User Reviews (760)

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  • Sexually frustrated wife decided to cheat on her husband. Hmmm, where have I seen this? Oh yes, in porn movies. And I've seen porn with better plot.

    I think the writer just wanted to have as many sex scene as possible in every episode. Because that's the only selling point here. The story is kind of ridiculous.

    I don't get why they try to sell this as a way to empower woman. That independent woman deserve to have their desire met, even though that means they have to cheat on their partner. There are no good reason to cheat on your spouse. This series is glorifying wrong thing.

    I feel sorry for the actors and actresses here because they did a good job. But the story is not that worthy. If you just want to watch sex better go watch porn. At least they are entertaining.
  • Shout out to all the straight women who clearly wrote reviews slamming it as it is clear if their spouse had doubts or was thinking about an ex they think the spouse would even tell them about it.... This show isn't bad and it's not the worst either. I've watched the whole season and it holds ones attention. It's not about sex but there are some scenes of it. Wake up those who want to complain about the show and stop replying in reviews about your own lives. Watch this show for what it is: a woman now a mother of two and reflecting back on the biggest relationship before her marriage. It's about choices, relationships, ups and downs, passion, friction in all sense of the word, and losing oneself in the dream (past and present). It could be better in places but you can't find a specific place where the scene should have been changed, edited differently, used other dialogue etc. Just watch it in full and don't stamp your life blinders across it. Watch it for what it is: a story about people.
  • hinarashid29 June 2021
    If you have a toxic ex that you can't stop thinking about then don't watch this. You'll inevitably start craving them.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Its so bad. Theres so much crying and sex scenes and flashback to sex scenes and fighting/abusive scenes that.

    And she CLEARLY does NOT love her husband.

    Also are people this bad to each other in the suburbs?


    Also toronto is NOTTTTTT new york! STOP IT.
  • I have a thing about train crash romantic stories and particularly like New York ones where I can see places I have been, and I love the ending.

    There are so many points where you think "Don't do that" you can see it is going to be a disastrously bad thing but people do that in real life too.

    I really liked it although the life portrayed couldn't possibly belong to more than 10 people and like Sex in the City I love looking at the scenery and the clothes never mind the relationships and the fun.

    Worth the watch, although I told my son more for woman than men, just like Sex in the City. The complexities of relationships and their issues are for me. If it tells you anything about what I like I adore Moonstruck my favourite movie, The Secret Life of Us an Australian series making a comeback, and I am from New Zealand nearly the only place in the world where this could be happening for real.
  • I am so tired of awful, emotionally abusive men being portrayed as tortured romantics! I can excuse it a bit in teen movies but how a thirty something, trained psychologist would fall for Brad's s#@t is beyond me. Apart from what Cooper witnessed in the gym showers, there is nothing appealing about Brad's overgrown frat boy persona. To be fair though Billie is equally awful so they probably deserve each other. It's like badly written fan fiction for people who are old enough to know better.
  • Please don't listen to the low rating reviews and watch the show. I laugh at the reviews where people are saying that it's no wonder people get divorced after watching this (?!) I think it's normal to take a look at your life at one point or another, are you where you want to be? Are the person you're with the right one for you? It's an interesting and complex dilemma a lot of people can relate to (especially if you have someone who "got away"). It's not about giving up or running away from your responsibilities, but to question; can you really have it all?

    It's not 10/10, but I really liked it and binged the whole season. It kept me going back and forth on who I was rooting for.

    And for everyone surprised at the amount of sex in this show, it's in the title...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ending was totally bad, I really didn't expected that kind of ending.. I would appreciated if she would be more honest to herself and go back to her ex in a honest way,she could divorce and be with him but she chose to cheat her loving husband... This show is complete waste and not meaningfull, infact it gives us a bad message of cheating our partners... I understand she was following her desires but hurting someone for this was totally unfair and even after everything her husband supported her but... Wow the ending, she just throws all the honesty and trust and her ending message mind-blowing I want to give minus star for trying to justify cheating and for bad message.
  • I'm a man and found a lot of dilemmas here I could relate too... So it's not just for women and it's not about empowerment. I see it telling the story of someone who thinks they have everything slowly start to wrestle with ever-growing emotions and desires that are not being met with their partner.

    Have you ever wanted what you have to be perfect... But can't help longing for more? This show explores facing these emotions and I felt it was very relatable... Unfortunately.

    Do you stick with your 85% or will you never be happy without the other 15%? Is there someone out there that can give you the full 100%? Should you divorce/separate and stay single? Can we ever be completely satisfied?

    People are so diverse in how they think and operate and honestly, I wish I was one of the people commenting saying this show is rubbish but it really helped to show I'm not alone and it's hard when you don't feel like you can talk to anyone.

    I HOPE there is a second season... They can't leave us hanging like that. We need to see what happens with Billie! I think people are scared to love this show openly but I think there are a lot of people out there dying to see what happens next!

