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  • I really enjoyed The Christmas Setup. It is a fun and warm movie with some brilliant acting, one of Lifetime's better Christmas originals this season. It is also Lifetime's first LGBTQ+ Christmas movie, giving same-sex male relationships representation in this genre of film, which is a plus. The story revolves around Hugo Spencer (played by Ben Lewis), a talented New York lawyer who is keen to make partner at his firm. He and his BFF, Madelyn McKay (played by Ellen Wong), head home to Milwaukee to spend the Christmas break with his mother Kate (played by Fran Drescher), who oversees organizing the annual local Christmas celebrations. While home, Hugo runs into Patrick (played by Blake Lee), a former high school crush. As the two spend time together enjoying the festivities, their relationship and attraction begin to grow. However, Hugo soon faces a tough decision between romance and that promotion he's been working hard for. The plots used in the story are, of course, unoriginal. Those familiar with Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movies will immediately recognize, e.g., the trip home for the holidays and finding love, reconnecting with past crushes/relationships, and the hard choice between love and career. That said, the writer does a good job with the dialogue in the script. From banter and playful exchanges to warm and heartfelt interactions, the dialogue between Hugo and Madelyn, and Hugo and Patrick feel genuine and real. The writer has also included a bit of mystery and investigation around the original owner of the train station, which is a sub-plot that I enjoyed. And, of course, we are treated to the usual Christmas spirit and holiday cheer, your standard Lifetime and Hallmark Christmas activities. What makes all this work on screen is the quality of acting. Overall, it was excellent. Ben Lewis's performance was great, quite endearing at times. I found it easy to connect with his portrayal of Hugo (e.g., to Hugo's awkward side around Patrick). Blake Lee too had a strong performance. He had this gentle and warm (and sincere) vibe to his portrayal of Patrick, which I felt worked well on screen. The two had great chemistry, which makes sense given they are married in real life. The scene of them on the roof putting up lights was cute and fun to watch, for example. The supporting cast was superb. Ellen Wong and Fran Drescher both had convincing performances (e.g., their interactions with Hugo were lovely to watch). The production quality was good. For example, the scenery, props, and sets were well-polished and festive. I also had a chuckle at the names of the cocktails at Rudolph's Hideaway Lounge. Finally, the music and music editing were pretty good (couple of nice songs in this one). All in all, it is warm, fun and engaging, a nice new edition to Lifetime's 2020 Christmas movie lineup. Highly recommend.
  • In the newest sub-genre - the gay Christmas movie - this one is the best so far. Within the strict confines of the genre, the solid writing and directing and the strong performances manage to breathe some fresh life and vitality into the predictable plot and Christmas movie tropes.

    It helps a lot that there's real romantic chemistry between the two leads - who are married in real life - and their acting is considerably stronger than the typically C-List actors who are plugged into these cookie-cutter holiday romcoms.

    Fran Drescher does her familiar shtick as a loving and meddling mama. Whether or not you buy her ultra-Jewish persona as a Christmas obsessed woman is another story. As a matter of fact, all three of the leads seem kinda Jewish. Fine. They should live and be well.
  • CHTO7614 December 2020
    While Lifetime in recent years have put many LGBTQ characters in their movies, The Christmas Setup is their first attempt to put a gay couple front and centre. Although the title of the movie is as forgettable as any Hallmark/Lifetime Christmas movies that get churned out faster than superhero reboots, the movie itself is anything but.

    Meticulously written, directed, well acted with pleasing visuals and incredible chemistry between the two leads, The Christmas Setup allows its viewers to take a peek into the lives of two people who in most parts of world are still not legally allowed to marry. This movie manages to normalise their relationship so beautifully while at the same time show the world just how loving a relationship between any two people can be, regardless of their orientation or whichever gender they identify with.

    Ben Lewis and Blake Lee lit up the screen with every interaction, and Fran Drescher is as adorable as ever. Every gay guy should be so lucky to have a mom like Fran/Kate, much like Sharon Gless as the supermom for Mikey in QAF. Ellen Wong provided the much needed best friend / confidant without being overbearing, and Chad Connell played the straight brother who every gay person out there could only dream of having.

