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  • sa87132 December 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    Me and my mom have this tradition that every year we record a bunch of Christmas movies, mostly on the hallmark channel and lifetime. They are something to watch when nothing else is on, the only rough part is trying to figure out which ones you have seen already. This movie was a new TV release so we figured we would record it and see what it was all about. All in all in was a nice little movie about two kids who knew each other all their lives and were destined to be with each other, they just needed to figure that out. There were some parts i wasn't really sure of, like why the Christmas party was always at this other lady's house, but i guess it was just part of the movie. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has a soft spot for Christmas movies like me, it has some funny parts and some romantic parts but all in all it tells a good story.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    Hallmark and other networks churn out these cheesy Christmas "Romance" movies every year and many of them have no memorable moments. They seem to be interchangeable from one to another. This one is set apart. I think this movie is much more memorable than any other Christmas movies that have come out in the last decade. There are many memorable scenes. I think the fight scene was well scripted and incredibly well acted- especially considering this is a made for TV film. While I think the flashback sequences could have been done better (some were too lengthy, and others not long enough), the chemistry between the two leads is very strong, and they do a great job with the material given. When you watch the movie you get sucked into the time and place. Mainly the setting is perfect. A Christmas party...

    There is a dancing scene in the middle of the movie which is very well choreographed and filmed and very endearing. This movie has a lot of heart and "warmth" without being too sappy . I enjoyed seeing the beautiful Danica McKellar who was perfectly cast as the female lead. Not to mention she was in her late 30s during production, but hardly looks any older than her 20 something co-star. My only gripe about the film is that they could have orchestrated the flashback sequences better. They just go with the age of the characters and the same Christmas Eve party at different intervals, but some lack more story line than others, so it's hard to follow.

    If I'm not mistaken, the characters are involved in the same Christmas party every year, and known each other since they were two years old. Making them early 30s towards the end of the film. Would place them being born in the year 1980. The parties begin in the year 1984, when they are both 4 years old. There is a break of 5 years between their falling out and their getting back together- at the same Christmas Eve party. Where eventually, they realize they are made for each other. It's a sweet movie with good strong acting and it's definitely better quality than your average Hallmark fare.
  • Sweetigal851 December 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    I had really high hopes for this movie because I love Christmas and I love Danica. She was amazing in it but this movie was a mess. I have never seen so many scenes in a movie before...which all managed to accomplish nothing.

    I am usually a sucker for flashbacks but I found this movie daunting and boring and I honestly kept pausing to see how much more I had to get through before it was over.

    I think having them see each other only one day a year was a really bad call. Like...they seriously didn't speak at ALL throughout the year for those 30 years? Come on...who would put up with that nonsense? And that argument they had over the phone was beautifully acted by both of them but painful to watch because it really made no sense. Even if there was some truth to what he said, that was one of the cruelest exchanges I have ever witnessed in a romantic movie. Needless theatrics and crowbarred drama.

    The only scenes I felt had any merit were when EB was describing Great Expectations to Kat and comparing both their lives to it. I thought that was very beautiful and poetic. Though it raised even more confusing questions about her father's past with this woman. So like...was Kat's Mom aware that EB was in love with her husband? And was EB happy when Kat's mother died? Very confusing, weird stuff. I understand and agree with EB that Kat should not waste her life waiting around for Sam...but she then proceeds to waste the next ten years of her life before he proposes.

    I also enjoyed the fact that they were happier in the company of children rather than the boring adults and that they enjoyed sitting at the children's table. That is what pulled me in with the title but it really just didn't deliver.

    The scene where they shared the coat was very humorous and cute and was one of the only times where I felt any spark between them. It was no fault of the actors, I just personally disliked both of their characters. It also would have been nice if they had explained this "Best Life" game that came up so much throughout the movie.

    This is definitely worth a watch if you have some time to kill, but if your free time is precious and scarce, do not waste it on this. It is also not worth buying, try to catch it on Hulu or Netflix.
  • 78This movie follows Sam and Kat, who have celebrated their Christmas Eves at the same lady's house since they were children. The movie flashes back and starts at a Christmas Eve from when they were very young, then a few years later, and so on until they are 30. The flashbacks are very fast-paced and it is hard to grasp the relationship that Sam and Kat have together. Is it cousin-ish? Brotherly/sisterly? Neighborly? Appears to be brotherly/sisterly, but I was contradicted, obviously by the title of the movie.

