn't a total loss, especially if you like that type of humor that leans toward exaggerated rather than subtle..

    Despite all the lame, overused , and totally predictable elements, I'm glad I hung on to the end. There were some sweet, interesting, and not so predictable moments. And it was put together well.

    I also like Ashley Newbrough although I have a hard time putting my finger on what about her. Maybe it's the fact that she isn't 40 or older like so many of Hallmark's regulars (yes I know this movie is Lifetime). Maybe it's that she seems to connect easily with her opposites consistently.

    Movies often thrown in "cute" kids as an extra hook. This one is a little above average on that front. Izzy Herbert doesn't do a great acting job, but she does enough to make her role count.
  • Great plot and actors. Very light, entertaining comedy romance film. I enjoyed it very much!
  • Amelie breaks up with her boyfriend after he "kind of" proposes to her. She also receives a letter, unsigned, from someone from her hometown, so she decides to pack up a few things and go home to find out who sent it and to write an article for her "Love note" column.

    I had a few problems with this: 1) I get it, the boyfriend was not a good one to her: she gave him to much and he gave her nothing. She did good in dumping his pathetic face. And I understand she was eager to find out who sent that letter, I would be too, but the fact that she was willing to move on so fast from the guy she "wanted" to spend her life with...

    2) Amelie and Ian did not have enough scenes. They were best friends before and I love that trope "best friend to lover". He had feelings before and that's great but I would have liked to have more of him showing her how he felt and her developin an attraction for him, like any other movie out there. The chemistry between the characters, from my POV was not good, again, I wish I had seen more scenes between the leads.

    3) She just stood up from her desk, totally ignored her boss and decided to do her work from her hometown. That does not happen in the real world.

    4) The "robot-dog" was kind of funny. The child was not good, she kind of reminded me to the girl from "Charlie and the chocolate factory" and I did not mean that as a compliment.

    Ok, now to the things I liked: I was REALLY upset about Amelie "changing" her personality for the sake of love, until I figured it out it was part of the plot. And I'm glad it was Ian who pointed out to her. Secondly, Amelie asking her ex if he had a "parner or girlfriend". Nice one, Lifetime.

    I had more negative things to say than positive, but I actually enjoyed it. The plot was a very good idea, but that it was not well executed while being written.
  • Christmas Love Letter (2019)-

    Tilky Jones as Ian is clearly the best option for her right from the start. Apart from being the hottest of the fellas she had to choose from, he's also the nicest and most normal, but as usual, the female lead character is a bit too shallow and self absorbed to see it (Who keeps writing these women like this?), so who will she end up with?

    There is at least a small amount of doubt, which is nice for change and the general story as a whole is at least a different concept from the usual Girl meets boy and then falls out with boy, before he proves that she was a stupid cow to think that he was being anything but genuine with her all the time, but it would be good if the writers could have you guessing who she would end up with all the way along instead, in a kind of dating show way. Who will she eventually give her flower to, Etc. They'd all have potential and it wouldn't be obvious that the one with the dodgy laugh or terrible dress sense isn't going to cut it.

    The biggest issue with these Christmas films is that they are so formulaic that you know exactly what is going to go down within the first fifteen minutes. It's time for a rethink in my opinion.

    I personally would love to have 3 or 4 men all wanting my attention, but no such luck. Actually at this stage even one would be nice?

    The film is well made and it's just a shame that some of the actors are made to be caricatures and a bit over the top. Ashley Newborough as Amalie didn't endear herself to me and the robot dog is a bit ridiculous, but there is a warmth and sweetness about it.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Christmas Love Letter" is a 2019 Hallmark Holiday film featuring Ashley Newbrough and Tlky Jones as high school friends who reconnect later in life. Jones has a daughter who has helped him invent a therapeutic robot puppy named Holly. I can say with a high degree of certainty that I have never seen a Christmas movie featuring a robot dog. The dog is really cute and lifelike. If you have seen "Master of None" featuring the real-life robot seal PARO, Holly functions similarly. Too bad the rest of the movie isn't that interesting.

    The actual movie is nothing impressive. Newbrough is unappealing here. She's attractive but her character is arrogant and off-putting. A random love letter arrives at her employer's office so she leaves work to find out who wrote it. She flippantly disregards her editor who asks when she will finish her Christmas article and casually interrupts an ex during a volunteer chess game he is playing with a troubled teenager. She even aggressively flirts with said ex! How are we supposed to root for someone like her? Why would anyone want to be with someone like her? Yes, she is attractive but we need something more for a film to work.

    The boyfriends or their significant others are portrayed as buffoons or jerks. Not good movie jerks, mind you. The kind of jerk who lies about writing a romantic letter to an ex just to get back with her and lie to cover it up. One boyfriend has a laugh that is intentionally annoying while he laughs at his own jokes. It's unbearable.