    Although this movie was never intended to redefine any particular genre, it didn't need to. The fact that it got greenlit and produced to such high standards indicates a slow but positive steady shift of the world's point-of-view of what love is. Hopefully, more of the same will be made in the future.
  • Gordon-1131 December 2021
    I find "The Christmas Setup" sweet and romantic. The two characters are likable, and I really feel for them. Even though the plot is predictable, I enjoyed watching it.
  • The 2020 Lifetime Christmas efforts did vary and often veered between mediocre and slightly above average and were indicative at times of rushed productions. But there were enough of them that were still watchable and more (was pleasantly surprised by some) and were not amateur efforts. Actually think on reflection that the standard was of better quality than 2019's batch. 'The Christmas Setup' sounded promising and really appreciated its inclusion of diversity by having a same sex couple in a milestone move for Lifetime.

    Luckily, 'The Christmas Setup' turned out to be very nicely done. Is it a great film? No, none of the 2020 Lifetime Christmas films are though in all fairness. Is it worth watching? Absolutely yes (as is enough of this particular batch), and by far one of the best and most interesting 2020 Lifetime Christmas films. While not everything in 'The Christmas Setup' works, a lot does and very well indeed to the point of greatness. The central relationship is also handled very well.

    Am going to start with what could have been better. The plot is nothing special formula-wise and in terms of how it maps out. It's another film that is a bit of a slow starter, where it takes time to set up and the dialogue is on the awkward side, with an overload of cheese and schmaltz.

    Similarly felt that the ending felt too hasty.

    However, a lot is good. Ben Lewis and Blake Lee are both immensely engaging and give warm, honest performances. Their chemistry is beautifully done, tasteful and sympathetic with no judgement and they are very natural together, that they are married in real life helps. Fran Drescher is a sheer delight in her scene stealing role. Lifetime have always varied when it comes to having characters that are interesting and worth caring for, 'The Christmas Setup' is a case of both with the most rootable central partnership of the Lifetime 2020 Christmas films.

    Visually, the film is professional looking rather than looking on the cheap, the scenery is lovely. The music is not used too much and has an appropriate sound. The direction shows somebody at ease with the genre and while there is nothing innovative it's not routine or dull either. Furthermore, a great job is done with the Christmas atmosphere, where it does feel like Christmas and in an affectionate way. Some lovely Christmas touches, especially in the second half, and there are some very sweet, but not sickly, scenes. The script did have a nice mix of funny and poignant lines, especially the banter between the leads. The story may be thin but has a warm heart and charm and doesn't take itself too seriously. While the first quarter is not easy to get into at first, a vast majority of the second half is great.

    Overall, well done. 7/10.
  • Suddenly everyone is all for making the yuletide gay. Earlier this month it was The Christmas House, Hallmark's first attempt at including a gay couple in their kitsch Americana; now it's Lifetime's The Christmas Set-up, which mostly revolves around a will-they-won't-they gay romance. While Hallmark's gay story was rather tentative, extremely shaky and reeked of tokenism, Lifetime's effort is surprisingly sweet and engaging, and not at all apologetic. As is to be expected, it's also very vanilla; yet the story manages to make that a plus, rather than an obvious avoidance of male-on-male action (which it absolutely is!). The leads (real life couple Ben Lewis and Blake Lee) are appealing and the story around Hugo's career/life balance crisis is likely to resonate with many. And then there's Fran Drescher as Hugo's mother. If nothing else, The Christmas Set-up is an opportunity to marvel at that weirdly mesmerising voice - somewhere between a screech and whine, and now with added raspiness. It's as if he's been gargling with razor blades. The Christmas Set-up is worth a look for Fran alone.
  • Simple, easy to follow and just a great watch. However, I felt like there was something additional between Patrick and Aiden but it was never clarified. There was a look during the game night scene when Patrick was introduced and then when Aiden was asking about Patrick in the shed. I don't exactly understand what was going on but it wasn't explained either...
  • thomasbgleeson20 December 2020
    Leas cheesy dialogue than your average TV movie. The story feels fresh but perhaps because (finally) it's a gay couple. I'd take even the worst film to get some better representation on screen but this film is worth the watch. Obviously it's predictable but what Christmas film isn't?
  • I like the mov a lot. Simply and warm. Particularly so hard to find a gay Christmas movie. If you are looking for something cute, and will give you joy. This will be the movie for you.
  • As a gay man, I should be giving this movie a 10! But....oy vey. It's actually great if you want a completely predictable, sugary, video Christmas card with lots of good-looking guys. As a friend of mine said, "it checks all the boxes". On the downside, it's a completely predictable, utterly routine video Christmas card....with Fran Drescher singing AND screaming.

