User Reviews (8)

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  • I originally came across this title when researching REVENGE HORROR films. This was listed as one to watch. It definitely is not a horror film. IMDb dos have it right as a Drama/Thriller. Was there act(s) of vengeance, yes. But I wouldn't classify it as a revenge movie either. This is a psychological drama that for most of the movie is very slow and I don't mean as in slow build up or slow burn. Just slow. The ending did not satisfy the pace it was more like "finally, something happened". The acting is good. So, you're not wasting your time totally watching some micro budget movie with terrible actors or script. The movie just doesn't flow. If you go into it wanting to see a psychological DRAMA, with a hint of a thriller and bit of "vengeance", then by all means you may enjoy this more.
  • borgolarici23 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The acting is immaculate and I can't complain about anything in particular, this movie is very well done.

    But imho it's pointless, it's just a depressing tale of misery that didn't really need to be told. The ending is poignant, yes, but feels rushed and somewhat fake.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A disturbing film about a parayzed man who parties and his nurse who got issues, Big Issues ! Not my kind of entertainment if it could be called that at all will remember it you will if you last through the mostly boring dialogs in the beginning but stick it out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    John (Mel Raido) is a rock musician who thought he could fly. He is confined to a wheel chair and is cared for by Evie (Morjana Alaoui) a woman with her own "broken" issues. Evie hates it there and is begging to get out. John still holds parties with drugs and hookers. His friend Dougie (Craig Conway) is also a point of contention for Evie.

    The film is mostly a drama about two people who live together in a house and hate each other but manage, sometimes by a delicate thread.

    The acting was good. The ending is what made the film and I wish they had dragged it out, substituting for some of that excessive character building.

    Guide: F-word. Nudity (Morjana Alaoui, Natalie Louise Garcia)
  • Initially I was unsure about this one, I managed to catch it at Frightfest 2016, now I'm so glad I took the plunge.

    What starts off as a very slow, claustrophobic little two hander kitchen-sink drama descends into misery about a carer, Evie, and her ex rock star tetraplegic client John. I must point out here that the director spent time as a carer looking after people with spinal injuries. He mentioned in the Q & A after the screening that a lot of the story is based on actual events. How much of this is true I don't know but it must've been a very depressing occupation but this adds to the realism of the scenes, something I couldn't imagine doing myself considering I cry at the sight of blood, poo and sick! Evie has a troubled past and is running away from her past and finds herself taking the job as a carer, caring for a guy who is fighting his disability and on a hell-bent binge into drug fueled chaos and debauchery... Still with me? The film is led by two absolutely brilliant performances from both Evie, played by Morjaina Alaoui (MARTYRS) and Mel Raido (GEMMA BOVERY). If these two were off the ball at any point during the film it would have been a very different story, full of disabled clichés.

    The film is filled with intense moments and some tender moments between them. The script is indeed incredibly sharp and at no point does it shy away from the day-to-day routine/monotony of what it is to be a carer or client. Don't get me wrong, the film is difficult to watch and at times it's incredibly dry but the building of tension keeps it afloat.

    The supporting cast are all fantastic with special kudos to Craig Conway who plays slimy letch, Dougie - a character I have come across on more than one occasion in my life :( This isn't a spoiler review so I won't give anything away but what begins as a drama/psychological thriller turns into something completely different towards the end, I thought it was a the perfect ending to a very unique little film. They use music as a contrast to the bleak surroundings and the score itself is both haunting and beautiful.

    I can see this being a 'love it or hate it' kind of movie but I can honestly say that I loved it, from the claustrophobic surroundings to the solid performances BROKEN is a film I will watch again and again.
  • kosmasp16 April 2017
    So maybe the title of the movie has been used a lot. But what you are going to see in it, it's not something you've seen many times. Now you have to consider that the movie at hand has a really slow pace. It actually will unnerve a lot of people. But those who stay with it, will be rewarded. And it has great central performances.

