User Reviews (49)

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  • BandSAboutMovies21 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    As a diverse group of people enjoy a gallery opening , an ex-Marine suffering from PTSG takes all of them hostage, forcing them to confront everything from past sins, cultural biases and the fact that not everyone is going to make it out alive.

    Writer, producer and director Lila Matta also made 2014's Life Gets in the Way.

    This movie tells the story of the four minutes that it takes for the gunman to walk into the gallery and the police to arrive, broken up by the flashbacks of how everyone got here. It's an interesting way to tell the story of such a small - but significant - moment in all of these characters' lives.

    Dade Elza, who plays the Marine, is decent in this. He'll be part of the upcoming Scooby-Doo series Mystery Incorporated as Fred. If you're a fan of Parks and Recreation, keep an eye out for Jim O'Heir as a cop at the end. He was the clumsy Garry/Jerry on that show.
  • ops-5253524 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Films of flashbackmemories of crucial moments of a persons life, when your own life is at stake e.g. Like having the gunpipe pressed onto your neck...? Then its a go for it, for the rest its a try or leave kind of flick.

    Its an overwritten story with 4 main locations, a desperate man makes a siege in an art gallery, where people of all kind and gender enjoys their champaign and photographic art vernissaging at an exhibition. Loaded with one 6 shot revolver and nothing else(no more ammunition) holding at least 15 people at stake., simple maths would say that 7 people should survive the ordeal, but will they?.

    Its an independent production, the quality of production is more than the usual homecarpentered diy filmmaking, but its says too much, and wants too much, and threads the generic steps others have made in the genre, so just a weak 4 from the grumpy old man.
  • nogodnomasters25 May 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    PLOT SPOILERS: The film opens with a teaser which we return to 30 minutes later. We have two unrelated subplots. We get to know the folks at a pretentious photo gallery exhibit. In the second subplot Travis (Dade Elza ) the plumber and PTSD veteran gets into an argument about Iraq and shoots his guest and runs. He ducks into the gallery and has everyone get on the ground. The last 30 minutes are people talking to the police about everything except what happened.

    The plot was basically non-existent. This is another film overrated because a guy in it has PTSD and it makes a statement about gun violence at the end. Boring. Decent acting.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • Implausible setup from the start, dreadful acting from all involved with not a single good performance from any of the cast.

    Dreadfully dull with some of the worst dialogue I have heard in a movie this year. Just one long bore, right to the incomprehensible and dull ending; it is not even worth a comprehensive review as it is all bad.

    I do not often give a movie a 1 or a 2 as this should mean on Imdb that it is one of the worst movies you have ever seen but this one is a complete Turkey and it is not even Christmas yet!
  • I found 86 Melrose Avenue to be a very entertaining and thought provoking film. The interconnection of the characters was clever. It also highlighted so many societal ills, including America's issue with guns. Well done for an Indie film!
  • geoliva-7586226 April 2021
    .Great movie... excellent direction. If you're a cinematic person you should watch it!!
  • This is a movie which protrays the horrific violence that we face in America every day now. It is an extremely well written story which brings you immediately into the horror and depth of what many in our post Iraqi/Afghanistani veterans are still suffering from 5-20 years after they gave everything, including their lives, limbs, and mental heath. It shows how horribly the American government has negelcted these war heroes. Additionally, it depicts how the strain of a 15 year war that raged in Lebanon affected not just the people who suffered through it, but also how it affected the lives of people of many nationalities, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The movie also shows the compassion a person with PTSD (SHELLSHOCK), who went through the conflict in Lebanon, can have for another victim of PTSD of a very similar nature. The final thought I had regarding the movie was how the wealthy Jewish man kept calling the Lebonese photographer his neighbor. Not for the faint of heart, but it is well worth wartching. This movie captures the human toll that senseless wars and ease of access to guns in America are so adversely affecting each and every American on a daily basis. This is a must watch movie for every person in America who denies the cost of gun violence and advocate for open carry laws and freer access to guns! The movie was excellently written, directed and produced! WATCH THIS MOVIE AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS!
  • jdrd-9787923 November 2022
    A superb job of bringing together men and women of different ethnicities to depict real life traumas and atrocities experienced throughout the world; giving us a deeply insightful way of allowing ourselves to step back and offer up kindness, understanding and care to others experiencing similar circumstances and stresses- a bit of what this world needs right now. The backdrop of specific influences and props within the movie further enhances the meaning and message being conveyed. A very smart and intellectual format utilized to make us all aware of what is/has going/gone on in the world and how we may view ourselves to take a different viewpoint and/or actions towards others previous or current environments.
  • The movie "86 Melrose Avenue" is a masterpiece. No one misses a chance to watch a good movie. In that way, this movie impressed me a lot.

