User Reviews (26)

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  • kinsellaja22 February 2022
    This felt like a badly scripted sci-fi b-movie about a guy who gets electrocuted and see's things as an after effect. Acting is rather wooden but was interesting in areas.
  • Viewers who don't mind dialogue-heavy films and serious themes should find The Electric Man an interesting watch. While it does have a point of view it never pushes it to the point of alienating those, like myself, who don't necessarily agree with it. I will say I wasn't thrilled by the way it all works out in the end, but others will probably get a chuckle from it.
  • Another film that feels the need to justify its existence with fake reviews.

    All written at the same time in the same style by the same people.

    Watch the movie and you won't be after a few minutes. It's just terrible.
  • It pains me to see the once great Eric Roberts in super low budget "movies" like this. I mean you watch Runaway Train and you watch this and you just ask yourself what happened? Yeah, Tom Sizemore's career has been nothing but these low budget amateurfests the last couple decades and I know Roberts hasn't been doing the best work either (he was great in The Righteous Gemstones this season) but Roberts was one a very respected actor.

    The story is drawn out, long passages of boring dialog and what seems like a 20 minute movie made into a 90 minute one. It's got a great title - I bet the few people who watched it did so because of the title but the movie does not live up to the title.

    It was a hard watch. I wanted to like it and I gave it every chance. But bad script and terrible acting abounds and this was awful. If you check out the cast's other credits you see lots of "short films" and "movies" like this. The entire budget was spent on Sizemore and Roberts and they probably shot their scenes in 2 days. Not sure how many "a fun ride" reviews the director can put in here (not remotely a fun ride) but if you check out the other "reviews" they're not real.
  • Ok it's not completely terrible but so not worth watching IF you have nothing else to do, are bored, can't find anything to watch watching it at 2x the normal speed, it's not terrible it's an interesting concept feels more like a school project type film the acting isn't bad, i've seen a lot worse, but it's a movie, no, for a one man type show, it's I said ;) watch it at 2x the speed and it's tolerable.
  • nimitz54123 February 2022
    This movie was pathetic!

    The acting was horrible, cinematography terrible, script even more terrible. At what point are they going to start paying us to put up with such trash movies... I mean why bother making them at all!? Why not just use your old camcorder and make your own movie to watch yourself at home so other people dont have to put up with it.
  • ianclarke34024 February 2022
    Nothing that I saw made any sense, nobody had seen the script more than an hour before they started shooting, none of the 'acting' was even worthy of being called acting and nothing compelled me to watch after the first few minutes !

    The camera work and lighting were acceptable and the editing didn't suck too badly but those are the only good things you can say about this garbage, don't waste your time !
  • A movie that proves general audiences have fallen well below the lowest common denominator. All the low scores here are ridiculous and show the ineptitude of movie watchers who find the Star Wars and Marvel universes as the be all end all. This movie is smart, weird, quirky and so much fun. However, being that it is stagnant of action, and is dialogue heavy, the impatient masses won't appreciate this movie for what it is. Felt like going to a small playhouse and watching a well rehearsed play. Loved it.
  • jasgeo23 February 2022
    Yep here we go again someone with too many dollars and not enough sense has made a movie, unfortunately they didn't have enough for a capable scriptwriter, competent director or actors capable of expressing anything other than a shout to indicate anger.

    Even Eric 'where's my paycheck' Roberts also succumbs to that failing.

    Why oh why do these dingbats do this instead of parking their egos and investing in the huge range of whatchamacallit, talent, currently littering the planet who are able to write, direct or act in a great movie if only they had the dollars to realise their goal.

    Don't believe the spruikers who have posted reviews outta either care for their friends who made this turkey or the dollars whatever rich fool who funded it paid them.

    This movie fails on every aspect of film-making. In fact its a damn shame the DP remembered to remove the lens cap.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Awesome performances by Vernon Wells, Eric Roberts, and others... This trippy film takes us on an adventure. While the film is slow moving, the eventual punchline makes it all worth it. An amazing story well worth the watch.


    What makes this film so good is its use of a multiverse type concept that allows Rowen to explore alternative lives. Rowen's exploration of these lives eventually leads him to a truth that he needs to go home but how is he supposed to do that. Touching on concepts of the divine and infernal influences makes for an interesting twilight zone trip.
  • What The Electric Man does have is some interesting ideas and dialogue about life, how we live it and the choices we make. Or whether we even have the ability to choose or if everything is predestined and fated. I know these are heavy subjects and a lot of viewers will find themselves bored by them. But there's a vein of humour through a lot of the film that keeps it from getting too ponderous and heavy, a fairly impressive task given the material at hand. Viewers who don't mind dialogue-heavy films and serious themes should find The Electric Man an interesting watch. While it does have a point of view it never pushes it to the point of alienating those, like myself, who don't necessarily agree with it. I will say I wasn't thrilled by the way it all works out in the end, but others will probably get a chuckle from it.
  • buffo-2729624 February 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    It amazes me, over and over, that people can invest so much money in shockingly bad products, This piece of vomit is so utterly bad it deserves an award. After 30 seconds I was FWD and It never got better. Don't waste your life's precious moments. Everyone involved in this deserves, well whatever.
  • This is not Sci-Fi. This is stupid. Who would waste their time putting out crap like this? Horrid acting, horrid writing. Total crap from talentless hacks.
  • stevenvs-2612524 February 2022
    With a famous name in it Eric Roberts i thought the movie would be a great movie but iam disapointed.