    Having these thoughts and desires does NOT make you a bad person. I think it shows you're willing to be completely honest with yourself and that's a scary thing for the world around you because it may not serve them. It threatens to uproot the very foundations of the life you built. It's terrifying!.... It actually can cause quite a bit of torment and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the root or a main reason for many suicides as I have been experiencing this a lot recently. There are other reasons, but this is a large contributing factor...

    I'm trying to figure it out like Billie and others out there. Hopefully we all find our happy ending and hopefully without causing too much pain to others in the process.

    Remember, if we're not happy with our life, our partner deserves better too. They deserve more than just a shell of ourselves, whether that means a break up happens, or you're able to talk it out and fix things. No one can know what's best for you, except you. Being happy takes courage.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show is really a look into marriages, relationships and choices. Yes of course there's sex but it's about how your partner should make you feel & who is right for you; which can be different depending on what time or place you are in your life. I read a lot of reviews saying acting and writing is weak but I disagree (and I hated 50 shades of Grey-made no sense and is nothing like this). The story was the best part of the show! I loved seeing Billie's inner conflict and choosing who she was or wanted to be but only thing I hated was the ending. I don't condone cheating- and realistically you can't have it all. If Billie wanted to be with Brad then make the choice, get a divorce, start a new life (which is obviously the hard decision and reason she didn't want to do it) but don't cheat on your husband! Cheating doesn't solve anything and you would hurt everyone involved. It was a very "have your cake and eat it too" ending- which made no sense since Billie wasn't presented as a selfish character but rather a confused one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this show because of the 3 lead people and what I have seen them in prior, otherwise no way. The messages this show sent out into the universe was horrible. Of course people have fantasies about a lot of things, but acting on them at the cost of your spouses sanity, morals and values is to big of a price to pay, especially with two small children and Billie lost in her fantasies instead of taking care of what is real life important. I felt sad and sorry for Cooper, but considering an affair is not the answer to his real life problems with Billie. Billie's character, well educated, who falls into the same trap of "going Back" time and again to a broken person who she wants to fix, when fixing herself first would have been the right choice. Hot Sex does not make a strong, sustainable relationship with a life partner, obviously. Brad is a destructive broken spoiled ass! I personally cannot imagine leaving a good man like Cooper who had no idea what she wanted or needed, since she never told him or showed him. I hope this is not renewed, it is a waste of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everyone who is saying this is a bad message for society needs to get off their high horse and realize that it's a show! For entertainment! Not a bible to live by or a marriage handbook! I actually enjoyed the show. The chemistry was off the charts for Brad and Billie. Cooper was a good guy in the beginning. Although he was clearly neglecting his wife and didn't seem to notice her or crave her until he thought that she might be "thinking" about someone else. Typical excuse for a man to act out! Just bc his wife had "thoughts" that didn't involve him! It's a shame in my opinion. But it's a show! Why does Cooper get to just drop the ball in his relationship but if Billie fantasizes she gets crucified?! Double standard is the bad message to society. BUT it's not here to teach us all morals and standards to live by, it's to entertain us! I enjoyed it and I wanted her to choose Brad all along! She is full blown madly in love w him and it's obvious. We will see what happens next season if there is one! I do hope that there is bc I liked the dynamic of the cast. Thanks Netflix for something fun this summer!
  • I don't understand the bad reviews. It's a good show, it's worth a watch and it takes you back to summer when you was younger with your first fling.

    It just ended for a season 2 but if there was a season 2, I don't get where they could go with it.
  • fromtheashess27 June 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Save yourself some time. Read the book this is very, very loosely based on. 44 Chapters About Men by BB Easton. Billie, who is the female lead in the show very quickly becomes unsympathetic and unlikable. She and her ex deserve each other, they're both garbage people. I'd love her husband though, he deserves better then her.
  • Cheap, shallow and cringeworthy show. I gave it a chance but it managed to get worse by every minute. It bears no resemblance to reality and it definitely isn't worth the time.
  • I liked it. All I want to do is be entertained, and I was.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If actress Sarah shahi is not crying she's banging. Completely empty, superficial storyline that makes no sense at all. All the series it's evident she's in Love with Brad but in the end decides she just wants to ... his brains out and that's it which adds to the superficiality and to the ridiculesness of the storyline. As obviously her husband won't approve of that. The one star is for Brad being hot and Cooper being hot except for that it's another completely empty storyline by netflix! Terrible!
  • I enjoyed this show and if they make a second season I will watch it. It is not groundbreaking stuff, it relies too much on constant sex scenes, and some of the actors aren't great (though a few of the main ones are, in my opinion) BUT it was an interesting show to watch on maternity leave. (Anecdote: my 4 month old was teething the week I watched this, needing extra naps on me, so I will forever associate this show this teething now).

    Sarah Shahi is gorgeous and a talented actress. I liked seeing a hot 40 year old Mom of three as the lead. Billie's character was genuine and passionate and slightly different than what has been done before. Cooper's character is also different: the man who has it all realizing he doesn't and feeling insecure. I won't pretend that the Bras character is anything new.

