User Reviews (44)

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  • The cover art (both versions) is really fantastic. Props to the artists on those. In regards to Dead House/Beautiful People you may only like this if you enjoy films like Hostel, Funny Games, or A Serbian Film. The movie works hard to make you feel unpleasant, and for that reason many people will not enjoy it.

    Positive notes: Effects were fairly decent. Zombies looked interesting. Practical effects always a plus Acting was acceptable, though a bit hammy (save for the soldiers at the end sounded like voice actors right out of the original Resident Evil)

    Negative notes: Despite being advertised and listed on a number of sites as a zombie or monster movie, it is not. At least, not for 90% of the film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This has the distinctive feel of being two stories joined together . One being a violent and brutal though admittedly disturbing and effective home invasion movie and the other being an apocalyptic zombie film but the two stories as you can imagine fail to gel together , To give the film some credit the home invasion subplot is well done . Three violent , sexual sadists hit upon a good idea to rob isolated mansions in the Italian countryside after they've murdered the occupants . To be honest the robbery aspect is peripheral , perhaps to the point of being non existent but no doubt they enjoy raping and murdering the householders . These chaps aren't taking any prisoners and it's only a matter of time before they pick on the wrong house and being set in Italy there's bound to be a few zombies around the corner

    It's definitely an unpleasant film but the scenes where the trio of bad guys enter the Pontecorvo home and subject the family to intimidation and terror does have a compelling power rarely seen in this type of subgenre and you almost feel sorry for the Pontecorvos' . I say "almost" because there is a major spanner in the works and that is Mr Pontecorvo is a mad scientist type and in his lab in the basement he's been conducting human experiments on behalf of the American government along with keeping his zombies fed on the occasional passer-by . Why the American government needs a villa in Italy to do this is never explained or how Mrs Pontecorvo and her children seem unaware of the zombie liar in their home is similarly never touched upon . Apparently the mansion up the road is also conducting the same experiments and just as the zombies are killing the residents of the Pontecorvo home and making their escape the zombies up the road are doing the exact same thing . It's as difficult to suspend disbelief as it is to feel sorry for someone carrying out human experiments along with characters obligingly turning a blind eye

    That's a pity of sorts because if BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE kept faith in the first idea of totally amoral villains holding a family at gunpoint and inflicting needless and cruel violence upon them this would have been a memorable shocker , probably not for any good reason but memorable all the same . I was also somewhat surprised by the cast because looking up their resumes I'm led to believe at three of them are British , namely Cutler , Southern and Davies and I guess Italian horror has something of a tradition with this . It was something of a surprise watching the classic infamous ZOMBIE FLESH EATERS and seeing well known Scottish born actor Ian McCulloch in the lead role . I also take it these characters have redubbed their lines in their own voices which lends an element of conviction especially from Cutler though this is somewhat negated by the copy I saw online being slightly out of synch with the on screen action . It's negated even further by the dialogue being gloriously bad such as "You're going to be a great director one day . I bet Gus Van Sant would like to deep throat your c--k" . If nothing else lines like this lighten the mood in a depressing , nihilistic horror movie
  • obheron15 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    The story is pretty simple : bad guys into rape, invade home, torture and kill the inhabitant than proceed to robbing them. They get into this house where the father is a scientist working on zombies for a big corporation. He sets the zombies lose in his house to get the bad guys dead but gets infected. One of the bad guys is having a guilty conscience and help the mother and the eldest kid escape while the youngest is hiding. Pursuit, fight, death follow suit which jump start the zombie apocalypse.

    This is a movie that is searching for its own identity. The thieves describe in the synopsis are more the criminals from "A Serbian Film" : they are forcing couples into conjugal rape while making there children watch. The one that is having a conscience and is not into this just does a 180 degree at the end... After getting back to save the mother a second time around, he simply decides to rape her. He than grabs a rock and smash her skull to smithereens for absolutely no reason...

    The mother seems to forget about her kids rather quickly. She jumps out of a moving vehicle to go back to the house, but she forget about him after facing the first obstacle. Also, she trust a complete stranger when he tells her he saw her eldest kid get away but does nothing to inquire as to his whereabouts nor the general direction he went. She's just cool with it... And yes, that stranger is the rapey murderous dude from earlier...

    Beside A Serbian Film, there is a lot of elements of the movie reminiscent of Resident Evil. The zombies are being developed in someone's basement. The scientist uses the zombies to try and save is family, there is a serum that precipitates some mutations from the virus that William Birkin, I'm sorry I meant John Pontecorvo, inject himself, there a company special task force that eliminate people, and there is an outbreak in Raccoon City...

