User Reviews (49)

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  • Hamid is set up as the tender story of a Kashmiri boy who learns that 786 is God's number and decides to ask for his help in bringing home his missing father.

    He reaches a CRPF Jawan instead, who pretends to be God and plays along, and an interesting friendship ensues.

    'Hamid' is a beautiful portrayal of loss, love and longing in one of the world's most troubled and militarised zones, Kashmir.

    Rehmat (Sumit Kaul) is missing, who is father to seven-year-old Hamid (Talha Arshad Reshi) and husband to Ishrat. While Ishrat tries to find her husband, like how thousands of Kashmiri women do; by going to the police and later to the morgue, little Hamid has his own, brilliant way. He calls God directly and inquires his father's whereabouts.

    Where does he get the number from, you ask? Well, everyone knows Allah's number is 786! He figures out a way to dial Allah, and the call is routed to a CRPF Jawan, who gets involved in the boy's life.

    With this simple story, filmmaker tells a thousand tales and conveys a thousand emotions. You are with Hamid when he misses his father. You can see how little Hamid's mother ignores him, as she is shackled by her own grief.

    You can see the self-destructive relationship between the forces and the stone-pelters and feel how both are injured in the process of opposing each other.

    Movie captures Kashmir like no other film has before. It captures the broken beauty of its bylanes and crumbling hills. It captures the sadness and the hopes of Kashmiris, which we haven't seen before.

    So, if you need a reality check and want to know just what millions of Kashmiris go through each day, go and watch this wonderful little film in theatres.
  • Innocence is very well depicted in #Hamid. A man suddenly goes missing n his wife is distraught. His kid is aware that 786 is allahs number. He dials this number n the call is answered by a CRPF jawan. If u desire to know whats really happening in kashmir everyday, please watch this wonderful film n get enlightened. Excellent direction by aijaz khan n brilliant performances by reshi, dugal n kumar. Rating 3.5/5.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An unusual friendship strikes up between Hamid a little Kashmiri boy and a CRPF jawan when the boy dials the Jawan's number assuming him to be "ALLAH" for urging Him to get back his lost father. Hamid is a beautiful, heartbreaking story of innocence lost in the politics of the paradise.Hamid somehow learns that if he wants to talk to Allah he will have to dial 786,and somehow he stumbles upon the phone number of CRPF Jawan Abhay who is separated from his family for nearly two years. The innocence of the little boy Hamid is the heart of the film and it nearly pierces your heart by the questions he asks throughout the film.The questions are simple but so beautiful that it will make you root for Hamid.The director portrays several tales which is distorting the peace of the paradise.We could see that all the residents of Kashmir doesn't share the same belief regarding freedom. We could see the helplessness of the jawans there,they just don't know how to deal with those protestants .Sometimes the jawans lose temper and commit unforgivable mistakes and have to live with the burden of guilt .In a word ,Kashmir has turned into an ugly epicentre of politics. I could not but praise the innocence in the performance of Talha Arshad Reshi as Hamid. It is one of the best child performances I have seen in any film.His performace reminds me of Mukul in "Sonar Kella" .Hamid seems like the only silver lining of paralysed Kashmir.Rasika Duggal is one of the most promising talent in cinema,playing mother to Hamid,and also mastering the dialect with acute precision ,Rasika is excellent.She never misses an opportunity to shine,be it waiting in the police station or breaking down in tears in the peace rally,Duggal is effortless... Vikas Kumar is really the most perfect choice to play the CRPF jawan Abhay.His outbursts,vulnerabilities are so touching and most importantly his chemistry with Hamid is what the film actually is . Another strength of the film is the dialogues beautifully written by Sumit Saxena.The dialogues made the film more beautiful. Kashmir has been well shot by John Wilmor the cinematographer.The film has been a passionate attempt devoid of patriotism made for marketing and the love from the country is natural i.e not showy and overenthusiastic. 8.5/10
  • It's so irony that a viewer was in a constant wait to see tilted side of the story that Bollywood has never failed to bring. To our surprise Hamid was not, It covered the situation of Kashmir like no movie before. It has portrayed the issue through empathy, by putting our feet in the shoes of not only the Kashmiris but also of the soldiers. Both sides are in pain yet we deny to see it. Heart breaking!
  • Special mention for the performance of Talha Arshad Reshi.From the very beginning you get absorbed into the story and plight of Hamid. The movie ends with us only questioning what is really the solution to the Kashmir problem. And how long will all stakeholders continue suffering. Especially small children like Hamid.
  • Very pleasantly describe & outstanding performances
  • One of the very few films that is so original and depicts the innocence in so authentic way. The politeness of the female protagonist gives us everything that we search in a woman who lost everything but still hopes for a better solution to her problem. Hamid is for me is the best bollywood film of 2019 so far.
  • A loud round of applause to the makers of "Hamid" for showing guts to present such an unbiased story on Kashmir and its problems to rest of India and the world. Presenting the Kashmir turmoil through the eyes of a seven year old engulfed with innocence and sprinkled with naivety deserves a special mention. Of all of Bollywood's depiction of Kashmir, "Hamid" should rank amongst the top ones.

