User Reviews (61)

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  • There were two reasons for why I opted to sit down to watch "Lake Eerie". The first reason is, of course, my love and fascination with the horror genre. And the second reason was because iconic actor Lance Henriksen starred in it.

    But to my horror, this movie turned out to be unfathomably slow paced and quite boring, to be perfectly honest. And it was quite a struggle to remain seated and actually follow the movie through to the end. I did manage to do so, but were quite tempted to give up a couple of times along the way.

    The storyline in "Lake Eerie" wasn't particularly appealing in any sense, and it seemed like a rather monotone script that didn't really translate well onto the screen. And it was further cemented by having one-dimensional characters that were frightfully devoid of any kind of personalities to make you care.

    For a horror movie, "Lake Eerie" was disturbingly devoid of anything even remotely scary or reminiscent of anything thrilling to make your heart pump faster. The movie just settled into an almost hypnotic slow pace and never managed to get out of that pace.

    As far as the acting went in "Lake Eerie", then I will say that the cast were doing fair enough jobs with the limitations imposed on them through an inadequate script. And not even Lance Henriksen could manage to lift up the movie with his performance.

    This is the type of movie that you will watch once, and I doubt that you will ever make a second attempt of watching it again. "Lake Eerie" came and went without leaving any lasting impressions with the audience, nor did it manage to make any kind of dent in the horror genre.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not sure what genre to place this in. The actors did their best, considering the overall vacant, repetitive lines in the script and the serial cliché's. A few scares dissipate soon into that nether world of oblivious disbelief that anything as pathetic as this got any investors for its creation. This pile of shoddy writing and misdirection is partly redeemed by fairly good scene creation. A world is created inside the boundaries of the property of the house. The lake is ominously represented and the metaphor of water makes up for the rest of the sad aspects to this production. This is just an opinion, but I think the concept and script would do way better as the basis to a Scooby Doo animated film. After watching this I felt the producer had insulted my intelligence and that acting school is all but closed in Hollywood.
  • Odd the film was getting panned and that in 3 days in November suddenly a batch of highly rated reviews suddenly appear isn't it.

    Well unlike those fake reviews I have just seen this movie and have no connection to it whatsoever.

    Don't watch it based on those reviews, its very very very poor. I only sat through it because Im off with a bug and nothing else to do.

    Its a typical low budget affair, poor script, poor acting.

    The fake reviewers would at least have some credibility if they awarded it reasonable scores, marking it 8 out of 10 and placing it up there with the classics really shows just how fake they are.
  • I like indie films and I'm prepared to give them slack that I wouldn't give to mainstream movies. I hated this movie. The acting was, throughout, bad. Sometimes painfully bad. Again, I can put up with that. Professional actors cost money that independent movie makers don't have and indie films give new talent a chance to make their marks. Plot and script writing on the other hand costs nothing and, in both, this movie literally falls apart. Horror movies, even the best of them, require a suspension of disbelief but, when the characters in horror movies start acting in ways that stretch credibility, you have a major problem. Example (one of many): There's a strange man in my new house. Response: Find a knife (check), find a light (check), take some pills, find a comfortable sofa, lie down, sleep till morning (nope). By the end I had completely lost interest in both the characters and the story line. The IMDb rating has been boosted by lots of positive reviews (no doubt from friends and family) and I'm confident it's only going to head in one direction. Don't waste your time watching it and, if you do, leave a suitable review. Don't be surprised however if your review is instantly attacked with lots of "This review was not useful to me" hits.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Absolute trash, I'm tired of awful directors churning out this lower than b movie garbage. Unless there's an award for not being able to afford a steady-cam and constantly having the actors framed at an odd angle...if there is then this gets my vote! Unbeliveably fake reviews aside (different subject) the following issues exist: 1 horrible camera work 2 horrible acting 3 horrible script 4 seeing lance henrikson suck so bad hurt. The story itself wasn't horrendous but laughably cliché and i did personally enjoy the often bizarre incidental music as it seemed to want to build tension when quite often nothing was happening, dark and spooky unpacking for example. Who knows whats in your suitcase?? Oh clothes thats right you totally packed it. I am especially fond of demonic keyboards whilst walking or knocking on a door etc.
  • neckelmann23 January 2016
    It's funny to see all these fake reviews and how the rating of the movie has been plummeting over the last few days.

    I'm not sure what to add, most points are covered by the previous reviews (the real ones, that is). The acting is stiff and amateurish, even Lance Henriksen somehow looked like he had never been in a movie before.