    Well, it's not mentionned Raccoon City but still... The locations and movement is one of the main issue of the movie. You see slow moving zombies forcing the characters to change there path, but just moment before they were far ahead of them and kept the distance by running. Even in the house, I was having trouble to grasp the distance between 2 places and the general disposition of the rooms.

    With the spacial incongruity, the erratic behaviour of the character and the things they borrowed from Resident Evil, we are presented an uninspired movie that brings nothing to the genre.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Maybe I'm only one of a select few who's watched this nonsense all the way through, but all I've managed to accomplish is to waste my time.

    Movie starts with 3 low-lifes forcing a husband and wife to have sex while their teenage daughter is forced to watch. Apparently this is some kind of sick test for married couples to show their "true love" for each other. When the couple fail to satisfy the head thug, they are slaughtered and the daughter has her neck broken. I can see why people are switching off.

    On their second home invasion attempt, they unwittingly choose the house of a doctor involved in human experimentation. The doctor is turning people into zombies at the behest of a clandestine government agency. When the 3 psychos start terrorising this new family, the zombies lurking downstairs in a sealed off part of the house start making noise which makes the invaders suspicious so of course one decides to investigate and thankfully he's killed for his trouble. Needless to say, the other zombies manage to escape their confines and venture out into the house and then outside randomly killing everyone they come across.

    At this point you think that this will end up as stock standard fare of people endlessly running for their lives, but when the doctors wife and the youngest of the 3 invading sadists end up almost exhausted from running and fighting, they decide to rest at a rocky shore along a river bank. Despite being wounded, for some reason this loser decides to then rape the debilitated wife who's too out of it to successfully fight him off and after he's done, he smashes her face in with a rock. So she manages to survive a forest full of bloodthirsty undead only to be murdered by a useless waste of life for no apparent reason. After he's done he stumbles off and from memory we don't see him after that.

    The film ends by showing a government SWAT team that's turned up at the doctors house where the youngest son is the only one to have survived. However as he hasn't been bitten and is not infected, they no longer need him so he's taken back to the house and executed. It's all these random, meaningless acts of unrestricted violence against people that can't defend themselves that stop a movie like this from being seen as entertainment.

    An epilogue in a style reminiscent of the updated Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later movies by way of news reports and real life flash footage we see the zombies rapidly infecting all they come across and the country being overrun with armed forces fighting a losing battle with their increasing numbers causing widespread panic.

    Beautiful People has stolen heavily from almost every other horror and zombie movie made in the last 30 years. As you watch this you can mentally tick off movie after movie that this garbage borrows heavily from. The Undead look like like left-overs from Resident Evil or Hellraiser. The acting is so poor it's laughable and from what I've read it was done this way so they could focus more of their attention on "story" and "effects". God knows how you can focus on a story that's plagiarised from every other movie, that's why they call it plagiarism; it requires none of your own talent when you copy another's work. There's a difference between influence and outright theft. This whole thing looks like a hamfisted mish- mash of unfinished scripts that have been salvaged out of the recycling bin, and that's where this should've stayed. This is a terrible movie and simply not worth watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just awful. There is so little story, besides kinda sorta the bad guys think they're "giving it to the man" by raping and murdering (rich?) families.

    The story becomes completely incoherent about 2/3 of the way through when the zombies get out. Inexplicably the father injects himself and becomes a weird zombie because... He's a coward?

    The good brother decides to randomly become evil and rape/murder the mom he was escaping with.

    The mom forgets she wants to save her kids between scenes then remembers later.

    How did the neighbor's turn to zombies so quickly? How did it become daylight when it should have, maybe, been midnight?

    Just a lot of "shock" value with no substance for explanation.
  • draftdubya25 September 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Who the heck make zombies/experiments in their basement with NO security and no safe rooms? You have the old cliched car won't start crap. The bad turned good guy turns back bad for no dang reason. Somehow a 30 year old woman have a 18 year old son(did good ole dad get her pregnant at 12?). In a zombie outfarking break it's really a good time to get mad at your mom for maybe cheating on your dad. In this same outbreak it's a good time to get mad at your brother and try to kill him instead of trying to get to safety. One poster on here was on the money when he/she said this is a Incel flick.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie Is so horrible. I really, really wish I hadn't sat through it bu there I am. Where should I ever start? Should I begin with the horrible acting from the characters? The bland, one-note personalities and characters that fill the movie? How about the pointless nee for violence just to they can have violence? How about the horrible plot that doesn't even seem to know what it wants to be? So much to go on!

    There's one scene at the end that really infuriates me. A character, Brett, is one of the three murdering rapists. But he was feeling guilty and switched to being good. Then, after risking his life repeatedly to save a teenager and his mom (the teen dies off screen for no reason other than they had to be grimdark with their ending), he just kind of rapes the mom then bashes her skull in. It's so out of place and meaningless.