    Throughout the movie, Sam and Kat always sit at the kids table, even when they are adults. They play this confusing game with the children called "Best Life." It would have been nice to understand the game because it took up much of the movie time and would have been comedic if I knew what they heck they were talking about while playing it. The dance scene in the movie was extremely entertaining and I loved the old song they danced to, but it was very random and made no sense for the plot.

    Sam lost a lot of sympathy for me when he and Kat got into an argument, via telephone, while he looked at her through her bedroom window and she looked at him on her front lawn. He mocked her feelings for her widowed father and dead mom, then said that she lives her life for the day she dies and get buried next to her mother's grave.... Why on earth would the writers write that into the movie? Geezes, that was mean.

    I gave this movie 6/10 because I would watch it again next Christmas. It is a simple, relaxing movie that is a good time-waster. It also has a nostalgic feel to it because it takes place at the same house with the same people and you feel that you are a part of the 'family.'
  • Jackbv12311 December 2017
    This is one of the most unique Christmas romance stories I have seen. Things happen near and at the end that I sure didn't see coming. The entire movie is refreshing. The entire movie is a continuing flashback that takes place on several Christmas eves spanning most of the main characters' lives.

    Sometimes the story doesn't advance a lot, but it is still entertaining with witty dialogue and other things. One of those is a beautiful dance sequence that is not so much about talented dancers as it is about the beauty and the romance of the dance which includes many of the cast.

    Danica McKellar is known for Wonder Years but also for Christmas movies. This is possibly her best. The romance between her character, Kat, and Dustin Milligan's Sam is tangible. Supporting performances are also good.

    I had a hard time with the timeline because I couldn't understand why two people so in love would have gone so long. I especially can't see how 5 years could have elapsed (as mentioned when Kat first sees Sam) and still led to what follows. An attempt is made to explain at least the former about 3/4ths of the way through the movie but I think the movie would have made a lot more sense if that had been plainer earlier on. Nevertheless, I don't deduct for that because the story is otherwise so charming and unique.

    While I don't see Hallmark's signature on this, it fits their nature perfectly. For some people this will be too sappy and idealistic, but that's what these movies are and this one is done so well.
  • I can see the complaints about this being boring, but I find the uniqueness of this movie to be worth it. Basically via flashback we see Kat and Sam who have known each other since childhood. Their fathers went into business together so, every Christmas their families get together for a party and typically Kat and Sam gather around the table. Just about every year it is our time to check in with them and we see how their lives were going via conversation at the party. Mostly because of this we are spared from the Christmas movie with no plot. Unfortunately about 30 minutes of this move is stall and is boring. Also I like Danica but she is out acted here by her co star and it shows. There were some pretty good zags at the end but it just made me wish they had cut significant parts and extended those scenes. But it is definitely a good flick that will keep you happy but just watch with the remote handy to fast forward.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Love is chemistry. You love or not some person. If ordinary people act like this the humanity would be lost for good. You love someone and year after year you missed your chances to say 3 words - I love you??? Please, in real world, you got one maybe two chances to say that to person you love and to find out what she or he thinks about it. 3 chances if you are very very lucky. In real world, when you miss your chance, you get punished. Your Love is in relationship (or marriage) with someone else, with 1,2,3,4 kids around. Your Love is lost forever. But in some movies like this, miracles are possible. Damica was great and charismatic like always. Great job Danica. The other crew were quite OK. This movie is not master piece but is worth for looking in pair by romantic odor candles and romantic ambient around. I wish that I saw how young and handsome man is fighting for his one and only true love. Maybe I missed something here. Salut for everyone! :)
  • How did the young girl manage to play a track on an LP at 78rpm, on an antique phonograph using a steel needle in a diaphragm on a tone arm?

    What happened to Terrie and the Carlas? They could have had a hit with that record.

    The cardboard house? It'd have taken days to make that. Where did Sam find the time?

    Still one o f my favourite Christmas films.
  • I am a fan of Danica McKellar (Winnie on Wonder Years) but this movie has problems. She is 37 years old in this movie and she is first seen playing a part of an 18 year old. The movie shows the pair at the Christmas Table since they were about 4 and it ends when they are supposed to be about 30.

