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  • I think the 1s are a little bit over dramatic. Let's get that out of the way first.

    You know what your getting with this. A time killer. You're not going to get an Oscar award winner here.

    However. I felt the special effects were decent.the acting was "ok". The story was fairly well thought out. I don't exactly know what everyone's problem was with it. So what if the creatures face doesn't move. Enjoy it for what the movie is. A 90 minute time waster to hold you over . Not exactly a bad deal. Give it an actual chance and who knows you might have a good although forgettable time with it.
  • I remember some weird kid in a mask running around and talking to a variety of random people. I think there was a wrestling subplot? Or maybe a dog that wished its parents back to life, so that it can yell at a pregnant lady?

    Things did happen. I assume sequentially. This is a movie.
  • If you're going to spend the time, money and effort to make a movie, why not spend the extra money on the actual genie?

    The mouth doesn't move when he talks and the mask overall looks like plastic.

    I also thought it was part of the conjuring series.

    Just another b movie.
  • wezc-945912 July 2021
    A movie that Just wants you to think it a part of the conjuring series to earn money, bad acting and bad special effects (zero) i could get more entertained by watching junkies go on a acid trip..
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Worst i ever seen! OMG! Just buy a mask at dollar store and go make your self a
  • What seems to be a good storyline is totally destroyed by special effects so terrible that they would have been rejected when Peter Jackson did the Feebles!

    Not even movies from the 1950s have SFX this bad! And it completely destroys the movie.
  • Granted, I wasn't exactly harboring much of any high expectations or hopes for the movie "Conjuring the Genie" (aka "Devil Djinn") as I sat down to watch it. Sure, I hadn't even heard about the movie prior to watching it.

    First of all, the movie starts out with a misspelled title on the screen. Yeah, they had an extra O in the movie's title, as it appeared as "Conjouring the Genie". Odd, I think.

    And let's just say that writer and director Scott Jeffrey didn't exactly manage to deliver a particularly wholesome movie here.

    Sure, I mean the concept idea is adequate enough, but not outstanding and something that has been seen and done before, as this was about young people summoning a djinn (or genie) for granting wishes, but the creature that appears is a monstrously being that twists and perverts the wishes of those summoning it. "Wishmaster" anyone?

    The acting in this 2021 movie was mundane and rather uninspiring. I am sure that the actors and actresses put on adequate enough performances, I just wasn't particularly impressed with what I saw. And it should be said that the actors and actresses didn't exactly have the best of scripts or well-written characters to work with here in "Conjuring the Genie".

    Then there was the djinn. Wow. Just wow. This was nothing more than a latex Halloween mask with some added gloss or slime for effect. It was just laughably bad to witness. Especially since there was absolutely no gestures or expressions on the mask when the djinn spoke, as it was just a single whole sculpted mask with no articulation. It was just phenomenally bad to see.

    I gave up on "Conjuring the Genie" halfway through, as nothing of any interest had happened and I had found no entertainment in the movie. And for this being a horror movie, well... I suppose if you consider wasting your time on nothing as horror, then by all means.

    My rating of "Conjuring the Genie" (or "Devil Djinn") lands on a two out of ten stars. It amazes me that movies such as this get the funding to get to see the light of day. You might want to do yourself a favor and skip on this particular movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is awful I mean seriously it's terrible. It's beautifully disastrous etc ok enough.

    The acting is my favourite part, staggered dialogue, more wood than a timber yard etc. It's my first outing with this director (and probably my last) but having done some digging looks like he's done a bit of copying and pasting from a film he made called 'The Cupid?'

    I watched it because I liked the look of the demon but boy oh boy was it bad. I'm sure Poundland has a similar range of masks if you fancy making part two of this movie.

    What I can say is that it did make me laugh, genuinely. Granted I was laughing at how bad it was but still a laughs a laugh. If you've had a drink, got some mates round or you and your partner fancy something to laugh at stick it on! I watched it on YouTube so at least I didn't pay to view.

    P. S. If you do plan on watching it I advise a few 'Djinn and Tonics' before, during and after! See what I did there? I'm here all week. Thank you and good night .
  • 'The acting is my favorite part, staggered dialogue, more wood than a timber yard.'

    I lifted this word for word from another review because all of us have seen badly written, low budget movies but it was almost as if the actors had to pad this out to 1hr 26m