    At least Jones has an alright character. I enjoyed watching him work on Holly and interact with his daughter. Other reviewers have criticized her as annoying or bratty. I think she is clever but not too clever. She loves her father and wants him to be happy. I choose to believe that a child would want her father to be with an undesirable girlfriend just because he likes her. If she were older, she would see that Newbrough's character is lacking in many ways. Newbrough was in two bad films this year. At least this one is better than "A Merry Christmas Match." I'll try "Small Town Christmas" to see if she is better there.
  • Are there two movies with this title? I have to wonder as if I had taken notice of the earlier reviews I wouldn't have watched this movie and that would have been a shame. Ok it's the usual formula, we know that before we start and yes the children can be a little over the top BUT all in all this is a bright, happy movie with a lot of laughs along the way. I thought all the actors did a great job. I have watched worse this season and a couple I didn't get past the first 15 minutes. This one was no effort at all. I'm sure others will enjoy as I did.
  • Although the basic plot of this offering is pretty standard stuff, the peculiar choices made in some of the plot points push this into bizarro territory fast and doesn't let up. First, our heroine breaks up with her long-term boyfriend, after his slap-worthy proposal (seriously dude!). She goes back to the office where she finds an anonymous love letter from a guy she spent a memorable Christmas with except she can't remember it. She pivots at lightening speed into pursuing love with this mystery man by going back to her tiny small town to solve the mystery.

    Her first step is to go to a local woodsy park to uncover a huge treasure chest she apparently stores there containing her personal photos and diary so she can refresh her memory. Seriously, she brushes the snow off the chest, which is seemingly unmolested by curious passersby or the elements, and digs right in. This is a major step onto planet weird. But not the last.

    She has two hilarious encounters with the first two former boyfriends/suspects. With the first one, she interrogates him about the love letter, but she does it in front of his fiancé! It was not pretty, but it was pretty funny. The second guy is a total freak-show who is obsessed with puns about his fish obsession and who laughs like a donkey. This was comic gold. Gold, I tell you. Until you think about it a bit. How could she ever have even spent a minute with this lunatic let alone had a serious romantic relationship with him? Not to mention he is about a foot shorter than she is.

    Meanwhile, the true letter-writer, who is a childhood buddy, is following her around. He is a widower and father of possibly the most annoying child in Hallmark history. In order to explain the girls off the wall behavior the writers apparently have inserted the information that she is an eccentric "genius." Daddy has been devotedly in love with our heroine even throughout his marriage. Fortunately the woman is now dead, unmourned and forgotten by both her husband and her genius child. To make this love interest even more attractive as potential husband material, he has invented a mechanical dog that looks, feels, sounds, and acts like a real dog. It steals the show. Seriously, I couldn't look away.

    I could go on and on. Our heroine has bonafide psychological issues when it comes to her love life, plus an identity crisis. Seriously, a psychologist would have a field day. By the end, she learns nothing, and develops past her challenges in no way. She ends up with the "right" guy for no reason. The happy ending rests on her doubling down on her disturbing neuroses. I will kindly leave her buying almost a hundred cups of hot cocoa in one sitting, Her father's debts, Her falling for an evil dirtbag, and the reappearance of her dumber than a bag of hair ex-boyfriend by the wayside.

    There were some genuine laugh out loud moments and a few were intentional. Ashley Newbrough was fine as an actress, and so was Tilkey Jones as the love struck widower/inventor. Chante Bowser was a star as her normal, sane, and smart as a whip best friend. I blame the writers and the director for this jaw-droppingly eccentric Christmas catastrophe.
  • kkcondit5 December 2020
    When she is on a search for love she finds love in another place that is unexpected. I really enjoyed the plot. I was thinking about watching again. It does have a very realistic storyline. I would definitely watch it again.
  • 'Christmas Love Letter' is another one of those Lifetime Christmas films to have a rather cheesy and uninspired title, but also have a story that potentially could be quite charming and sweet. There never has been any bias against Lifetime's output, much of it is formulaic sure and some of it has just as much corny and schmaltz of that of Hallmark's but with the right leads and the right amount of charm and heart they can have some likeability. Provided that not too much is expected from it.

    Didn't expect a massive amount from 'Christmas Love Letter' and overall got a film that isn't that bad in the way that has been said by some. But it is to me still isn't a good film, if people think otherwise fair enough and good for them, and do actually agree with the criticisms that have been cited. Not one of the worst of Lifetime's Christmas output of 2019 or overall. Also not one of the best on both counts, somewhere around low middle if anything.

    The film is not a complete waste of time. It is lifted from what could have been near-unwatchable to semi-watchable by the engaging lead performances of Ashley Newbrough and Tilky Jones. Jones' character Ian is a lot more likeable from the start, as Amelie took a bit of time to warm to but she began more likeable as she softened. They did seem natural together, although the flawed way the relationship was written stopped them from completely igniting.

    It is a pleasant looking film, especially the scenery. The music is pleasant enough, and is not as constant or intrusive as with other Lifetime efforts, and the robot dog is a lot of fun.

