User Reviews (237)

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  • Clearly a "B" film not meant to be taken seriously but yet, still manages to be entertaining. The action sequences and battle effects are better than I would have expected for a film with limited funding. There are quite a few nonsensical plot sequences, but towards the last half the writers try to inject a little logic to make sense out of what is happening while the two main characters gradually travel through multiple life threatening moments in their effort to reach family and ultimately safety. If you're up for a different "guilty pleasure" watch, then I can recommend watching Bushwick.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Lol, best line in the whole thing.

    I live in Brooklyn near where this was set, so it'd been on my list for a while. Truthfully, I'm bumping up my rating a bit just to balance out all the unreasonable reviews... so I'd really put it at a 6/6.5

    Look, the premise is pretty implausible, but that said, being a Brooklynite, I felt at least the social dynamics were familiar. The side characters really shined - the Black mama who reigned in her gang banging son and his "club" (haha); the Hasids fighting back in the alley. The acting isn't terrible, but it's not great either - the dialogue was a bit stunted so not much to work with...

    I enjoyed the long-shot steady-cam approach which made it pretty immersive.

    Unfortunately, the ending sucked. Killing off the main characters within minutes of the end was gratuitous and left the whole thing feeling unresolved. But, I've been into disaster/apocalyptic films lately and overall this was a fun watch.
  • crabcancer16 May 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Hmm, going to keep it short and simple. It's a good popcorn movie, put your legs up and enjoy. Don't over analyze, think too deep or try to associate it with a real life situation. I did and unfortunately, I ended up as one of those guys shouting "Oh, c'mon" and "seriously?"

    Spoilers As a ex-military, Dave runs around with a handgun, does not pick up a single assault rifle, webbing or even body armor. Knapsack is slung on one shoulder thus making weight distribution uneven and perhaps even affecting his aim?

    Like I said, popcorn, soft drink, legs up, enjoy...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What a strange film!

    I actually really liked the start, where you don't really know what's going on apart from some military activity of unknown origin. You do have a feeling of being right there in the action, and that feeling is progressed through to the end. This is an idea with legs - and it looks like it will run and run but...

    There were a few things that ruined this movie:

    1) The characters seem to get quickly bogged down. Not only in terms of location but in terms of where their characters are going. There seems to be poor motivation for the characters.

    2) The acting from Brittany Snow was terrible. Is this the actresses fault or do we blame the director for this? Whatever - it just felt really off in places - for example when the Gran died and when the priest killed himself. The poor acting just jolted me out of the moment. Funnily enough I thought the acting from Bautista was very good and I found his character very believable!

    3) Very odd plot moments such as the church, the laundromat, and the gang house. Felt surreal in places.

    4) Terrible ending. This is just bad script-writing in my opinion. The ending had a very unfinished feel to it. Events must have some logical purpose to them and a story without a conclusive ending will always fall flat. At least, the ending fell flat for me. I was almost surprised when the end credits rolled. Sure, I understand they had a message to get across on the futility and waste of violence, but the laws of screen-writing still apply - you need a compelling ending with RESOLUTION!

    On the whole a good idea, with good action moments and well shot so you feel like you are in the action. Let down by some bad directing/acting and a poor ending.
  • brshill26 August 2017
    Like others, I heard about the film because Aesop Rock posted on Facebook saying he was doing the score. So I wasn't expecting much beyond a cool soundtrack...

    From the first scene, it's apparent that winning an Oscar isn't the top priority. The dialogue isn't fluent and the acting is stunted, and we're thrown in with the action almost right away: streets are burning, we don't know why, let's get the hell out of here. The top priority, it seems, is creating a video game-like war-torn corner of NYC through which the protagonists must try and survive. And it does this well.

    It only took a few minutes for me to start honestly enjoying it. The main driving force is the perspective: a single hand-held camera doing long continuous takes, so the whole movie, having been edited to cut different takes seamlessly together, runs like an entire 90 minute one-shot. It makes you feel as if you're there with them, experiencing the action unfold, no tea break, and the ridiculous plot and forced acting combine to make it feel like you've stepped directly into a '90s B-movie or a shoot'em up arcade game set in Brooklyn. It's really pretty cool, and almost makes me think that the silly plot and acting were intentional. Maybe, maybe not.