    Plot:- It is indeed a story of a vignette of life about people who intersect one fateful night and how they have to confront each other, their own vulnerability and looming mortality.

    Even today, In this film indirectly conveys in my mind the reality of the practical life of every human being that even a well-intentioned person can be made to commit a mistake by a momentary anger caused by chance circumstances.

    The protagonist of the story commits a murder without knowing what to do to escape and comes to the place where the paintings are being exhibited and tells the story by holding the people there at gunpoint which adds to the strength of the film.

    When the murderer's mind confesses his guilt and tries to commit suicide, the men there stop him and the attempt goes in vain.

    The address of love towards a stranger is called humanity.

    Many people's bright lives are hidden before a bad event. Ordinary characters leaving the scene of the art exhibition argue that the man who held them captive at gunpoint is a good man; From there, the painting girl and the rich man who live in a lonely address start a new life, and this film really impressed me.

    I enjoyed seeing the rainbow colors of this life hidden in small love as a screen language in a short space of time.
  • Now hostage situations have long been a staple of the crime and thriller genres, which makes it somewhat hard to infuse new life into a pretty much standard situation - but 86 Melrose Avenue does pretty well at that, as it focuses not just on the central conflict on hand but pulls back to paint a bigger picture, one that involves the fates of several of the hostages in relation to the perpetrator, and even the art exhibited at the gallery mirrors the goings-on in a way, making this more than just your standard thriller but also some sort of social commentary - which is only augmented in the post-finale interviews that really give the thing substance. And thanks to a relatable cast and a subtle directorial effort, this has become a very compelling and pretty unusual movie.
  • Great movie This movie speaks truth with key issues going on worldwide nowadays.

    I advice you to watch it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The moving one shots and rushed paced kept the tension high and I definitely couldn't wait to find out what would happen in the ned. I felt that was a really impactful moment near the end with Travis and Avi as well.

    Most importantly, while watching it made my mind consistently think about if I was in this situation in real life. Like it intrigued me to live/experience this in reality. Which is one of the best compliments I feel for a film.
  • chrissag-1756226 April 2021
    Very nice film. Great work. I give it a two thumbs up. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. Loved it !
  • Beautiful movie i love it, i like the message against the violence and guns.
  • marcialrojas-5547626 April 2021
    It's very fantastic. I am in favor against the guns and the violence that comes with it.
  • In this spectacular, emotional spin on a heist film, we are able to see a rare ensemble film that exposes the lives and interconnectedness of all characters involved. In a time of such great divide it it exposes how very necessary it is for viewers to nurture their empathy and recognize that everyone has a story that brings them to the present moment. Masterfully shot and brilliantly executed, director Lili Matta gives viewers something that is both entertaining and introspective. There were a few cliches that detracted from spectacular flow of the film but overall it was extremely well done. Great filmmaking. Important message.
  • mayisoliva26 April 2021
    Nice movie, Congratulacions for the message that you are giving us 💚
  • 86 Melrose Avenue is an accurate portrayal of what it is like in living with PTSD as cross culturalism all comes to ahead at an art gallery in Los Angeles.

    The store is quite human especially when Avi (Gregory Zarian) and Nadia (Anastsia Antonia) pasts cross paths while held at gun point due to a former military person who still has not faced his demons from his time at war overseas.

    Anyone that has suffered trauma will be deeply engulfed in the story and anyone looking to understand PTSD from a human standpoint will finally have an idea of the internal suffering so any people go through on a daily basis.
  • A great movie that catches me from the first minutes and keeps me until the end ... Congratulations I liked the message of the movie and I loved the end ... a must watch!!!
  • ralphak27 April 2021
    Loved the story ... it brings forward cultural differences and real case scenarios that could happen to anyone of us ... I enjoyed it !!!
  • 86 Melrose Avenue is thought provoking, emotionally authentic and psychologically astute! Well done !!
  • I liked the story It is very interesting and the directorial approach I loved the message of this movie It made me think a lot!

  • jsun-1976630 April 2021
    Really enjoyed the film and the important issues it tackled especially in today's day and age...Great job!
  • Great sound track from the first beat! I loved that about this movie. It really kept me going.. When you realize the subject matter the movie is addressing, mental health, it's really engaging and interesting to see how each character's past has impacted who they are. There's some great acting and cinematography happening here too.
  • I liked the story and the subplots and how they related to the torment of the main protagonist. The production value was professional and on par with a more expensive budget. Hope to see more from this team.
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