    See the Wishmaster series for a better version of the twisted djinn, W4 was a strong rebound from the weak W3. 'W2: Evil never dies' even says the name of the movie in the movie and you can repeat for your amusement ... Evil .. Never ... Dies. I am easily amused but even I think poorly of this one.
  • oskarnilsson-1889518 June 2021
    Worst movie ever made by anyone ever since humans started making movies.. 90 mins of my life I'll never get back.
  • I don't know about the others, but one poster is terribly frightening. He reminds me of the old movie The Grinch. You can tell by looking at the poster without needing to mention the contents.
  • It's quite exciting how this kind of low budget horror movie can maximaize its horrible and spooky story and mood. Good to try watching. The acting wasn't bad either.
  • If someone sees something resembling a monster, the appropriate reaction is to scream, not act like this creature is the creep next door. So disappointed. How is the trailer so good and the acting so bad?!
  • comicmank12 August 2021
    This movie was UNBELIEVABLY bad. I love horror movies, and the only thing horrifying about this was that it was made. TERRIBLE movie. Don't waste your time.
  • curse-of-egypt3 November 2021
    OMG another movie containing the Djinn. Should've called it Wishmaster V or something like that. Its the same thing just a different story line BORING.
  • Britain has seen a resurgence of indie horror in recent years, and CONJURING THE GENIE is one such movie. It has pretty good production values compared to many similarly-themed indies, but that doesn't make it much cop. Indeed, this is less a CONJURING rip-off than a WISHMASTER cash-in, with an ancient amulet unleashing a genie who looks like a guy in a full-body Halloween costume. The story that follows is limited and laboured, with a heck of a lot of gabble and very little in the way of on-screen action or plot development. The actors aren't the worst, but the execution is enough to send you to sleep.
  • Urg this was just horrible, I could tell it was going to be as soon as I got a good look at the 'djinn', which looked like a Halloween mask of which the mouth didn't move. The acting was worse than a bad British soap opera, the kills were so lame and consisted off things like a girl who wished to be pregnant so the genie makes her a real life "mummy" and wrapped her in killer bandages I guess, another girl wished to look perfect so he made her into a crappy looking life size doll and made her dance like a puppet..the genie had a Brit accent, it was so stupid and campy, and it slightly rips off Wishmaster, a movie more entertainment than this piece of tosh could hope to be in a million years! So no no, this film is not for me, I dare say it's for absolutely no one on the face of the earth. Terrible everything really, and an insult to the evil genie genre!
  • After all, horror movies are the least expensive to produce... It is a low-budget work that does not deviate from the unwritten rules. Perhaps the rest of the budget was used to decorate the poster.
  • The monster makeup was somewhat crude due to a lack of budget, but the actors' acting was good. I'm looking forward to the actors' next appearance. I think horror movies are a good genre for various actors.
  • As with other reviews, I absolutely agree this is a terrible movie but one of those that's worth watching if you want a bit of a laugh and don't want a movie that is going to make you think. Very predictable and a bit silly. Definitely one you can easily watch by yourself if you get scared easy as the effects are in no way scary. The jumpscares you expect to happen are disappointingly not scary at all. You will defo need subtitles for the actors who mumble but the sound levels aren't too bad with this one, apart from the loud music that plays every time the Djinn makes an appearance. This covers the dialogue completely.

    If you want an easy watch with a few unintentionally funny bits, I'd recommend but it isn't a movie I'd ever waste time on again.
  • igalaxystar12 June 2021
    Is this, I Dream of Genie? Of course not! Lol That genie monster will give you bad wishes that turn out to be Negative, becareful what you wish for.
  • smetza14 December 2021
    It makes me understand even if I want to see a movie like this.

    The directing was a little shocking and I was shocked by the quality, but I thought it was.
  • I don't know what kind of horror you want to talk about. Of course, it would be scary if a scary entity bothered me, but I think I would also be annoyed. Bullying for no reason is no fun.
  • Horror movies can be made on a lower budget than you think. There are clearly limitations there, but it is noticeable that the producers put so much effort into it.
  • Trying to get past her traumatic past, a student heartbroken over her father's death is tasked with preparing a paper on urban legends to help cope with the situation, but when a group of friends decide to summon a mystical being for her studies, they find the creature twisting their wishes to kill them.

    For the most part, this was a fairly enjoyable genre effort. One of the better elements present is the unusually strong setup at play that provides a far more immersive start for things to unfold. The build-up here involving her struggling to come to terms with the death of her father and struggling through life as well as school serves this one quite a strong setup for her as a whole. Knowing that the paper is a way to get herself caught up on studies due to missing everything for truly valid reasons and that there's a lot of turmoil within her friend group trying to get her back into the good graces of the college or the personal squabbles with her mother helps to make for a solid background on things which helps the later scenes involving the creatures' appearance have a bit of emotional resonance. That becomes even more exposed once the wish comes true and there's a highly impressive emotional connection to what's going on at play here based on the wish which helps to carry this along somewhat nicely. While that setup works quite nicely, those scenes involving the creature coming for the friend group and delivering the typically demonic form of wish-twisting that's in play here come off incredibly well. With the opening sequence showing a previous victim getting that kind of treatment where the Djinn's powers are observed forcing her to off herself following the wish gone wrong, the later scenes targeting the friend group after the summoning ritual carry a rather creepy and unnerving tone to it. The implications of the Djinn forcing itself into the victim's world and trying to force them into making the wish so that it can twist everything around in grand fashion which features some great effects to pull off on top of the solid chases and confrontations to get everything accomplished and giving this a lot to like. This one does have some big issues involved with it. The main drawback at the center of the film is the rather sluggish tempo that keeps this one struggling to maintain a great sense of pace or energy for a lot of the middle sections. Focusing on storylines that aren't that interesting or just sloughing through a never-ending series of scenes about the group dealing with the aftereffects of the Djinn's powers take up a large part of the film and very little of it makes for an exciting time trying to get to the creature's attempts at tricking them. As well, there's also the disappointingly cheesy and obvious face of the creature which never moves and just flops around hilariously, undermining a lot of the attempts at terror and making this a lot more comical than expected which are enough to bring this down.

    Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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