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  • Warning: Spoilers
    DON'T READ IF YOU HATE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But the whole middle part was a frustrating watch. It was unrealistic how the girl's mother so strongly refused to believe when her daughter said the guy assaulted her. I mean she wouldn't even listen to her daughter at all.

    Her daughter's immediate reaction to seeing him when the mother brought him to the house should've been a big clue, but the dopey clueless mother just accused her daughter of being jealous that she's seeing a man who's not her dead father!! Wow.

    Which brings me to the other thing that was unrealistic (and funny).... The dopey mother, clearly in her 40's with a face full of middle aged wrinkles, actually believed that this hot 20 something reality TV star who apparently was a hot Hollywood commodity and making millions----would be going out with this 40 something tired looking nurse. It was laughable. If she had half a brain she would've seen that he was only using her to get close to her daughter. Many times I wanted to reach into the screen and slap sense into her. She looked like his mother standing next to him lol.

    The daughter frustrated me too because she just HAD to make her dopey mother believe that he was stalking her that she actually broke into his mansion to retrieve a Polaroid of them together to get her to see she wasn't lying.

    All she really had to do was sit back and let things play out on it's own because the guy's obsession with her would've revealed itself eventually.

    I liked the ending though. There was a point during the final confrontation that I had no idea which way it would go and I like that it wasn't easily predictable.

    I just didn't get one thing.... At the very end the cop says "They're both going away for a long time." But if it was just the stalker's crazed mother who was doing all the killing and kidnapping, what's the stalker going away for?

    He looked genuinely surprised when she revealed to him how she killed his ex girlfriend, so therefore his only crime was having the hots for a 17 year old. And the assault in the beginning was merely him trying to kiss her in his living room before his psycho mommy walked in.

    He also seemed shocked to see Kendra and her friend Jake tied up in the room when he got home and helped them escape. So it appeared at the end of the film that he was innocent in all this and was just a stalky creep with a short temper.

    I did like it overall though and the acting was good all around. So I put it right in the middle with 5 stars.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It wasn't too bad until the evil mother became a factor in the plot near the end. Then it really jumped the shark. What I was thinking, and hoping, was this relationship with the guy was all in the girls head and just a dilusion. I wish. The climax ending was stupid. And in typical fashion for 99% of all Lifetime movies, the woman got clobbered, but gets right up again to grab the gun. Wow, what a surprise that is! Overall the acting was not bad. Actually Emily Bader was good.
  • phd_travel16 January 2019
    Unlikely scenario of a reality star who becomes obsessed with a teenage girl. Why her? No good reason. Things play out routinely by Lifetime thriller standards.

    Not a must watch.
  • This movie is so stupid. The man is stalking a young girl. Her mom and the police don't believe her because she lied. BUT, she is able to call him... Here's a thought... Show your mom you have his number. Text him, and get him to respond. Call him, and put it on speaker while your mom or the police are there. Everyone is tech savvy, but not smart enough to try to set the guy up using texts or emails or phone calls. I thought it would be a different movie, but then I just got more and more frustrated at the inanity of the plot. I stopped watching.
  • Let's make it adequately clear that I enjoy a movie with a line or scene so stupid that I have to backtrack to watch it over in utter amazement that I had just witnessed something so shockingly and hilariously dumb, and I was able to do that a few times with this one. Robert Scott Wilson does a very effective job in his reality star/stalker character but the good news stops there. The mother's character comes across as more bipolar than the stalker ... that crazy kind of bi-polar where was genuinely concerned for everyone around her because I was certain she'd change into an axe murderess or a werewolf at any moment, even though her character isn't bi-polar, nor written to be all that intimidating, or a werewolf. The daughter mostly repeats the same line over and over again --- "I'm not lying! Everyone else is lying!" --- giving Emily Bader a chance to really show off her range (seriously, she seemed to be a competent TV actress, this role was just horridly written). Angela Lieb as the stalker's mother really stole the show by playing her role like she was fresh out of a 1940s mobster serial. The story arcs around the notion that a girl who has been seeing --- and calling and texting --- with a man has no way to prove she's ever had contact with the man even though he still answers calls and texts super-creepily. I am not actually spoiling anything here. That simple, adequate evidence of their phone contact is never sought. Amazingly, the daughter, the mother, and an entire team of investigators just never seem to think of it. This movie could have been over in 30 minutes. The whole thing lands with a resounding collective thud ... but, you know, it's the kind of trainwreck I'd sit through another time. I should probably seek counseling.
  • AMZCali16 September 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Who writes these stories?!?!?!