    There's no way to include a spoiler here, because you start this movie knowing exactly how it's going to end. Which it does. Happily.
  • The kind of wooden over acting that is synonymous with the likes of Hallmark and Lifetime, but that's what Christmas movies are all about. And not a bad outing for Lifetimes first gay Christmas movie. Hard to believe that the leads in this movie are married in real life. Shame some of that off screen romance didn't translate on screen.
  • I love this movie. It's very lifetime of course, but the main characters (married IRL) have great chemistry. Fran D is a delight and really adds something special to a nice story.

    I wish a little more of The story was developed at the end, but I still really enjoyed it and would love a sequel.
  • I really liked this movie despite Fran Drescher once again playing her droning, nasally, annoying Nanny character in yet another television production.

    Hugo (Ben Lewis) is a big shot New York attorney who travels to visit his mother (Fran Drescher) and super hunky brother (Chad Connell) for the Christmas holiday. Hugo meets Patrick (Blake Lee), an acquaintance from high school. Patrick is a 30-something techie who created and sold an app which allowed him to retire. In other words, Patrick is so loaded that he no longer needs to work and can now just help his father sell Christmas trees at a tree lot.

    Hugo and Patrick start clocking time together while also exchanging some suggestive and pretty juvenile banter: "I'll just grab the bottom", "you comin?'" and "could you grab those balls". Insert eye rolls here. It kind of reminded me of those tired Samantha Jones lines from "Sex snd the City" that just weren't funny and aged even worse over the years. Still, in grand Lifetime fashion, they proceed to fall hard for one another.

    Without giving away too much, when Hugo is finally offered his heavily sought after promotion in London, it's difficult to believe that Richie Rich (aka the financially independent, 30-something retiree who volunteers at Dad's Christmas tree lot and could live anywhere in the world) wouldn't uproot his own life to continue his relationship with Hugo and/or, at least, fly his techie jet (come on, you know that he can afford one) across the pond every couple of weeks to visit. Instead, he wants Hugo to give up his promotion, as well as abandon his big city New York/London legal career and stay in Milwaukee. That's right, Milwaukee.

    Other than that, I really did like it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Having been a huge fan of Drescher for a long time I was more than happy to finally get to watch this film. Unfortunately the film, although not utterly terrible, by far did not meet the expectations. The story is as flat as it gets, with the (clearly happy) end foreseeable after only a few minutes. The characters do not develop at all - this would not be a problem if the film was funny (like The Nanny was), but since this is not the case, the result is simply dull and boring. The perfect mom helps her gay son to find a perfect match. Everything turns out perfect with practically no twists. The son has a perfect female best friend who falls for his also perfect older brother. After about forty minutes there is a shadow of doubt in the perfect gay couple, which disappears almost instantly, along with the danger that the (you guess it?) perfect Christmas tradition of the town falls apart. The twist is based on a scene which takes place at the very beginning of the film with a side story, which never really explained or further developed. Fran Drescher is just an older, but cleverer and more accomplished) version of the adorable Nanny Fine. Since however, there is practically no comic element in the film, her (admittedly perfect) smile after every single line seems out-of-place (technically this is the time where the audience laughter would be heard in the series).

    Furthermore the film is too obviously politically correct. For example, the gay couple is pictured twice kissing (the second kiss is also the end of the whole film), while the straight couple does not give us any really romantic encounter.

    The film is not even close to anything like The Nanny, Will and Grace, or any good old-fashioned romantic comedy with Hugh Grant and/or Jennifer Lopez. If you have nothing better to do, watch it while baking cookies or on your computer while zapping through the day's news and stock market. This film will hardly capture your attention for more than that.
  • PennyReviews27 December 2020
    Surprisingly, for a christmas movie, this was not bad. Sure, there were the cheesy christmassy stuff, but the movie had a feel good atmosphere, the story was fast paced and the performances good. Quite enjoyable.
  • The movie was not bad. Especially for a christmas movie it was fun to watch. Although I'm a huge christmas movie fan, most of them are quite low quality. This was okay, except for the season mess-up.

    But. There is only one reason this movie has this kind of top movie-score: LHBTIQ+.

    It's a good thing that more movies show more diversity and show that it does not matter if you're attracted to same genders, for example. But, that does not mean the movie itself is worth a 7,3. If they were not gay, it would be rated between a 5 and 6. Not my way of reviewing movies on quality.