    The movie story was fairly engaging but the story was a bit strange.
  • gdcadad19 November 2018
    I'm a sucker for these cheesey Christmas romances, but this one was just so darned boring! It was tedious and just not fun. No real charm and no whimsy.

    Too bad because I have loved Danica since the wonder years. This is not worth her time...or mine.


    For thirty years, Sam and Katherine have spent Christmas Eve at the Children's Table. When Sam learns she is moving away, he has one night to tell her he loves her.

    I was hesitant to watch this film. I saw 2-3 episodes of "The Wonder Years" and hated every minute of it. To this day when I see Fred Savage has directed or is in a film I avoid it.

    Well this film does not have Fred Savages but it has his former co- star Danica McKellar. Thank God. If he was I might not of discovered this film.

    Now this story is so cute and entertaining, It captures "Christmas" perfectly!

    When Samn (Dustin Milligan) realizes that his best friend (Danica McKellar) since childhood is the woman that he loves you can't help but to smile!

    This film does work because the entire cast is believable in the part they play. The film is never boring. You root for love in this. You might even shed a few happy tears along the way.

    Not to be missed.
  • OddlesOfNoodles17 November 2020
    I've watched a lot of Christmas movies and this is one actually watch again. Good actors and story line!
  • docm-3230423 December 2020
    Not the best rom/com, but not the worst. It's on the slow side and as most in the genre, terribly predictable. Acting is only so so.
  • If you meant your soul mate early but put off the big ring event, and then spent a long time chasing your dreams, while still staying in touch with your soul mate, you will really like this movie.

    If you spent a long time waiting for the right person to come along, refusing the advances of numerous decent mate selections in hopes of finding the 'right' person, and eventually did, you will like this movie

    If you have made secret and very long sacrifices for some one you love, with them being oblivious to the fact, and finally was acknowledged for your silent sacrifice, you will like this movie.

    If you jumped quickly into a marriage, and either gutted it out or eventually moved on to another and so on, you will not understand this movie

    If you have had the fortune of having quick success and things pretty much fell your way in the relationship/ work world, you will not really relate to this movie

    If you have not spent a lot of time trying to accomplish something, while putting off relationships, this movie will not be for you

    If you have never waited a long time for a relationship to come to fruition, one of the messages in this movie will be lost on you

    In summary, this is one of the most unique romance movies I've seen, and thats coming from one of those guys that groans through most chick flicks

    I tossed it a ten for the uniqueness of the script, some people watching it just didn't get parts of the movie. My wife and I understood everything in it, and the undercurrent messages. From a lot of comments I have read on the movie, many of the subtle nuances of the movie go over the head of some viewers.
  • It's a cute movie, the actors are cute, the scenes are cute. But the plot? Not even remotely sensible. And I don't mean in a romantic, heartwarming, too-good-to-be-true way. In a ridiculous, pointless to the point of being sad, way. It's too bad, because besides the actual plot, it's a really lovely movie.
  • I must admit, I was looking to dislike this movie, but with each passing minute, I grew to like it and learn about movies in the process.

    Movies do not need a budget, or be sex, sex, sex. A lot of crappy female driven movies rely on sex to sell. This relies on values and a crisp, clean dialogue. It(MOVIES) can be good natured and having meaning, if the characters are interesting, the plot is easy to follow, and the dialogue is engaging.

    This movie is good fun and it does pull at your heart, but it is a Christmas movie and you do get an innocent, engaging story with a nice shad of vibrant Christmas colors thrown in.

    It's a man and a woman, a girl and a boy and typical life gets in the way. This is simply about life getting in the way of love and how really easy it is to make the wrong choice.

    Without giving anything away, it is a Christmas move and it is engaging and must see. I give it a 9 out of 10 and I think it is one to see, during Christmas.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the most essential aspects of a tv Christmas romance is if the two leads have chemistry with each other, which in this movie they didn't. In fact, their whole relationship was toxic throughout the entire film. They only see each other once a year (over the span of 12 years), they constantly fight (which is supposed to make them charming), and they find petty excuses for why they can't be together. They don't really mature over the course of the movie and they never communicate with each other like adults. They literally act like teenagers throughout, especially Danica's character.