    It's all the same been there done that. The teenage victim is having a hard time convincing any adults that she's being stalked. Even her own mother, who starts dating the stalker (yeah, really), doesn't believe her.

    So the victim, along with one of her male friends, breaks into the stalkers house. Of course the stalker sees her breaking in via a video alert and races home. The victim and her friend while in the stalkers bedroom, hear the stalker pulling into the driveway. The girl says lets get out of here and proceeds to leave. The male friend says "you go, I'll be right behind you." Really?!?!?! She runs downstairs and out the back door and then turns around talking out loud asking where her friend is. Cut back to the bedroom and the friend is taking a pic of the stalkers wall of photos. As if he could not have taken a pic in 2 seconds and been out the door with her! I don't know why I keep turning to LMN. I need help!
  • daughterof_ann7 May 2018
    One of the most stupid movies ever,I purposely tortured myself to watch until the end for the heck of it.Lead actress character and her mother character roles were the most irritating it was actually hilarious and pitiful at the same time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Regardless of his mother being just as much of a kook as he was, the main girl kisses him as a thank you for taking a bullet for her. Add to the fact that near the end of the movie, it's made to look as if the stalker was just as much of a victim in all of this... has me puzzled.
  • Reel_Reviews10 April 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Kendra, a high school student, and her mother, a nurse, spend their Thursday nights watching a bachelor type show. The star of the show is Brad, a very good looking man who is in search of the perfect woman to spend the rest of his life with.

    Misha, Kendra's friend, has tickets and fake ID's for them to get into the hottest party in town where producers and agents will be attending. And with both Misha and especially Kendra, wanting to be actresses, this is the perfect opportunity for them to meet some of the powers that be. The only problem is, the party is on a Thursday, and Kendra is already in trouble with her mother for sneaking out the house before. In addition, it's their TV watching night. With Kendra being in trouble with her mother, she will be unable to attend the party.

    It's now Thursday. Kendra and her mother are watching their show when they get into an argument. The argument sends Kenda dashing to her room where she texts Misha to say she wants to go to the party. Misha said she'll pick Kendra up in 30 minutes.

    Misha and Kendra arrive at the party with fake ID's in hand and hit the bar immediately to order a dirty martini. I'm not sure who thought a dirty martini would scream classy when writing the script, but it screamed desperation. Moving on.

    Misha goes to talk to a producer, leaving Kendra at the bar alone, but not for long. Soon Brad, from her favorite reality show, shows up and she doesn't know what to do with herself. While they are talking Brad's manager gets him to mingle with some people she feels will help his career. When he leaves, Kendra is feeling guilty about sneaking out the house and wants to go home, but she can't find Misha. It's during her search that Brad catches up to her and they begin talking again. It's not long afterward that Brad offers to take her home. What Brad doesn't know is that Kendra is really a 17-year-old high school student.

    Brad and Kendra go on their first date and his true colors start coming out. Being the cautious person she is, Kendra takes note and keeps it filed in the back of her head. After dinner, Brad takes Kendra backs to his place where he begins to come on strong to her. The more she asks him to stop the more he doesn't stop. Kendra is finally able to break free and leave but not before she blurts out she's really 17. Her age doesn't seem to faze Brad and he comes to her even stronger. Kendra is finally able to break free and leave and this is the beginning of the stalking by Brad.