    If you're looking for a political thriller, a thinking man's action movie, cool martial arts/fight scenes, or any amount of emotional realism, look elsewhere. But if you're happy with a mindless yet oddly engrossing bang bang movie, this might be fun.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A second American civil war scenario can make for a good movie, except in this case. I will give the company credit for casting Dave Bautista. That was a perfect choice. Your female lead Brittany Snow was miscast. A thirty year old playing a twenty year old grad student--wrong on two counts.

    Plot holes you could drive a truck through. George A. Romero used the radio and TV to fill in the story and save money.


    You need to establish a back story for your movie to make any sense. The spacing, action and plot got lost. How does a neo-confederacy come to attack NYC? Why was there no government involvement and or intervention ? How did a local militia armed with lacrosse rackets bring down a helicopter? Why do the invaders let the locals hit them with bats when they have guns....

    To the writers / directors / producers of this movie: If you are going to use combat as a mainstay of your movie you might want to find a technical adviser. Preferably a person with combat experience or a sense of reality to clue you in on what works and what doesn't.

    Bottom line, you need to tell a plausible story. Twenty years ago today Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play and this production company produced a movie that made sense.

  • This film tells the story of a young woman and a military veteran, who are stranded in a city where insurgent forces heavily attack, with the aim of succession from the USA.

    "Bushwick is surprisingly good considering it is a low budget film. The plot is good, there is a lot of action and thrill throughout the film. It wastes no time in introducing the intense gunfights int he city, making New York like a war zone. The camera work is great, as there are a lot of long continuous shots of fighting and escaping scenes which I am sure are challenging to stage. The main characters are likable, and I just really hope that they can get out of the highly dangerous situation. I enjoyed watching "Bushwick", I thought it was surprisingly thrilling and captivating.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bushwick: Texas attempts to secede from the Union, Militia groups try to seize control of New York and other east coast cities. We follow events in Bushwick, Brooklyn where grad student Lucy (Brittany Snow) and an ex-marine, Stupe (Dave Bautista) make their way through the confusion, first to her grandmothers house and then to an evacuation point.

    Chaos reigns and some looting ensues but the militias are confronted by locals who have more guns and backbone than those good old southern boys expected. Hasidic Jews armed with AR16s and Molotov Cocktails prove more than a match for the Master Race. I love the smell of burning ubermensch in the morning!

    Black, White, Hispanic, Asian and Jew unite to fight back against the invaders. This is uplifting but it is a dark film which shows the reality of such Urban Warfare. Don't get too attached to characters as they are winnowed like wheat. Police are mostly absent and we only see US Military overhead in copters.

    Good Conspiracy/Political Action Thriller left down a bit by shaky acting and Bautista mumbling his lines. 7/10. (On Netflix.)
  • jbraden395914 October 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    I already said this review might contain a Spoiler...but I'll make it as vague as I can: The main girl in it is tougher than the main guy who is a former Marine war veteran. The deaths that occur at the end make no sense and are pointless. The entire story line is all over the place and makes no sense whatsoever. The sister of the blond is a junkie, meth-head doper....and She of All People survives??? WTF???

    The former Marine war veteran takes out a lot of the bad guys but fails to take ANY of their M-4 Rifles from them!!! He continues on with only his small pistol! NO WAR VETERAN in these circumstances would EVER leave a downed enemy without taking their superior firepower and ammo!!! STUPID, STUPID movie!! And it's so sad too because I really liked the blond and the big guy (Veteran) as far as actors go. I hope this movie doesn't kill their chances of ever getting work again.

    Don't watch if you have Anything better to do, like, oh I don't know...weed your garden...go to the dentist, whatever!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a white raven in the invasion-thriller genre. It's got all the tropes, but with interesting camera work, and a 'twist'; not the commies are the agressors, but "the good 'ole boys' from the south.

    So, that is why you got a lot of reviews here calling it a 'lefty'/ 'liberal / (anything derogatory left) wet dream. It's because They Can't Be The Bad Guys!

    Don't believe then, just watch it for the fun low budget flick it is. And if you can't stand that the bad guys are southerners in this movie, just pretend they are Russians or something like that.
  • Dave Bautista steps down from the blockbusters to lead this tense thriller about a country torn apart and a new civil war beginning.

    The opening scene showed such promise, I was gripped immediately but within 15-20 minutes my hopes were dashed.

    I couldn't get over how poor everything looked, considering Bautista is on the upswing of his career I expected him to be more careful with his roles. The sfx are oddly weak and the camera work is some of the shoddiest I've ever seen considering the films budget. Seriously, at one point I think the camera goes up Daves ass while following him.