    Bad acting ,watched 10 min then put the movie out.

    Seen already bad movies but the bad acting in this movie looks like amateurs.

    Its like the maked the movie with no Budget ,camara bad ,acting bad sorry only a 1 star if could give 0 star i would do it.

    Seen few that give it 9 stars ,i think that wil be the crew self can't els so a disapointment

    And i know alot good acteurs maked in the 2 years covit bad movies ,its like the rush to make movies to make profith and thats a bad idea ,becouse this way the make there name bad and who wanne watch then again movies from them if the movie is that bad.

    Same like the powerfuse ,where the guy get a shock ,thats the 80's.special effects when it just started now thees days special effects are alot bether not so amateuris like this movie.
  • rossmcdee123 February 2022
    I love many low budget films , and a few no-budget films.

    If the idea and energy is right, great things are possible on limited funds/locations and personnel.

    This film is an utter chore, and bore to watch, and I can only sympathise with some of the people involved in it- there was plenty of potential among the cast and crew, yet the producer, director and writer were too amateur and uncreative to do anything worthwhile with them.

    The fake reviews make the whole thing an even worse memory, it is not fun or trippy in the slightest... although it is similar to being drugged and incapacitated into a realm of tedium.
  • No failure to deliver an award winner for the worst film ever!! This movie was all fine and good until they pulled out the Multiverse card. Talk about your weak assed writing when they do that stuff. Just a bad movie from that moment because the writing is so poor.
  • directortim201213 February 2022
    What a fun, wild ride! Trippy, funny, and just thoroughly entertaining. The acting was really good, especially for a lower budget film. Great to see recognizable actors like Eric Roberts and Tom Sizemore in this eclectic mix. If you're into indies and a kind of B-film homage, this is for you. Just really fun!
  • artistgp24 February 2022
    A fun indie twist on the sci-fi genre. If you're looking for something different than the typical cable channel flick this is a good one to check out. Even with a limited budget these guys do some great work!
  • While watching Electronic Man,Kept on feeling reminds me of a Svenghoulie Show favorite INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN(1956) with The Great Lon Chaney Jr. There is a great lightning bolt scene that Jed recreated.

    So Jed joins a elite group of scareactors like Michael Berryman,Rondo Hatton and George the Giant.
  • This movie is a bit like a Jay and Silent Bob movie crossing paths with Jacob's Ladder. It's trippy with an unusual story. The acting is really good, especially the main character and his bowling buddy. Not really sure where it is going until it gets there, then it all makes sense!
  • billybobhobb-9025615 February 2022
    This is a psychedelic journey through existentialism, theology and the ever present theory of multi universes. Enjoy the ride through mind bending time jumps, vampirism, zombie hoards and the devil himself!
  • Great performances unfold in a dynamic and unpredictable story with clever twists and turns that keep the narrative intense and get your attention from start to finish.

    Throughout the story, the director achieves fascinating atmospheres that contribute a lot to this Film.

    Many familiar faces!
  • catheraneskillen13 February 2022
    Really well done. Enjoyed it tremendously. Lots of food for thought about the nature of our existence and the differing paths we could take, but done in a way that is engrossing and entertaining at the same time. Overall the acting was splendid. Indie films have many obstacles to overcome and what a joy to see an indie film like this one. Kudos to the man who writ, cut and made it, Mr. B. Luciano Barsuglia.
  • Irrespective of everything that has been said by other users, I liked the film.

    An innovative concept and execution, followed by some good acting by the star cast.

    The story-line doesn't seem drawn out as claimed by some, but looks rather integrated with the concept.

    After all it is the Electric man, and the man has been impacted by the surge of electricity in his body.

    One can't just have electric shocks and electrocutions through the length of the film.

    There has to be a semblance of a story, knitting into the wider theme.

    And that I think has been presented well by the director.

    Given the fact that apparently there wasn't a humongous budget to work with, I think the cast and crew has done a pretty nifty job getting the film out in the market.

    They do deserve a shout out for their effort, and my good motivation to them to do well for their other projects in these difficult times.
  • mich1elle25 February 2022
    This is a movie you do not want to miss. Great indie sci-fi. Very fun and enjoyable film. Great acting and story. I loved this trippy sci-fi comedy. This was just the entertaining break I needed in my day.
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