User Reviews (3)

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  • Im not really good with English language so i say a few words.This is the best TV episode i seen in my life and trust me i seen many many series in my 40 years alive.But i never felt so many feelings together that i felt in this episode.It was the first time in my life that i was crying so much and in seconds of this tear i start laughing like an idiot.I never felt this feeling in my life and its amazing. I love this series and i think its one of the best series ever seen.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    William's memorial was great. He did it manage to make it after his death as well. He gave the girls the task to do it. And Beth was so upset that she didn't get any good bye from him and yet she got the card. It was a beautiful moment. Just like her beautiful speech at the memorial. Randall finding out how he touched other people's lives was also a great addition as well as his great job quitting. And the conversation he had with Rebecca was so well done. Another beautiful episode. Besides that Kevin's play was also a good part and Kate saying at the end that she is the reason Jack died was a real shocker.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    William left instructions for his memorial service. The two granddaughters were given the responsibility. They come up with some typical kid stuff and it is really quite lovely. Rebecca finally is able to talk to Randall without the defensiveness. Let's change the name to "This Is Human." She bares her soul to him and they are able to reconcile. Kate tells Toby something startling about her father's death. Kevin is spending much time with his ex and the play resumes. That big shot critic doesn't come a second time and that means very little publicity. Nevertheless, it works wonderfully and, as usual, draws out our emotions.