User Reviews (17)

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  • I watched this film on the premise that it had fighter pilots and former *NSYNC member, JC Chasez. I am glad to say that if I watched this with any further expectations, I would have been deeply disappointed.

    To me, this movie felt like a rough draft and really needed to be polished. The special effects were tolerable at best. Some of the SFX seemed unrealistic, leaving the movie looking amateur. Most of the duologue was forced and seemed out of place, whilst other parts were bland and wooden.

    Filming locations differed which changed up the otherwise boring plot. One redeeming feature is that the plot and characters are fulfilled without leaving you wondering 'what happened?' afterward.Overall, this film didn't keep my attention and unless you are a devoted fan of anything aviation related, I wouldn't bother watching this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this movie, not expecting much of it. Some pains were taken to develop it into a wide scope of countries and equipment. The Red sky anthem sound quite good and one manages to get hooked more or less at the beginning. As the story unfolds however, the suspension of disbelief becomes strained as the dialogues sometimes get childish and the acting gets unconvincing. For example: the traitor gets way too easily convinced to abandon the dark side, as if his original criminal money motives were not the values that he lived by. CGI gets sometimes too 90 's (meaning lacking depth, detail and adequate lighting) and worst of the worst in actual filming, the Sukhoi planes really look their age and a lack of adequate maintenance. They are in terrible shape and it shows. During a strafing pass of the aggressor, you can actually see that some cockpits were replaced by a plastic sheet. You can also see that the upholstery of the seats and the state of the instruments are pitifully worn out. The paint on the planes show fissures that extend into the superstructures, tires were flat... These poor planes haven't been airworthy for a long, long time. I don't mean that good planes must be destroyed for the sake of a movie, but some paint and a few spare parts could have helped. Otherwise, there is always CGI (good CGI). As a conclusion, I would say that it's a B/C movie, showing good effort and mediocre realization. Watch it if you have nothing else to do and forget it.
  • shalimar-419 April 2014
    Overall not a bad movie.. but it was lacking. Better than the pathetic cheeze of Iron Eagle (or it's pathetic added on clones)

    Don't expect "Top Gun" quality of production and it can be interesting. However don't expect Plan 9 either.

    Some decent actors.. but poor direction from MVP whom can't direct or act his way out of a wet paper bag.

    That said.. at least it's not another steaming pile of sh*t from Ewe Boll! (Some moron(s) somewhere keep giving that putz $ to make movies and he creates nothing but total crap.. worst director ever)

    As for aircraft.. a decent display of older Mig-29's mostly which is not as common for an American movie.

    Too bad they did not have a real director instead of MVP... perhaps with someone with actual directing skill this could have been a better production.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm sorry, but someone submitted a review for this movie from the cover description on the box and had not even seen the film?.

    This is not so much the reviewers issue as that of IMDb, no one can perceive a movie from a cover description. For that review to be left up only cements what most people already perceive about IMDb and that is the star rating doesn't mean a thing because the reviews are not regulated.

    The person who submitted the review should be removed as they are contributing NOTHING.

    On with my review, this is my first, but rest assured I have at least seen the movie in question.

    From the outset I had low expectations and I didn't have to wait long to be disappointed, the actors for the most part cannot act and as a result over act to compensate for their lack of skills.

    The command that starts the saga was clearly given by someone with a different voice, but over radio and in flight I guess that can be overlooked, however the proceeding court case cannot be, I understand that for the movie to get off the ground (pardon the pun) one must somewhat breeze over certain things, but the way in which the court verdict is conducted is terrible, there's just no way in real life these pilots would have lost their wings in the manner depicted in this movie.

    The actors in some scenes are wooden and for the most part seem like they are reading from the script and are so distracted by the reading they forget to act.

    Trying to create memorable lines that would eventually become real life quotes is another annoying factor with this movie, such as ""it's like Toy's R us, you break it you buy it", and yet another quote "It's Dejavu all over again" forgive me but isn't that the very meaning of Dejavu?. I think about as much imagination went into the entire script as what went into those lines.....not much.

    CGI is not brilliant, the night scenes in what looks like a Junkers JU-52 and later an Antonov AN-2 are at best mediocre. Moreover the CGI explosions and some of the pilot scenes are of 1960's quality, just horrible.

    Most everything about this movie is shallow, including the jail scene with the Russian woman (Mariya Guzeeva) who is cooperating with the U.S, the close ups of her ass and eventually even a camel toe are not required and just digs a larger hole to bury this film in.