    I really enjoyed this movie. This was the second good Lifetime Movie Network movie I saw on Saturday. The first being Her Dark Past, which I will do a review on. The acting by both Emily Bader as Kendra and Robert Scott Wilson as Brad were very believable. Asia Jackson as Misha annoyed me a little and as did Zach played by Jordan Doww. With latter two mentioned aside, the movie was well put together. Wilson's portrayal of someone not playing with a full desk was scary. He had some menacing looks that were believable and definitely didn't seemed forced. I hope to see this guy in more movies in these type of roles. I feel the same way about Bader. I hope to see her in more Lifetime movies, for just as with Ashley Scott, Jason-Shane Scott, and Dina Meyer (to name a few), she would be the reason I watch the movie.

    Here's something I noticed. As mentioned, Kendra and her mother watched a bachelor type reality show on Thursday nights. On LifetimeTV (a kin to Lifetime Movie Network) there's a show called UnREAL which is a drama about what goes on behind the scenes of these bachelor reality shows. One of the main characters in the show is Rachel, played by Shiri Appleby. What I found odd is Bader (Kendra) looks a lot like Appleby (Rachel from UnREAL).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Gonna go ahead and mark this just in case I include spoilers.

    I used to watch Lifetime movies on lazy weekends in college and they used to be so much better. They hadn't reached the level of man-hating that they are now and while they followed a template, they were decent. Nowadays? These stories are too stupid and the characters are as well. At least the old movies didn't have the benefit of technology or social media.

    This guy is supposed to be famous and he's not followed everywhere? There are d-listers who get pap shots. He just shows up at the school? My 14 year old niece teaches me how to do things on my phone (I'm 34) and Kendra is having this much trouble getting evidence? How many celebrities have been undone by social media?

    Some things in this movie were just too obvious. Soon as she randomly lied about the doctor (seriously out of nowhere), I knew that would establish that she wouldn't be believed by her mother. It was toooo random. Her mom reads up on how to install spyware?

    I'm getting angry watching this. This guy is so far off the rails and his manager knows, but while she helps the girl get away.... SPOILER: who didn't see her identity coming? You'd have to be a "close" relative to enable him like this.

    The mom is super delusional. She gets dumped by a doctor and thinks this guy is genuine? She brings him to her home? Tells him where she works? Is she that desperate?

    I want to turn this off so bad but I feel the need to stick it out. I'm gong to probably add to this review.

    Oh and I agree with another reviewer who said Kendra resembles Shiri Appleby.

    EDIT: dear GOD the they want us to believe he's just a creep but Mommie Dearest is the criminal? After what he's done to Kendra, he's now "saving" her and her friend? Is this somehow supposed to absolve him of what he actually did to her?

    This movie is so bad.
  • I agreed to take a bullet for a group of friends and watch the 8 pm Lifetime movie for 6 consecutive days then provide a synopsis. This movie may actually be the worst Lifetime movie I've ever seen and that's saying a lot. It was pure torture and the time just crawled by as I waited for somebody anybody to die. Sigh.
  • Rob Scott Wilson has an incredible ability to flip a switch and go from sweet to crazy in this film. He draws you in and is mesmerizing! It doesn't matter which cast member he is acting with, he is just incredibly talented and Charismatic! Love him
  • The movie won't win any awards, but heck, most of the movies people go to the theater to see wouldn't either. I thought it was entertaining and different and the acting wasn't as bad as some movies on Lifetime.

    Robert Scott Wilson is a solid actor when given decent material, which he didn't get during most of his run on Days of Our Lives. When his character was finally allowed to break free of the original way he was written, you could plainly see that RSW had been wasted for a good while.

