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  • Am I missing something? It SHOWED the piece of paper with the "MA..." on the bottom. It's just a list of ingredients; it doesn't say how much of each to use, how long to cook, what temperature, etc. So how could anybody use it to make this cake? Seems like a pretty important plot point for everybody involved (writers, director, cast) to miss.
  • This is playing on Netflix right now. It's kind of cute but is just the usual formula. The hair is so bad. I'm glad I'm not the only person that noticed that. It seems like the hair stylist got one color of highlights and used it on the actors that played Gwen Gavin and her mother. The only person that decent hair was the actress that played her friend Becky. The hair of Gwen looks like it was fried when it got its highlights. Even her Grandpa had bad hair when his bangs were combed over his bald spot. Combed into a v pointing down to his nose. Let's not say anything about the toupee the character Dante had. Best way to enjoy the movie, is to close your eyes and not have to look at the hair.
  • Erica Durance and Robin Dunne has been good in other things, particularly Dunne, even when the film overall is not great. 2019's 'The Christmas Chalet' was proof that the two can work very well together. Lifetime have done many films over the years that have been worth watching, the best of them surprisingly very well done, though they have also done a number of duds. Was a bit ehh overall on their 2021 output, it could have been worse considering the circumstances but few films stood out that.

    'The Enchanted Christmas Cake' is no exception to this. It is not one of their worst films from 2021 and Lifetime have certainly done far worse overall, but also not one of the best on both counts. It is certainly tolerable and has good things, but it does not live up to its enchanted name and instead is pretty bland. As far as 2021 Christmas films go from Hallmark, Lifetime, UpTV, ION, GAC Family etc, 'The Enchanted Christmas Cake' is one of the average middling things with enough good things but also a lot of bad.

    Am going to begin with the good. Durance and Dunne do engage in the lead roles, with Dunne particularly bringing easy going charm and subtle charisma to his. They work very well together and the chemistry is natural and genuine as well as sweet. The supporting cast are also solid and don't overplay or phone in. There are moments of real charm and heart warmth and the film starts off quite well.

    Furthermore, 'The Enchanted Christmas Cake' looks good. Loved the scenery especially, regardless of any authenticity being called into question there is a festive look to it and it looks picturesque. Personally thought the photography, while never extraordinary, complemented it nicely, not overblown while not basic either. The music is a nice enough fit and is pleasant music on its own, it doesn't make as much of a mistake as other Christmas films of being used too constantly or being too loud (something that a number of Hallmark Christmas films are guilty of).

    However, 'The Enchanted Christmas Cake' could have been a lot better. The story on the whole could have been a lot more engaging. It has its moments, but the excessive predictability from doing nothing new with very familiar done to death ground does hurt it. Also thought that it dragged quite a lot, from the story being very thin and over-stretched, and the TV programme angle came over as contrived. As does the too convenient final act, with a climactic moment that occurs far too early.

    Moreover, the characters do lose likeability. Durance's character is far too naive and indecisive and makes some really frustratingly dumb decisions. The dialogue is often awkward and has too many cheesy and overly sappy lines that induce cringing.

    Concluding, one of those tolerable for one time watch but very average at best films. 5/10.
  • Hands down the worst hair I have ever seen on screen. If I had been the hair dresser, I'd have fired myself and submitted my name as Alan Smithee for the credits. As a bonus, the bad guy's toupee looked like it came from the clearance aisle at Party City.

    The plot won't even matter to you because all you see is the frizzy fried bangs. Between the brassy highlights and overly permed texture, it's like going back in time to 1987 in middle school when we were just learning how to use perms and curling irons, and still our hair usually turned out better than this! She should have stuck a dead squirrel on her head and called it a day.
  • Jackbv12316 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Erica Durance and Robin Dunne are great together, but then they did another Christmas movie two years ago. Different background, different daughter.

    Unfortunately, the story is a disaster. It does not make the character Gwen look very bright. First, she asks the shady TV chef to help her figure out her secret ingredient. Lets "give away the store". Fortunately, that moment passes without harm. But later, she's dumb again regarding the same shady guy. Why would she believe him? This climatic moment occurs fairly early in the movie. As for the problem it creates, in the age of social media, it only took her to nearly the end of the movie to think of the obvious answer.

    Some interesting things happen after that climax. Some are cheesy. Some are sappy.

    The story also has a mythical legend element to it since everyone believes the cake has secret powers.
  • chastity-walker13 November 2022
    Erica Durance is a much better actress than her performance she gave here. As you can see in many other reviews, her hair is a hot mess to the point of being distracting. I actually had to look up her real age as the overall styling, including her wardrobe, makes her appear so much older and just sort of makes the whole plot fall apart.

    Robin Dunne, as Gavin, carries a lot of the dialog and brings his typical natural charm to the screen. Overall I think Gavin's lines are also scripted better such that Dunne's delivery is easier to execute. Whereas for Erica, as Gwen, has the challenge of trying to deliver on a lot of poorly written lines.

