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  • danajs2420 August 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    This episode surprised me. I thought it was going to be super boring with the WWII references, but the sheer power of the Golem was pretty cool. Also I really liked that actor that played the Golem. Sam and Dean are getting cosy in their new digs, and it seems really cool. Maybe this will put them over the top with new spells and lore against new monsters and bad guys. Further the character of the young rabbi was pretty humorous but his knowledge of the Hebrew ways was a bit tricky, as he seemed to be a screw up, but never explicitly said he didn't know things besides the Golem, being able to write his name in Hebrew and even read the book he destroyed. Also, the necromancer's arsenal of spells were a bit lacking. I expected some crazy spells and raising the dead to fight for them or something, not darts and people that looked normal but were actually "undead."
  • shwetafabm25 June 2020
    I liked the characters and the guys reaction to Sam and Dean. Idk why but i always find seeing them through the eyes of other characters entertaining. I wasn't too sold on the nazi thing but the characters were fun.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I kinda uncomfortable when seeing somebody treat the one like Golem as just nothing. I don't know I just feel unfair to him like when this show treat Cas and Crowley in unfair situations for sometimes, and what Aaron did, it was naturaly normal, he was young guy. Lucky, those two great together. The Golem pretty cool !

    And the tittle of this episode, I though the necromancer was Hitler, I know it would based on Nazi or World War story, but I can't find more clue about Hitler, and the main character like Hitler won't dead easly, right? So, I noticed from the last few minutes, I felt that this would continue, because it seemed that Sam hadn't solved the Thule things problem too.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well, if there is a reason why to continue with Winchesters on their road, this episode is one of them. What an original idea to bring us to the time of WW2 and show us, that the fight against monsters really has its "tradition".

    First of all we're taken to the Men of Letters "Bat-cave". This is very interesting part because it's something brand new for the brothers. As it's said, their home is Impala, but now it seems they found a real four-walls building to live. Dean enjoys it as much as he can, Sam is fascinated with the knowledge he could find there. The atmosphere (with the music played on gramophone) is beautiful.

    The story about Thule and Judah Initiative is very thrilling, the Golem was really well-done, scary enough, scenes with "it" and Dean funny too.

    This episode reminded me the old series with its fascinating atmosphere (I prefer the "reunited" brotherhood to the tension between brothers..) and attracted my attention with the great plot and originality!

    The end brings the importance of "legacies" - Aaron and his choice to continue in the "family business" as well as our two hunters discovering the world of Men of Letters.

    Strong episode overall!
  • This is a real high point for both the season and the series. Edlund (writer) is one of the most distinctive voices on the show and he has written such classics as "Nightshifter" and "Ghostfacers." This episode has all his trade marks-the weird details like the the volleyball co-captains or the nice blend of horror and comedy. The Golem and Aaron are a wonderful comedic duo and yet they don't undermine the show's stakes. The Thule end up being a great secondary villains in the later seasons. This is such a solid script as always.

    The episode also is wonderfully directed by Sgriccia-the director of such classic episodes as "Yellow Fever" and "Good God, Y'all." He has a great eye for details-like the ugly electric cord on the fridge or the flashlights as the only light source when the bros first go into the Bunker. The scope of the story is quite large for a single episode and Sgriccia does that quite well. And he got the right two actors for the Golem and Aaron.

    This combination of writer and director is often the show at its best. The later seasons lose something once this combination was no longer possible once Edlund left.
  • mm-399 February 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    Supernatural's latest season has been bogged down because the eight season is lacking in originality! The eighth season has many episodes which were been there done it before. The eight season also had episodes which where new and experimental. Some episodes were good and others awful! Everybody hates Hitler is an experimental episode, which mixes video games and comic book scripts together. The Winchesters live in their version of the (comic book) Batcave at their grandfather's league of intelligence people. The video game part of the episode has NAZI wizards battling a Jewish creature. The NAZI part of the story reminds me of Raiders of the Lost Ark! The two concepts blends well together into an interesting story. Great character development(good guys and bad guys and, fast pace direction of how the past and present merge together make for a memorable episode. I give Everybody Hates Hitler an ten out of ten. This years favorite episode.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    But for different reasons. Mine is the show stooping to that level. It's inappropriate. I wonder who got that idea, and thought it would make for a good Supernatural storyline. Especially when we don't hear about it afterwards. At least we got to see the bothers new headquarter, and seep into the world of the men of letters. But was all of this just an excuse to have storylines involving Nazis in the show? I'm starting to think it was... And were they planning on making Dean gay this season? First Benny, and now he's getting all hot and bothered around a random guy? I really don't get the point of that episode, honestly...
  • Everybody loves an Emmy! Yep, I think the point of this episode was that the producers really really wanted an Emmy Award. Or multiple Emmy Awards. I did not watch the show when it aired, but watching it in 2022, I can honestly say this is too obvious even for the "jury" of the Emmy Awards.

    I mean, what were you even thinking?! And why were you even thinking of this storyline?! Well, this episode was not to increase the ratings, that's for sure! So, why else? Other than for being nominated for an Emmy?

    I hope that I will not be seeing any other efforts by the producers in the upcoming seasons of the show.