    Also, the "super-cool" mutate in the movie isn't an actual antagonist and just wanders off after being on screen for 10 minutes. It was so lame. This whole movie was a poorly written trainwreck. Everyone working on it is to blame.

    Also, I see that stupid 10/10 star review. How much did they pay you to write that one, huh, jackass?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wanted to stop watching less than half way through but I was curious to see if the story line would become clear. This movie makes absolutely no sense! Its just not a good movie. And what was the end about? The bad guy, turned good, to turn bad again? I really wish I could un-see this monstrosity.
  • Poor concept, badly written, terribly acted and executed. Don't waste your time.
  • Looking to get their enjoyment, a group of depraved and demented crooks barges into the home of a doctor and his family where they proceed to torture them, only to find his experiments on a zombie virus in the basement below to have gotten free and forces them to try to get out of the house alive.

    This one ended up being rather enjoyable overall. What works well for this one is getting right to the point and offering a rather brutal and depraved opening. Watching a couple engage in sensual, passionate love-making before realizing they're being forced to do so by the demented group who are looking to ensure the payment of a debt between each other starts this one nicely. To see the depraved treatment here involving their sexual-based torment and abject cruelty in how they treat the family gets this off to a great start that's carried along with the rest of the film. The main aspect of the film, with the home invasion they undertake on the family, is where this shines. The manner of them barging in and taking control of the situation is great to watch unfold, setting up the series of expected tropes where they begin to torment and torture the family. There's a lot to like here in how that plays out into the resulting interruption of the invasion where the escaped zombies and deformities as they get loose, turning into a full-on charging burst of gut-munching entrails, chasing through the woods and a fantastic apocalyptic finale that's quite chilling and dark. Alongside the gore effects and make-up, there's a lot to enjoy from this one. There are some flaws to be had here. The most pressing and obvious issue is the complete lack of explanations for anything here. Despite their penchant for depravity, the purpose of the home invasions mean nothing here as we don't know how they go about their business, how they pick their targets or why they put up with the weaker one who's clearly ill-suited to be around them. As well, the idea of performing experiments on zombies and other deformed beings in the unsecured and fortified basement of a suburban house where no one is aware of what's going on despite living a few feet above them is ludicrous to think would play out here without saying why it occurs in that manner. The other problem here is the entire final half that ends this on a weird note. The idea of having the creatures appear from inside the neighbors' house off in the woods is not only a confusing issue but can also be seen coming a mile away which completely ruins the intended shock. The battle between the two in the forest comes off as rather weak and bland, and with all the damage inflicted on both party's here to think the survivor would come away with enough energy to then rape the person he was defending during the fight for no reason as everything we've seen until then was based on saving them. There's so much at fault here in this segment of the film that it lowers this somewhat.

    Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, a strong sex scene and Rape.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie starts of like typical home invasion movie , normal same old and same old stuff.

    But this time, the home they invaded belongs to rich doctor , who was doing some secret experiment in the room downstairs , which is kind of a lab.

    Turns out the doctors had these zombies locked up down there and they were let out. and that when it turns into a zombie movie

    The acting was decent in the movie , I liked how the plot came to end.

    There were things that did annoy me , I didn't see the point of kid in the movie , he wasn't even in that much ,

    the only reason they had him in the movie was , for one of the last scenes in the movie , which puzzled me even more

    6 out of 10 good movie.
  • The description for this film makes it sound like a good, solid, zombie movie. In fact, it is barely a movie. It's 40 minutes of sex,and threats of murder followed by 5 minutes of "hey, there's a zombie lab in the basement!" followed by 15 minutes of running from zombies. That's all. No real plot, sad dialog, and terrible zombie makeup. Oh, and the credits are interspersed with a news report of a zombie apocalypse which ends with...never mind, I said no spoilers and besides, you already know what happens.

