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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well, he wasn't as annoying as last week, but Howard has been brutal this season and his "show me the money" moment was not funny at all.

    Leonard actually did a good job in this role. The bit with the crows was good, but overall, this was a subpar installment.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After last week's episode, I was pretty much expecting to be underwhelmed once again this week, but I couldn't anticipate just how boring this episode would be.

    If I could, I'd give it a 0/10. Not a single laugh, not a single scene that's even remotely amusing, not one clever storyline. Leonard gets to decide who receives a grant and has trouble with that while the other guys pester him to pick them, oh dear lord, the originality. And he ends up funding his own experiments, glorious idea. Meanwhile, Bernadette needs a break from her kids and hides out in a play house, my god what a genius concept. The other girls join in? Whoa, who would have guessed that?

    And the jokes are even worse. Every single line is so overused and predictable, you can see it from a mile away. I was literally saying the lines out loud before the actors could deliver them. That's just weak writing. You can really feel the writers' intent to stretch the season by any means necessary, just to fill it with nonsense and drag it out to 24 episodes, so that the network will pay them.

    Man, I can't wait for this trainwreck to finally be over!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As time went on I got tired of most of the characters. Raj just got on my nerves. I felt sorry for Howard, etc. The one I got really tired of was Bernadette. She became selfish and extremely annoying. This is IMO a stupid episode. I think the dollhouse was built for adults. How else can you have all that room and height for 3 adults? Amy is very annoying here also. It amazes me Bernadette doesn't want responsibility. My mom had a job and raised 2 kids. She didn't have to do something like this. Stupid!
  • And there you have it. Exciting episode. Leonard is given responsibility for handing out grant money. He narrows it to three people. All harass him. So there you have it. Genius writing.