    People are literally saying they give it a higher score because of the LHBTIQ+ part. Well, yeah. Lets say I agree to disagree, tho. This should be a platform to rate movies based on quality.
  • fiercecelt25 June 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I did not know until reading the bios that Patrick (Blake Lee) and Hugo (Ben Lewis) are actually a married couple in "real" life. That made this movie all the more special for me.
  • Trying to get into the Christmas spirit, I watched this. Half way through, I kind of figured out where this thing was headed. The only thing red at the end was Santa's costume and not something splattered on the walls, as is so typical with gay themed movies. My primary complaint with this movie is that the girly lawyer, Hugo, should have reversed roles with his smoking hot brother. A romance featuring the drop dead gorgeous, butch soldier and hush puppy brown-eyed Patrick would have been too hot to handle. But I didn't get to write the script so I had to take 3 stars off my rating. Overall a good production, just didn't get me all hot and bothered as it could have.
  • This movie is cute, believable, well acted and silly without being stupid. The gay couple has amazing chemistry and the relationship between the mother (Fran Drescher doing a great job) and her sons and everyone else is both over the top but believable, no mean feat in a Rom/Com, gay themed or not. It's a movie well worth your time if you like the genre or are gay or both. I gave it ten stars and would give it more if I could have. I came away feeling happy and satisfied and thats a win in my book. Loved it.
  • Kirpianuscus8 December 2022
    No doubts, the first virtue of this film is Fran Drescher. She is sweet, energetic and the fair portrait of mother involved in life - sentimental not the last - of her son and enloved by Christmas.

    The second significant good point is represented by chemistry between Hugo and Patrick, working just beautiful (sure, the explanation can be out of set ).

    The second is the so familiar story. Cheesy, off course, but, in this case, that is just a virtue.

    Because it is one of comfortable film, with familiar mix of corporatist guy, need to save a historical place, confusion and fire works of final.

    The Christmas film who you deserve, easy, sentimental, nice and working , with few holes, just not so bad.

    The romance is sweet because the good looking guys are inspired option for a different version of butterflies in stomach .

    So, just nice.
  • cekadah31 December 2020
    Here's my take on this flick -

    1. Pro - it brings to the forefront that 'love' or 'attraction' between two people of the same gender is perfectly and absolutely normal !! And worthy of a family type story. Bravo for that ! ! !

    2. Con - the production values are unacceptable ! Using spring or summer for winter just does not work. The directors can spray tons of - whatever that white stuff is suppose to look like snow - on everything but you can't hide summer green.

    Outside of the above this is a typical Xmas romance story.
  • I guess some people in the the gay community will be extatic about The Christmas Setup because the gay-themed movies are in short supply but on a closer look this movie is boring, is not memorable and loaded with cliches. Hugo is a stereotypical gay guy: he is oversensistive, he is flamboyant and, yes, he's got BFF. At Christmas he travels home taking his BFF along. In his native town he stumbles on his old schoolmate who just happens to be gay too. And actualy this is it. The whole story can be summarised in a couple of sentences but he movie takes 90 minutes to tell it to us. And yes! The movie is saccharine and sentimental to the extreme. What do you want? It is made-for-tv flick after all.
  • bugger-1707113 December 2020
    I was surprised by how adorable this movie was. It gave me more happy, positive feelings than any other film I've seen this year, no joke.

    One of the big advantages this movie has over others, is that the actors playing the main characters (Ben Lewis and Blake Lee) are actually married in real life, thus they created some of the most authentic chemistry I've ever seen on screen. It was easy to root for them the whole time. Their dates were presented in a genuinely romantic way.

    Fran Drescher was a dynamic and energetic presence every time she was on screen, she was very likeable. Hugo's (one of the main characters) best friend and brother also had a good secondary storyline.

    Where this succeeded was having a slightly unconventional, yet convincing plot and putting the gay couple front and center in the storyline, which covers new ground in media representation. Overall, this movie was very heartwarming and I am happy I watched it. If you like romantic comedies, don't miss The Christmas Setup. It is worth your time.
  • mmuggi24 December 2021
    A classic Lifetime TV movie. The premise is simple, the main characters are gay, as if it has a meaning to the action. The acting is ok, in some places overplayed. An ok pastime up to Christmas, but there are many better alternatives.
  • As much as I'm not much in the holiday spirit this year. This movies pleasantly surprised me. I laughed and was in awe as Ben Lewis and his real life husband played their parts like they've never even met before. And they both stole each scene respectively. I may just watch it again for the beauty and heart that was put into making this.
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