User Reviews (311)

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  • I love horror, but I also know that horror, especially Netflix horror recently can be either really good or really bad, so I went into this with very low expectations, and, honestly, I was very pleasantly surprised. The first episode immediately gripped me and made me want to see more, more of these characters, more of this story. I feel like this series honestly does a lot of things right, especially the characters. I felt like I was never watching characters, but real people. Scenes were they were angry at each-other had a very real tension to it, scenes were they were happy and having fun with each-other make you feel happy to see a group of friends being able to see the bright-side in dark situations. And even the language barrier didn't bother me, sure I don't speak french, and sure the subtitles were a bit wonky every now and then, but still, I was able to understand everything that was going on. Of course, like everything, this series has some issues, but very minor (at least to me). Overall, this was a very well crafted, short series, that I hope does well enough to warrant a second season because, honestly, I can't wait to see where they take the story, and what will happen next given the circumstances of were they left off.
  • France has brought us horror favorites such as 'High Tension', 'Martyrs' and 'Inside'. From Netflix, on the other hand, we got last year's excellent horror offering "The Haunting of Hill House". So I got really excited, when this French horror show hit Netflix and early reviewers seemed to be stoked. Unfortunately, 'Marianne' turned out to be very different from the examples above. It's mostly reminiscent of Sam Raimi's dark horror comedy 'Drag Me To Hell', including a gross out old lady, a lot of quirkiness and body horror. But the problem here is, that 'Marianne' also wants to be a drama. That doesn't work at all, as neither the story nor the characters can ever really be taken seriously. It's a tonally incoherent mess, jumping back and forth from scares to comic relief moments. The characters are either unlikable (such as the rather pretentious lead) or bland, or both. On the plus side, there's the nice scenery and cinematography. The scare scenes are mostly effective (albeit nothing we haven't seen before). So this could have been a great show, if the characters were more compelling, the narrative more straightforward and above all, void of the unecessary comic relief.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This series was certainly different. Disturbing climax-like moments unfold within the first 20 minutes of episode 1 and jump scares surprise us in unpredictable places without the typical sense-assaulting sound effects we're used to. It's overall unsettling, perhaps because it's willing to "go there" to some places that American movies and series never do. More information is revealed as you go along that really does help connect the dots you're hoping for. It took me longer to get through the first four episodes than the final five, and at times it dragged a bit. It also felt like some people were unlikeable just for the sake of it. However, if you want to be unsettled, disturbed, and to even have to look away at times, give it a shot. For true horror fans who have seen literally everything out there, this is a breath of fresh air. I will say that IT did feel a little too convenient that somebody was missing for the climax of the last episode until the very end in order to land a big reveal, I won't say who, but if your mind isn't trained to notice those things like mine is, you'll be truly "gotten" by the ending. This works whether or not there's a season 2, which I liked a lot as well.
  • Netflix promises a lot, but not always delivers. They did deliver, though, with "Marianne", an eight-episode French series that will fix your need for all things Stephen King and Conjuring-related.

    The story's premise is as formulaic as can be in the horror genre, especially inspired by S. King's novels: Emma, a thirty-something French horror writer, has decided to put an end to a series of books that tell the story of Lizzie Lark, her heroine, who battles an evil witch called (you guessed it) Marianne. Emma has had enough of this character and wants to move on with her life, and, maybe, write something else, something more "serious" (she is a French novelist, after all). Little did she expect a former school friend, Caro, to show up at one of her book signing events, and scare her into returning back to her hometown, which she had left 15 years before, after a terrible tragedy.