    The story is extremely stupid. Half the scenes don't serve a point, and could have been removed from the movie without making it worse. Actually, it might have made it better. But why stop there? If just all the scenes had been removed, maybe it would have been slightly watchable.

    Don't waste your time, not even if you're looking for a bad movie to laugh at. Go find something else to watch.
  • ksberry23 January 2016
    I went to Mask Fest and saw the World Premiere and I didn't understand the rave reviews then and don't understand the overly spectacular reviews on here now. I don't know if people were afraid of hurting the director's feelings or what, but it's not good, plain and simple. Not scary and down right laughable. I think there are some good ideas but it just didn't come together. I'm all for independent films but it needs to be better than this. A real disappointment especially given the fact that Lance put his name and his face on this project. Perhaps if he'd had a bigger part and it wasn't so obvious the director was trying to push his wife to the fore front it might have worked better. I listened to the comments at the premier and quite frankly I think people were just being nice so they could hob knob with Lance. The movie is just not good....sorry! Out of respect for the fact that I realize someone put their heart and soul in this project, I stayed and sat through the entire thing, hoping it would get better and it didn't. I generally don't write reviews but because of all the pre release hype that I found hard to believe, I kept waiting for someone, anyone to be honest... No one said what I and my husband were both feeling at the time, it was just not a good movie. I do give props to Betsy Baker and Lance...they were the ONLY reason we stayed til the end.
  • trashgang12 December 2016
    Sad to see that a flick containing Lance Henriksen and Betsy Baker is total crap. i admit it, I was fooled by seeing their names taking me back to Aliens (1986) with Lance and The Evil Dead (1981) with Betsy.

    This flick clocking in over 90 minutes is one big yawn. It's all about talking and nothing happening. It's only the last 10 minutes that the horror comes in and even that is ridiculous. Most of the horror is not shown or done off-camera. And don't watch it for your thespians, they are maybe 5 minutes in this crappy flick.

    The poster looked promising, sadly the flick wasn't. And people bragging give independent flicks a change. I do, i'm in the scene over 30 years so I have seen it all by now. Sorry, this doesn't offer one thing to notice.

    Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0/5 Story 0/5 Comedy 0/5
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I feel that I need to comment on this film in more detail, so I can save someone's time. Don't go by the high ratings. I have no idea where they come from. Must be friends and family of the directors.

    It already started weird but was sort of interesting. Anything could have happen and because I had no idea about this film, I kept watching.

    Then something happened but it didn't really fit in with the start. It seemed that I was watching a subtle horror, when suddenly a ridiculous story line emerged. It was so unfitting that I assumed it was purposefully bad in order to highlight a mental illness or something.

    But it never happened. The cartoon story was actually what the film was about. Stuff about Egypt and Pharaos and Princesses and a love story and a realm of hell and an amulet. I remember writing stories like that when I was 10. It was cringe worthy and tacky.

    Up to the very end I gave the bad acting my benefit of the doubt, waiting to find out that the main character was actually in a mental institution, having imagined all of it...

    But that would have been a good, clever ending. In reality, what you see is what you get.

    An incredibly bad episode of the Outer Limits.
  • Literally laugh out loud.

    The lead actress (Meredith Majors) is catastrophically unable to portray a convincing human, never mind a recently bereaved widow. She has less talent than a soft-porn actress, and I can tell you this for certain because there's actually a hilariously bad, and painfully inappropriate soft-porn scene inexplicably rammed into the middle of the film! You get an idea of this woman's utter lack of talent when, early on, she fails to simply walk down a road without looking like an awkward marionette.

    I kid you not, it's like a home movie made by doting parents who film their baby daughter self-consciously pretending to "act natural", and then force you to watch. The only redeeming features are an unaccountable cameo by Lance Henriksen and the over-enthusiastic neighbour they've invited over to help out. She can't act either, but boy she gives it a damn good try.

    Get out while you can.
  • MyCinemaLife11 November 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    I thought this had very similar atmosphere to horror films of the 70s and 80s, but at the same time doesn't feel retro. The house they used for filming looks amazing, it completely becomes a character itself.