    Though the concept is a bit far fetched I think considering the current state of the US at time of writing this or something similar is more realistic than most want to admit.

    Sadly as mentioned the film falls apart early and it descended into yet another action flick with little going for it.

    Bautista has done nothing to silence his critics here as he puts in arguably his worst performance yet.

    This film is the very definition of potential squandered, it should have been SO much better.

    The Good:

    Fantastic opening sequence

    The Bad:

    Very poorly shot

    Shoddy sfx

    Soundtrack doesn't fit

    Things I Learnt From This Movie:

    Such a far fetched plot being believable at this time is genuinely scary

    I couldn't take the Jewish gang seriously
  • I've said many times in past reviews "I wanted to like this film, but I couldn't". This is the first time in my over 250 reviews I'm saying the opposite.

    Going into this, I had very low expectations, and from the very start, those expectations were met with the very poor acting and dialog, followed by the start of an outrageous story-line.

    As the story continued, I began to notice that the camera angles (poorly aimed in some scenes) were similar to video games like Call of Duty. Then I noticed the background music was similar as well. For a few minutes I thought to myself "oh boy, this movie is gonna be a waste of time", but oddly enough, all those factors started to grow on me, including the bad acting/dialog.

    Then I started to notice the directing and cinematography were actually quite good - and those poorly aimed camera angles actually made the scene very realistic, especially for a B-type low budget film with two amateur directors, Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott.

    Oddly enough, I also started to look past the poor acting and dialog from Dave Bautista and Brittany Snow and instead, became fond of their characters, and able to relate to them as just 'average Joe's' trying to survive. As I grew up in Brooklyn, I realized it wasn't bad acting/dialog, but instead their characters were spot on Brooklynites! For that matter, Dave Bautista nailed his character as a passive war vet turned janitor who lost his family.

    All of a sudden, BOOM, I was engulfed in this film and was really enjoying it. You can't compare a low budget B-type film to the blockbusters, and as such, to review it on it's own merits, this film was outstanding! I really felt like I was right there where all the action and suspense were happening, and was rooting for the Brooklynites.

    Sure one could argue about plot holes and an un-realistic story, but this is pure fiction (although it does make you think), and the screenplay was written so well with the pacing spot on, I felt like I was watching a live newscast in a war zone. What I also really liked (and respected) was the fact that there were zero clichés in this film, and it was pretty much unpredictable. Even the ending (not going to give it away) was a shocker and certainly not expected.

    It's sad to see such a low IMDb score from people comparing this to blockbuster films, or inserting their political opinions and agendas into the story. This for me was simply a fun ride, a great suspenseful adventure thriller, executed very well from every perspective. It left an impact on me, wanting more, and I do hope a part 2 is considered.

    I will watch this again, and it's a well deserved and much respected 9/10 from me... great job to all those involved in the production of this sweet little gem.
  • its a really low budget movie but I couldn't feel it. It's like perfect how they did the best they could with what they have, Also the actors were amazing, very unique story and representation of a very likely scenario that almost nobody ever think about.

    Anyway I really enjoyed it and I'd recommend it for anyone.
  • "Bushwick" feels like a low-budget zombie apocalypse movie without the zombies. It's also missing a plot, character arcs, a theme, a moral and other typical cinematic and dramatic elements. The ending feels as if the filmmakers shot the film in sequence and ran out of money before they could complete it. The wrong characters die for the wrong reasons. Bautista is best known for his chiseled larger-than-life physique and his martial arts skills, but displays neither. As he has shown in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, he can handle comedic roles and does a reasonable job here with a role that calls for more emotion than action. While fans may appreciate his dramatic range and nobody would want him to be limited in his career, they may be disappointed that he doesn't do more fighting.

    The script is a mess. Nothing makes any sense, from the plot to the military tactics to the motivation of the characters. A hodgepodge of liberal and alt-right political ideologies are presented and seemingly given equal time. I kept imagining Robert Downey Jr. in his Kirk Lazarus role from "Tropic Thunder" urgently whispering, "Never go full-on libtard."

    The situation and actions seemed so improbable and unrealistic that I never developed much empathy for the characters.
  • erostew22 September 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really wanted to like this movie. I watched it all the way through hoping it would get better. It didn't.

    It wasn't all bad. In fact there were even some brief flashes of brilliance. But not near enough to make this movie come together as a worthwhile story. In fact the story is what stands head and shoulders above the other problems as the real culprit of a failed effort. I kind of doubted that there was even a script at times.