    There was some fun, holiday potential here about the magic of finding love at Christmas that falls flatter than baking a cake during an earthquake.
  • The movie isn't bad for a feel good Christmas movie but the lead actresses bangs were so awful I couldn't watch the movie at times. Whoever did her hair needs to be literally fired.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this because I like Erica Durance as an actress and was a big fan of Smallville. I don't think she lived up to her potential in this. It may be because it was just a bad story line. With more effort this could have been a better movie. Like others have said in these reviews, the hair and outfits were pretty bad. I think Erica is beautiful and probably has thick, possibly curly hair and it's just been overstyled with heating tools and damaged from the bleached highlights. That was hard to ignore and then add to the poorly chosen wardrobe and it takes a lot away from this movie. Erica and Robin are very likeable, this was just not the best written movie. And that wasn't a recipe, just ingredients and in my opinion, only showed an M at the bottom not an MA, so could have been anything. But definitely not Marzipan, unless they were going to decorate the cake with it. Please do more research to support your story. I looked up Lebkuchen recipe and it was nothing like that. The bakery did not look like one, had no customers and you never saw them bake anything except that cake. I can say, the scenery was nice, the house and the Inn were beautiful, and this had a good Christmas message and some good heartfelt moments. It just wasn't brought together all that well. I wouldn't watch it again.
  • REALLY that hair! So distracting! Acting a bit off, couldn't fully get taken in by the movie. Good story idea, but weak execution. The tv program angle was also badly written. They tried something but it just didn't fit well together in my opinion.
  • aclarkcountry16 December 2021
    I initially tuned in for Erica Durance, but I couldn't even last 15 minutes. Not worth my time. Lifetime Christmas movies are lackluster compared to Hallmark Christmas movies. They aren't as good.
  • I thought it was super cute. Usually characters can be annoying but I really liked this one. Yes her bangs are distracting but I liked the storyline and message. I mean it's a hallmark type movie so what are people expecting? I've seen some that are so cheesy that I can't watch past 10 minutes, but this one I liked and was able to enjoy the entire movie. As usual the scenery was gorgeous and really got me in a Christmas spirit. That's what it's about. If you go in just wanting to feel the Christmas spirit, you'll enjoy it. If you go in with a critical eye then you won't. But like I said, there's definitely worse ones. This one is cute and nice characters, and even had funny moments.
  • No Canadian wears bright yellow pants in winter! Bizarre costuming. Vernon Falls isn't necessarily in Canada, but this movie was filmed in Ontario.

    Also, totally distracted by the fake blankety snow and Gwen's inexplicable right-hand drive vehicle.
  • This movie is stupid on so many levels:

    A) the 'bakery' with zero customers, no food on display and the baker and her assistant walk around all day (while baking) in high heels.

    B) THE. HAIR. I assume the burnt, mis-matched bangs are fake clip-on hair and is that really the best they could do?? Does nobody on the set have eyes?? Is the 'hairdresser' on set the daughter of the head of the studio?? Why does this person have a paying job???

    C) The dumb cake doesn't even have a recipe, just a list of ingredients and the baker (supposedly in VERMONT) never thought of MAple syrup for her missing ingredient???

    D) very thin story line and a complete waste of time. Not even fun in the "let's make fun of this christmas movie while drinking' way.
  • drbreakwell17 December 2021
    This movie is a dud right from the start. Hallmark has made some duds this past year, but Lifetime takes the prize on this. Only watched this one first 10 minutes.
  • cujorocky29 December 2021
    Boring, forgettable female lead. Guy was OK. Her hair was horrible. Ugly, 2 tone uncombed mess. She is 43 years old and looks 53. Not a bad movie, just a blah movie.
  • Beloved and I just got done watching Catering Christmas.

    And while it was a serviceable movie with two photogenic stars and a standard issue plot improved by a secondary relationship that had a payoff that actually made me really happy.

    My main takeaway was it was a story about a capable woman who is looking to make her business work. The conflict is about expectations and a fear of losing their dreams.

    Hers about her business and the relationship with a jerk who strung her along. His is about a career he's built to make his family get off his back about not joining the family business.

    But this movie?

    The lead is a woman who somehow on is Oprah's list when she's apparently never actually baked the thing she's supposed to be famous for.

    And she's a whining person.

    I gave up on her, and this movie within minutes.

    I've got better things to do with my life than spend time with a whiney inept person who is apparently famous for something she doesn't know how to make.

    Please pass on this and catch Catering Christmas. You'll thank me.
  • As the title of this review alludes, and yes, it's incredibly unhelpful for me to be doing this, but Erica Durance is a beautiful woman and whoever decided that she should be sporting a hairstyle from some '60's reject of Cosmo should be lined up and shot! That's all I have to say about that. Lol! Watch this flick be a period piece that takes place in the 1960's or something! Ha! I have no clue as to what it's about and I don't care. I'm just looking at Erica's IMDb page and going through her filmography, looking through photos of scenes from her various projects and let me say: while the majority of her stylists seem to have a crack addiction this one takes the cake. See what I did there? Tied my nonsense of a review right to the movie's title! Up high!🙏
  • franciskelly-950678 November 2023
    My wife made me watch this. Obviously I felt like I lost two hours of my life. More importantly who t f is doing their hair? Who dresses them? Can lifestyle channel give this blue collar drunk guy a job as a stylist? Seriously, I've noticed this often with the romance channels, what's with the wardrobe choices? I wear Carhartt stuff. I'm obviouslly not Fabio. The lady with the weird bangs which have never seen conditioner is wearing a weird medieval silk purple blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. She's supposed to be a baker. Who turns up for work as a baker dressed like your going to a Prince concert and trying to shag him?