    I love a cheesy zombie movie This is just pathetic. Don't bother.
  • This has got to be the worst movie I have seen pure garbage bad acting story ending just a true waste of my bloody time !
  • emilybedford24 February 2017
    "Who is the real monster?" Beautiful people is a movie I picked up because of the cover. Big mistake. While the monsters, in my opinion, looked pretty cool the movie itself was one of the worst horror movies I've ever seen, and it appears they tried really hard as well. The plot was messy, the characters were confusing and annoying, and I overall hated this movie.
  • Don't waste your time. Terrible movie. Horrible acting and plot
  • actsrhughes7 September 2019
    If I ate nothing but script pages from schlock horror vanity projects and wrote only sentences I could assemble from the remains of my own diarrhea, I still believe I could assemble a more interesting film from the results.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not only is this the worst zombie movie ever, but, in fact, it's the worst movie ever. The dialogue is bad, the acting is bad, the plot is bad, the characters are horrid. The only one I feel sorry for is Paul, but for a kid who plays shooting games, you'd think he'd at least have made a good shot. Oh, and whose idea was it to give Mikey a Spanish accent just because mommy had an affair with the Spanish neighbor? If that isn't sheer stupidity I don't know what is. Teenagers could have done a better job making this movie.
  • This is officially the worst movie I've ever seen. The plot made no sense at all. The characters made no sense. The one guy doesn't wanna kill or rape and then in the end he rapes and kills all of a sudden, made no sense. And a disabled grandma walked faster than these zombies, how did a zombie apocalypse even happen? Thumbs up for the good makeup on the zombies though, didn't seen low budget either, bad plot and scripts but good makeup artists.
  • Even for a movie entitled "dead house" this was worse than expected. I went into this expecting a b-rate typical zombie movie... but this. The very first scene I was like, hmm ok, this movie os going for the twisted thing, this could be fun ala hostel, but that quickly dissipates. Most of the movie is dialogue of one of the bad guys forcing families to say/do things. While gritty at first this gets boring after 20 minutes. The lead-up to the zombies is idiotic. There are SOOO MANY PLOT HOLES in this movie! It feels like it was written by a fifth grader and shot by a couple freshman in college film class for a project over the weekend.
  • I thought this movie was pretty good. Yes the ending was cut a bit short but at least it tried to explain it when it cut it short. The movie was worth watching none the less .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Writer/Director Brini Amerigo brings us Dead House this June!

    Three thieves are into home invasion and brutality. These thieves not only rob houses but make the occupants suffer and be tortured and taped. The movies opens with 2 people naked Making love, but your quickly taken into the sick world of these torturous and heartless thieves. The couple are being forced to have sex with there daughter watching. We learn the leader of the group likes humiliating and torturing verbally first then physically his victims. All being documented by the head thieves brother. Of the three the brother is the least reluctant and shows remorse when participating in these home invasions. When finished they move on to another family. This time picking a off the beaten patch house. But they soon learn this perfect looking family has dark secrets and something more they can handle. Tucked away in a secret lab. The group of thieves have the tables turned on them after investigating what is hidden down in the basement. Upon investigation they find the remains of secret viral lab experiment. But this virus turns its victims into mutated psychopaths. Who will survive now that the secret is released and escapes into the world! This is one sick and disturbing movie. You will believe the two psycho thieves played by Danny Cutler and Alex Lucchesi are not acting but really psychotic lunatics. Danny Cutler delivers his lines with such ferocity that you will find yourself hyperventilating. He truly is a scary guy. Not to say his partner Alex Lucchesi is an angel either. I would not want them in my house. The trio is rounded out by the brother Alex Southern. He is reluctant and is sickened by what he has to do. The family is not as innocent as we first think they are and are forced to reveal there darkest secrets or die! Brini Amerigo brings this brutal movie In about 70 minutes. But let me tell you, there are no slow parts. I felt after watching I saw 2 movies. A brutal home invasion then I hit to see a slick zombie flick! I was satisfied. Be sure to watch all the way through the end credits! I hope that is a set up for a sequel. Brini is a brilliant and a asset to the overcrowded horror genre. He made a great Original take on the Zombie genre. The gore Fx and zombie make up has to be the best I have scene in awhile!

    Starring: Danny Cutler, Alex Lucchesi, Alex Southern, Kate Davies-Speak, David White, James Wiles, Vanina Marini, Ettore Nicolette and Iselin Mork.

    From Wide Eye Releasing on Demand now!
  • There are what 5 reviews on here that say its good? i say there all bought or these people have no concept of what makes a decent movie. The director should be banned from making anything in the future. Never have i seen anything worse than this trash, sadly i have seen A LOT of bad movies in my years... This takes the cake hands down.
  • scheherezhad10 December 2018
    If I could rate this pile of dung 0/10, I would, and then I'd unsee it for good measure. This film tries to substitute gore, shock-value, and atrocious excuses for human beings in place of anything with substance. Plot was non-existent, characters were less than one-dimensional, and I feel sorry for the cast and crew having to bring this into being.
  • LevysteinLockett20 November 2018
    I know how much work goes into writing, directing, producing and acting in a film, so I won't bash this film. I'll just say while I respect the craft.....I didn't care for it. I'm sorry. I really tried to give it a chance and continue watching past the 10 mins that others gave it. I actually watched until the end. The zombies were pretty cool looking though. To the crew, good luck making your next film. I'm sure you learned a lot through the process of making this film.
  • Just start the movie after 45 minutes. Soon after you get what you were looking for in this movie. But they still ruin it in the 25 remaining minutes. This could have been a great zombie movie minus the rape and over kill on the vibe of the bad guys.
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