    The whole idea is basically "Texas" wants to secede from the Union so they decide to hold New York hostage so that the US Congress will let them go. But here's the thing: It isn't exactly Texas. The soldier that gets interrogated to provide the info says he is from Kentucky. He also lists 6 or 7 states that are "with us". Strangely none of the states he lists is Kentucky! And then he is supposed to be a mercenary. But claims he was just following orders. And the reason that these guys dressed like SWAT teams are shooting everyone on sight is because Bushwick has so many guns and people are fighting back. And well that just shouldn't have happened because "guns are illegal here". So they got orders to shoot to kill. And apparently they are just invading this one neighbourhood in New York.

    That pile of crap is what you get from the one short scene that is supposed to explain what is happening. And of course it contradicts an earlier scene in the movie that says that they also "invaded" Washington, Chicago and a few other cities. Not to mention a scene of most of New York in flames. On the other hand the character that informed us of the invasion of those cities apparently forgot that as soon as he said it because he was the one that was interrogating the "mercenary" to find out what was going on. It's glaringly obvious that there were rewrites and changes with a complete lack of effort at continuity. I could go on and on about the gaping plot holes but it's basically all hole and no plot.

    The acting isn't the worst that I have seen. Nothing great but then the actor's didn't have anything to work with so it's not really fair to judge them too harshly.

    Special effects you ask? Well don't go expecting a bunch of impressive CGI effects because there aren't any. What there is, is mainly some plumes of smoke and some flames. Non-CGI effects included some quite decent pyrotechnics work that worked pretty well. Most of the explosions and such are actually off screen. Basically a loud boom, camera shake and maybe the lights flicker. And there were some helicopters.

    The camera work was decent. Quite competent and at times even impressive. There were a lot of scenes that went for quite a while without a cut and it seemed that most if not all of the movie was shot with one hand-held camera. With a better story to tell it could have been very effective.

    The sound was not great. Dialogue wasn't always clear. It was often hard to tell if the bangs were guns or explosions or what. In fact it seemed like they used the exact same explosion effect about 80% of the time. The music was pretty awful and in many cases just did not go with what was on screen.

    Direction? What direction? The movie basically looks like the directors gave some very basic instruction and then went and smoked weed in the corner. Many of the scenes end up being very flat and one- dimensional. Probably because the actors are putting most of their attention into where they are going physically in the extended and sometimes complex scenes.

    The concept I think was pretty good. If they had pulled it off it would have been a very realistic real-time thrill-ride. But they did NOT pull it off. It appears that they tried to fix things by shooting a new ending or something. The last 5 minutes are jarringly different in look from the rest of the movie and the ending fails on many levels. I won't get into that.

    So: Might be worth a look if you are bored and non-judgmental. If you are more of a stickler for a coherent and logical story you will hate it. A lot. My honest recommendation would be to watch the trailer and then NOT watch the movie. That way you might get a little enjoyment and you will miss the aggravation and disappointment.
  • The Steadicam work alone is enough to want to watch this film. The way it is shot and the content is amazing. I had no expectations going into this and was blown away.

    As for the story, if you think something like this is purely fiction, history says different.
  • jim_bro8 April 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I'll keep this review short, Brittany Snow was quite good. I dont want to give spoilers, but im not sure what the point of this movie is??

    Is it not to trust others and save yourself? cos if you try to save and help others, you die.

    The action felt real and good. The fact they remembered their injuries throughout the entire film was refreshing, i still dont get it...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ludicrously far fetched anarchy in the USA movie where the audience is asked to believe that there would only be about six people at any one time on the streets of New York City while all this chaos is going on.

    The story becomes even more absurd when we find out what is really going on that a couple of states mostly from the south are trying to take over New York City with what looks like a handful of military RV's. No hard artillery mind you just some RV's and AR15 rifles and maybe some grenades.