    I will say that after my first viewing at the Horror Hound film festival I liked it but didn't love it. But for the next few days after seeing it, I couldn't stop thinking about it, it just stuck with me. So I bought it once it came out on VOD and I have to say it gets better with repeat viewings. There is quite a bit of depth to the story. It has become one of my favorite modern horror films, low budget that is.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know how I found this movie on my flight the other day, but it kept me awake during my red-eye. Sure, it is not a perfect film, but it is entertaining. I didn't read any reviews on it, and I'm glad I skipped them because the reviews are all over the place! I liked it. Wasn't my favorite movie ever made, but I was happy something entertained me during my flight. I watch until the end because it kept me engaged. Some unusual filmmaking, but better than some other films I've seen lately. Didn't really have known actors, but performances were pretty good.

    I never give reviews on movies. Never! I went back online to check out this one, and decided to write a review. My first movie review, so that says a lot about Lake Eerie. I'd watch it again. And I'm grateful for the entertainment on my miserable flight. Plus, I liked the girl coming from the lake. What a beauty! Check this out just for her.
  • Bad acting. Bad writing. Bad directing. Bad. The biggest thing that struck me was how it appeared that the actors, director, writer/s seemed to never have interacted with other humans before. It's like aliens were trying to sneak an alien movie into the public and they thought "This is how humans act, right?".

    I tuned out after the inexplicable lesbian ghost dream scene.

    You could enjoy this movie by turning it into a drinking game. Within the first half hour the neighbor lady says dear about 30 times. That's what old Earth human people say, right? Take a shot every time she says this and you'll have a great time.

    "You're the bravest person I know!"
  • xxxtina1329 August 2017
    The movie itself is just bad. The story line is ridiculous even for a horror movie. The only thing worse than the movie is the acting. The main actress is not good at acting. I read her IMDb and it's clear that mommy and daddy founded this dream. She needs to go back to stunt work and stay there.
  • 593PMP15 December 2017
    The story itself wasn't that bad, but the writing and acting was terrible; very difficult to watch. I'm not sure why someone would half-ass their dream of making a movie instead of getting the money together to do it right.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Seriously? Is this how 2016 begins?

    This film is just bad. I'm not sure what the other reviewers were watching? Don't even wait for the DVD release, just watch it on late night TV when it gets there while you're zoned out on the couch on a Friday night when you're too sick to go out.

    Here are the issues.

    * Lake Erie is a real place and there was so much potential that could've been used, but the premise that was chosen.. oh come on.

    * The lead actress tries, but the script is just too bad. I'm sure it read like "Be happy", "You lost your husband, now be sad", "Now be happy again". Its no flow or transitions or depth in her character

    * A lot of it just didn't make any sense. Its a lesbian scene in it that has no place. And whats with the topless girl on the beach? No reason.

    * There's a dingy red haired supporting actress who has to keep saying the lead actresses name over and over. Its forced and robotic. "But Kate, yes Kate, no Kate, please Kate".. sheesh.

    * Lance Henriksen is in it for a short time and what a waste of a phenomenal talent. Someone give this man a TV drama, please! He must have needed a car payment made or something to appear in this bomb.

    * The 'monsters' are straight out of your neighborhood fake haunted house. Bad makeup, crappy acting. "rawrrr!"

    * Its low to no budget. The audio is bad. The cinematography consists of moving an iPhone through a house.

    This movie is just awful, but since I'm from Michigan where Lake Erie borders, I'll give it 2 stars.
  • seasaw4025 January 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    Sorry that was the cheesiest B Movie I have seen and I have seen a few... It is an independent movie, so I guess the lack of money showed. The script was poorly written. The plot could have been better. The actors could have been less wooden, but I doubt it. Why the add in of the silly I wanna watch you with another woman scene, was it added in to sex this lackluster up a little, if so then sorry it was an 'Epic Fail' That was not the only epic sex fail, there was the scene with the naked woman splashing in the water, what did that add into the movie? The 'zombie attack' scene so bad. The villains, the aunt and the niece were annoying. This could have been a good made for TV movie, with better actors and a better script and yes more money spent. Sorry it got one star from me,for a reason. It was an hour and some of my life I won't be getting back. I will say one thing, don't bother watching this film because the only good thing in this movie was the house.
  • ozolas3 January 2017
    the acting was not so great. Cheaply made movie, special effects were rather funny.

    By the middle of the movie had to start fast forwarding as it felt boring and got annoying.

    Many horror movies tend to have really silly moments, and it's usually something so simple, like why would you light a candle in order to look through the window? or would you be lighting a candle rather than holding the knife like crazy if you were really scared? By the time she actually did it you could travel to Mexico and back.

