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  • I have always admired Kevin Hart's acting, but honestly i didn't have high hopes in watching, " Seriously Funny". Finally when i started watching the act, I pretty much was out of the laughing seat. But slowly, Kevin's act starting catching me up. The jokes and the hilarious stories builds up and gets on you slowly. I don't know if i took time getting his act or his jokes got better as time flew by, but i suggest everyone to take a glimpse at this DVD cause its worth it. And if you some people are wondering what he talks about, well most of the stories are well connected to him, and he knows how to make that to a great laughing matter.
  • Kevin Hart is one of the special black comedians that I "dig". I enjoyed his every little appearance in movies. As a stand-up comedy fan, I was really looking forward to see him on stage and all I can say is he could do better! As an actor, he's good. As a writer, not that good. However, he compensates that with funny gestures and mimics that he owns and a real live energy. The jokes are fine, maybe he sometimes uses too common routines. He has some hilarious moments when the crowd goes wild, especially when he tries to imitate some basketball stars participating in the audience. Overall, an entertaining show that I recommend to all of the real stand-up comedy fans.
  • It was a show that I can say good, it sounds sincere. It is also nice to tell about his immediate surroundings.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Kevin Hart has delivered a solid, polished set of comedy in this DVD offering from codeblack entertainment. From the beginning of his act, he endears himself to his audience through a series of admissions to inadequacies as a parent, a spouse, a fighter and lover. Everyone in the audience could identify with him, as the material was fresh and very relevant.And, all of the things he rants about, happens to all of us in one way or the other. Many comedians use the family unit and it's idiosyncrasies as a vehicle for their guffaws, but few have implemented this tool with such finesse and relentlessness. Kevin mentions his uncle who'd spent fifteen years in prison and was institutionalized to the point that everything he talked about came from a prison mentality-barking at kevin to 'say it with yer chest' ( or add some bass to your voice) and calling on kev to jump in and whoop someone's butt in a bar as if he were ordering a gang hit. the delivery was razor sharp, and the familiarity of the subject rang true. excessively funny. Kevin goes on to bash on his wife for spoiling his gangsta-style intimidation moves in public. He relates that even if he were a passive person and not violent at all, that was THEIR business. in this spiel, kev threatens to go 'pop the trunk' and retrieve a gun and 'shoot this s**t up' while his wife says 'what are you going to get out of the trunk, the carseat?'. What guy hasn't had some version of that play itself out in their lives? relevant. Sharp. Hilarious. The Entire set is non-stop, no dead spots, no long build up or time consuming segues, right to the point, right to the giggly jugular joke after joke. His impersonations of crying women, of his kids, other guys-all believable and magnetic. Kev's facial expressions are a mighty tool that he uses to pry away any defenses we might have and makes it impossible not to laugh. Too good to miss, I would recommend this DVD to anyone who needs a good long laugh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Kevin Hart in this was hilarious. His stories and jokes from people falling, his family, and just regular jokes I couldn't take it. He literally had me laughing from beginning to end. I wish I could see another Kevin Hart performance live. As I watched Kevin Hart in this comedy I really enjoyed seeing Lebron James reaction and Shaq's reaction watching the show and their energy. Kevin Hart is one of the best top comedians I have seen. I wish I saw a combination of Kevin Hart and Chris Rock on a show. Kevin Hart honestly busted my gut from me laughing so hard with his jokes and he needs to peel the someone's muffin cap back blue and say it with his chest that he's a great comedian.
  • waqassaleem-8520121 December 2020
    Kevin hart is so awesome in this. Full on comedic moments and stories. Definitely a must watch.
  • I watch any and everything with Kevin Hart!!!! It doesn't matter if it's his stand up routines or on of his many funny af movies!!!!!!!!! My 3 adults sons and myself want to request more movies with Kevin and The Rock, Triple H, John Cena and Shawn Michaels!!!! Also please consider making Jason Stratham or Bruce Willis in a few movies with him!!! They all are very capable and are great at comedy!!!!! Keep the laughs coming Kevin AKA The Black Hammer!!!! 😂😂😂
  • Kevin Hart is a truly amazing comedian. It's just sad that the woke community has to attack him like they do everyone else they don't agree with because they were offended. If Kevin Hart offends you don't watch him, because the rest of us who appreciate his style of comedy want to continue enjoying his entertainment. If you can't control yourself and your feelings Kevin Hart is not for you. I along with millions of other fans have enjoyed his movies and comedy specials for many years. No comedian can be watched and enjoyed if you are easily offended. I just hope he does not allow the mental instability of this country to ruin his shows.
  • I got bored, I went through Netflix like you do and I saw that they recommended me Seriously Funny due to my interests in Michael McIntyre's Showtime and Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos. I thought I would check it out, it had a good rating and I'd seen clips that made me chuckle.

    Seriously Funny is alright; it's funny, for sure, and I really couldn't stop laughing at points; Hart's humour is on point, quick to draw, and he keeps the laughs coming.

    But there are some points where I felt truly uncomfortable watching it – these two times were when he made homophobic-style jokes, and when he just threw around 'kill yourselves' on one, maybe two occasions. These really pulled it down for me, and made me uncomfortable, made me shift in my seat as I watched, and I even felt a little down and upset at just how easily he threw such things around.

    The sketch is funny, I enjoyed it, mostly, but he really pulled it down and made it less by throwing around sensitive issues as if they were nothing.

    For that, I can only give it 5/10; the insensitivity ruined it for me, HOWEVER, if you're not bothered by such things then you'll probably enjoy the whole thing.