User Reviews (8)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    7 stars because it was still a good flick and Mayra Leal is incredibly beautiful with a smokin bod. Anyway...

    Another one of those movies that you find yourself saying "why would you do that?" "Who would do that?"

    Drug dealers are coming for you and you go to your neighbor's house who has a nice arsenal of guns and you borrowed a pistol instead of the AR-15? Then he shows up to the gunfight and stands on the roof like a wild wild west figure? Not sure what that was about. Lastly, he sits there hugging his girlfriend for a minute and lets the bad guy shoot and kill his grandpa who was right next to him? Just some "oh come on" moments kinda half ruined a good thing...

    Overall, watchable/enjoyable and accurate setting and situation as I grew up right there in that town on that border. Good movie though, David Garcia...
  • qui_j2 August 2020
    Was surprised to find this type of low budget movie on HBO. There are so many plot holes that one has to permanently suspend belief in order to watch this movie. The ending is totally disconnected from the film and was a good representation of the lack of thought that went into writing the script. It's basically at the level of an amateurish, film school project.
  • flickconn11 April 2019
    I had no expectations going into this movie and ended up being really surprised by this indie flick. Typically movies like this have a small personal story at their core but this one is much more epic than anything I've seen from similar indie/festival flicks. Without giving away any spoilers I'll say this one is great for people who love crime movies or shows like Breaking Bad. Several scenes are really good and tense wile other parts of the movie are beautifully shot, looking like they belong to a bigger (more expensive) movie.
  • I like Indie movies so that's why I watched Tejano. Sadly this one is an unsuccessfull attempt. First, the script is full of plot holes. A total nonsense. Second, acting is mostly amateurish. Last, the scenarios are pretty cool but some photography work could have been better. So, overall I do not recommend this movie.
  • mrc30329 February 2020
    Good story, Good photography, good acting all around, nice color grading, nice sound. Really, although this is an indie flick, there is nothing about it that makes it seem low-budget or amateurish. Every person on the crew and doing the post work is talented and it shows in the movie. You won't see this one at the Oscars, but you will not be sorry you watched it. It is a pretty decent flick.
  • usmanjob12 June 2020
    Because the characters are not fully developed and its storyline too weak, Tejano does not deliver at any level. That becomes more obvious as it fails to climax & ebb to a meaningful denouement. It is a movie that never takes off and crashes.
  • ohara5527 February 2020
    It's a shame this movie hasn't gotten more attention. It's very well made and beautifully photographed. Performances are solid and the story is a welcome relief from the usual overblown Hollywood fare.
  • alexisharveym1 September 2020
    One of the best movies I've seen in a film festival. I have high hopes for Texas Chainsaw Massacre now that DBG is taking it over. The scenes where the protagonist is running from the funny hitman (best scenes in the movie) are a good indicator that the stalking scenes in TCM will be done right.

    To all of the people in the future who find this review because they backtracked the director, this is an indie gem in the vein of El Mariachi, but much much slicker. Worth your time and money.