    The movie is riddled with mistakes, for instance, a reference to the AN-2 while the engine is smoking the comment is made about a "cracked pan" these engines use a dry sump, regardless a engine without oil wont smoke, rather it will seize, the AK-47's referenced are actually Type 52's (Chinese copies). Bullets that hit 'glass' aircraft canopies are clearly incorrect as aircraft do not use glass for canopies, they use perspex.

    I couldn't help but laugh when a fighter pilot (Mario Van Peebles) is using a SU-27's machine gun he shows a recoil affect even thought the guns are controlled remotely.

    Bill Pullman was poorly cast in this movie, he seems to be constantly grinning or smirking, almost (to me at least) at the script itself. Rachael Leigh Cook needs to have her eyes fixed if she is to be taken seriously as they are a distraction to what seems to be an otherwise fairly good actress, Cam Gigandet needs to stop trying to be the next Brad Pitt. Mario Van Peebles has yet another notch in his belt, sadly none of his notches reflect good movies or acting, I fail to see the attraction.

    In conclusion Red Sky is a misery to watch, both painful and rather smelly. It's one of those movies where you ask yourself 'should I turn it off now?' when your only five minutes into it.

    Any reference to Top Gun should only be done so for benchmark reasons and nothing more, sadly this movie does no justice to the 'jet fighter' movie genre.

    I only completed watching the movie to write this review, hopefully I can save others from the pain I endured. 2/10
  • McGigi15 May 2021
    The movie is stupid and bad beyond concepts. The acting is unreal. Mario van Peebles should be banned from making films or acting anywhere in the world!
  • The plot I believe is the result of something hastily slapped together,for a direct to video release. It contains a bunch of people who can't act to save their life.

    Aside from Bill Pullman who must be really in need of money,and look very out of place. You have the usual stereotype character the good looking cool guy.Who fly fighter planes just wearing a leather jacket and a helmet. the not so good looking and so on.

    They have stolen a bit from other airplane movies.I Recognize a few scenes here and there,borrowed from movies in the 80 and 90s.Like a good portion of the storyline. I can clearly see stuff like Iron eagle,flight of the intruder,and a dozen others

    Some of the plane scenes are clearly computer animated.Quite badly too. Others are just hilariously bad filmed. When they fly low over the rooftops in Moscow, underneath a grey and overcast sky.Yet every inside shot from the cockpit show they are above the clouds, with clouds underneath a clear blue sky above.

    Lest not forget the constant re-shot they use.I could count at least 3- 4 scenes that were being reused in the film

    Mario Van peebles are not believable as a CIA agent.You actually start laughing at him, cause he's o out of place.It look like he's been picked up from a bad 80 action flick.

    And the all over acting leaves a lot to be desired. Rachael Leigh cook look like she have no idea what her part is suppose to bring to the movie,in mostly every scene that's not one on one,she look lost,and totally clueless of why she's there
  • Finding a way to turn back to golden days...Air combat...Fighters...Guns...All of them attract me in first time to see this movie. I expected the director and his team knew that when they should cut off rapping and adding complexity to story. But till the mid of the movie parallel stories and artificial acts resumed. But now i don't talk about story line or Drama's problems, But i want to say how much i wondered when i saw Iranian's military. So i summarize the goofs: 1- Iran have two military forces: Army and " SEPAH". There was no sign of them in the movie. 2- Iranian's soldiers and Their acts was unreal and ridiculous. 3- Military base in Nakhjivan with Azeri peoples seems fake. 4- Cars in Tabriz City ( Iran) never have such layout and you cant find such a car that be used.

    Iranian's are not Arab and until Hollywood resist to attention to it, every movie makes about Iran is unreal and goofy.
  • He is a terrible actor in everything. This movie is no exception. It is painful to watch him stumble through each scene as the lead character. I wonder what on Earth he does to actually get cast in films. He is not talented and only mediocrely attractive (am I the only one who sees the gross veins throbbing out of the sides of his temples and the smoker's lines in his forehead?). Don't bother, he makes this movie terrible from beginning to end.
  • This movie is better then the rating it has. I found the movie entertaining, action sequences were very good. There were many boring moments, too much unnecessary drama. Overall I liked the movie and finished it, I found the ending satisfying.
  • This film tells the story of a group air force soldiers who are disgraced because they received erroneous instructions, but they are unable to prove their innocence. Years later, they have a chance to clear their name by stopping the detonation of a deadly weapon.