    Yes the movie is low budget but that does not necessarily make it bad. What makes it bad is that the scale of what they were trying to portray just cannot match the resources they had to work with and it shows.
  • i found this to be a fun little film from Brooklyn. It feels as though it had quite a low budget but that doesn't take anything away from the film, the action is intense and when it kicks off, it doesn't let go, or at least, doesn't for a little while, every now and again you get a little breather and get introduced to a character who is either an out there bad guy, or an out there good guy, nobody is normal in this movie apart from our two protagonists. during these breather moments when we are not being introduced to some over acted cameo, we are getting to know the two mains. some nice score from Aesop Rock, the only reason i knew about the movie in the first place and feel they never used the score to it's full advantage, lots of scenes without music where a nice little rhythm could have given it an extra bit of tension. Worth a one time watch.
  • graham-8183012 September 2017
    No beginning, no middle and no end. No point. The characterisations (such as they were) were sloppy, and there was no one you could really care about one way or the other. I know that the rules of this site require that we give reasons for anything we say in a review, and not just say 'I didn't like it' for instance. But this was so appallingly bad there is nothing of any value to say. It has no redeeming features whatsoever.
  • welhof120 November 2020
    This was maybe one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. There are a hundred reasons why it wouldn't work but I think you're not supposed to get to hung up on that. The acting was bad all around.

    That all being said, it was pretty darn suspenseful! It kept my attention from beginning to end. The style reminded me of Cloverfield which I loved.

    It's definitely worth a watch but try and take it for a quick action movie and don't get to bogged down with the details.
  • erick-ortega27 September 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    I have never taken the time to write a review until now. Bad acting throughout... really bad acting. The whole setup is silly and, did I mention the bad acting, the unrealistic scenarios on top of the bad acting and the bad acting.

    What is more troubling, is the fact that they use Texas, a white militia, attacking Brooklyn because it is full of people of color and many nationalities, so in essence, the director is saying, people of Texas, White people and better yet the south as the actor describes the militia being comprised of the South only, are the ones behind the secessionist movement. It feels like a bitter democrat upset they lost the election and wants to create more division in this country by creating a divisive and polarizing argument of the current state of the country.

    I am just furious I wasted two hours of my time watching this. Plus the bad acting!
  • If "Bushwick" had been shot in a traditional way, I would have given it 6 stars. The story - a survival tale - has been done many times before, and is nothing to write home about.

    The use of steady cam is, however. 'Bushwick' is one long continuous shot, where you don't notice the cuts (much like 'Birdman'). You are taken right into the action. There's no shakycam, no quick editing, just a camera constantly hovering beside, in front of and in the back of the action. How refreshing.

    I wish that more movies were shot like this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I missed the first part of the movie, and got thrown in the middle of the action. Much like the characters played by Bautista, and Jane Snow, it was chaotic, and frenetic. The camera shots was nauseating at times, but manages to convey the sense of chaos and helplessness. It also narrows the perspective to first person, making the audience as clueless as the characters of what happens. It is almost like a snapshot of a real battle in which you follow Bautista and Snow throughout the movie. Honestly, this movie may not be a success due to its camera work, and unconventional style. It has several what the F... moments, which I will not spoil. However, Bautista actually performs well in this movie and carries the weight of the movie on his broad shoulders. Unlike other movies where he is given a few one-liners, or is limited to the comic relief as in the Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Bautista is able to display his acting range here. In fact, he could make a good dramatic actor if it were not for his imposing physique. I would say I actually enjoyed this movie because it provides a new take on action. The action is not glamorous, and all characters are interesting.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So a large group of militants from Texas (or should I say, the South) want to secede from the United States--which is constitutionally illegal, by the way. The militants' think that invading and capturing a poor neighborhood in the largest and most economically viable city to the US (a city of 8 million inhabitants and over 1,200 miles away via air, mind you) is a better tactical strategy than using all those militia members to defend Texas instead? They somehow have been duped into believing they can conquer this neighborhood (Bushwick, of course) because the minorities won't fight back. Really? You guys need to spring for a better intelligence officer. Because, some of the folks in the inner city are better armed than police. Speaking of police, apparently New York's finest were on vacation this day, the US military too. I think it's safe to say the North would still win this civil war as the South's strategy was too ambitious, to say the least. By the way, no way there are any political undertones here. No Way!

    But don't worry about the highly improbable plot, because the unbelievably horrible acting is more of a distraction than the dreadful plot. I cannot express enough just how bad the acting is, especially with our main character, Lucy (Brittany Snow) and her drug addict sister, Belinda (Angelic Zambrana). Absolutely appalling. Where did they find these two? Brittany Snow's character is way too annoying, especially early on. Her delivery is often too rushed and she mostly displays zero emotion, even during times where being sad or scared is called for. I'm not sure if this is the fault of the writers, director, actress, or all three. But trust me, the screenplay and dialogue are really really bad on their on.

    Dave Bautista as Stupe, the neighborhood hero and ex-US military patriot, is about this film's only saving grace. That and a pretty satisfying, non-traditional ending. Together, they are worth a few extra stars
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