    However, 'Christmas Love Letter' could have been a lot better. Newbrough and Jones' chemistry, despite having moments, never completely gelled and it is all down to how their relationship was written. Another case of it moving too quickly, not having anywhere enough development due to being introduced too late and underuse. Do agree that Izzy Herbert is far from endearing and over-compensates, really did find her irritating. The rest of the cast are okay but nobody else stands out and the character writing is sketchy and Lifetime cliches.

    Something that can sum up 'Christmas Love Letter' quite well, cliched. Some familiar (well actually well worn out) story tropes here, all predictably executed. The first portions are slow and quite thinly plotted, uneventful at times, and some decision making (i.e. packing up her job just like that) seemed contrived. The script lays it on too thick with the corn and slushy schmaltz, not unexpected but it was overkill in places. The film doesn't get off to a particularly good start, very cheesy and quite dull, while the ending is rushed and too tidy.

    Altogether, lacklustre but one can do with a lot worse. 4/10
  • This movie has a cute premise but plays like it was written by someone who does entirely too much online shopping....I mean dating.....NEXT!

    The female lead goes straight from a failed, but much wanted, marriage proposal to hunting the person who sent an unsigned love letter the very next day with not so much as a misty eye. With that kind of romantic conviction, what could go wrong?...Right?

    The male lead's character has a brilliant young daughter, a very lifelike (because it is in fact alive) robotic dog, absolutely no spine, and little to no self respect as the female lead. When they inevitably get to get together, rather than the feel-good ending you're looking for, you wind up with a.....meh

    The acting is good but the story is flawed. Even so, I think it's still worth watching but don't get too excited
  • A writer returns to her home town to see which of her past boyfriends might have written an unsigned love letter to her. Could have been some funny moments but they were few and far between. The guy who loves her is obvious from the start and it's just tedious to see how they end up together. The cast is okay. Ashley has a big smile and winning personality. Tilky looks a bit sleepy.
  • dhrsaoulad17 October 2020
    He is one big simp!!

    he was the last choice and yet he wants her!!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watch a lot of Christmas movies and don't expect too much from the plot but watch for a nice simple romantic story. That being said, this is the worst holiday movie. Despite the characters being attractive, they have no emotional connection. The lead character is self absorbed. She goes back to her home town and sees an old friend (her soon to be romantic lead) and finds out his wife died a year ago. She never asks him about this and it is never discussed. We do however see her have time to order 76 cups of hot chocolate in one sitting to discover which is her favorite. How much does that even cost? Couldn't that money go to some holiday charity or her father's suffering business (a lame subplot that they also brush over.) The friend/love interest has a young daughter. The lead actress never even asks her about how she is coping with her mom being gone at Christmas. Since the lead actress also has a deceased mom, it would have been a nice scene in the movie to instill any sense of actual sentiment. The main guy tells the main actress she has always been the love of his life. Again, his wife died a year ago? Did he not love his wife? How did she die? The whole sentiment of the movie is glossed over to just have generic Christmas scenes (hot chocolate drinking, gingerbread contests etc.) Not one true conversation or reason to actually invest in the characters or their romance.
  • Trade movies are barely tolerable as it is But hey tuning into a Christmas movie is what you do at Christmas right?

    So the girl is pretty the guy is handsome but why oh why are the little kids in the movies so annoying

    Don't the producers the editors the directors or whoever see how annoying the little brat is with the wide-eyed look in that oh my gosh I'm so cute attitude

    It really is worth skipping this one just to avoid seeing the little brat
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Two things to start with: 1. Does anyone else think that "Aaaahmalie" is a very pretentious way of saying the heroine's name? It doesn't sound right. It's very annoying.

    2. This is a very poor attempt to copy "Runaway Bride", with a robot dog coming out of nowhere.

    There are too many inconsistencies to list them all. Some of them were mentioned by other reviewers.

    How come she can't recognise "her best friend's" handwriting?! How come she doesn't know that "her best friend" was widowed?! How come she doesn't remember the last Christmas with the same "best friend" since it seems to have been special to him?

    The film was artificial, exaggerated, not at all romantic and unrealistic on all fronts. Yes, there are people who settle for anybody who is available, just because they like the idea of being in a couple, in a marriage, etc. If that's the idea, the film needs a good script and good actors not an "XMas checklist" and bad overacting, with random physical comedy thrown in.

    I couldn't wait for it to end.
  • For me, the good parts of film are far by acting or story itself. The last is almost silly and the performances are victims of sabotage of a relation of friendship to the last moment and so unrealistic situations than part of them are almost weird.

    But the unsigned letter, the dialogues with pretenders of Amalie, the robotic dog and, especially, the army of hot chocolate mugs ( easy as advertising of diabete ) are just the good things of film.

    The worst, maybe, the genius girl ( but , as Teacher, can I admire the realism of character ).

    Short, a nice film, with gentle touch of 1940 - 1950 romantic films.