    The plot is well written and full of thrills. The constant air stunts and fighter pilots battling on the skies are very fascinating. The tight plot keeps me on edge all the time. I also like the portrayal of brotherhood among the soldiers. It's great that the film it's not too bloody given it's an action packed thriller. I enjoyed watching "Red Skies" a lot.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "New Jack City" director Mario Van Peebles' straight-to-video feature "Red Sky" concerns a quartet of "Top Gun" style U.S. Navy aviators during the Iraq war that receive orders to blast a suspicious Iraqi chemical weapons facility with their missiles. An unknown individual known only as "Warlord 2" (Mario Van Peebles) transmits those orders. Later, to their horror, our heroes learn that they had fired on friendly American inspectors searching the site for a weapon of mass destruction—a Rainmaker—designed by Saddam to destroy oilfields. The fliers—'Cobra' (Cam Gigandet of "Twilight"), 'Cajun' (Troy Garity of "Sabotage"), 'Rodeo' (Shane West of "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen") and 'P-Dawg' (Jacob Vargas) cannot prove that they received authenticated attack orders. Similarly, the JAG officer in charge of the prosecution, Captain John Webster (Bill Pullman of "Independence Day"), cannot produce the tapes that would convict this foursome. This stalemate prompts our heroes to leave the Navy. Afterward, Rodeo and his fiancée, Karen Brooks (Rachel Leigh Cook of "Josie and the Pussycats") break up when he objects to the intimate way she treats Cobra in a bar.

    Afterward, our heroes go back into the private sector. Meantime, Kurdish rebels associated with "Warlord 2" appropriate the Rainmaker. The Pentagon believes that our heroes obliterated the 'Rainmaker' when they fired on the plant. Seven years elapses and three of them grow suspicious about one of them. Meanwhile, Tom Craig's former fiancée has become a respected journalist who is ferreting out information about the debacle in the former Soviet Union. Intelligence agents grille Cobra about his role in the botched mission, but he refuses to tell them anything other than what he told the court. Captain Webster is beginning to have suspicions about Cobra. Webster serves in the Pentagon now. He approaches Cobra about an audacious plan to fly into Iran to destroy the Rainmaker in a "strictly off the books" secret mission where they will be flying jets with Iranian colors. Webster offers Cobra and his comrades the opportunity to clear their names and receive honorable Navy discharges. We also learn that during the seven years after the debacle, Cobra has been slipping money to the Marine's widow. Anyway, Cobra and his men decide to take Webster up on his offer. They learn that they will have to perform a HALO insertion into Iran, steal the planes, and equip them with special bombs to destroy the Rainmaker. Of course, it should come as no surprise that our heroes are double-crossed after they HALO into Iran and land in a prison.

    Mario Van Peebles generates minimal urgency in this complicated aerial combat opus based on retired Navy pilot Randy Arrington's novel "Kerosene Cowboys: Manning the Spare." The intriguing premise and the first 40 minutes create no surprises, and the characters have no depth beyond surface appearances. None of the leads engender any charisma, especially Cam Gigandet, and Gigandet has done better things with greater personality. "Red Sky" has all the hallmarks of a straight-to-video release. It is too matter of fact despite its above-average, overqualified cast. Confined to a colorless role, Bill Pullman appears either out of place or just too old to be useful as a lead. Rachel Leigh Cook is pretty dull, too, as an investigative journalist. The two treacherous villains are hopelessly lackluster, too, until three-fourths of the action has taken place. One of them vanishes early and the other has everybody completely fooled everybody about his identity. Altogether, "Red Sky" isn't a total loss. Peebles jacks up the action after our heroes escape from the prison and perform their mission. Their far-fetched escape from an Iranian airfield imitates "Tomorrow Never Dies" when Cobra using a jet to mow down Iranian soldiers. The biggest surprise comes just after our heroes get airborne and they take out the opposition. Happily, Peebles paints the heroes into a dramatic corner. The best action occurs in the final quarter-hour, but it is too late to salvage this formulaic fodder.
  • Iamowomizz26 April 2014
    Can any one give me a reason not to watch this movie not much of a storyline but the plane the missiles its looks so real its just a movie you watch when hungry and your stomach gets filled up at once. You just gotta love it. its got a great story line perfect pictures sweet punch lines as for me its a pass mark i love it and wish to view more.. I've got no problem with the movie its so awesome check it out and you wont be sorry. Nice stunts nice shootings God,its a nice start for 2014 as for me i wouldn't give it a 10 because there was to much of talking at a time but it picked up along the line and it was sweet And if you got a problem with that you just gotta have to tweet me on twitter @iamowomizz and lets sort it out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Overall this is a decent jet fighter plane action in the skies kind of movie. Another Mario Van Peebles movie, but even his over acting is almost watchable. The rest of the cast is great, and there is a good back story built up to show a true brotherhood, and friendship between the soldiers from the US, and Russia. Rachael Leigh Cook looks great, this must have been filmed last year before the newest season of Perception, or earlier, as she still looks young, and definitely not pregnant(Not that she is not allowed to be, but lately the show is missing the old RLC, and that's a me problem, so back to the review). It is good to see Troy Garity not playing a heavy, or a creep. Not much to say about the male leads that you do not already know, or expect from them, they do as they should, and you get what you want. There are a lot of good pyrotechnics in this movie(Big things going boom)and the action shots are edited together well to give the seamless effect of a plane shooting, and the effect on the ground being realistic(there are too many of these lower budget films that don't understand how important that is). I enjoyed this as a bit of action fluff, the story is not broken, it flows smoothly, and you are not left in the dark about any of the main characters, their motives, or where they end up. I do recommend this one to anyone who likes movies with air combat, and explosions, for you this is just the ticket. Otherwise most folks will find the story full enough, and will not feel very lost, or disappointed with the results.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Four Naval air Pilots are given rogue orders from Mario Van Peebles to destroy a specific site inside Iraq. As it turns out they kill an American. In an bad plot point, the pilots are forced to resign. Their target, "Rainmaker" was a WMD owned by Iraq, and is now in the hands of the Kurds. The film isn't much into mystery or twists. Butch (Cam Gigandet) is eventually recruited by the prosecutor (Bill Pullman) and Double agent Van Peebles to destroy the WMD, now in Iran and in the hand of the Kurds who intend to use it against Iran's oil field. Tom Craig (Shane West) also a pilot who got drummed out of the service, works on the dark side and left his girl friend ( Rachael Leigh Cook) to Butch.

