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  • kosmasp16 November 2020
    Whatever you think of this - thriller/torture porn/craziness - one thing is clear: Costas Mandylor had the time of his life shooting this. The man you may know from the Saw franchise plays a wicked character in this one, where family is more than important.

    It is a tough watch and I have to admit, while it is brutal and has some cringe worthy scenes in it (yes I always remembered this is only a movie, still you can't completely detach can you?), I was happy it was edited in a way, that gave you some time to breache. The actors overall are really good in it and the original way they were going to end the movie probably would have elevated the whole thing, but we didn't get that. Instead we get something more predictable, which is also fine overall (for the other ending watch the vlog on the disc, won't spoil it here for you)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Daddy's Girl is a Mediocre Psychothriller with Plotholes and some Bloody scenes, except Mandylor the Acting and dialogues are weak. But the Biggest annoyance is the Ending. She was aiding with murder, throughout the whole Film , but kills her Stepdad and then become a avenger who hunts Serial Killers. Makes no Sense and to be honest the Ending has a Misandrist atmosphere. At least this movie was short (without End credits 77 Minutes) .

  • georgio-2649016 February 2021
    Its a non alcoholic beer, a meat free burger, a sports car with speed limited speed, a diet cola, basically a gore horror with no gore or horror. Imagine freddy krueger with no glove, Jason with no machete , leatherface without his chainsaw. A guy sleeps with his daughter, picks up girls in bars takes them back to a torture den and there is no torture to be seen. An hour and 20 of bars and threats and incest and screaming. It could've been a very good film if it had special effects. But was just nothing.
  • a_baron10 December 2021
    This should properly be called "Step Daddy's Girl", which isn't quite as disgusting as the incest implied here initially. Sadly, everything else is disgusting. The villain of the piece is a serial killer who served in Iraq. It wasn't his wartime experience that turned him into what he is, rather he appears to have joined the military for the express purpose of killing and torturing, not necesssarily in that order.

    Now he is located in rural America living with his stepdaughter, her mother having committed suicide some years before. Although he isn't particularly attractive, he finds it remarkably easy with a little help from his companion to pick up reasonably attractive young women, take them home, and torture them. There is no suggestion even of rape, just pure sadism and bloodlust.

    Fortunately, he is soon recognised by a local lawman who also served in Iraq, although he looks far too young to have done so. There is a resolution and a somewhat unusual final scene, but apart from that, this modern day film noir in colour has no merit at all.
  • ..with a hard-to-believe story, then you might like this movie. Do you believe this story: A sick psychopath is looking for new victims. Why not go to a pub where the beautiful young ladies sit and wait at the tables alone, hoping for an old ugly guy like that psychopath......?

    So, he goes to a pub with his stepdaughter and invites one of the ladies who sit alone at a table for a drink, and she accepts it without hesitation. Seriously??

    .. .. A few drinks later, she doesn't hesitate to get into his car.... despite the fact he is a stranger and looks like a serial killer? ...(yup. That's how the movie goes....) So he takes her to his house, far outside deep inside the forest, behind the hills, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night. After a long ride, they finally arrive at his house which is the only one around in a radius of 50 miles...

    They all go inside, and after he turns the lights on, and locks the door behind her: surprise!!

    "you just have entered a torture chamber!! And you won't get out of here anymore ever - at least not in one piece......".

    And, he is a man of his word.

    His hot-looking stepdaughter is watching all of this, and she seems to know the entire procedure. She doesn't like what that maniac is doing, and she could leave whenever she wants, but she prefers to stay there with him. (yup. That's how the movie goes....) She even suffers living together with this brain-damaged monster. She must work for him and sleep with him in one bed. But not only that...not only that people... And although she is a hottie, nobody else than the sick stepfather seems to be interested in her. Sure thing...

    Come on movie makers. I believe in many things, but this is a fairy tale of "Brother Grimm's worst".
  • ks-6050016 September 2020
    Story is so sick with father f her girl and random pick up girls and torture them for enjoyment. If you like sickness theme, this is your choice.
  • Saw this at the Brussel International Fantastic Film Festival 2019 (BIFFF for intimates). The director appeared before the screening for an introductory address. He told us that the script was originally written more than 10 years ago. It was at the time of SAW and the like, think "torture porn" as the main keyword. That version has been rewritten in the meantime to better adapt to changes in audience appreciation. The director considered this a logical consequence of the post-#MeToo era we live in nowadays.

    The movie is well made and important steps in the proceedings are clearly shown, letting us live and feel along with the main protagonists. The "daddy" role is clear, given his history in Irak. But his daughter Zoë seems continuously in limbo. On one hand, she is very cooperative in bed with her father, as well as helping him to catch new girls. Both tasks are not natural for a daughter to do. On the other hand, she works against him by putting an end to the misery of one girl, though unclear why she helped specifically this one and not of her predecessors who similarly ended miserably. At another moment, she even attempted to put an end to it all.

    Regardless of her motives to escape her current way of living, we get gradually the impression that Zoë has inherited some of the sadistic DNA of her father. We see her incidentally watch the tortures through an opening in the door (yet she usually stops looking very soon). This suspicion grows on us and is confirmed in the final scene, where she makes a totally different appearance (no details, no spoilers).

    The implied message (morale is not the right word) of this movie is that not only men are sadists, seeking a form to consistently dominate women. Women have this "capability" too, though it can manifest in subtly different forms. The world is not so black and white as we are inclined to think. Given that the main protagonists are unsual in their purposes and their cooperation, one can derive several meanings from this movie. Superficially, we see a man chasing women and know (not see) him ending their lives in a dreadful way. But it is not a late SAW sequel. It brings hidden layers that still make it an interesting watch, and it bends several genre rules too. I wonder whether these not so obvious elements are intentional, or that I construe something out of nothing.
  • Fans of Costas will enjoy this film for sure, it's a pretty decent horror flick your average B movie and worth a watch!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a pretty messed up concept with a step dad and step daughter as a couple who kidnap and torture women they pick up from bars. This has decent production values and a good cast. If you ignore the plot holes and don't mind torture porn then this is for you.