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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a so-so movie despite what the other reviewers before me would have you believe. It deals with the sensitive topic of PTSD for returned veterans in a unique way and the twist IS quite entertaining although the movie lacks strength and depth perhaps as a result of the cast and budget.

    I did make it through the entire film so it did keep me entertained although its length did tend to make it drag on a little where some tighter editing could have helped.

    Forget Hollywood special effects and high end CGI but what you will get is a simple homespun style of storytelling.

    Rainy Sunday afternoon with your partner next to you on the couch/sofa it's a yes, otherwise there's better movies out there for you to enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Submarine Kid is fictionally based on a comic book story, and there are two ghosts, "shell shock" (PTSD), and tons of F-bombs which distract from the story and were completely unnecessary to the plot. Not a bad little flick for a movie date night if you've seen the most recent version of The Last Tycoon or have already enjoyed Cafe Society or have seen Funny Girl too many times to count. Six stars for good, believable acting and for necessarily downplaying the PTSD while making a strong statement against war. Finn Wittrock is a good actor, and the girl who plays the ghost from the early 1960s is delightful--really spunky. The chemistry of the two main characters leads the viewer to believe that they are actual lovers.
  • elenalee201317 January 2016
    I came across this movie as a fluke. I watched the trailer on you-tube to see if it would be worth watching - it was. I watched it and the entire movie it had me wondering, it wasn't one of those movies that you could figure out within the first 10 minutes. Its a FANTASTIC movie! I would recommend to anybody. However, there was a ton of language. If you can get past that, you won't regret watching it. I would/will re-watch this movie! It's also eye opening on what soldiers deal with when coming back. This movie does it in a tasteful way. The main actor, Finn, did a fantastic job with his roll. The only thing that didn't make sense in this movie would be the ex-girlfriend. Why do we need her in it? She didn't add anything to the story line (just my two cents).
  • elien_stoffelen5 April 2019
    Well written movie. Great story and wonderful acting. Emilie de Ravin makes a great Alice. It was the first time I saw Wittrock in a movie and he made a big impression on me. If you liked this one, you definitely need to see Locating Silver Lake. Wittrock is superb in that one and Eric Bilitch wrote a amazing script.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This has been the best first movie in 2016. It just had the storyline where you just feel so attached to the characters because of the fact, it was different and of course, the actors were different too by all means. Now I did think having a jealous ex girlfriend on this didn't fit the story too well. I felt she was a distraction and pointless. The character should have been taken off or just have Jessy Schram play as someone else since she is a good actress. However this was not the case so it did man me feel a little disappointed with character developments.

    Anyways moving on, Emilie de Ravin looked absolutely stunning and beautiful as her character Alice. She looked exactly like Elvis Presley's ex wife Priscilla Presley. She would honestly make a hit at being involved in movies set in the 60s or 70's! I'm falling in love with the actress already!

    Finn Wittrock was so handsome playing as an ex-Marine character named Spencer Koll. Himself and Emilie made a great couple, but it was too bad that in the end, she was only just a dream girl. I wish they were happily ever after and finish the movie. Unfortunately it just got him back to reality with Alive nowhere in sight which I felt really sorry for him. They needed to be together!

    I would recommend everyone watching this, it is inspiring!