    The choice of story and the characters are very well written and well presented too. Most of technical aspects of film making is very decent enough if not outstanding. Shooting locations are beautiful and picturesque. Aijaz Khan's direction though very good does falter a little bit at random places but the story and the characters make up for most of it. Rasika Duggal takes her acting skills to new heights. Most of the supporting actors have tried their level best, especially the non regular actors.

    Movies like Hamid are the need of the hour for people outside the Kashmir valley to understand the happenings and the hardships faced by its people. The pain and agony of the people living in this beautiful valley is well depicted and presented very well sans any unnecessary melodrama. A must watch for every soul who cares about humanity.
  • We need movies like this in India! And we need to understand these movies. Can't remember a single time where I didn't cried while watching this movie. Beautiful is an understatement.
  • It will take a little extra patience from you but Hamid (given Urdu name) delivers as a heartwarming film about looking for closure in your personal life when things become difficult as does for this young school-going kid in this social drama who decides to take it up with god to find answers. TN.
  • kritivasrocks18 May 2019
    Its a good movie, hasn't left out any part of Kashmir conflict, from the perspective of a child, or a soldier who is posted there, how they both are in pain, I wish people would see it more to understand the pain, I cant say how true the representation is, but it still hurts when you keep yourself in the shoes of that child or that soldier.
  • " Bhagawan Kaha Hain Tu "

    Film : Hamid Director : @jazkhan Dop : @jwilmor Music : Andrew T Mackay Cast : @rasikadugal @vikashkumar_ #talhaarshadreshi

    Hamid is a beautiful story whose translation to the screen is delivered with wildly different results throughout its run-time.It is a tale of innocence resiliently trying to make sense of the complexities and divisions that mar the adult world.

    Talha Reshi, the young actor. Their banter is fascinating, devastating, funny and poignant.Everything-the writing, direction, editing and the performances-undergoes a staggering change and propels Hamid towards the realm of a germane.
  • The movie wastes its potential by telling the story very badly. Events happen to suit the narrative rather than in a logical manner. The story is more about a political agenda and less about the event that is the focus of the movie. If the story were told in a more coherent manner, the movie would have been outstanding. Instead, it's potential is squandered because of political messaging! The Kashmiri issue is a political hot potato in the politics of India and Pakistan, and this seems to overshadow the story.
  • Acting - 5/5 Cinematography - 5/5 Realistic - 5/5 Songs - 3/5

    Hamid is not just a movie, its a masterpiece which will be remembered for centuries. Unfortunately such movies doesn't earn at box office. But such movies has a very different fan base.

    I will request the director to create such more iconic films. Great casting.
  • Hamid is one of the few movies which teaches you many lessons while portraying the reality of Kashmir. The movie gives a glimpse of the life of locals and the military. It's hard to make a firm opinion about who is wrong or who is right? Perhaps none of them is, but what is the solution of the Kashmir's problem? At the moment, seems like it's beyond our control and only "Allah" can solve it.

    If you don't cry while watching this masterpiece then you're dead inside!
  • Slowly representing the situation, occurrence & sufferings of the innocent and the helpless peoples in Kashmir. Love of a little boy towards his father is arted here. Not bad at all.
  • cheemaqa30 September 2019
    Acting, story line and direction A+. The story line is so close to reality of the what actually goes on with Indian side of the Kasmir and the residents for last 3 decades. The suffering of innocent missing loved ones picked up by indian military and not coming back again. While poverty and uncertainity lives, under forceful military doctrine.
  • abhishek-kumar524 August 2019
    Just don't miss it class acting..the lead boy's acting will blow you away.
  • Hamid is a simple movie, with a simple message. This movie should actually be a hit because it has every ingredient to be one. A meaningful story of a boy who develops a friendship with a soldier unknowingly.

    The movie captures the beauty of Kashmir which is accompanied with broken souls, on the both sides who are losing lives.

    The underline message is. we can be the hero of someone without even letting them know. It is a must watch, catch it on netflix!
  • vgyanesh28 September 2019
    A beautifully crafted movie and definitely will leave a deep wound somewhere in your heart. Rasika dugal and kid has done fabulous job.
  • Hamid is a film that showcases Kashmir in under 100 minutes. I could see three point of view one of innocence and purity, one of discipline, hardship and the ensuing guilt and lastly one which tries to misguided the youth for the freedom. But the film tries to show Hamid's resolve to bring back his father and the soldiers pain in dealing with the situation. Cant say whether its an happy ending or sad ending but the film definitely will touch your heart.
  • A beautiful movie that perfectly captures the feelings of an innocent child living in the Kashmir conflict and a soldier who is helpless yet sympathetic towards the people there. The unbiased representation of the situation and the touching innocence of a child trying to comprehend everything around him makes this story exceptional.
  • I know this movie couldn't earn, not even to break even. Very few number of people know about this movie and that is the bitter truth of our society that such movies don't get what they deserve. I watched it, I laughed, I cried and I learnt lessons. What a beautiful movie with brilliant performances. A must watch for whole family, a must watch seriously!
  • This film is A+ from the word go. All areas of film have been so delicately executed. The entire team has shown exemplary competence. And hence we have a master piece in Hamid. Bravo!!!
  • sukhi_sharma23 May 2019
    Good movie to watch with family. It portrays innocence of kids thoughts with god and reality.
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