    Stalked by a Reality Star is a movie that I was able to watch without forwarding little bits here and there. Was some of it silly and hard to believe? Sure, but most movies are that way.
  • This is worse than Stalked by My Doctor sequels, but better then most other Lifetime movies. It's about criminal, psychopath, stalker, spy, killer, fame, obsession, corruption, law, police, lie, truth. Those two missing starts are lack of comedy and few missed details like why not every possible evidence is not used, and there are no jokes. Lesson is to always have a proof, protection, defense, plan, confidence, backup, because lack of such things will make us weaker than our enemy or perpetrator. Also we got insight that in fact even psychopaths could be just victims of bigger psychopaths, in this case child is absorbing and is victim of his mother's ideas.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok so we have a hormonal teenager who isn't quite over the loss of her father and makes up stories about the doctor her mom's been dating so she sneaks out and meets a perv reality star and agrees to go on a date with him lying about her age. When he takes her to his place and makes a move on her and suddenly she's terrified. She tells him her true age but he tries to assault her. She tells her mom but she doesn't believe her. So what does mom do? She starts dating perv who's obviously at least 10 years her junior! In my layman's opinion both mom and daughter need their heads examined! LMN at it again with stupid unrealistic storylines! Cynthia Preston is still gorgeous though!
  • Kristamw29 December 2018
    Robert Scott Wilson is some serious eye candy in this unique twist on a stalker story. Instead of some unstable nobody pursuing an unsuspecting girl, we get a famous millionaire pursuing a smart self-protective girl.

    Character Development/Writing Quality: Great dialogue, good pacing, and impressive 'perfect' acting by the reality star, Brad. There is a nice twist at the end that lends more credibility to the story and explains why Brad was able to behave so smoothly and believably as a knight in shining armor.

    Values: Teen Kendra and her mom have a strained relationship throughout, though both desire to be closer. Kendra refuses to sleep, or even kiss, Brad, sharing that her true age is 17 after having lied about it. Even after he pressures her, she stands her ground.

    Content (sex, language & violence): No sex. One use of 'bitch'. Minimal violence.

    Scare Factor/Suspense: Brad's insistence to be with Kendra, his stalking moves, the unsettling way he comes around drive this story. He plays an actor in real life, just as perfectly as he does on the reality show, making him credible to all but Kendra, who is the only one to see his true nature, causing more dangerous situations to take place.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Stalked by a Reality Star" is really the story of a mother and her daughter. Linn Peterson supports young Kendra on a nurse's salary after the death of her husband, who died in one of the wars fought in the Middle East. The mother-daughter relationship is a see-saw affair as Linn seeks to find harmony while coexisting with an angst-ridden teen.

    Linn and Kendra enjoy watching a popular reality television show called "Finding Love" starring an actor named Bradley (Brad) Banton. When Kendra and her bestie Misha attend the Hollywood Helps Charity Ball, Kendra meets the dashing Brad, whom she calls the most eligible man in the galaxy.

    It turns out that Brad is actually living in another galaxy when he becomes obsessed with Kendra after they shared extra dirty vodka martinis at the ball. The stalking ensues in which Brad even shows up at Kendra's high school when she is auditioning for Portia in Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice." Kendra is appalled by Brad, who clearly has some screws loose.

    In the hospital where she works, Linn has been involved in a clandestine affair with a doctor, Ty Warson. But Linn falls into despair after Dr. Ty dumps her. It is at that point while on the rebound that the vulnerable Linn meets the charismatic Brad Banton. Linn believes that Brad is paying special attention to her and instantly becomes whipped on Brad as if she were a schoolgirl. Of course, Brad is only taking advantage of Linn in order to get closer to her daughter.

    After Kendra informs her mother that Brad has been abusive to her, Linn uncharacteristically refuses to believe her. This was most problematic part of the film because it made no sense that Linn would have such a complete turnaround in the lack of faith in her daughter. As her mother, she should have been able to tell that Kendra would not be making up such a detailed story.

    Brad has led a sheltered life protected by his "manager," who turns out to be his smother mother who is just as obsessed about Brad and he is with Kendra. His former girlfriend, Allison Trasker, drove off a cliff to her death due to the maneuvering of the mother. Now, it appears that Kendra and her "wingman" friend Jake are in danger of the same fate.

    The filmmakers developed good tension in a story of Cinderella in reverse gears. Linn comes to the rescue of Kendra after finding her daughter's missing shoe in Brad's home. But it turned out that this silver slipper did not fit for Kendra, who had recognized Brad for a pervert that from the beginning. All that remains is for the rekindling of the inseparable bond of a mother and her daughter as they expose the sad underbelly of what Brad's mother called "this nasty world."