    Honestly, it is somewhat relatable. I don't relate specifically to Billie, I don't have a wild past or ex that I want to leave my family for. But the question of "can you have it all?" and trying to grieve your old life and embrace your new life as a parent is real.

    So again, in short, I don't see why people hates thus show quite so much.
  • Eight hours tracking and telling the story of a supposedly meaningful and life changing relationship and marriage.... however the characters seem to spend the vast majority of the scenes getting jiggy and having insane orgasms at the touch of a fingertip! Terrible plot and awful characters - especially the main character, who was just insufferable and incredibly fickle. The ending just rubbed salt into the wounds - I watched to the end, desperately hoping for the series to get better later on, but was left sorely disappointed. A self-indulgent sex fest with very little substance. So disappointed!
  • Brian_28 June 2021
    Sex/Life isn't meant as an instruction manual for what a woman caught in Billie's dilemma should do. In multiple ways, it's an escape from reality. We know from the first episode what Billie should do if this were real life, but this isn't. They're just characters on a screen.

    And my, what lovely characters they are! Unlike so many shows that think they are oh-so-steamy but cover up the actors once they finally get it on, Sex/Life isn't afraid to let us ogle at their beautiful bodies and the things they do with them. Don't be surprised if you get turned on by some of the sex scenes.

    The story also sets itself apart by telling itself squarely from Billie's point of view. In the narrator role, she hides nothing from the viewer about her dilemma. By doing so, she makes herself to not just be a sexual object but a sexual subject as well.

    If you still feel like judging the show, just ask yourself what your reaction would be if the genders were swapped. If it were Cooper who was bored with Billie and had a sex goddess in his past-now-present. For some people, I'd bet that their reaction would be different, which is why we need shows such as this that push the limits of what we're willing to enjoy.
  • I don't understand all the seriously bad reviews! Sure, it's not Game Of Thrones - but it's not meant to be. It's just a bit of fun.

    Plus it has Sarah Shahi starring in it who is one of most beautiful women in the world - gotta be worth "6" for that alone!
  • keirastarkey-2815928 June 2021
    Absolutely rubbish, repetitive, immature, and I've never hated a main character more. If you want to watch a show that irritates you, this is the one.
  • It´s a very intense show about all the human aspects we choose to ignore and turn into tabu... I don´t agree with saying that brad is an abusive boyfriend, he really is a person with a lot of unresolved issues that run how lives his life and how he treats other people and Billie, as a psichologist, has a deep urge to try and resolve them for him only to let the love she feels for him blurr the whole situation. Cooper is the nice guy millions of women would want to have thats for sure but once you get to experience the full exciting existence its difficult to settle to a simple suburban soccer mom life... cannot wait for a second season.
  • It started with unlike-able behaviours which are actually real, I know some people with similar priorities in life. It discusses real life issues, relation routines, secrets... It went through a pretty rough arc and everything got to their right places till last freaking 15 mins. I was ready to rate it 9, but now I know why everyone is complaining, why the hell did the writers go with such and auful ending? What did the smoke when writing these last minutes. Overal the series is pretty good like I said till last 15 mins, interesting story arc and resolution. If you want to enjoy this skip the last ~15 mins of last episode (you'll know when). Giving it a 6 even the ending is a strong 1.

    To give some ideas about what you'll be skipping, imagine building an eiffel tower just to blow it up at the end, that's exactly what happens and it's sad it went this route. But I get it, it was one of possiblities. Don't look for morals if you look till the end.

    The show title seems to be an indicative of the plot Sex/Life could be read as Sex or Life (family life), you need to choose one in case of our main protagonist.

    Also I think the point writers tried to make, is that some people are just super toxic in our lives. They destroy their lives, our lives and other's lives on their own egoism, instincts, naivity and fake feel of control. They just never change and they can change you into a monster.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's part Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City and 50 Shades of Grey. I haven't read the book but this is really bad, it's like a comedy porn. First episode had me in stitches with the lazy writing, nonsense plotline, cringey cliches, dialogue and bad acting especially Demos. I have not see an actor as wooden and monotonous sounding as him for a long time. Is that why he bare all because that's all he has to offer?

    All the characters are 2 dimensional. They do things that raise questions - Billie and Sasha are two psychologists but they behave like sexual delinquents with Billie's very unhealthy obsession with her ex, Brad. She's so unhinge even cognitive behaviour therapy would be useless for her, not that she'd know how bad her mental health is.

    Billie and Sasha's friendship is so tight that not only does Billie not mind that Sasha is sleeping with Brad but watches them and 'participates' too.

    The last few minutes of episode 8, sees Sasha delivering a message about white power and that power also suppressing women's needs. It somehow triggers Billie's lust that after watching her son's school production, she literally runs to her ex's apartment as a normal wife and mum would. She utters the most insane and crude things to him and the credit rolls.

    Things happen for no apparent reason to connect all the animated sex scenes. Then the writer throws in a woke lecture just because it's 2021. This is just another porn show. Really rushed, badly created and amoral. The message it sends is that it's female empowerment to want and have it all. Even at the expense of hurting people close to you.
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