    The cast is solid, the characters interesting, diverse and well-developed. Some moments are genuinely scary. The pacing may at times be a problem, and the series slows down in the middle, but nothing too problematic. The script is clever and culminates in an extremely promising cliffhanger that will certainly leave you wanting for a second series.
  • markinok13 September 2019
    It seems like years that I was frightened by a horror. Half way thru episode one and I am watching with my hands over my eyes. If you like being scared don't miss this.
  • I really wanted to like this more, particularly due to the lack of descent horror series we have been facing lately. But it's very disappointing to see such a good cinematography wasted on a lazy story full of random silly rules, cliches and dull jumpscares. There's not one really scary scene and everything is so predictable. At best, it might serve as a generic teen entertainment for those not familiar with the genre.
  • trinny2017 September 2019
    Wow! I've known for a while that the French can make great drama and thrillers, but here they come with a horror series and they knock it out of the park yet again! There's an option for both subtitles and dubbing, and the dubbing works quite well, if you're like me and can't stare avidly at the screen at all times. I absolutely LOVED Marianne! The acting was great, the setting and buildup just right and executed correctly. The twists were really good and that ending means we need a season two! We NEED IT.
  • flazarou15 September 2019
    The idea of the plot was interesting, the cinematography was really good, many creepy scenes throughout the series BUT... the writers were really confused. The story is all over the place, everything is happening so fast (especially in the first three episodes), there's no atmosphere or mystery whatsoever. The characters are all superficial at best with no chemistry between them. And also what's with the comedy all the time?? Especially in moments when everyone is supposed to be worried. All in all, it's just sad that such a good story idea was so poorly executed. Watch it but don't have high expectations.
  • If you enjoy Stephen King and Insidious-styke horror, check.out this French series. Great cinematography and imagery, good acting, and creepy dread. The unlikeable lead is well played. Robert says, "check it out."
  • It started out great and there are a few good moments throughout but as it went on it got more nonsensical. The comedy sprinkled throughout was funny but unfortunately took away from the creepiness. Lots of hommage to horror movies (even anime) which was interesting but it got to the point where it was distracting. It was way overhyped on social media and it feels disappointing that it did not deliver to the degree that was advertised.
  • Bottom line, if you're looking for quality horror that will give you legit goosebumps, this is your show. I almost crapped my pants in the first 20 min facts.
  • I thought this first season was fairly good especially at the beginning as some other reviews have pointed out. The Story / script/ dialogue etc sort of lacked in later episodes. But overall I liked this first (and possibly but hopefully not last ) season of the show.
  • zsmole15 September 2019
    Story starts not bad, idea is ok, but this was such a pain to watch, that is hard to imagine. Slow paced horror story mixed with wannabe drama and a bit of soap love story. I had to skip through the last 4 episodes. There are few scary ideas (seen before) runing throuhg the whole seaaon, its just boring. Story becames a mess, and characters are really not likable, none of them. Super predictable twists. Waste of time.
  • The thing which gets you hooked up at one place! This New French series is top notch! Hold your breath for jump scares!
  • Best horror series I've seen in a long time..It's creepy and cringe and the story it's well written. 10/10
  • robfranknz28 September 2019
    This series started really well and scared the pants off me in the first two episodes. However, the mood of the story changes from out right horror to black comedy to a soap opera.

    There's even a 'Stranger Things' inspired episode where the characters are teenagers again with accompanying 80s synth wave music, which throws the pace of the story completely out of the window.

    Characters are also hard to relate to, especially the main character who is so arrogant you find it hard to care about her or any of the characters.
  • On 4th Episode and it's awesome. Love the Protagonist's Acting. Netflix Delivers once Again.
  • Stated in the newspapers as the next big thing in the horror genre coming from France. Expectations were high due the fact that the goriest flicks came way back in time from France. Guess you all know which ones I mean. Telling that people really were scared and trailers looking promising I didn't hesitate to start this.

    First episode was top notch, The creepy atmosphere was there and the score used was as classic as hell to make it as scary as it could be.

    On to episode two which was something completely different. The creepy parts and even gory moments from the first one disappeared to move into the so ususal talk talk for a French movie or serie. And so I moved more and more into what becomes a rather disappointing serie. No more gore and a letdown in the gore from episode one. Okay, it's not all that bad, it do has it moments and some parts are creepy but the blah blah made it a bit hard to watch.

    Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2,5/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
  • BeRightBack14 September 2019
    Excellent French horror series. There are no cheap scares here. And it was filmed in a beautiful location on the coast, to boot.

    Turn your subtitles on, unless you speak the language.

    Well done, Netflix.
  • afrodome23 October 2019
    I can't take these pop culture columnists seriously anymore. I read articles claiming that this was "terrifying" and was even compared to Hereditary. I thoroughly enjoyed the series, but it is nothing like The Exorcist or the heavy hitters in the genre. It's a deliberately comedic and campy mystery/horror.
  • ddemek13 September 2019
    It's been a long time I was frightened by a horror movie/series. I'm on the third episode currently and can't stop. Definitely recommend to horror fans. Note: I prefer to change the dub to English.
  • I thought this series was ok. It had a few good horror elements and creepy parts. It was nice to look at and was shot well the production quality was quite high. Where the series was let down imho was the confusion it seemed to have as to what it was. There was lame attempts at comedy throughout, not dark comedy which could have suited in moderation. But weak silliness type of comedy I guess kept popping up here and there and the drama and relationship between characters was awry and confused what this was to me. All in all though this wasn't a rubbish series, I just wasn't too sure what it was throughout making it not as good as it may possibly have been.
  • A show to watch in anger. Whilst the horror elements are just the right amount of unsettling and well imagined, you can't escape the fact that the characters are bland and unlikable. Emma is an intolerable bore of a protagonist, one whom I will not be satisfied until she comes to a gruesome end.
  • drifter_7415 September 2019
    I have to start this review by confessing that I basically only watch horror movies and series. Since there is so little decent content I have to watch the occasional sci-fi, superhero and action movie.

    I was very excited when "Haunting of Hill House" was released only to be left disappointed. It turned out to a family drama foremost splattered with horror elements to make up the time.

    With Marianne we have a proper horror story and the tale is centred by the darkness that follows our heroin, Emma.

    The acting is spot on, the setting is gloomy and the directing is probably the best I have seen in a while. The story moves along at pace and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

    Watch it, you won't be sorry.
  • Wasn't really expecting much but it really surprised me.. It is very hard to convince in the horror genre but this one got me all hooked to it and i loved it right from the start.. What stood out for me was the acting.. I mean every single actor gave their best... Ya the jokes and bad animation was annoying at times but for most of it we should give it the credit for keeping us on edge for most of the show.
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