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  • jeffa1231 September 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    i don't mind watching poorly made movies. they're usually entertaining in their own right. what i do mind is a title/cover intended to dupe the viewer.

    'night of the naked dead' implies 'night of the living dead' (aka zombies), but they're naked. this has neither


    what you do have is a poorly written ghost story about two people who died in the 50's coming back to the house where it happened (well, near by, in 'the marshes')

    the girl is naked when she shows up on the porch. it's a poorly backlit shot of her for 2 seconds. that's it

    as for 'the dead'... it's her and the guy who killed her the first time posing as a cop. those are the two dead people. they look normal, just act odd

    i can't tell whether the two leads are any good, because the dialog they gave them is atrocious. the girl has an irish/Scottish accent (i guess?) but its very inconsistent. either she is irish/Scottish and is trying to hide her accent; or she's not and is trying to act the accent? either way she sounds off the whole time

    i do applaud the casting director for getting very average looking people. no super models here. the lead guy looks like someone from your softball league.

    there's randomly cut scenes (literally appear at random) of a bizarre stuffed-animal fetish girl laughing insanely into the camera that for the love of pete i have no idea her purpose

    then there's the two creepy old guys who appear out of nowhere; one of them nude for no apparent reason.

    slow, dumb, boring, unoriginal. poorly lit and poorly edited.

    something smells... and i think its this movie!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Emma owns a nice Bed and Breakfast on Cape Cod with a secret room, a view of the marsh, an overdue mortgage, and writer's block. Strange unexplained weather knocks out electricity except for Emma's generator. Veronica (Alexandra Creteau) shows up at her door naked and with a Russian accent thinking it is 1957. Other strange things happen as what is going on is not fully explained midst the choppy low budget sound.

    We never get to see the girl on the DVD cover as this is NOT A ZOMBIE FILM as one would think. The acting is also bad. Sarah Michelle was unconvincing in her role described as a zombie woman. Junius Podrug wrote, directed, and produced this film. He hadn't done anything before this or since according to IMDB.

    Guide: F-bomb. Nudity (Sarah Michelle, Alexandra Creteau)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    . . . and that it's crazy that I give a "thumbs down" mark of "one" to fewer than 1% of the movies I watch, and that I am too tender-hearted about giving "bonus points" for "effort" or "participation." Since NIGHT OF THE NAKED DEAD shows NO evidence of honest effort or even thoughtful participation, I feel few qualms about shafting this sleepwalk with the lowest possible score. The cast is talentless and unattractive, the special effects look like the result of "Brain Damage" (which is what the distributor of this crock calls itself), the dialog is poorly improvised, there is no continuity or coherent story, nothing is humorous or the least bit "campy," and no one shows the faintest flicker of "promise." This merely rips off zombie popularizer George Romero's title. As it turns out, there ARE no zombies here, naked or otherwise. There MIGHT be a few flashes of intended "nudity," but if so, they are shot in the same Unerotic, bad-home-movie fashion as everything else, and thus go by unnoticed. I've given tons of movies 9's and 10's this year; compared to any of them, NIGHT OF THE NAKED DEAD deserves something in the 0.31 to 0.47 range (that's less than one-half of one point on a 10-point scale).
  • It should be a punishable crime to use an iconic title like Night of the living Dead ... on the other hand, why did I even watch it all the way through? Personal responsibility and all that. One thing is for sure, do not believe the hype or the title for that matter. Also do not buy into the cover art work ... which this has in common with other movies, where the cover/poster looks so much better than anything in the movie itself.

    If you are annoyed after a certain time, it is not you, it very likely is the movie. It really does try its best - and even writing that, I understand that some may feel this is a worse statement than just to say it is no good at all ... waste of time for sure.
  • This ultra-low budget film is by no means either as bad as its name suggests nor as terrible as the two previous reviewers would have the potential viewer believe, but it is slooooooow. The bottom line is that a financially challenged if feisty lady author who lives in an isolated pre-War Of Independence house in the wilds of New England is having trouble due to a freak storm, but so it appears is everyone else, not that there are any other householders around.

    At first her only companion is a wise cracking maintenance man, but then a stunningly attractive blonde turns up minus her clothes. What is going on? We don't realise until a long way into the film; it appears that the storm has transported the house back in time to 1957, and the girl is or rather was a murder victim. If that isn't bad enough, the murderer has returned, and is also keen on getting his hands on the deeds to the house. It gets a bit complicated after this; there is some deliberate misdirection when blondie eats a leech, suggesting she is a vampire or something. More than a little poetic licence is needed to make any sense of the plot at all, and the acting is a bit wooden as well, but you've undoubtedly seen worse in the cinema whereas you can watch this on YouTube for free.