User Reviews (6)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    A pretty fun and light episode about the tradition of the guys to watch Star Wars trilogy every three years and their expectations for the years to come.

    It is kind of fun because it is true what we expect life to be is not what it ends up being. Our careers don't go as fast as we hope, mustaches don't grow as well, relationships take different way and sometimes it ends up being much better than we thought.

    We also see how Barney has changed, now he wants to be in a relationship. And I am pretty happy it is with Quinn, she is so great for him they even had that awesome sex in a Star Wars costume.
  • Any episode of "How I Met Your Mother" with this many "Star Wars" references is bound to get two big thumbs up from this reviewer.

    Plot In A Paragraph: The guys are hanging out at Ted's new apartment. Ted suggests that they make the evening their boys only viewing of the Star Wars trilogy, this triennial event which began in 2000 when Ted and Marshall were at University. Meanwhile Barney doesn't feel comfortable enough around Quinn to do certain things in front of her, and a neighbour starts spying on him!

    Any episode that features the brilliant Neil Patrick Harris's character Barney Stinson in the main storyline is always excellent. I could go on and on about the brilliance of this episode, and in particular Neil Patrick Harris but I won't bore you with it.

    We also see the year Ted's daughter is born, so we know he'll meet the mother and have a baby with her before too long.
  • I haven't even finished watching this episode. But I saw that someone posted a one star review and I felt the need to rebuff them (I didn't even read their review). Anyways, the point of the matter is that yes, this show is far longer than it ever should have been, but nevertheless, it continues to take us to the places we all have been....

    What does that mean you say (it means I've been drinking), but on top of that, it means that it takes us to all those great moments in our lives. The ones where we were friends with nerds in highschool and thought our nerdom would keep us together forever. It takes us to those moments where we thought our girl (or boy) would always be the one. And it takes us to that place where we wish we would always be with our friends.

    While I will be the first to admit that my nerd friends from highschool are not as awesome as they used to be, that my exes all seem insane, and that my friends are not those that I thought they would be... How I Met Your Mother always manages to bring me back to those days where I believed in all the dreams and lies... and, more importantly, it does so in a way that is sincere and honest. While other shows may be funnier or better written, HIMYM continues to touch my heart long after its best before date.

    This is why I rate this episode a 7 before I have even finished watching it - I just know that I'm going to come out feeling better than I did going in. So enjoy. And don't worry about the trolls. They rate everything a 3 because they believe in nothing.
  • With the disappointing start to Season 7 and the Ratings of the show going down, This episode will help things fall into place. So finally an episode this season which was extremely entertaining and filled with fun! This episode gives hope for much more to come! A part of the story still continues with the past and future being shown in bits. Barney Stinson fans - This episode will go right there on the top of the charts with some good comedy sequences involving Barney are shown! So finally we have an overall great episode which announces the comeback of How I met your mother and lets hope we get episodes like more of these! Cheers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Even though I watched the ending and knew they wouldn't end with each other, I still wanna say she BEST fits Barney, even better than Robin because she thinks having sex with stormtrooper custom isn't weird at all!

    If they're married, they will barely get divorced because they can do everything amazing they both love. They would never get bored and keep finding new things coming out in their AWESOME life! They even have the similar EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE so they can understand each other and won't judge their lover based on their past, not like Barney & Robin.

    They're just meant to be together. How sad they didn't end up happily.
  • bevo-1367815 June 2020
    I like how this show has lots of Star Wars references