    The supposed awkwardness of the comedy also fell flat. Most of it is centered around the characters trembling over their words and the girl punching the guy. There were some confusing editing choices in certain parts like that one snow ball fight scene.

    In the last third, the two leads say a bunch of mean, hurtful things towards each other. This is supposed to be the big dramatic scene because the plot demands that they break up before they confess their "love." Then, jump forward a few years later and the guy proposes to her all because he rekindles their childhood memories. None of it felt justified or earned. The movie even ends pretty abruptly.

    Lifetime and Hallmark movies are formulaic and predictable, but some of them can have a sweet, goofy, charm to them. This one just didn't have any of that. It could even be pretty slow and mean spirited at times. If you want to feel the joy of the holiday season, just skip this flick.
  • There are so many films like this that fill the schedules over Christmas, often very sentimental and featuring some big names from the past in small roles. Brilliantly though this film mocks that completely, and it's qualities like that that made me enjoy it so much.

    I thought this film was great. With wonderful central performances, and stellar support from the always lovely Lea Thompson and Scott Patterson, this is a film about love developing over time, the importance of family, and second chances.

    There are so many big budget films that claim to be 'modern festive classics', but this smaller budget, rarely seen by the masses film was more thought provoking and entertaining than lots of those put together.

    I highly recommend this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Love at the Christmas Table" serves up a festive roller coaster, blending heartwarming moments with head-scratching decisions.

    The movie navigates romantic entanglements, with the protagonist juggling feelings for a friend while still involved with an Australian partner. Viewers appreciate the whimsy of the shared coat motif but suggest the characters should have stayed wrapped up together.

    However, the film isn't without its quirks. Some find the protagonist's delayed emotional revelation, at 32 years old, a bit hard to believe. The unveiling of two decades of emotional baggage adds depth but may overwhelm some viewers.

    The proposal subplot, involving a five-year ring hold and a house purchase, draws both amusement and disbelief. Outdoor dancing becomes a recurring, if puzzling, theme in the narrative.

    Despite its unconventional choices, "Love at the Christmas Table" captures the holiday spirit and offers a unique, if eccentric, romantic tale. Whether you're in it for the heartwarming moments or the eyebrow-raising decisions, this film delivers an entertaining holiday experience.
  • bsm-2863713 December 2020
    Loved it! Great chemistry. Great Christmas movie! Just go watch it.
  • I discovered this little holiday gem a few years ago and it immediately became my favorite Christmas movie. The film has a wonderful ensemble of actors who are amazing together. The plot is very different than the usual holiday fare, but you get hooked on it during the first 5 minutes. The drama scenes are poignant and the comedy scenes are funny as heck! This is one of those rare holiday love stories that even guys will enjoy! It's just a wonderful quirky little movie, and definitely worth watching.
  • A rare thing for The Asylum... Well-paced. Well-written. Well-scored. Well-acted. The story is charming, and presented in a much better way than their other pictures. It feels more skilfully done, more professional, that I can scarcely believe it is an Asylum movie at all. It's only one setting, which obviously keeps costs down, but the writing is terrific. Asylum movies are generally reasonably shot but suffer cheesy, unnatural dialogue. Here the script is clearly superior to anything else I've seen produced by them.
  • This is hands down the most original TV Christmas movie I have seen in a very long time. It is a wonderful little Christmas treat with some superb acting. I highly recommend this one.
  • I'm not actually writing a review. I love this movie. It's like a better version of a Hallmark holiday movie.

    But someone in a review from 2019 said it wasn't believable that Sam quit his newspaper job to become a logger. That's because it's not. He quit to become a BLOGGER, with a B. He decided to get a remote writing job. (My last job was as a remote blogger - often now referred to as a content marketer - ghost writing blogs for SaaS companies.) Anyway I find that part very believable because I worked in journalism and left to do marketing writing in 2013 because journalism pays terribly and marketing pays pretty well in comparison.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For those who don't know, in JFS, the play follows two actors, a boy named Brian, and a girl named Beth (the sister of Brian's friend, Jerry) from the ages of 8/7 through 23/22. It's pretty much a mixture of childhood squabbles, having fun, puberty, awkward encounters, comedic jealousy, attraction/denial, over these years. This is all done through a series of flashbacks. The movie is virtually identical. We start when the protagonists, Kat and Sam, first meet around the age of 7, and over the course of the film - specifically for the yearly Christmas party - their relationship changes as they age and as they develop a sense of themselves and of what they want. Weirdly, both stories also have a fairly dramatic sequence where the two leads are about to confess their true inner feelings for the other, before they are drawn into an argument and break off contact for a few years before the big climax.

