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  • nogodnomasters1 February 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is another anthology of short stories. They are fairly well acted. The episodes have a light twist to them, but what is unfortunate is that you know what the twist will be, shortly into the feature. It would have been nice if they had a common thread to the features to give the viewer some kind of challenge.

    Guide: F-word. Brief sex. No nudity.
  • This is without doubt the weirdest and most incoherent horror anthology film I've ever watched. It's just over an hour long and is comprised of 6 segments. Here they are.

    Segment 1 "Brace face", this is stupid, pointless, badly acted, and has zero point to it. It's some kind of spin on the zombie, vampire....Thing but it's just odd for the sake of it and badly made.

    segment 2, "White drift", a boring werewolf segment that seems to go on for ages without anything happening, it has one of the most stupidest female characters I've ever seen in any horror film, seriously, there isn't a human being on this planet this level of dumb. The werewolf is in it for about 20 seconds and attempts to bite a victim about 30 times in quick succession and barely causes a scratch, it just wiggles it's head around while the camera wobble all over, it's awful.

    Segment 3, "Wormbug", ridiculous plot, a rubber monster parasite that talks, the mouth doesn't move when it speaks, it moves like someone has it on a stick off camera and it's just weird. Really leaves you scratching your head.

    Segment 4, "The flea" wtf, no seriously, W.T.F? I've no idea what to say about this one, a baby killer? a guy that mutters jumbled garbage and some bloke in a house with an old man in the attic, that said baby killer wants to kill, honest to God, I just have no idea what this segment is even trying to say, it's just a bunch of random scenes with no point to them, it's dire.

    Segment 5, "Justice served" a weird and boring courtroom drama type thing with a, I have say neat little twist to it, but it's so dull and cheap looking that it takes away any interest it may have had, it pains me to say it, but this was probably the best of the bunch and I use the term "Best" as loosely as I can because it's still garbage but at least this one seems to have some form of story to it.

    Segment 6, "A simple procedure", how this is even classed as a short film I'll never know, it's literally 30 seconds long, I've seen advertisements longer than this, I can't really say if it's good or bad because there's just nothing to it and this brings the film to it's end, thank the Lord.

    Please stay away from this Godawful anthology film, it really is the worst one I've seen (and I sat through Creepshow 3 and XX) It's so cheap looking, badly acted, I dread to think how many pages the scripting took up because most of the stories have no point or narrative, it's weird as hell, but not in a good way, the effects, what few there are, are terrible, it's just an all round dire, depressing experience.

    Update, this film seems to have gotten a small bunch of 10/10 ratings since I wrote the review which has bumped up the IMDB rating, trust me, these are either paid for ratings or ratings from people connected to the film, this film is a 1 out of 10, 2 if you wanted to be really really generous (and I'm not generous, sorry) Terrible cash grab of a film.
  • The first short film ,Braceface is a cool film the rest are crap.
  • 2/10 🌟🌟 Monsterland 2 just like 1 is a series of horror anthologies that are really low budget and cheesy short films. The acting is super bad and way over the top kinda like they were aiming to do just that but with no comedic tone or entertaining element involved it just appears very awkward and out of place. The special effects are also horrendous with scenes cutting to bad angles disguising action sequences or using very close shots with bad CG or a puppet like the werewolf or puked out little monster could've been a lot better with a more attention to detail. I know every movie can't be a blockbuster or utilize a big budget but a horror film that isn't scary or intriguing that doesn't make you laugh when it's trying too defeats the purpose of the genre all together. This film wasn't worth the watch I say avoid it your time would be better spent.
  • A series of segments featuring people confronting monsters and other various beings.

    The Good Stor(ies): White Drift-Arriving in a small town, a former soldier suffering strange effects from the war tries to find his friend but instead comes across a concerned waitress. Aware of what's going to happen if she gets too close, the beast within him eventually causes more problems for both of them. This was a solid enough segment. The build-up of his condition at the diner gives a nice clue to his situation as well as the overnight campout or the hallucination at the coffee shop all come together nicely to give this a solid enough turn and fulfill some needed exposition in the storyline. The finale's twist is a logical buildup of that work, but the cheap attack and overall lack of coherence as to what's happening cause this to come off cheaper than it is.

    The Bad Stor(ies): Braceface-Tormented by her peers, a man tries to help his daughter get by in life even though she's constantly forced to wear a humiliating metal brace for her teeth. When she's confronted by bullies trying to pick on her, they realize too late they've unleashed a hidden monster within her. This was a woefully underwhelming way to start this film off on. Despite trying to invoke sympathy for how the girl is treated, overall there's not much to this one as the twist is seen coming a mile away, the payoff is neutered considerably by the camera angles that never deliver the goods and the Christian family values storyline to finish this doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the segment. This seems like a waste to start this story off.

    Wormbug-Accidentally swallowing a bug, a man begins to grow concerned the creature is controlling him when he begins uncontrollably eating and hearing the bug talk to him. Fearing what the creature wants him to do, he sets out to protect his wife and those around him from the bug's malicious plans. This segment was just lame. The central premise isn't scary, the execution here is laughable and has no point being here as there's nothing to redeem it before the gore.

    The Flea-Following a rash of ritualistic murders, a man tries to put his past behind him when he's confronted by a friend saying they still have work to do together. Realizing what he means to attract, he sets out to stop his friend from carrying out his demented plan. This was another rancid and worthless effort. There's no real interaction with the killer being as we never get to see it much less know what they're doing as there's no dialog setting up the point of what they're doing. There's a viciousness to the kills due to the target selected but that's it.

    Justice Served-Stuck in a police detention room, a man on trial tries to get his lawyer to see things from his perspective which hampers his chances in the trial. As it gets underway, he finds things not going his way and has to live with the dire consequences he brought on. There's no point to this black-humor segment. The idea behind it is darkly comic but there's no creature at all and its inclusion is tenuous at best simply because there's nothing to get into with the majority here being simply back-and-forth questioning with the dark twist on it to end this with a true whimper.

    Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
  • jae-5172530 May 2020
    Worst not B-movie, but all the way to z-movie. 1 hour of my life wasted!!!
  • When I started watching this film I had certain hopes for it that it sadly didn't really live up to. I loved the first Monsterland quite a bit. What won me over with the first one was the creativity behind the way the stories were told. The setting for it revolves around a man watching monster movies (the short stories being told) while the rest of the world around him was falling apart due to a monster invasion. From that point on I was hooked and knew I was in for a treat. I guess I was kinda hoping for something similar with this but such wasn't the case, just a frog leap from story to story which in itself isn't bad but just felt a little too in the norm for me.

    As for the stories themselves they also felt like kind of a big step in a different direction than I was expecting. The first Monsterland for the most part told stories of monsters that were different and unique whereas this movie's longest stories stuck to things that were a bit cliche like vampires and werewolves. There were stories that I did enjoy like Wormbug & Brac Face. But the others felt more like they were catered more to an audience that would be into more of a dark horror setting.

    Overall I feel like this anthology film has some fun parts to it for monster fans but it certainly isn't for everybody. If you like monsters I recommend seeing this at least once to see what you might think of it. It wasn't what I was expecting or hoping for but I am still glad I gave it a shot.
  • There are a few different monster short stories. Cubicle guy was funny.