    The film didn't require much thinking. Rachael Leigh Cook is in Russia one minute, Nevada the next, and then back to Russia. The character build up was weak. The plot needed polish and some suspense . The actors were as convincing in their roles as were the CG effects. The film does have some "Top Gun" type action in it, but Cam Gigandet is no Tom Cruise.

    Okay as a Redbox, 50 cents off second rental.

    Parental Guide: No f-bombs. 1 love scene with back nudity. Men in "crack" underwear. Scantily clad ladies dancing on tables. Mariya Guzeeva bra/panties.
  • I am so sad.

    In top gun they did not had real mig-s, they used american F5 instead. It did not look real. But was good movie.

    Red sky did had access to real russian Su 27UB planes. It was great! It was so much they could do with this!

    But what did we get???? Basic american superhero story! Cmon!!!

    Air fights ware patetic!! They have mostly it is WWII...jeez. Gun on moden jet is there for a backup at best. Not primary weapon.

    And american pilots knew how to fly Su 27 after just 1 flight with it (it take few months to get just basic training in to new fighter jet). As i said typical american superhero!

    They could do so much with russian pilots and Su27 and skip that pointles rainmaker story. They could give us more relationships between american and russian pilots. Real superhero crap.

    And better coordinated air fights.

    Could be top gun with russian accent (Su 27 and some russian pilots in the mix).

    But no!

    We got movie with 80-s script, modern,cheap look and epic russian fighter jet in the mix.

    I am so sad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It helps a bit to understand this movie if you know it is a Russian / US joint venture. This explains the Russian and US filming locations and cast. It's entertaining if not fully comprehensible.

    Fighter airplane buffs will enjoy the multitude of planes on display. The aerial combat is quite exciting and not that difficult to figure out who is who when they remove the mouth piece of the helmets.

    It's not Top Gun at all. The surprisingly current and complicated story involves some Saddam weapon called the Rainmaker. A bunch of young hot shot pilots (kudos to makeup for making them look younger) are set up in a friendly fire incident and sacked. Then 7 years later some of them are recruited to destroy the weapon in Iran with Russian assistance. It gets a bit confusing then but the action is exciting including some over the top shoot outs at airbases. The multi national production does not look cheap even though there is a slightly amateurish vibe throughout. Hard to figure out at first who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

    The cast is a bit better than the story. Cam Gigandet of Twilight and Troy Garity are the good guys. Mario Van Peebles is the villain. Shane West of Nikita is the good guy turned bad. Nice to see Rachel Leigh Cook on screen again and speaking Russian no less.

    Overall a B movie can be entertaining even if you don't always know what is going on.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok, I enjoyed the film from the start to finish. Fighter planes, mission gone awry, rogie pilots doing great action sequences with a decent story. No point comparing ot with topgun level films. Far better entertainment compared to its budget and ratings.

    Action sequences were amazing. Stunts were incredible, good planes and good acting. I also liked the name of the film. When I saw the ratings, i was put off but I enjoyed it at a fast pace!! I think aviation enthusiasts would understand and enjoy this film thoroughly even if other viewers don't. It's incredibly difficult to make such a great film with a low budget. Go cobra!