    Although JFS and Love Under the Christmas Table are very similar, so much so that I felt the need to talk about them together, there is one key area where the play's ability to tell a story is superior, and this is the reason why I didn't give the movie a 10/10. In JFS, the play opens with the character of Brian, age 23, introducing himself and the situation to an audience. Beth comes and goes at different ages, and Brian goes back and forth to different ages during the flashbacks, but always has a monologue to help frame the scenes, sequences, and the passage of time. By the time of the big confrontation where Brian confesses his love to Beth, they are in the present day when he's 23 and she's 22. This movie starts off with voice-over narration by the male protagonist on the night he's planning to ask Kat to marry him (so "the present" in the film's narrative), but after that there is absolutely no narration. None. The scenes come and go with only a title card giving their ages. This is helpful, but we have no sense of what is happening between encounters other than what you pick up in conversation with party guests year in, year out.

    So here's the big takeaway from my ramble. The movie is very good. There's some excellent chemistry between Danica and Dustin. You believe their attraction, their joy, pain, frustration, and confusion. You see them in intimate moments of friendship and flirtation, and their situation does hold your attention. I like the setting - the same house year after year with the same people, except the kids get a little older, and there are more of them as people get married and have children. There's an adorable dance sequence between the leads, and Danica, in particular, is so captivating you can't take your eyes off her. I mentioned above a big argument. There are three sequences in a row, the dance (age 23, I think), where Kat takes Sam to see her workshop and they confess more than friendship to each other (age 24), and a big fight (age 25, again, I'm going from memory with the ages here). The argument seems forced at first, because you're not given much information about what's going on between these characters over the course of a year, but you understand that Kat is upset that Sam only comes home once a year, and he's upset that she wants to stay right where she is and never leave. Mean-spirited words are said by both, and while they shock you with how hurtful they are, you also get a sense that this feels very real. People fight this way and when people get hurt, or feel vulnerable, they hit back just as hard. We also learn that this is when Sam had originally planned to propose, which he has to put off for (I think) five more years.

    Although the payoff is somewhat convoluted - (there's a cardboard workshop that's created, but later the inside of the house is decorated for a proposal, but because of the issues that go down during the climax you're not certain if this is all Dustin, or the family, or who exactly is playing who. Again, this is the biggest problem. The narrative structure could have been tighter with one of the two characters being given storytelling duties. They start off with Sam doing this and drop it no more than five minutes into the picture) - you still feel joyful and moved by their happiness.

    It's a good movie for a date. It's a good movie for a romantic. It's a good movie for those who like different storytelling structures, or who like stage plays because it feels like one. It's not the best movie for someone just wanting to pass the night away, since the flashback style of the film requires you to actually think about the story more than a film with a traditional structure.

    I say check it out. It's not a bad movie. Just a little confusing at times.

    Oh, there is one thing I want to add that irked me, but I didn't take any points off the film for it. So Kat works at a furniture manufacturing place (I think her dad owns it???) and she's either a builder or designer (maybe both???), while Sam is college educated and a newspaper reporter. We learn a little more about Kat than we do Sam, and that's a point that even the characters mention during a specific scene. My issue is that when Sam is talking to his parents about his proposal to Kat (this is when he thinks the proposal is off, since he was told that Kat wasn't interested and he didn't want to break her heart) we find out that Sam bought a house for the two of them in Upstate New York. A little much before the two even went on a date, let alone gotten engaged, but I'll allow it for the sake of the romance of the film. Here's what irked me, Sam tells his parents he gave up his newspaper job to work as a logger. Yeah, no. If you see this guy, the kind of guy he is, there is no way - and in no universe - this guy becomes a logger in Upstate New York. They should have just made him a reporter in Syracuse or something. It's a minor point, but since it comes so close to the end of the film it was fresh in my mind.

    See it. Enjoy it. Have a Happy Holiday!
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