User Reviews (28)

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  • It's an entertaining film that explores the idea of soul mate, the one that completes us. The film argues that there is no perfect match, a match made in heaven. It's how a couple (or if you are so inclined, polyamory) works on the relationship from day 1.

    The movie shows this by looking at possible scenarios or alternative realities between couples as they navigate the ups and downs of commitment.

    Who end up as durable couples? As the story suggests, which makes sense, your guess is as good as mine.

    The actors playing Gulia, Chiara, Matteo and Dario entertain us as they drive home the point. The situations they are in do happen in real life. They are able to portray their roles convincingly.
  • The plot starts off quite interesting. Characters are well presented, music is top notch.

    But at some point the plot becomes very confusing and that makes the movie a bit weak.

    But ti's a nice movie and I fall in love with Matilde character and actress.
  • jmalby12 January 2022
    This isn't your typical rom-com. It isn't cheesy, it's rather thought-provoking and the dialogue is well-written. It tries to explore the idea of a soulmate by giving it a new meaning, but fails to accomplish the depth it's trying to reach. The editing and the pacing make it complicated to follow at times. I had to pause while watching just to process what exactly was happening in each storyline. There must be a better way of organizing this because it just ends up being so much more confusing than it ever should be.
  • I am genuinely surprised from this movie.

    From the trailer, I wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did in terms of developing the story, it may look confusing but I think that the beauty of this movies lies in between this confusion.

    It does not give you any certainty, it gives you a range of possibilities, each one of them as valid as the other. Prepare yourself to change your mind about soulmates, or to have your opinion confirmed.
  • kosmasp13 January 2022
    Do you like romantic comedies? It almost always comes down to this. Or at least that is a very important factor - otherwise why are you even here? Maybe you didn't know what this movie would be about and you just wanted to check? Well that would be the only other explanation.

    Now that you know, you of course want to know, is it worth your time. I'd say yes - I mean if you like rom-coms, you will very likely be into this one too, because it really is well told and edited. The actors seemingly have fun and the story is intriguing enough and engaging from beginning to the end. I watch every genre - well almost every genre, so I may not be the best judge for some, on the other hand I can tell you that I was thoroughly entertained too.
  • A lovely romantic dramedy from Italy. Does soulmates exist? The movie gives a very good perception of love and connection. A well written well acted well executed movie is a very good watch for a weekend. You will connect the with the characters and love them with your heart. Basically it is a story of four people ( two men, two women) falling in love in two possibilities. Watch it to know the possibilities. Somehow I love Giulia with Matteo combination the most. I fell in love with their story.
  • Surely there was someway to make this a little bit less confusing. Love the characters. Cinematography could have been better, direction was somewhat lacking. It's a good idea but I think it was almost a failure.
  • canjitha12 January 2022
    Yes I admit it gets a bit confusing but you will be on track in seconds too

    I love how they portrayed the whole combinations

    At the end of the movie you will not be able to have a biased opinion on any one combination bcz both combinations are bitter and sweet in there own way and that's exactly what they want to show you

    You don't end up with your soulmate You meet some one and becomes the soulmate ... It doesn't have to be a 'who' It's the 'how' that's important

    When 'how' plays well 'Who' will automatically fall in place

    This movie is sooo unique n I loved it

    Give it a go go.
  • Lala-90415 January 2022
    I generally like this kind of movie. I like European films in general but I couldn't follow this one. There is no visible difference between one possibility and another, it goes randomly back and forth. It's disjointed and a mash of everything at the same time. 4 stars for what it could have been and the actors who weren't so bad.
  • gianmarcoronconi12 January 2022
    Weirdly very good movie that manages to catch and entertain by putting you a healthy curiosity that keeps you glued to the screen. In the end the film is a romantic comedy but it is in a somewhat innovative way, just enough to stand out among the rest, rising above the average of its genre.
  • redisle17 January 2022
    This film set out to be thought-provoking and it is. For me it repeatedly provoked the thought, "why am I watching this?" I suppose it was a masochistic urge that kept me in the viewing seat and a totally unfounded optimism that somehow the confusion would clear eventually. It didn't.

    The film attempts a "sliding doors" approach except that it was often hard to know which version of the relationships you were watching. It's a pity as there were some good points raised. A further piece of post-production editing adding chapter titles or some such might rescue this film.

    One final point. This film is categorised as a comedy. I checked on definitions of this word and the first was, "A dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict." I would nearly laugh at paint drying but this film didn't even eiicit a smile. There seems to be a tendency nowadays to label many films as comedies when they are not even as funny as paint drying!
  • mattfrancis-0396317 February 2022
    Sexist towards men, shows men to be bad or creeps, lacklustre and boring. Awful dialogue, just no !! English to Italian fact laid bare. Stop making films like this. Boring us with the needless dialogue and trying to make it some kind of romantic comedy.
  • I agree with some other reviews that it is a big confusing with the constant couple switching and that part could've been done better, but nevertheless it was very enjoyable and innovative movie, dialogues were very relatable and the final message is so spot on in my opinion!
  • Terrible. Badly written and directed making it confusing and annoying at the same time. No depth. Cliché people with cliche lines engineering a cliche store. Italian cinema doesn't enjoy the luxury of big money usually and the studios decided to invest it in junk like this. Ridiculous.
  • chriscupo10 January 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was not the typical "finding your soulmate" romantic comedy. The basic story is about a married couple trying to pair off their unmarried friends. There are two sets of stories and we are not sure while watching who is paired with who and are they their true soulmate. The movie concludes with a dinner of all the couples and we are left to wonder who ended up with who and which was the true story. That's the fun part and each viewer may come up with a different conclusion. I think the movie hints that maybe there isn't a "soulmate". Maybe relationships develop with common interests, attraction, etc.