    Some may say and think that the ending deserves a better set up, but I do think it's a really good way to tell the story. It's also tough for the main actress who has is convincing in not her native tongue. And while you may be wondering about the male main character and his mood swings, I reckon it's not too far a stretch. If we put ourselves in his shoes ... But as already said, there is more to this, just wait and see
  • I didn't know much about 'Broken' before I began watching it and that was a purposeful decision by me. I knew the cast list, I knew some of the crew behind the film and I had seen the above poster art all over the internet as the film was screened at various festivals including Manchesters 'Grimmfest' and Londons 'Frightfest' to glowing reviews I might add, but I stayed away from the reviews in order to preserve any story points accidentally finding their way into my mind. So was it what I expected? Well I wasn't sure what to expect. Whilst I figured the film would have horror elements to it with its appearance at Frightfest and Grimmfest I actually think the film spoke to be as a wonderful character drama and whilst it certainly does have its super grim and horrific ingredients, the film scares me more when I think that all these characters are 100% believable and all the actions that happen are 100% possible and more than likely will have happened (or happen) at some point in the world we live in.

    The tone of the film is super dark and to make a film that real life care assistants have stated is 'the most accurate film about the care industry that they have seen' It needs to be this way and show us more than making sandwiches and changing the odd bed pan. 'Broken' isn't a popcorn film though that's'for damn sure but is a fantastic piece of storytelling and filmmaking. Its bleak, its massively affecting long after the end credits roll, its sensitive yet also very hard hitting and the equivalent of a lump hammer to the vital organs in many places. But whilst the film isn't something Ken Loach would make (and I do love Ken Loach films by the way) 'Broken' isn't setting out to be a total social drama, although it does work as that. 'Broken' is a roller-coaster ride, albeit a tense slow burning pressure cooker type film that does keep you wondering for quite a while where the storyline is actually headed.(I love that about it) Its not a film where you can think 'ah yes I know where this is going' but nor is it a film with a 'holy crap, an M Knight Shyamalan twist'

    'Broken' is a film about people, living lives that we more than likely have never been a part of and over the running time I learned a lot more about the care industry than I knew before. It also made me think 'Who cares for the carers?. Who looks after them?' The performances by the cast are top notch and Craig Conway shows us why he is one of the best character actors around with his role as Dougie, who to say the least isn't someone id like in my house. (Dougie, not Craig) By far though the film truly belongs to Morjana Alaoui) (Evie) who we care about from the opening minutes as the hard working, frustrated and not well treated by anyone live in carer and also Mel Raido (John) who's portrayal not only got me really disliking the guy on many occasions but who also gave me an understanding from his point of view about just how difficult his life has become since a fall from a roof has left him wheelchair bound.

    'Broken' is the feature length debut of Shaun Robert Smith's directing skills and he certainly has the skills. 'Broken' is set in a single location, a house. (Actor Mel Raido's childhood home) And yet the film never tires of using the same location.I remember one shot where Evie is cooking two rashers of bacon in the kitchen on her own. Even in this simplistic scene, the camera glides, and makes it a beautiful moment. Who knew that cooking bacon could look interesting on film. But it did. The direction of 'Broken' is beautiful and Shaun and the crew should be so proud of the achievements,add to the great direction, a haunting score (by Daniel Dolby & Siddhartha Barnhoorn), great cast performances as highly interesting characters and a story from a world I've never seen before.

    All these ingredients make up one of my film highlights of the year and I cant recommend 'Broken' enough to all film fans.
  • I was not sure what to expect, I cant read reviews that look like essays, I don't mind a few words of thought but I do prefer to experience a film without too much bias in any which way.

    In saying that, this was really well acted, it was raw and beautiful. The leads are so believable, as was a leads best friend, stunning work indeed.

    I bet the book is pretty captivating, as the film is not lacking in that area, unless you have any attention disorder; some moments might make you want to check your phone, but this is in my opinion, in the psychological thriller genre and with that comes unfolding.

    As I stated in summary, such a good ending, I kept waiting for a let down, but it did not come, I was left feeling very satisfied, and I can not find the discuss option to blurt my enjoyment of the ending out to the world, so I have made a quick review.

    It is really well done, I am glad I watched it, only one question I had, what was up with the attire at the end?.. Titillating.