    Overall not convincing at all.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What was even the ending? Who the hell was autumn and her aunt? Im just really confused and I don't want to waste my time watching it again to try to figure it out. Was any of it real? The music was good, but its timing was a little weird, "spooky unpacking of her suitcase." Acting was stiff, total flop, sorry. Who takes off their pants in front of a strange old lady neighbor you just met? Lots of drugging the main character, by herself and others. Not much of it was original, pretty tired of the supposed mental brake down trope. Long way from Sigourney Weaver for Lance. I don't suggest anyone to watch this, unless its to explain to me what the hell is going on.
  • dukeakasmudge1 January 2017
    Lake Eerie started out with GREAT potential but starts to fade after awhile & then turns into complete & total..... The way it started was AWESOME.I had high hopes for this movie but after Kate found what she found & saw what she saw in the drawer, the movie starts to fade, things just get weird & it's all downhill from there.The story behind why the house is haunted was lame.The worst acting was between Kate & Autumn in the last few minutes & the ending was the worst part of the movie.It was just pointless & stupid.It made no sense at all.I should've turned it off earlier but I wanted to see how it would end.The best part of the movie & the only things worth watching were the 1st 15-20 minutes & Lance Henriksen even though he really wasn't in it.Lake Eerie is the type of movie I'd expect to fall asleep while watching so it really surprised me that I didn't.If you ever get a chance to see it, I'd skip it if I were you.Go see something else

    Last but not least, I read on IMDb that Al Snow was The Man In Black.I did not know that while watching Lake Eerie.If you're a BIG wrestling fan like I am then I thought you might like to know
  • TopFlix713 November 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie's greatest strength is its ability to build tension and not rely on jump scares. It really captures the feeling of what it's like being alone in a creepy house (my family has an old house and I have been there alone, even the little things freaked me out.) I appreciate the shower scene not having blood coming out of the shower head, that has been done to death and I was getting worried when the scene began. Dirty, mucky lake water was a clever twist to an old horror trope. Nicely done.

    Bonus point for shooting the film using the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes are amazing and don't get enough love in movies! I would really love a Put in Bay movie
  • It's low budget but not painfully low budget, actually looked pretty a number of times.

    The story did some new stuff in a tire genre so that was appreciated. Camera work was good, no shaky cam or found footage nonsense, it was simple and didn't get in the way. Reminded me of older horror films and that is a compliment due to the current state of the horror genre.

    Acting was above average for an indie. All the leads were consistent but some of the parts left a bit to be desired. The electrician was terrific, had me laughing pretty hard.

    The ending really got me, this is where the movie really earned some bonus points. Without spoiling anything, it was clever and didn't over explain, it actually gave me something to think about after. Thank you.
  • splavovi15 February 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    This was a not very pleasant surprise. I watch a lot of horror films, and I am very disappointed.

    A movie start was not so bad, but after a while it was getting worse and worse. As movie was going on I was getting that actors are not professionals and that they even not acting like at least in some of this kind of films.

    A house is great, real one for this kind of movie. But the acting is terrible. I used to watch a movie where at least main actor is a pro, but not a case to be here. So bad. Not even some real action that can convict you that it might be real.

    A story is not so bad, but that's all what is not bad. Waste of time and money.
  • This plot takes top honors for being completely straight forward and unimanaginitive while also managing to be confusing. The acting is really sub par. Betsy Baker was actually decent, but the remaining actors were wholly unbelievable and the entire film otherwise felt like an undergrad film school project.

    Pacing was slow, and the only thing scary about the film is that it actually was made into a film. I'm still not 100% sure what was happening at the end.

    After sitting the whole thing, which I really tried to enjoy, I found myself enjoying how terrible the film is more so than the actual film itself. But an hour and 40 minutes is too much just to make fun of it. DO NOT listen to the fake reviews all over this page and don't waste you time.
  • If a movie is bad, I just shrug it off and go about my day. However, Lake Eerie is a case all its own — I felt cheated and violated after devoting almost 2 hours of my time watching it.

    Everything from the actors, dialogue, photography, makeup to soundtrack sucks. The plot is also abysmal, complete with really unnecessary lesbian kissing and butt and breast exposures.

    I don't get why it has a 5.6 star rating on IMDb — I have seen lots of terrible, terrible movies that are way better than Lake Eerie.

    Oh, Lance Henriksen who is a great actor IMHO is in Lake Eerie. However, his presence did not give any sparkle to Lake Eerie. That's how bad this movie is.
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