    The movie can be confusing at times with the parallel storylines, so you need to pay attention. Very interesting story, and I am still thinking about it.
  • No real chemistry between any pairing of the leads, and no fleshed out characters made me not care for any of them. No personality or charm.

    Mediocre acting. Terrible dialogue about nothing, yet so much of it the whole time. I ended up mostly watching for the decoration and Italian scenery. Even then, the cinematography could have been better. Tragic fashion.

    The concept was not that original. This peek in alternative outcomes and sliding door approach has been done before, and better at that. This was a confusing bore, jumping back and forth randomly between the various pairings' timelines.

    Story was directionless. Showing that everyone could get with anyone, and for no real reason other than superficial attraction, makes no deep point regarding the soulmate concept, but makes getting together seem just inconsequential.

    Did not laugh once. What comedy? It was just filled with cliches. This film made me understand for the first time why millennials may be perceived as cringe.
  • I like how it explores the concept of finding an one instead of the one. And how it demonstrates how much work goes into nurturing a relationship and making it work. Only flaw is that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish which reality/storyline we are in, and who's with who at what time point. But overall, I enjoyed it and would recommend.
  • Love is strange. You must remember the name and the character clearly when watching this movie. In this movie, the two different scenarios are switching too fast that some people may be confused by it. Every time I switched, I thought about the condition whether it was paired by the host or the hostess. In short, love is always messy, and it may be smooth at the beginning, but after going around in circles, it turns out that she/he is not too bad. Does soulmate really exist? In most cases it doesn't. A perfect match probably doesn't exist, too, because people are independent individuals, and everyone has their own personality. You like dogs, he/she likes cats, you like the sea, and he/she likes mountains. The real situation in life is that love eventually becomes family affection, and family affection is also mixed with a little love. Most family makes do and mends for each other, and they make it work together almost as a team...
  • It was confusing at times with interlinked story lines, but it was okay !! The message that the movie tried to make was good and solid.

    They could have tried something to differentiate both the timelines.
  • enniosinanaj9 January 2022
    The message is clearly sent by the author and it is a very interesting one.

    Besides being an interesting and well told idea, the movie is easy to watch and very much enjoyable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So do you match with one perfect red shiny apple half? This little gem asks the ultimate question of us is there 'the one?' Do you believe in the firebolt love at first sight as you meet the perfect other half? Well One: watch this in italian not dubbed. Two: watch it because it is both fun, a frolic, sweetly engaging and also has a gently undulating hidden central dilemma about love, partnership, compatibility, truth and the meaning of life. Three: it made me cry and laugh out loud as the ebbs and flows of this film make you buy into all four of the characters lives. Does it have many flaws? Not really; it is exactly what it says on the can - a clever shiny rom com with heart; if it brings meaning to you that is from you and your belief system and it's gentleness allows you this moment to dwell on life and possibilities. If you want definitive answers to the biggie 'is there a one for you?' then this is it's flaw - the answer is back to apples. Big Q for me is would I watch it again? Yes so an 8/10 for a sweet gem of a movie.
  • Has the reader ever been to Italy? Besides the tourist traps, has the reader actually lived life in Italy? My wife and I are Italian, living in Canada and the United States. Between the two of us, we have thousands of relatives in Italia. We found Canadians more sophisticated in their movie tastes than Americans. Especially Quebec where we live part of the time. We were not surprised when we read "confusing" in the critiques, and we actually expected it.

    Europeans find Americans emotionally dull. And I'm afraid that the movie reviews testify to that. Italian/European cinematography often explores the human experience from many focal points inviting the viewer to experience the emotions it evokes, even if it is uncomfortable. In American cinematography, Americans are spoon-fed.

    After the movie, my wife and I shared our experiences with the film. Who we thought was better suited for the other and why. What-ifs were asked. We commented on the scenarios throughout the film, and often, we changed our minds. We understood the film's format within the first thirty minutes and were very excited at the prospects. And because we are so familiar with life in Italy, little needed to be explained. From the start of the film, we know the doctor had an interest in Chiara, and somehow, it would weave itself into the plot. We laughed at the pizza ingredients when Giulia was announcing her pregnancy. And relished the continued change from Giulia and Chiara when the bride exited the wedding limo at the church to marry Matteo.... who was the soul mate?

    Who should we marry in real life? Who is the perfect mate for you? However, few ask if you are the ideal mate for them. Why? You are afraid of the answer. And in this film.... how much truth will you share with your mate as you both view it? What if?

    A brilliant film. It should be viewed with friends. Vorrei scusarmi se ho messo a disagio qualcuno con le mie critiche al cinema americano. Tuttavia, è la verità.
  • hamyaug6 January 2022
    The plot is so smart and it explores in a autentical italian way the idea of a soulmate. The scenes are so smooth and heart-felt.

    Brilliant! A true master piece!
  • a2_mark28 May 2022
    This is an incredible movie. At the start I thought the film was boring cos of the too many dialogues so I rated 3. But when it got to the mid the film kinda look interesting so I gave it 5. Honestly, the most interesting part of the movie is the twists and the point the story teller was tryna tell. 'Because people change when they are in relationships and the possibilities of the outcome changes too'. I really love the quote. 'You don't have to find your soulmate, just get a soul mate'.
  • Molts canvis de parelles enamorades, el més important és saber quin aparallement t agrada i t identifiques més.

    Bona posta en escena.

    Roma encantadora.
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